The Death Knell

Chapter 1178? True and False God-Slayer

Playing ball and playing, the two of them and a group of skeletons had a lot of fun under the scorching sun. The children's cheerful laughter completely covered up the sound of whips coming from the distance. Over there was the route where the symbiote army enslaved the slaves of the gods to work.

Yes, that huge bomb is hanging in the sky in the distance, and there is no movement yet. Pim probably hasn't thought of a way yet.

In fact, Monaco has always been by Su Ming's side, but in another phase. He used mirror space magic to change his phase and become invisible.

Originally he didn't know how to use this magic. After all, it was Dormammu's magic and only the Ancient One and a few people could use it. But now with the contract between Omar and Deathstroke, he was able to maintain this magic for almost unlimited time.

How should I put it, Monaco felt that it was the first time that he enjoyed the dividends brought by the Supreme Mage, but watching Deathstroke instructing the little symbiote to play, Monaco let out a faint breath, and he was not happy at all.

He had seen too many dead enemies in Deathstroke, but he had never seen one at the level of euthanasia. Seeing the symbiote mother and son living like ordinary people, his face was filled with regret.

As a sorcerer, his reason told him that for members of the hostile symbiote group, it was safest to eradicate them. Deathstroke made the right choice.

Ger's real wife and children died a thousand years ago, and now the ones following the death knell running around the court and preparing food in the palace are just two phantoms that should not exist in the first place.

But for no reason, Monaco always felt uncomfortable.

If Su Ming, who was playing role-playing at this time, knew what he was thinking, the dark mercenary would definitely ask him to guess the host of the mother and son, and then watch his face change wildly.

It is currently known that the symbiote needs a host to function normally. This is a restriction left by Gnar when he created the symbiote, and the descendants of Black Sword are no exception.

So the question is, what kind of parasitic material did Black Sword use to create mother and son for Geer?

Some things cannot be dwelled on.


He asked the child next to him with a smile. The little guy was lying on the ground holding the cave fruit, and completed his first touchdown in his life under the water released by the skeletons.

Agger climbed up and patted the hot dust on his body. He was wearing a very simple blue cloth coat and nodded: "Yes, Dad, this game is so fun, why didn't you teach it to me earlier? "

"You were young before and couldn't play like this." Looking at the smile on his face, Su Ming reached out and touched his head.

Agel nodded as if he understood. Xiao Guang bumped his head against his father's palm, then raised his head and asked expectantly: "Then can I often play with these bones in the future?"

"Of course, you can play whatever you want..." Su Ming's transformation into Geer's smile remained unchanged.

"Long live! Dad, you are so kind!" Agger jumped up, picked up the cave ball and went to score points.

Su Ming slowly walked out of the simple loess court and returned to the palace gate, folding his arms and watching quietly. He raised his head and looked at the hot star above his head. This planet made it almost impossible to detect the passage of time from the celestial body.

The location of Geer's parent star is a binary star system. The planet is exactly sandwiched between two stars. The gravity prevents it from revolving and can only rotate, so there is at least one sun hanging in the sky almost all the time.

The way they used to record time was based on the frequency of black sand storms. Due to gravitational field problems, every once in a while, the entire planet would be covered under deadly black sand storms. At that time, all life would have to hide in caves to survive.

This cycle is about a week in Earth time and is not fixed. It is because of the uncertainty of time that black sand storms are so deadly.

After Geer's wife died, he experienced seven black sandstorms, and his son also died, but he couldn't even determine the specific date. This is probably why he can hypnotize his wife and children to come back now.

"He hasn't been this happy for a long time." Aya walked to her husband's side. The food was already prepared, but she couldn't bear to interrupt such a happy child: "I'm not saying that what you are doing now is not important, but in the future Can you spend more time at home with us?"

"Of course. I will never go out to kill gods again. I will stay at home with you." Su Ming naturally agreed, with an extremely serious expression on his face.

"Really? This is great." Aya's Voldemort-like face beamed with joy, and her long ears twitched slightly: "Thank you, my love, come on, let's go home, the food is ready."

After saying that, she called Agel who was running wildly in the stadium, turning a blind eye to the skeletons in the field. Anyway, in her heart, her husband could do anything, and the gods in the distance were all working as coolies. Don't talk about such trivial things as letting skeletons play with children.

Su Ming was very involved in the performance. He held the woman in one arm and the child in the other. The family of three returned home talking and laughing.

Although it is just a palace connected by a series of cave dwellings, there is still a restaurant. It is very simple, with only one table and three chairs, and it is not good wood.

This was probably stolen by Geer, because there are no trees on this planet, let alone people who know carpentry.

