The Death Knell

Chapter 1179? Incitement

Seeing Geer's eyes turning red quickly, really like a rabbit, Su Ming gradually confirmed his guess.

Unlike the Geer in other parallel worlds, the 40K Geer seems to be more of a puppet controlled by the Black Sword. He loses his self-awareness when entering the battle and leaves all the battle to the symbiote. What kind of God-Slayer is this?

Maybe... I can fulfill my teammates' wishes.

"Monarch, teleport the mother and son and the football team into the mirror space."

Mustache appeared next to Su Ming, with a look of surprise on his face: "You mean..."

"Don't ask me to repeat the order. Are you new here?" Su Ming waved the giant sword in his hand and blocked Geer's sword attack on Monaco. He was already nervous when he saw the wretched little boy. The beard suddenly appeared in the air, and it was just an instinctive reaction to take action.

As the night and the black sword collided, a series of sparks flew everywhere, and countless tentacles and black threads also rushed towards their own kind in an instant.

They touched and devoured each other, sticking together like black asphalt, quickly wrapping the two hosts in a big black ball.

Both sides did not want the aftermath of the battle to leak out, so they made the same choice, which was to wrap the battlefield with symbionts.

Monaco knew that now was not the time to speak. He immediately waved his cane and pulled the mother and son into the mirror space. At the same time, there was also the skeleton football team. The meaning of the death knell was very clear, which was to let them play with the children and wait. .

He didn't know why Deathstroke suddenly changed his plan, but he felt that this method was more appropriate and more like what a hero would do.

Su Ming, who was wrapped in the symbiote battlefield, could no longer see Monaco's expression. He was fighting with Geer at this time. Unexpectedly, Strangler had the upper hand when facing the Black Sword.

Black Sword seems to have just experienced a big battle and is in a very bad state at this time.

Judging from the battle, its splitting and self-healing speed are one level lower than that of Strangler, let alone the battle at the micro level. Under the suppression of Strangler, it is almost losing ground.

Recalling the three hearts of ancient gods still lying on the ground, Su Ming probably guessed why.

Geer said they were ancient gods, so he probably wasn't lying, but judging from the size of their hearts, they were probably crippled mad gods.

The first war of the gods was very exciting, and it was not comparable to the battles of the second-generation gods in the second war of gods. You must know that in the first battle, including Aoshutu and Sithorn, they personally went to fight with the enemy. It was related to The life-and-death battle allowed them to exert their full strength.

The abuse of the concepts of time and space by the top experts in the battle created today's multi-dimensionality. The situation at that time was indescribable, and even some ancient gods who saw the battle became fools.

The War of the Gods ended with the escape of Set and Sithorn. Some of the remaining ancient gods entered other dimensions and became demon gods, some escaped from the earth and became the gods of the dawn, and some seriously injured and disabled ancient gods lay there. Lingering in ruins and debris everywhere in the universe.

The ones Geer killed were probably the crippled trash.

But the ancient gods are the ancient gods after all, and even the irrational mad gods are not so easy to deal with. Geer and the Black Sword went to kill the three ancient gods, and then came to fight Deathstroke. After a fight, the symbionts gap appears.

Su Ming himself has the ability to heal himself. As long as his head doesn't fall off, some ordinary injuries will be no problem. And Black Sword has to be distracted to repair Geer's body. How can he strangle the enemy easily?

"Strangled, icon armor vibranium form."

Neither Geer nor Black Sword knew magic, so Su Ming chose vibranium with stronger physical resistance instead of N metal with higher magic resistance. Although it still couldn't completely block Black Sword's slashing, at least the wound would be shallower. .

While using his giant sword to cut off the incoming tentacles, Su Ming punched Geer on the head with his fist, not forgetting to use Mouth Escape.

"Contestant Geer, what is your dream this time on the stage of the universe?"

Geer's eyes were red, and he also hit Deathstroke with his fists. At this glance, he knew that his dream was not peace in the universe, and the tragic competition was probably not his wish.

Seeing that he still didn't answer, Su Ming put a little more force into his fist. The information transmission between the symbiote and the host relied on the spinal nerves. As long as the spine could be broken, Geer could escape for a short time before the black sword repaired the bone marrow. its control.

This requires some force-generating skills. It is a bit difficult to make Geer's head spin like a top without breaking it.

But don’t underestimate the Supreme Mage!

The night sword collided with the black sword again. Su Ming used all his strength with this sword, allowing Geer's other hand to slam into his armor. The roar caused by the huge force twice in succession was heard in the narrow black cocoon. There was a loud roar.

The symbionts on both sides paused involuntarily, and a bone-chilling pain swept over them instantly. Noise and vibration were also the nemesis of the symbiote, and this pain was also transmitted to the host.

Originally, Strangler could be immune to this by transforming into other substances, but at this time, it was showing its true form and fighting with the black sword, so it was naturally unavoidable to be traumatized.

It's just that it knows the host's plan and is mentally prepared, so it is better than Black Sword's current situation.

"Cloak! Wring the neck!"

