The Death Knell

Chapter 1180? Devour

As time passed, the giant black cocoon in the restaurant kept twisting, as if some monster was about to be born inside. The struggle became faster and faster and more frequent.

The light in the room was already dim, but now it was more like being sucked away by it. Any ordinary person who walked in here would probably fall into an unknown panic.

Lines of mucus and silk threads adhered to the walls, and the few pieces of furniture were all shattered at this time. The dust floated up and down with the rhythm of the big cocoon like floating in the river.

With a muffled sound, the black cocoon exploded, and two figures fell out of it.

One of them sat down slowly in a slightly embarrassed manner, while the other simply fell to the ground and lay motionless.

The black mucus and liquid fell to the ground at this time, and then merged into small streams, flowing towards the sitting person in the dark, and then formed a black and yellow armor on his body, and was thrown into the room in the explosion just now A rag in the corner also flew back behind him.

"It's really annoying. Why didn't you say that devouring the same kind and keeping the other's host will consume so much energy? If I had known, I wouldn't have listened to Monaco."

Su Ming's face was also pale. He controlled the strangulation and swallowed the black sword in Geer's body. He was more tired than fighting Superman for a month. Every part of his body, including his internal organs and brain, was in unbearable pain. His physical strength was severely exhausted.

He sat on the floor with his legs straightened, his hands on the ground behind his back, and he mentally complained to the bean sprouts twisting on his shoulders.

Strangler was still savoring the taste of the black sword. It had to be said that although the black sword was seriously injured in the battle with the ancient gods, once it entered the body of its host, the tug-of-war at the micro level was really a tough battle.

The previous battle was that the two hosts hugged each other motionless, while two waves of black waves rolled and roared in and out of their bodies.

Almost every cell, and even every atom in the cell, was strangled and snatched away bit by bit. If this was a battle, it would involve more than hundreds of billions of battles.

If strangulation hadn't been able to absorb Deathstroke's physical strength, and Deathstroke still had X metal, I'm afraid it might not have been able to completely swallow the Black Sword.

But there were no ifs. Strangler won because the host was stronger.

It just has plug-ins, but its opponents don’t. The world is just so unfair, blah blah blah.

Hearing the host's question, Strangler danced the seaweed dance again. At the same time, a clearer idea appeared in the host's mind, which meant that the decision to kill Black Sword and save Geer was made by the host. It was just an obedient animal. Just a symbiote.

"Is there any gene from Black Sword that you can use?" Su Ming asked Strangler to remove his visor, took out a piece of chocolate from his belt, tore open the package with difficulty and took a bite.

The body is overdrawn, the cells lack energy supply in a short period of time, and the nerves are somewhat inoperable.

The black bean sprout on the shoulder tilted his head, as if thinking, and then shook his head.

Black Sword may have seen Nar's mistress 'dragon', and is envious and jealous of him, so almost all of the special abilities it has evolved are related to its offspring.

It can create special offspring and instill memories and skills. It can also give orders to its offspring to conduct military activities on different planets from a distance. It can also use itself as the base point to guide its offspring to fly in the universe. Finally, it can also The offspring can be recycled to obtain their energy and memory, and a series of special abilities related to the offspring.

Strangler has already given up the possibility of dividing and reproducing during evolution, and it cannot use any of these abilities regarding its offspring. What is somewhat useful is probably the Black Sword's ability to turn himself into an artifact, but Deathstroke has two artifacts, and they are also of no use.

Therefore, the black sword is only equivalent to a big tonic pill for Strangler. The only useful things are the part of the power and information the opponent gets from the gods it eats. Oh, and a large amount of phenylethylamine, which makes Strangler very happy. .

These powers are just pure brute force. After being completely digested, the power of strangulation can probably be doubled, but this will take a long time.

And that information, as well as some secret places and knowledge that only gods know, are all stuffed into the host's mind, so it doesn't bother to think about it.

As a symbiote of Deathstroke, isn't it normal to give up thinking?

Most symbiotes like to split their offspring, which I'm afraid they inherited from the dragons, but Strangler feels that their path is wrong, because in the face of the truly strong, numerical superiority is just a joke.

"Help me check on Geer."

Su Ming no longer worries about what he got. Anyway, the benefits are definitely gained, but things here are not over yet. It is best not to count the loot on the battlefield.

Strangler stretched out a thin tentacle and probed in front of Ger's nostrils. Because Gor looked like Voldemort, the nostrils were really just two holes on his face.

Also, it never rains on this planet, so it’s useless to ask for a nose.

Strangler withdrew and told the host that Geer's vital signs were stable, but that he was in a coma due to dehydration and that the brain damage was negligible. The host and himself moved very fast at that time, giving the black sword no chance to destroy Geer's brain.

"Now that the Death Sword is really dead, the army of his descendants outside has probably lost control and begun to plunder the essence and evolution of the same kind. I can't clean this planet. Let's fish out the captured gods. Probably Just call it a day.”