At this time, there were three loaves of bread on the dining table, a plate of green vegetables, a bowl of unspecified jam, and a pot of water.

No, this is the so-called good stuff.

Su Ming sighed in his heart, but still kept a smile on his face: "Today's meal is really rich."

Aya pursed her lips and looked at him: "I think today is worth celebrating, so I prepared more. You won't blame me for wasting food, right?"

"Of course not. You don't have to worry about food anymore. Just feel free to eat."

Su Ming reached out and picked up a piece of bread. This was probably the only food he recognized on the table. When he saw him doing it, his children and wife picked up the food and started eating.

This is a racial tradition. In the past collective migration life, the men in the tribe were responsible for fending off wild beasts and finding food. They had to ensure that they had food to maintain mobility, while women and children did not have such a high priority.

In order to ensure the survival of the tribe in the harsh natural environment, these are inevitable choices.

Who knows which pantheon of gods made this bread? It tastes terrible. It has no bread flavor at all, only pure nutrients. But even so, Geer's wife and children were still very happy, and they ate every bite of food as if they were celebrating the New Year.

Seeing that the atmosphere was good, Su Ming also told them a few jokes, which made the family even more happy.

However, the happy time always passed quickly. Just after eating the bread and drinking water as a drink, the three of them were chatting. Another Geer walked into the room carrying several huge hearts that were still bleeding. Door.

The two Geers looked at each other, and the atmosphere dropped to freezing point in an instant.

Aya picked up Agger and hid behind Su Ming. She looked at the new arrival with a confused look. Two husbands suddenly appeared. She had a brain short-circuit.

"Who are you?! Why are you in my home?!" Geer dropped the heart in his hand, and the black giant sword flowed and took shape in his hand.

Su Ming, who was still drinking water and rinsing his mouth, also stood up. The bread was a little sticky to his teeth: "Hmph! This is exactly what I want to ask you. What kind of god are you? How dare you pretend to be me, the God-Slayer Geer!"

"You! You! You are talking nonsense! I am the God-Slayer Ger!"

Geer never expected that his line would be robbed, and he stuttered for a while.

But the two symbionts did not stutter. A large number of tentacles of the black sword appeared behind Geer, and strangles appeared on Su Ming. They stretched their tentacles in mid-air like octopuses and faced each other.

As the first symbiote in the world, the Black Sword is naturally not weak. But Su Ming and Su Ming have been to so many different worlds, and the host is still a time traveler, so its vision and combat effectiveness are certainly not weak.

Both symbiotes hover around their host, always ready to test.

"Straighten your tongue before you speak! How could I, the God-Slayer Ger, be a stammer?! You are insulting me!" Su Ming flipped his wrist, and a black giant sword was revealed in his hand, and the silver starlight flashed rapidly on the sword. flowing.

Geer's head was about to explode, especially when he saw his wife and children hiding behind strangers and looking at him with the same strange eyes, his anger couldn't help but rise.

But he didn't dare to take action because the restaurant was not very strong. If he fought with the enemy here, his wife and children's lives would be at risk.

He wanted to summon the symbiote army, but when he turned around, he found that the entire palace had been covered by a protective shield formed by flames. A very wretched human with a mustache at the door blinked at him and disappeared in an instant.

Isolated by the flames, the symbiote army cannot rush over at all. Their instinct is to fear the flames.

"I am the God-Slayer Geer!" Geer picked up the heart of the ancient god on the ground. The heart was still beating slowly: "This is the heart of the ancient god, and it is the clear proof that I killed the god!"

The clinker was even more familiar with the other party. The weirdo who looked the same as him turned around and hugged Agger and Aya, and comforted them in a low voice: "Don't look at such bloody things, my son, this is nothing more than a man who can change with magic." He's just a god in appearance, dad will deal with him soon."

"I don't want to look. Agger listens to daddy." The child closed his eyes and buried his head in his mother's arms.

"He blocked the door and we can't get out, but I will be careful." Aya smiled at her husband, hugged the child and shrank to the corner. She still preferred to believe that she played with the child and ate together as a family. That's the real Geer.

In her memory, Geer had always been a good husband. Although he later became busy and had no home, he would never show his son such a bloody thing.

That one is definitely a fake.

Su Ming turned around mockingly and saw the real Geer's face turning red and white. He raised his hand and made a gesture of invitation: "Please start your performance."

"Me! You! Them! Ah!!!"

Geer let out a crazy scream. He faced one of the biggest problems in the universe. This problem is-'How to prove that I am me'?

His wife and children were deceived by the enemy, and the black sword kept sending him killing signals. His already unintelligent mind became a mess.

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