The Death Knell

Chapter 1176? Symbiote Transformation

In the gloomy cave, Strangler turned into a black cattail fan and was fanning the host. Su Ming insisted on playing some rugby game with Lamonaque. The two of them leaned on the rock walls on both sides of the cave, holding a cave fruit. Just being thrown around like this.

The skeletons of the Geer people stood idle, their white-bone heads swaying from side to side as the fruit moved, and their teeth made a creaking sound.

Monaco felt a little guilty. Every time he caught and tossed the ball, he always looked at them, as if he couldn't stand the hateful eyes.

"What are we waiting for?" He held the cave and stopped passing the ball. He asked Su Ming with a numb face: "Although the magic I used most often was voodoo, I won't play with the undead like you. .”

It can be seen that the cave fruit is the obsession of these dead people during their lifetime. Even if they cannot eat after death, they still stare at it.

Su Ming waved his hand and signaled Monaco to quickly throw the fruit over. This thing felt good and was sturdy and durable. He had discovered a new market for the fruit.

Jason has always wanted to make the Spartans stronger, but they have been comfortable for too long and prefer culture and travel. It may be impossible to transform into an iron-blooded power in a short time.

But introducing a competitive event similar to rugby and setting up a grand prix for them. This kind of sport with relatively frequent physical conflicts will gradually change the social atmosphere.

Yes, there is another selling point. This fruit can not only be used for viewing, but also for playing.

"That's because when you used voodoo, the corpses of the unlucky ones robbed by your tribe were all eaten by evil gods. You don't have the materials to play with voodoo corpses."

Su Ming answered with a smile, as a witch doctor, how can he not practice necromancy magic? Monaco was simply aroused by the tragic experiences of these aliens during their lifetimes.

Maybe it’s resonance. After all, Monaco’s parents died when he was a child. He was adopted by the tribe in the Indian rainforest that killed his parents. Before he became a witch doctor, that tribe was extremely poor. Did they even have a meal? Next meal.

The threat of the rainforest is greater than that of the desert. Although food is more abundant, humans are also a source of food for other animals there. If you want to find food in the rainforest, you have to risk your life.

If it were the rainforest on Earth in Su Ming's previous life, anacondas or leopards would probably be the top predators. But this is Marvel's Earth, and it's not surprising that velociraptors or giant bugs pop up in the rainforest.

Monaco sighed helplessly. He didn't know who told Deathstroke about his dark history. As a result, he would be teased about it from time to time. It was so sad.

"Ger is missing now. Shouldn't you make arrangements first and wait for him to drill the sleeve?"

Su Ming smiled at Monaco and put the cave football he had received on his fingertips, spinning it: "Do you think I don't have one? Haha..."

"Uh, I didn't see it." Monaco recalled that, apart from letting Ant-Man and the others steal the bomb, which was considered an action, the two of them picking fruits here didn't seem like a plan.

"You are still too practical. We now have a cave fruit of a suitable size and a small army of skeleton soldiers. What do you think they can do?"

Su Ming yawned and threw the fruit in his hand to one of the undead who was watching eagerly.

The skeleton put the fruit to his mouth, but when he lowered his head, he saw the ribs on his chest. Yes, they remembered their identity, a group of undead, and no longer needed the cave fruit.

It is definitely one of the saddest things in the world to obtain something that you have been pursuing so hard during your lifetime but cannot enjoy it after death.

And they can do nothing but cast more disgusting looks at the living. Even if they want to move, they can't move a single bone under the suppression of the black light.

"The skeleton has no smell, blood or breath. The body only has undead energy that is useless to all living things, and souls that cannot be eaten by symbionts." Su Ming stood up, and the mask slowly spread on his face: "Grid I thought his hometown was safe, so I went out to make trouble boldly, but now I want to play a game with his wife and children."

"Would it be possible to attack his wife and children...?" Monaque was a little confused. He was a hero after all, and he still couldn't accept this method.

Su Ming curled his lips and asked again: "What do you think is the difference between me and Geer?"

Monaco frowned. Although Deathstroke did something that was a bit unconventional, it was obviously different from a lunatic like Geer.

"You're not him, you're a good person."

He gave Su Ming a good guy card.

Deathstroke, who received the good guy card, shook his head, nodded again, and was noncommittal about the Magic Prince's conclusion: "What I'm talking about is not the principles of how to behave in the world, but the essence of me and Geer. Look at me and think about it again."

As he spoke, he reached out and patted his chest, and the armor of the holy statue formed by strangulation made a dull sound.

At this time, Monaco understood what Deathstroke meant, and also guessed what Deathstroke probably wanted to do, and showed a clear look: "You are no different from him."

Su Ming smiled and patted Monaco on the shoulder: "That's right, Strangler and I are a combination of mortals and symbiotes, while Geer and the Death Sword are also a combination of mortals and symbiotes... .”

As he spoke, his body shape changed, the yellow and black armor on his body turned into completely black, barbs grew on the shoulder armor, and the cloak behind him also clung to the strangulation, forming strands of symbiote tissue.

The most critical thing is his head. The entire helmet squirms, bones and muscles appear, and then two long ears grow on the top of the head, drooping toward the back of the head.

He turned into a member of the Geer tribe, raised his black ring, turned to the skeletons and asked, "Are you from the Geer tribe? If so, just nod."

