The Death Knell

Chapter 1182? Scratch the ground three feet

"Robbing me again. Every time I go out with you, I feel a lot of pressure. My beard is dry and split, but you even want to take away my chance to take care of it?" Monaque saw that his beard wax was taken away, With a resentful look on his face: "Why did you call Casillas? I don't think there is anything else."

Su Ming calmly put the beard wax into his bag and watched through the fire wall as countless symbionts devoured their kind like pythons feeding their poison:

"Dr. Dean was not killed by the God Slayer. I brought Pim and the two here just to collect the giant planet bomb. At the same time, I left them a psychological hint that Deathstroke can enter and exit the universe at will and has unfathomable strength. From now on, Ant-Man When the wasps see me, they will subconsciously listen to my instructions..."

The murderer of Janet's father should still be in the sewers of New York.

Monaque patted his forehead. The incident with God Killer Geer made him forget why the first few people went out: "Then what do I need to do?"

"We are not slow in our actions. Thor and the others are probably still drunk. If they are, Gin will hold them back. If you take this back, you will say that Geer is dead."

Su Ming picked up a red stone from the ground and threw it to Monaco.

The Magic Prince grinned slightly and caught the stone. It was hot under the sun. Monaco tossed it back and forth between his hands like holding a hot sweet potato: "Is this possible?"

"No problem. They don't know what the symbiote looks like after death. Whoever suspects it has to prove it. If any of them suspect that this is not Geer, then you let them prove why it is not."

Anyway, the Supreme Mage said that these are the remains of Geer and Black Sword. As for why they look like a stone... everyone can guess.

With Thor's mind, he would not have any doubts when he was happy, but with Loki's mind, he would not say anything if he had doubts. The other people just talked about Thor without thinking, and dismissed it with a few words.

"I'll do it right away, but you have to bring Pim and the others back to Earth safely. It's so pitiful that the little girl's father died at such a young age."

Monaco used his staff to recharge the magic circle that had previously teleported the prisoners of the gods. He also turned around and warned Su Ming, with a worried look on his face.

Su Ming was looking at the reflection of the god-killer's blade to maintain his beard. The time bomb abandoned in the palace exploded at this moment. He was not even interested in taking a look: "You are really old. Go and do things quickly. Countless."

When Deathstroke used the God Killer to shave off a few untidy beards on his chin in the smoke and strong wind, the teleportation array that took Monaco away lit up again, and a man wearing a black hooded cloak with his hands in his sleeves was on his body. In front of him, the whole person came out with a dark style of figure.

The person took off his hood to reveal a pale face. His white hair was tied into a short braid on the back of his head, and there was a purple diamond-shaped mark between his eyebrows.

"Teacher, I'm here."

Strictly speaking, Casillas has already graduated, and his teacher is not Su Ming, but the master named White in the New York Temple who is obviously black, but all the apprentices of Kama Taj are called the Supreme Master Teacher. Nothing wrong with that either.

Among the younger generation of archmages, Casillas currently has more potential. The upper limit of others is nothing more than the archmage stationed in the temple, and Casillas has the possibility of becoming a dimensional demon.

He is only in his sixties this year and is definitely the number one among the younger generation. He has strength and ambition. The key is that he has a clear understanding of power.

Su Ming's transformation of Mordo can be said to be successful, but because he was too hasty at the time, Mordo embarked on a weird path of pleasure. Therefore, after learning from experience and lessons, Deathstroke's transformation of Casillas is much more reasonable.

The Ancient One had always concealed the information about black magic before, and Casillas almost went astray out of curiosity. However, after Deathstroke succeeded Kama Taj, a large number of secrets and magic were shared, and Casillas also After seeing through Dormammu's greedy nature and making comparisons, he switched to Seth's Devouring Magic.

Most of the spells of the snake god Seth are related to snakes and souls. After decades of hidden cultivation, Casillas has been able to extract the souls of his enemies and convert them into energy or spellcasting costs, and his character is inevitably influenced by snakes. The influence seems gloomy.

But overall, he is still a good tool man, and is very loyal to Kama Taj, because there he can see the vastness of the magical world and learn any knowledge, and there is no need to venture to other dimensions.

