The Death Knell

Chapter 1181? End hatred


In the ring of fire outside the palace, a simple Kamal Taj office appeared.

Outside the ring of fire, there are symbionts biting and fighting with each other everywhere. They are hungry for each other's genes and energy. Without the constraints of the Black Sword's orders, their evolutionary instincts control them.

Not to mention that these symbionts are still dividing and producing spores to reproduce. This planet is like being infected by aliens. It cannot be cleaned without great efforts, but Su Ming is too lazy to care.

He made the cloak work like a claw machine to rescue the living god from the chaotic battlefield, and asked Monaco to release the wall of fire formed by the Fire of Faltin again, isolating a large open space at the entrance of the palace.

Then he announced to the rescued gods that they were free again. All of Gal's family died, and it was the Supreme Mage from Earth who saved them.

However, if they want to leave this huge steamer planet, they can come and buy the portal usage fee. It doesn't require money, but they have to exchange it for something.

At this time, Su Ming was carrying a table and placed it at the door of Geer's house. On the table was a stack of magic contracts witnessed by Emperor Weishan. The sallow-faced and skinny gods lined up in front of him, each paying his dues. own price.

It’s okay if you don’t want to pay the price. You can go around this planet as much as you want. It’s okay if you want to jump out of the ring of fire and fight the symbiote.

Do you want to be saved just by saying a few nice words and calling a hero a few times? How could such a good thing happen!

At this time, in front of him was a chubby-looking 'victim' who reluctantly purchased the so-called 'Kama Taj Teleportation Service'. When he heard Deathstroke's question, he answered with a straw-like mouth:

"Qi Delong Dongqiang."

"Huh? I asked you your name and you sang Northeastern Disco with me."

Su Ming slapped the God Killer on the table, and the current from the weapon immediately scorched the table black.

The God Killer also has his own consciousness, but it is very primitive, like a beast with only a thirst for blood, and is far from as cunning as the Black Sword. But the two have one thing in common, they are both forged to kill gods.

Although he didn't know what Northeastern Disco was, this god could recognize how powerful this weapon was. A bitter smile appeared on his round face: "My name is Qi Delong Dongqiang."

"Is my translator malfunctioning? There is really someone with this name. Why don't you call me Nicholas Zhao Si?" Su Ming filled in the contract content with a funny look on his face: "Tell me what you know, let's talk about it. condition."

"Our gods are all obsessed with music, and my name is actually a melody." The god said a little aggrievedly: "What I am good at is percussion."

Su Ming nodded. It seemed that the vibration and frequency of the percussion restrained the symbiote, so the black sword kept him.

"Okay, after signing the contract, when you go back and take the time to send me a hundred copies of the music score to Kama Taj on Earth, we will be even."

The God of Round Drums was overjoyed. He thought he was going to bleed a lot, but he didn't expect that the death knell only wanted music scores. He hurriedly agreed, signed the contract, and pressed his fingerprints.

"Go and tell the magician the coordinates, which planet in that star system your home is on, and then go home and rest, next one!"

Su Ming waved his hand. He didn't need other people's gratitude, because the god of percussion obviously couldn't make any money, so he might as well use it as an example to encourage more gods to trade.

Seeing that the first god in line did not pay a decent price, more gods behind him were relieved. After all, some of them even had their gods destroyed by the God-Slayer, and they might not be able to take it if they were left alone. Come up with something valuable.

But if all the Sorcerer Supreme wants is what they do best, then they can pay that price while still agreeing that Deathstroke is a good guy.

So each god came to report his name to be registered by the death knell, and then took out the chips he could provide in exchange for the chance of freedom.

There are no decent gods, just alien gods like the God of plants, the God of long arms and legs, the God of hard work. Sometimes Su Ming doesn't know what price to ask for.

I can only sigh that Heijian's vision is really unique. If these people are captured and raised, they will probably only be slaves.

But at least Deathstroke can sign an intelligence agreement with them that lasts for thousands of years. It's not a loss to ask them for information about their planet when he has time.


Su Ming lowered his head and filled in the regular items on the document, and casually asked another god who came in front of him.

"Gugugua, I am the god of acrobatics, and I am best at throwing balls."

A green-skinned god with four legs and four arms and a face like a frog answered.

"Huh?" Su Ming looked up and saw a face with a flattering smile. He also smiled: "Wait aside, I will arrange VIP services for you later."

The Frog God's heart skipped a beat as Deathstroke's red goggles revealed an ominous light, and he felt like he had been seen through. But the death knell directly called the next person, and he could only stand aside and wait with anxiety.

It wasn't until all the gods were sent away that the Supreme Mage picked up the artifact on the table, slowly wiped the blade in his hand, and tilted his head to look at him silently.

The atmosphere became colder and colder until the moustache mage who was responsible for opening the portal came over wiping his tears.

"Why do you keep this guy?"

Monaco launched many long-distance teleportations, and a large number of his children died. Now he is very sad.

Su Ming turned the God Killer into a drill and then into scissors: "This kid wants to lie to me. He says he is the God of Acrobatics."

"Do you know him?" Monaco looked the frog up and down and felt that there was nothing wrong with it. The four arms were indeed suitable for performing acrobatics: "Could it be another evil god?"

Su Ming pointed to the artificial moon in the sky: "His works are hanging in the sky. He is the god of bombs."

"That's it." Monaco touched his mustache and took out a handkerchief to wipe his sweat: "Then you decide. If you ask me, he just helped Geer build a bomb, but it hasn't detonated yet. Well, he’s not a bad person.”