Strangler reminded, don't forget Ant-Man and the Wasp, they are still inside the big bomb.

Su Ming shrugged indifferently. Those two guys couldn't die anyway. The symbiote wouldn't eat something as small as an ant when there are such big fellows to eat. The amount of meat is not on the same level at all. .

"Monak, where did you die?" Su Ming slowly got up from the ground: "Before, you cried and begged me to spare their family, but now that things have gone as you wished, you are still hiding?"

The space at the door fluctuated, and the dead-eye Monaco walked in: "You fart, when did I cry and beg you?"

"You burst into tears when I said I wanted to kill mother and son. I am Death Knell. I can see through your inner thoughts at a glance." Su Ming used the Night Sword to prop up his body and slowly walked a few steps to get used to it again. physical strength.

"Didn't you say that they are symbionts and fakes and deserve to die? But I think they are no different from ordinary people. They can express emotions normally and have ordinary memories. I can't let such innocent people die."

Monaco used the superhero formula of protecting the weak.

Su Ming glanced at him and said with a half-smile: "What do you think? I am the host of the symbiote, right? I know a lot more about them than you do, and I have long admitted that they can be independent individuals and live their own lives." They also have the right to live in this universe."

"...are you playing with me?"

Monaco's face dropped, and the joy of the Geer family being rescued disappeared. He found that he had never figured out what Deathstroke planned to do from beginning to end, or was it that the Supreme Mage had never had the idea of ​​killing this family?

"It's really fun to watch your face keep changing, haha." Su Ming moved his neck, picked up a loaf of bread from the ground and patted the dust on it: "The Geer family will lose their original identity. After I give them Let’s start life again in the designated place. God-Slayer Gurr is dead. From now on, there will only be Rabbit-man Gurr and his family. This is euthanasia.”

"You want to arrange for his family to fake their own deaths? But is he not a threat?" Monaco rubbed his forehead, and the wrinkles on his forehead looked like the word "王": "Why do you have so many people? How many people have you arranged to fake their own deaths? "

"When I was a mercenary, I would occasionally let the target go. After all, I'm not a devil. I just let the target go without affecting my mission success rate, so I usually arranged for the target to fake death." Su Ming told Geer from He was picked up on the ground and hung on Monaco's shoulders. Without the symbiote, Geer had only a rag wrapped around his waist: "Ger was never a threat, he was a victim. The real God Killer is the symbiote. The Death Sword is not him."

Monaco was speechless. He suddenly couldn't laugh or cry. Deathstroke actually played with himself while executing the plan: "You are really a devil, give me back my worries and sorrows!"

In fact, he didn't know if Su Ming, mother and son, didn't intend to kill him from the beginning, but only said that to tease him. But for Geer himself, Su Ming decided to let him go only after the fight confirmed that he was controlled by the Black Sword.

Geer was just a poor man who was deceived from beginning to end. It was unclear whether it was him or the Black Sword who killed the gods, but the gods who died...were related to the death knell?

If you die, just die. There are as many second-generation gods in the universe as stars, so tens of thousands of them die is nothing.

Deathstroke entered the universe to eliminate hidden dangers, lest the God Killer target the Asa Protoss one day and involve Gin. He did not come to be a superhero to do justice for heaven. Now that Geer has turned back into an ordinary person, the threat has been lifted, and a Isn’t it just casual for ordinary people to kill or let go?

Monaco showed his kindness and wanted to keep the mother and son alive, so Su Ming simply let the whole family live to make his "good tool man" happy, and he would work harder in the future.

"I just want to ask you, are the ups and downs of life, joys and sorrows exciting?" Su Ming smiled evilly, patted the Magic Prince on the shoulder, and walked out of the palace.

"...Exciting, promise me you won't play with me next time, okay? I'm hundreds of years old and I can't stand your torment like this."

Monaco carried Geer helplessly. He wanted to find a place to rescue people first.

"Life lies in sports. Don't you think that after getting to know me, your mental endurance has increased?" Su Ming changed his mind and the black and yellow visor covered his face again, but Monaco felt that at the last moment he saw Deathstroke showed a funny expression.

"Okay, but can you tell me in advance when you help me exercise next time? What's the next plan?" Monaco extinguished the wall of fire outside the palace, and it could be seen that the symbiotes in the distance had begun to fight with each other, and Aren't there slave gods who took the opportunity to escape?

Su Ming glanced at the chaotic battlefield, and then looked up at the bomb that was still so big: "You hide Geer, and I'll negotiate a deal with these gods. None of them can fly. They want to leave this place." Planet, you have to pay at least the price of the ticket.”

"Did you realize that the ticket you called was actually my portal? I should be the one who charges for it, right?" Monaco's eyes narrowed.

Deathstroke raised a hand and waved, walking straight towards the battlefield: "Don't care about those details."

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