The Death Knell

Chapter 1177: The Geer family


Geer looked up to the sky and laughed wildly as he strode into his palace. The black symbiote flowed around him, wrapping around his body like black smoke.

The already dark palace suddenly seemed a little darker, but in the tradition of the Geer clan, darkness means coolness and safety.

The palace was not large, and apart from a few luxuries, Geer didn't even have a throne.

The so-called luxury goods are the flowers he brought to his wife from an alien planet.

These various flowers are carefully soaked in vases, and their roots are soaked in clean water that the natives of the planet could not even imagine in the past, sending out wisps of fragrance in the darkness.

As Geer laughed, a green-skinned female emerged from a porch behind the palace. With a warm smile on her face, she hurried over to greet her.

"You said you were going out to do something important. My love, you came back so soon. Doesn't it mean things are going very smoothly?"

When she heard her husband's laughter, although she didn't know why, she was still very happy and happy for him.

Su Ming rescued the old goblin in the Temple of Knowledge in the Almighty City. Thanks to Nar's observation and recording of Geer, some of Geer's situations were also recorded in history as part of the story of the God of Symbiote.

While chatting in the basement, Su Ming and his party received a lot of information about Geer. Most of the known information was useless to Deathstroke. What was useful was the language once used by the indigenous people on this planet.

Even for Deathstroke, it is impossible to learn a language in a short time, but as long as the information is transmitted from the big book to the cosmic translator, at least listening, speaking, and reading will be no problem.

How should I put it, Geer's racial similar to that of a lop-eared rabbit that walks upright but has no nose or hair.

Maybe Monaco can appreciate this kind of beauty, but Su Ming can't appreciate it himself. This really has nothing to do with racial discrimination. Humans and rabbits are inherently impossible.

A girl with bunny ears or a girl with cat ears may still be in the category of human aesthetics, but with a face like Voldemort's, they are definitely not.

However, in order for the plan to go smoothly and for Monaco to require euthanasia for the enemy, Deathstroke was heartbroken, stretched out his hand to hug the female into his arms, and said softly: "It's not a big deal, don't mention it, I won't go out today, I will stay here to accompany you." You and the baby."

The female who was held in his arms didn't notice anything was wrong. Her husband still had the familiar smell of blood. She was a little dazed. She lay on his chest and closed her eyes to enjoy the tranquility. After a while, she raised her head.

"Are you really okay? I can't remember how many years it has been. You were always running around outside, and there was never a day when you didn't kill the gods."

Su Ming understood as soon as he heard this. Isn't this the situation where the husband is busy with his career and the wife stays at home alone with the children?

This happens a lot on Earth, and it's often the beginning of tragedy.

"Don't worry, Aya, I will do what I say."

Su Ming completely imitated Geer's tone and answered. He knew the names of Geer's wife and children.

"Great, Ager will be happy. Go and see him. He is playing with stones in the backyard. I will prepare some delicious food for us." Aya jumped up happily, like a girl He spun around in circles, looking at him with glasses like dead fish fluttering.

"Go ahead and don't eat the cave fruit." Su Ming added while avoiding her gaze. He really didn't know what the Geer family meant by good food.

Aya made a puff sound, and opened her mouth to reveal the fangs: "Really, you are teasing me about cave fruit, we eat the food you get from the gods, you are the strongest hunter in the universe, okay?" Right? Stop worrying about cooking and go play with your children.

After saying that, she turned around and walked to the other side of the palace. She opened the door and blinked at Su Ming before disappearing, her purple dress leaving a faint hint of color at the angle of view.

Su Ming stood expressionless, then walked towards the back of the palace, walked through the simple corridor, passed the cave dug out of the rock wall, and saw a place that could be regarded as a garden.

Of course, the so-called garden cannot be compared with Asgard or Vanaheim. There are only a few crooked big trees planted in this garden, and there is not even a lawn.

A child was squatting in the corner, lowering his head and playing with a few smooth stones. These stones were polished by him and were very smooth, like marbles.

Su Ming rolled his eyes in the dark. Geer himself had been traveling across the sea of ​​stars for so many years, but he never thought of buying some toys for his son. Not to mention game consoles, at least buy a set of playing cards, right?

I just don’t know if that’s his true intention, or if Black Sword manipulates him beyond expectations?

The fakes created by Black Sword are exactly the same as when they were alive. They are dummies based on the impressions in Geer's mind.

So they are just like ordinary women and children. Compared with humans on earth, their race is slightly more drought-resistant.

"Ager? Your father is back." Seeing that he was unaware of what was going on behind him, Su Ming called out to him.

The child turned his head and looked over, with an innocent smile on his face: "Dad!"

As he spoke, he dropped the stones in his hand, ran over and hugged one of Su Ming's legs, and rubbed his two dirty hands on his armor, making a face.

Su Ming touched his head with a kind face and sighed secretly in his heart. It was Geer who was willing to believe this scam. Otherwise, how could there be children who haven't grown up at all after thousands of years?

He wanted a son that fit his inner vision, so Black Sword gave him one. He was completely immersed in the illusion, taking everything seriously and not even allowing himself to doubt.

"Did you listen to your mother today?"

The child thought seriously and nodded: "Yes, Agel is very obedient."

"Okay, you are such a good boy. Dad came back and brought you a gift this time." Su Ming picked up Agel, put him on his shoulders and walked out of the palace: "It's fun, much more fun than playing stones. ”

"Really? Dad, will you play with me?"

Agger hugged his father's head and grabbed one of his father's ears. He didn't recognize it as a fake at all.

Strangler is a symbiote. Although he has never seen a black sword, there is no problem in imitating it. This all-black armor is exactly the same as the child remembers.

"Of course, I also brought some strange creatures and asked them to teach you how to play cave fruit balls. In the future, you can become a powerful warrior like me." Su Ming suppressed the strangulation and swallowed the child. Suggestions, because now is not the time, but these calculations do not show on his face, he now looks like a loving old father.

He took Agel outside the palace gate, and at this time the skeletons had already set up the rugby goal and field under his order, divided into two teams, and stared at the cave fruit in the field.

There is no other terrain on this planet except wasteland, which means there are plenty of places.

The green will-o'-the-wisps were floating heavily around them, but they couldn't move without the death knell's order.

"Oh, dad, it's bones." Ager covered his eyes, turned around and lay on Su Ming's shoulder, as if he was a little scared.

"Don't be afraid, there is no difference between bones and stones. Look, they are ready to start playing." Su Ming patted his back and motioned for him to turn his head and look at the field.

Curiosity still made the child turn his head. He watched the skeletons put into formation, and then began to grab the cave fruit fiercely. After a moment, he showed a smile.

"Dad, you told me stories from the past. Is this how you robbed cave fruits?"

Su Ming smiled, his eyes becoming distant and full of nostalgia: "Yes, that's it, but you don't have to live like this in the future. I changed him into a game."

"Are these bone people your former friends?" Ager stuffed his fingers into his mouth, still looking at the bones with some fear.

"Of course, they won't hurt you. They are dad's good friends when they are alive, and they will be good friends after they die. You watch and learn from them. I will let them teach you how to play ball later, and we, father and son, will have a good day."

Su Ming put him on the ground and placed him in a cool place under the eaves.

Ager did not doubt that he was there, and nodded happily: "You are the best, Dad."

"Well, you and your mother don't have to suffer anymore." The father, who was surrounded by black smoke, replied.

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