How the Geer family is arranged is more important. Why waste time with such a useless god?

"Are you addicted to being a good person and doing good deeds? Go away." Su Ming waved Monaco back like a fly, and put forward his own conditions to the frog: "I want 10% of the bomb you made for Geer." Each one is powerful enough to blow up the earth."

"Wha...what?" The frog god's legs weakened. Just by making one bomb, its power was drained. It would be better to kill it with ten such bombs.

Su Ming observed its embarrassment, but when talking about business, the lion must first open its mouth wide and then talk slowly.

What he is looking for is the God of Bombs.

"You don't need to pay them all at once. In this way, we will deliver the goods in ten batches. Based on Earth time, we will deliver one piece a year. Is it okay this time?"

I thought the frog would bargain, but maybe he was too deeply persecuted by Geer and was extremely eager to leave here. He just hesitated for a moment, turned his head and looked at the symbionts biting each other outside the fire wall, and immediately beat him. Shivering, he nodded hastily and agreed.

After signing, Deathstroke immediately shook his hand enthusiastically and said that he had been a big help. Then he was sent away by the mage in a daze, holding only a piece of paper in his hand with the delivery location and date written on it. .

After Cloak returned, he determined that there were no other gods on the planet, and that one had entered the symbiote's belly.

Su Ming showed a sad smile and took Monaco back to the palace to meet the Geer family. At this time, Geer had woken up and was being supported by his wife to eat. He looked very weak.

Agger, on the other hand, was still holding the cave fruit and wanted to play with the motionless skeletons.

Su Ming walked up to Geer and looked at his Voldemort-like face: "Have you decided where to go next? I'm afraid this planet is no longer suitable for survival, and mindless symbionts will soon fill the place."

"Oh, I saw it too, but where can I go?"

Geer was a little confused. He had offended too many gods. If any god knew that he was not dead yet, he would be in big trouble.

Su Ming was prepared early. He smiled and took out some earth food from his pocket to share with them: "Simple, just go to an atheistic world. I have a friend who owns a planet where technology and art are The world never believes in any gods."

"But what can I do?" Geer looked at his son eating a barbecued bird, his mouth full of oil and happiness, and then looked down at his pale and thin hands: "In addition to hunting and picking up cave fruits, I , nothing."

Su Ming handed him a bottle of strong drink and told him to relax: "I taught your son an important skill. I also gave him this skeleton team. When you get to a new place, you only need to learn how to use the cave fruit ball." Just play, and then cooperate with the king to develop this sports career. I have already made arrangements for them, food, water, housing, you don’t have to worry about anything."

"Why? Why are you so nice to us?" Geer raised his head in a daze and looked at Deathstroke's black and yellow mask.

Deathstroke shook his head and replied in a calm tone: "I have seen too many tragedies, so I don't want to create new tragedies. The world is already dark enough."

"Thank you, I understand."

Geer lowered his head in shame. After losing the black sword, he gradually recalled what he had done for so many years. The madness subsided, and his human side was revealed again.

He originally just wanted to avenge his wife and children, but when did his goal become to kill all the gods in the universe?

After killing the god who deceived him, and when his wife and children returned to his side, he actually had no reason to take revenge.

"Don't thank me, I'm not a good person. Your mother sacrificed herself to let you live because she loved you. But you can live now because I feel the love of your wife and son for you. Life is precious , don’t waste it.”

Su Ming sighed, revealed his face, looked at Geer's face with one eye and said seriously, and the small black bean sprouts on his shoulders kept nodding in agreement with the host's statement.

If it had eaten Geer and the black sword at that time, it would have been much easier than it is now. Since it had put in the effort, it didn't want its hard work to be in vain.

"I know, I will stay with my family for the rest of my life and be a good husband and father." Geer held his wife's hand and took the oily Agger into his arms, looking pale. A long-lost warm smile appeared on his face.

Yes, he had lost a lot of things in the past and was so caught up in the whirlpool of hatred that he actually neglected to keep the most precious things around him.

Not anymore. Their family is about to start a new life, and this time he wants to live for love.

"Because you used to be the host of the symbiote, it swallowed up so many gods, and your body is equivalent to undergoing divine transformation. You will still live in this life." Su Ming waved to Monaco, who was full of emotion. He prepared the portal to Spartacus: "Remember this day of your rebirth, don't let your family down."

Su Ming smiled at Aya, then stretched out his hand to rub the child's head, and pushed the family of three into the purple portal. Over there, Jason and the old manager could be seen wearing formal clothes, waiting for the new country with smiles on their faces. The team coach’s family.

Then the purple light ended and everything returned to silence.

Monaco took out his pipe, patted it, and filled it with new tobacco: "Aren't you going to tell him that his wife and children are actually symbionts?"

Su Ming smiled and shook his head, hooked the Magic Prince's shoulder and left the palace, dropping some time bombs casually.

"Whether they are symbiotes or not, they are his relatives. Sometimes the truth is not important. Besides, the symbiotes themselves have infinite possibilities. How can you prove that they are not Gal's wife and children?"

Monaco also smiled and walked beside Deathstroke with a cane: "I can't prove that, but I can prove that you are a good person."

"Go away, you cast spells too frequently today and started talking nonsense. Go back and replace Casillas. Next, he will follow me."

Su Ming snatched the beard wax from Monak's pocket and kicked him away.

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