The Death Knell

Chapter 1174? God of Time

While Ant-Man and the Wasp go to steal bombs, Deathstroke and Prince Magic pick fruit.

Located in an unknown space somewhere outside the main dimension of the Milky Way, the God-Slayer Gal is leading an army of tens of thousands of symbiotes to cleanse a small plane.

This country hidden in the cracks of space is called Chiruonuxi. In ancient times, the Time Gods cut it from the main dimension to create a pocket space so that they could live in it without being disturbed by mortals.

This is also what the gods have always done, isolating themselves from mortals. Almost every pantheon does this.

The gods living here are a kind of red-skinned alien gods, the same color as cooked sweet potatoes. They call themselves the Time Gods, not because they have mastered the laws of time, but because they can pass through a giant lake called the Pool of Eternity. A magical device is sacrificed to a certain demon god, allowing travel in the past timeline.

Being able to utilize time and mastering the concept of time are completely different things, but bragging is not illegal.

It's just that they can only see the past, but not the future, at least not the future in which the God-Slayer Gal comes to massacre them.

There is only one giant city in Chiruonux, called the Endless Palace, which is built entirely of unknown white stones. The buildings are inlaid with golden precious metals and various gemstones, making them look luxurious and elegant.

But now its situation is similar to that of Almighty City. The lawns have been trampled, the saplings have been uprooted, and the dark symbiote army is hunting down everyone in the city wantonly.

Geer stood on a rooftop with his arms folded and watched, and from time to time he would give some instructions: "Chase him! My soldiers! Yes... no! You idiot! What I want is their blood." , it’s all wasted!”

He saw a descendant of the symbiote knocking down a panicked protoss, biting off the other person's head, and then blood splashed everywhere like a fountain. Geer covered his forehead and cursed directly.

The symbiote army is good, but its IQ is worrisome, and they don't really listen to him. God Killer feels a little tired.

The black sword hung on Geer's body like sticky asphalt. When there was no battle, it didn't even bother to provide any defense to the host, so Geer now looked like a naked man covered in black glue.

Isn’t it normal for future generations not to listen to Geer? Even if it wants to be obedient, it will only listen to its mother body.

It is very dissatisfied with its current host. Compared with the passionate shaper Narr, Geer is like a resentful woman full of complaints.

There are so many gods in this dimension, and there will always be enough blood. So what if we let the children eat a few heads? It’s really annoying to have to worry about all these things.

Not every symbiote can get along well with its host. It has looked down on this mortal from the beginning. If it hadn't been for the fact that it must have a host to move freely, and Gnar didn't want it at that time, it would never have chosen it. This idiot.

But there are advantages to being stupid. Black Sword still remembers the time when it split two inferior offspring with no power and let them secretly come to the door in the form of Gal's dead son and wife. How much Gal cried at that time Touching...

After regaining his lost relatives, Geer obeyed his words even more, which was good.

So the Black Sword set a bigger goal for Geer, killing all the gods in the universe. It wanted to prove to Gnar that it was the strongest weapon and the strongest symbiote in the universe.

Of course, Gnar is the god of symbiotes, and to prove it, he has to be killed too.

So the plan is like this, constantly capture potential gods and breed them on Geer's home planet. When the time is right, kill them all in one go with god bombs. Eat the corpses of these gods yourself to obtain the ultimate evolution, and finally reverse the process. Control the host, go to the universe to sweep away the remaining gods, and finally go to the symbiote planet to kill Gnar and realize your wish.

Jeannar died with regret and surprise as the price for giving up on himself.

At the beginning, Gnar said that the universe was invincible and no longer needed the symbiote, but later he created the "dragon" mistress, and the dragon even bit him back. This all seemed absurd.

However, this plan is very feasible no matter how you think about it. Gnar was seriously injured by the dragon's self-destruction and was sealed for another two thousand years. His body serves as the nourishment of the planet to support countless symbiotes. His current strength is probably not one ten thousandth of what it was before. .

Every time a new symbiote is born on the symbiote planet, the power of Nar's body will be weakened. Those offspring who only know killing and evolving are like parasites, sucking Nar's energy.

This is one of the reasons why the symbiotes can move freely in their hometown, but must find a host when they leave the symbiote planet, because when they are on the planet, their host is the sealed Gnar.

Even though Gnar is a god, there are tens of billions of various symbionts inhabiting his body, and he has not taken in any energy in the past two thousand years... Black Sword has some admiration for his former host. If this encounter were to change I'm afraid the original gods have also been drained, right?

But Gnar is still alive. The Black Sword once used the excuse of looking for prey and asked Geer to fly not far away from the symbiote planet. It could feel the breathing and heartbeat. Gnar was deep in the symbiote planet.

The dragon both sealed him and protected him.

Black Sword felt that the giant dragon's choice was unqualified. Since it wanted to bite back the host, it should be done more thoroughly. How about eating it directly?