Su Ming's willpower far exceeded that of Geer who was controlled by the black sword. At this moment, he decisively called for foreign aid. The cloak came out from behind him with understanding, wrapped around Geer's neck and twisted it.


The sound of bones breaking sounded, and the redness in Geer's eyes instantly faded and he became confused.

"Listen to me, Ger, is your dream really to kill all the gods?"

Geer was speechless. He might have used too much force on his cloak and damaged the language center. The brain is always a mysterious place. Who knows if any nerves were pulled by twisting the neck.

The time to block the other party's symbiote from transmitting information is very limited. An injury like a broken head can be quickly repaired by the symbiote host, so Su Ming didn't wait for his answer and immediately said: "No, your dream is not that. ! All you want is to live a peaceful life with your wife and son, no longer be deceived by God, no longer blindly worship."


"I can give you this chance, as long as you resist your symbiote."

However, at this time, the repair of the host by the black sword had been completed, and Su Ming was not answered by Geer's words, but by a sword that pierced the chest.

Su Ming didn't even have any defense, allowing the black sword to penetrate the vibranium armor and hit the X-metal skeleton without success. The strangulation gushes out from the wound and starts a battle with the filaments split from the black sword again.

The black sword wants to destroy the enemy by devouring the flesh and blood in the enemy's body, and then strangles himself, driving the opponent's tissues out of the host's body.

Su Ming's free hand grabbed Geer's hand, and the hand holding the sword worked with the cloak to break Geer's cervical spine again.

"Wake up! Your wife and son are in my hands. If you want them to live, then you must resist your weapons! It is people who use weapons, not weapons that use people! It is a god, it I’m using you!”

The black sword repaired the host again, and now took the initiative to cut off the entanglement of the strangulation. He took a big step after taking the host, and the black cocoon instantly exploded and split into two halves.

The two distanced themselves, both panting. The battle at the microscopic level was also very taxing on the host, and a lot of physical strength was consumed by the symbiote in self-healing.

However, the tentacle's tongue stuck out from the strangled face and licked its mouth. It took advantage and ate a lot of Black Sword's tissue.

As expected, Gal came to his senses, and while holding his sword in a cautious circle with Deathstroke, he asked in his mind what was going on with his symbiote.

Black Sword told him not to trust his enemies, let alone turn against him because of two mortals. The other party must be lying.

But Geer knew that his wife and son were indeed hidden by the other party, and the other party was not bad at it. If he wanted to get his wife and children back, he would probably have to do as the other party said.

Choose a wife and children, or a weapon? This is a problem......

The enemy's words seemed to still echo in his ears. Recalling the past, Geer began to doubt the black sword. Is it just an artifact?

If it is just a simple weapon, why can't I remember the process every time I fight? Every time you come back to your senses, are you left with only broken limbs?

Why is strong?

A possibility that had been ignored in the past now strikes as a terrifying thought that can no longer be stopped.

Now the inexplicable thing has become the Black Sword. It created two offspring to deceive Geer, but now it can't be explained.

Even if it says that those two are its offspring, they will die when they die, and after defeating the enemy, Geer can have as many as he wants, but even if it says so, Geer will not believe it.

He doesn't dare to gamble with his wife and children. This is human nature.

The more Black Sword argued, the more Gal thought it was a god, and the less he believed the symbiote's words.

The world's first symbiote faced the same problem as its host - 'How to prove that it is not a god'.

The Black Sword has always been the representative of the symbionts who are ruthless and talkative. What it is not good at is communicating with the host. As a weapon, Gnar never thought that it could provide any opinions at the beginning, and it will not change if the host is changed. He is clumsy and tongue-tied, because Geer is also a person who is not good at talking.

Therefore, it was difficult for it to answer the host's inquiry for a while, as if it had acquiesced.

"What...what do you want me to do?" Seeing this situation, Geer also received some information squeezed into his mind by the other party's symbiote, and he became more and more sure that there was something wrong with the black sword.

Geer let go of his hand holding the sword, and the black sword merged into his armor. He stood trembling and clenched his teeth. His eyes were sometimes red and sometimes normal. He was trying his best to resist the control of the black sword.

At least he couldn't lose control anymore. It was about his wife and children, and he had to at least talk to the other party.

The host always has the possibility of resistance, at least it can be destroyed together. If the host is lost in the battle, the black sword is just a puddle of mud.

However, Black Sword knew something was wrong. How could it let its host talk to another symbiote host? Waiting to be eaten?

So it began to devour Gal's brain at this time. As long as the brain damage reaches a certain level, the host will become a vegetative state, and the body will be completely controlled by the symbiote.

However, what Su Ming was waiting for was the opportunity for Geer to convulse. He immediately rushed over and held Geer in his arms. The strangulation flowed from Geer's seven orifices to his brain in an instant.

A black cloak enveloped the two of them, and the light dimmed again. Before Geer lost consciousness, he only heard the strange man say one sentence in his ear.

"I am Deathstroke, the Sorcerer Supreme, and I'm here to offer you a deal."

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