The skeletons nodded, which was pretty much what Su Ming expected. After all, the planet was so barren. At the beginning, there was only one tribe called Geer, with a total population of more than 3,000, which was the total population of the planet.

"Do I look like Geer now?" Su Ming asked the skeletons again. The black ring can project thoughts directly into the consciousness of the undead without the need for translation.

These skeletons died at the hands of Geer, and the murderer's face seemed to appear in front of them just yesterday, so with the help of their reluctant silent guidance, Strangler quickly corrected some details.

For example, if there is no nose and the face needs to be like Voldemort, etc., the shape of the symbiote must also be modified.

But a few minutes later, a fake God Killer Ger appeared in front of Monaco.

He tried to move his mouth, revealing a mouth full of fangs that could crush the cave fruit, and showed a arrogant and cool smile: "Let's go, Monaco, can I take you to meet my wife and children?"

"Will you kill them?"

Monaque sniffed, and when he saw Deathstroke pretending to be someone else again, he knew that Geer's family might not be spared.

Su Ming tilted his head and thought for a moment, then showed an unclear expression: "Of course I have to kill them. Geer thinks they are his wife and children, and the two special offspring who were split by the black sword also think they are, but They are symbionts after all, so if they don’t kill them, will they still have their offspring?”

Geer's current fake wife and children are special offspring split from the Black Sword. They have no fighting ability, but they were instilled with false memories by the Black Sword when they split. They don't even know that they are symbionts.

The mother and son do not have any characteristics of the symbiote, such as self-healing ability, super sense of smell or hearing, or the ability to shape-shift, they have none of it. Moreover, Black Sword could not see what they both saw. After all, it did not want to see Zidai and Geer living as a couple.

Instilling ideas is one of the special abilities of the Black Sword. It was learned from the process of forging it by Gnar. It can instill independent thoughts and specific knowledge into the offspring, so that the offspring can serve as soldiers, workers, or Servants, they have mastered the corresponding skills, which are all placed in their minds by Black Sword.

Of course, if it is knowledge that Black Sword itself does not have, it will naturally not be able to be instilled in its children. However, it has devoured so many gods, and not to mention the power it has gained, even the amount of knowledge is also terrifying.

But who among the named symbionts hasn’t picked up some special skills?

Strangulation can change its own atomic arrangement to imitate most of the substances it has eaten, something that Black Sword cannot do.

The dragon can swallow planets and turn itself into a planet, which is something other symbiotes cannot do.

In the future, there will also be 'Venom''s spider sense, 'Serum''s fire immunity, 'Slaughter''s ability to create out-of-body weapons, 'Hybrid''s flying ability, 'Contempt''s hacking skills, etc., etc., all are unique skills. .

It's a pity that Black Sword's ability is of no use to Strangler. Strangler does not divide the offspring. Its path is different from other symbionts.

Monaco stuttered, yes, he always felt that Deathstroke was planning to attack other people's wives and children, but he forgot that they were just family members created by the symbiote, not even aliens.

So he just hesitated and sighed: "They probably haven't done anything bad, so don't let them die too painfully, okay?"

"Ger takes good care of his family. His son has lived for thousands of years and his mind is still the same as that of a seven or eight-year-old. Don't worry, I will definitely arrange euthanasia for them."

Su Ming graciously agreed to Monaco's request. It was not troublesome anyway, and it didn't matter if his teammates were more comfortable.

"Then why do you still let these skeletons follow us? Can you still feel happy after seeing this?"

Monaco's eyes narrowed, and he pointed his thumb at the undead following behind him, their footsteps making a rustling sound.

Su Ming shrugged and continued walking forward without looking back: "This is the key to happiness. Do you know how American children live now?"

"Drinking? Taking drugs? ***?"

Monaco answered almost without thinking. Ever since the hippies launched the slogan 'Make love, not war', the young generation in the United States has been completely shattered in recent years.

"I'll go ahead, you really know." Su Ming turned into Geer and stared at Monaco with eyes as big as copper bells, as if he wanted to see through his dark nature, and then shook his head: "But you're talking about teenagers, I'm talking about kids."

"Well... the streets are full of people riding bicycles, collecting baseball star cards, and playing Captain America." Perhaps realizing the ambiguity in his statement, he added: "Playing with Captain America's soldier toys."

Wilson's fast food, which is spread all over the world, has indeed set off a trend in the catering world. "If you eat the children's meal, you will get Captain America for free." This advertising slogan is well known by everyone.

Su Ming walked out of the cave and squinted his eyes when facing the fierce sunlight that shone on his face again: "Those are all external. What is euthanasia about? What is about euthanasia is end-of-life care. Think about it, if you raise If you have a dog, how do you get closer to it?"

Monaco shook his head wildly: "No, the dog will hurt my children."

Well, it’s useless to ask, if Monaco has so many rabbits, how can it possibly also have dogs?

Su Ming rolled his eyes. This expression on Geer's face looked a little funny: "Of course, if you raise a dog, you have to take it to the park and play Frisbee with it. The same goes for raising children. Fathers in the United States want to To get closer to my son, I will definitely play netball with him on the lawn in front of my home, whether it is baseball or football. The key to family affection is not giving, but companionship."

"You mean..." Monaco understood again.

The fake God Slayer grinned widely: "I will bring a whole football team to that little symbiote guy. His father, who is busy killing Gods, actually took a day out of his busy schedule to accompany him to play a new game. He You will definitely be smiling, right?"

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