The Death Knell

Chapter 1175? Geer’s goal

In Geer's hometown, people used to rely on their naked eyes to understand the universe, but even if they saw it with their own eyes, there were still many obscure things that were difficult to understand.

Like how to live in a dry and barren world? And why does death always stare at them? Why are they having such a hard time?

He has been taught since he was a child that the stars are the eyes of the ancestors who have passed away. They watch the people on the earth together with the gods in the sky.

In Geer's understanding, the named ancestors were those who had lived and proved themselves worthy of being embraced by the night. They were taken up to heaven by the gods and shared a happy life.

The damned star brought endless suffering, and those who could not prove themselves died for impiety, being told that their world would burn if they failed to provide tribute to the gods.

At that time, Geer was still young, but he knew the pain of being burned by the blazing sun. He imagined that the entire planet might be burned because of impiety, and his heart was filled with fear.

Because of fear, he once had great respect for the gods.

But when he lost his mother, wife, and son, he would also think about where these gods were when mortals needed them.

Where were these gods when he needed them?

They are still in the sky, in the same place, motionless.

In the mythology of the Geer ethnic group, the first god in the universe is called the God of Darkness. After he was born, he stared at the void around him, and his heart was occupied by loneliness. Faced with this situation, this god shed a tear of compassion, and the entire universe was born from this tear.

This god created everything with great perseverance, great courage, and great plans. He also created the race of Geer, allowing them to live on the created planet and accept the cruel trial before they ascend to the kingdom of heaven.

Ger believed this story a long time ago, a long time ago.

However, when Gal now traveled to 14 billion years ago according to the myth, he discovered that this was also a lie.

"As expected."

Geer said this to himself and Black Sword, the universe has long been formed, and even the broken galaxies caused by the first war of gods still lie in the universe.

He came to a place he had been to once before. One day in the future, Geer, who had just obtained the Black Sword, had come here and killed the gods who did not do anything. And when he came this time, he saw the ancestors of those gods, a group of mutated ancient gods that were as distorted as a nightmare.

Perhaps it was affected by the war between the gods of the earth. Six billion years are not enough to erase the side effects of the war between Atum and the evil gods on the main dimension. The vitality of the ancient god who fell here was very strong, even though his remains were distorted and torn apart as if they had been exposed to radiation.

But at this time, these split corpses have become independent new individuals, and they have coupled with each other and reproduced their offspring on the floating debris of the planet.

When Geer stood on the rubble floating in space, he saw the group of idiots born in the void. There were no gods crying because of loneliness. Beside him were only a group of deformed creatures wailing and crying. They had only been born for a few minutes but were already begging for death because of the pain in their bodies.

Geer didn't see any grand plan, nor did he see the benevolent and almighty gods showing their power. He only saw that he was surrounded by the products of inbreeding of the ancient gods, and these chaotic and primitive second-generation gods had no influence on the ancient gods. Say, both food and fleshy toys.

He looked at the ancient gods whose brains had obviously been damaged billions of years ago. He held a second-generation god in his hands and put it in his mouth, showing a silly smile. Geer was not disappointed. Although these twisted and perverted ancient gods once again made the God Killer realize the lower limit of life, he still knew that they were useful.

The hearts of the ancient gods are important components needed for the god bomb. These hearts of the ancient gods will give the bomb divinity and turn it into the ultimate weapon to kill the gods.

The time when mortals feared the gods will eventually pass, and the gods will fear mortals.

The armor formed by the black sword flowed on his body, and the pitch-black giant sword was held in his hand. He jumped high from the ruins of the planet and jumped towards the ancient god with a silly smile on his face in the distance. The scarlet color gradually took over. His vision.

"Ignorant and barbaric god! Go to hell! My name is Gerr the God-Slayer!"



There was a sound of water churning, and a hand reached out of the blood pool, and soon the black sticky substance followed the arm, forming a broken armor.


Still next to the Eternal Pool, the descendant of the God of Time who was left alive let out an incredible cry.

Geer grabbed the edge of the pool and pulled himself ashore. He successfully completed his goal and returned to his own time. Although the ancient gods he targeted were blind and ignorant and only knew about inbreeding and eating and drinking, there was no doubt about their strength.

He was able to survive the first war of the gods, but his brain was only damaged, and his strength back then was not much different.

Geer held the black sword and fought with them. The battle lasted for several years. He was on the verge of death countless times. Even the symbiote black sword was beaten to tatters, and even the self-healing stopped at the end of the battle. , but under the guidance of the symbiote who was good at killing gods, he still had the last laugh.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but the God Killer is still alive." Geer grinned, he smiled so freely, and the broken black armor and blood all over his body made him look extremely ferocious.

He just wanted to laugh, not only at the failure of the ancient gods, but also at himself for actually worshiping those trash descendants in the past.

"With all the stars in the sky, that is..." At this moment, the red-faced god saw what was in Geer's hand and what the black sword was carrying with its tentacles.

He was a little unsure, and at the same time, he felt crazy about his guess.

Geer saw through him. In the past, many gods did not believe that Geer could kill them, but Geer did it. They all had similar expressions at that time.

"That's right, come and touch the hearts of the three ancient gods? They're still warm." Geer stood on the shore and panted, while the black sword slowly repaired his injuries: "Now I just need a little time, oh, still There were slaves, many, many slaves of the gods..."

Just thinking about having the gods build the bombs that would end them was like having a prisoner dig a hole in which to bury himself alive, and that gave Gal great pleasure.

There were still black substances repairing the cracks on his broken face, but he was already laughing uncontrollably.

The only surviving god here seemed to be in a good mood when he saw Geer. He asked cautiously: "I have done as you said, and you have successfully completed the time journey. Please let me go. You promised not to kill me." mine."

"I promised..."

However, Geer didn't give him a chance to finish his words. The black sword chopped off the god's head directly, and a big mouth grew out of the sword, swallowing the head and chewing it.

Geer slowly left with the Heart of the Ancient God in his arms and said to the headless corpse without looking back:

"But I lied to you, just as the gods once lied to me..."

After he left, the symbiotes still in the hall swarmed in. Soon, whether it was a headless corpse or a large pool filled with blood, it was as clean as if something had been licked by something within a few minutes.

Nothing is left.

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