However, the dragon still relented back then. It just wanted to resist the host's decision, but never thought of killing the host, which led to today's half-hearted result. Now the symbiote planet is like a giant bouncy ball. Gnar can't get out, and foreign enemies can't attack it.

Judging from the results of the last investigation, Black Sword feels that Gnar should still be able to survive for thousands of years. If he wants to kill Gnar himself to prove that he is the strongest symbiote, his time will be very limited.

Don't let Gnar get drained and die by the symbiotes before he comes out for the decisive battle. That would not be good, so Black Sword decided to increase Gal's utilization rate.

We can't let him idle, he has to go hunting when he has time.

Geer didn't know what the symbiote was up to. He stood on the roof, blowing the wind vigorously, feeling ecstatic, and actually in a good mood.

He just scolded the symbiote soldiers just as an instinctive reaction. The home planet where he was born was too dry and barren. The most unsightly thing was to waste food and water. Blood is also water. He felt heartbroken when he saw the blood spilled on the ground in vain.

To put it bluntly, this is a mental illness caused by being too poor and falling behind in the past.

But later he saw that the symbiote licked up all the spilled blood, so it was okay, as long as it was not wasted.

Listening to the neighing of the symbiote and the screams of the gods before their death, a cold smile appeared on his pale face. He jumped off the roof and walked into the building at his feet.

This building is a large auditorium. There is no decoration in the house. Except for the white stone pillars, there is a huge well in the middle of the house that looks like a round swimming pool.

At this time, many symbionts walked past Geer, dragging the corpses of the gods to the well. Their limbs transformed into swords and slashed the corpse's neck. Then they lifted the pieces of meat upside down and bled them into the well water. It looked like Like killing a chicken.

After draining the blood of a corpse, they would eat the meat so that no food was wasted, and then continue to carry the dead gods on the streets.

There is a god captured alive by the pool. He is wearing a more gorgeous robe than the others. Four symbiotes are restraining him to prevent him from escaping.

In fact, this was completely unnecessary, because his legs were already as soft as noodles, and the blood in the well next to him would come to his head just by smelling it. How could he still have the strength and courage to escape?

"Well done, I want to squeeze out every drop of their blood without wasting it." Geer walked over with his hands behind his back, like a leader inspecting the construction site, but the pile of corpses and the sea of ​​blood seemed to him nothing. Facing the surviving god who stared at him, his whole body was shaking like chaff, and then he slowly opened his mouth and asked, "Is this enough?"

Hearing the demonic voice, the surviving Time God shuddered: "That should be enough, you killed everyone."

The corner of Geer's mouth twitched, and a cruel expression appeared on his face: "Don't fool me, you know that my army is always hungry."

The god swallowed his saliva and immediately changed his words: "That's enough."

"Heh, I knew you would say that."

Geer turned to look at the blood pool. There were many Time Gods in the Endless City, tens of thousands of them. However, after pouring all their blood into the well, the water in the well did not rise at all, as if it was connected to the unknown. Space.

He waited calmly, and the atmosphere gradually became heavy. It was not until no more symbiotes brought new dead bodies that Gale spoke again: "You have to understand, if I can't come back, my warriors will divide you into tens of thousands." Eat your share.”

"I...I can't guarantee that you will arrive exactly where you want to go. This is time travel, and it is tens of billions of years ago. Why? Why do you want to go back so long? You know that in that What’s waiting for you in the era?”

The surviving gods trembled even more, after all, Geer's threat was already supported by countless corpses.

Geer just stepped towards the water and looked at his dark reflection on the blood: "The last god of Akronuxi, my understanding of the gods is beyond your imagination. When I fall asleep, I have to listen to their dying words. Wail as a lullaby. Enough talking now, let’s do some magic.”

Although he was unwilling, for the sake of his own life, this god still raised his arm and cast a spell. He was the only one left alive in the entire protoss.

He will not be determined to die, nor will he be broken because of the destruction of the divine system.

He still wants to live, even if he is alone, he will live.

Not sure whether it was to make excuses for his possible mistakes or to talk nonsense to relax, he cast a spell to drive the Eternal Pond and said:

"I have never heard of your method of using the Pond of Immortality. Originally, it only took a few drops of divine blood to open the path of time and use the method of traveling through time to change the fate of the past. Our family is a peaceful god and has never harmed others. "

Geer watched the blood boiling and rolling in the blood pool, and each sticky bubble floated to the surface and exploded, his face was expressionless.

"During my journey, I learned that there are only two kinds of gods in the universe, one is harmful to others, and the other is inactive. I don't know yet which one disgusts me more, but soon it will no longer be a problem , because they... will all perish.”

Geer showed a terrifying smile to the god, walked into the blood pool step by step, and sank instantly like a black stone, disappearing without a trace.

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