As for following the Dark Dimension Demon God? Who would like Dormammu if he can borrow Seth's power?

Seth can be said to be at the proper multiverse level, and Dormammu is now a prisoner. The difference is clear at a glance.

Moreover, Casillas is a staunch egoist. He borrowed Seth's power but did not believe in that guy. Seth once instructed him to find the Serpent Crown in the 40K universe, but Casillas pretended to agree at first, then turned around and gave him Deathstroke snitched and sold Seth.

Then he pretended to be innocent in front of Seth, saying that because of his lack of strength, Snake Crown was cut off by other demons, and he deceived more power from Seth to strengthen himself.

The Serpent Crown is something similar to the Cytorak Red Crystal. Even if an ordinary person obtains it, it will have the power to destroy the earth, but it will also be brainwashed and controlled by the dimensional demon behind it.

Cytorak stayed in the crimson dimension and refused to go out, while Seth was chased into the cracks between the multiverses by the God-Eater Atum. He had a home and could not return, so their methods of spreading power and faith were exactly the same.

Now that the snake crown of the 40K universe has fallen into the hands of Emperor Weishan, the calm days can last for a long time until Seth builds a new one and throws it over.

Seeing Casillas staring at him with reverence, Su Ming knew it was not the same person, but Su Ming still felt that it was Hannibal looking at his liver, maybe wanting to fry green peppers to eat.

"Xiao Ka, you are here, wait with me for a while, there are two children whose tasks are not over yet."

Pushing the thought of bandits frying liver back into the back of his mind, and at the same time reaching out to push the drooling little black bean sprout back into his armor, Su Ming raised his chin toward the huge bomb in the sky and signaled Xiao Ka to wait a moment.

"Do you need me to give them some encouragement?" Casillas raised his hand, and the purple energy formed a small snake circling in his hand. This magic is 'Set's Sea of ​​Snakes', which can directly connect to the inner space. A special dimension, a dimension that had long been abandoned by Set but was still filled with a sea of ​​snakes.

Throwing a large ball of venomous snakes next to ordinary people means that they will die if they do not complete the task. This can often greatly improve work efficiency.

Su Ming threw him a cigarette and asked him to wait patiently: "I am a scientist, not a slave. Once I think of a way, things will go smoothly. If I don't have inspiration, it will be useless to rush."

Casillas put away his magic and pulled up his hood to block the strong sunlight. His eyes swept over the symbiotes outside the fire wall, and he nodded expressionlessly: "It's really good that I asked you, teacher, to wait for them. How brave, but since you forgive them..."

"It doesn't matter, I also want to see where the limits of Pym Particles are. The era of technological boom is coming. In the future, we magicians will face more challenges. I brought you here to let you know not to rest on your laurels. Magic It’s not a panacea.”

If Pym could successfully reduce this quarter-moon-sized bomb to the size of a walnut, Su Ming would be able to use the Tool Man in more diverse ways in the future.

If Monaco heard Su Ming calling himself a magician, he would definitely complain, but Casillas looked serious, as if he directly recognized this statement.

"I understand, teacher."

He calmly put the cigarette into his mouth, skillfully rolled out a Faltin's Fire, lit the cigarette, and waited with the death knell.

Su Ming also asked Strangler to remove the lower half of his armor, and got one himself. This damn place was too hot, and it was really easy to make people feel restless.

Seeing Xiao Ka in black robe, Su Ming felt hot for him, so he thought about it and said, "When they are finished, you activate the magic circle left by Monaco and take us back to New York, and then I will take you Let’s go find some excitement.”

"It all depends on the teacher's instructions. Can I collect some souls to prepare for casting spells?" Xiaoka showed a smile. He felt that this should be the training of the Supreme Mage, just like training the butler Xiao Wang. A powerful magician also It requires a lot of practical experience to support it.

Challenging a powerful opponent is risky, but with Deathstroke watching over you and protecting you, you can freely gain experience.

"Go ahead, I don't know if the symbionts have complete souls, but they contain energy in their bodies. Go and try. If they really have souls, I can suggest that Monarch don't raise rabbits and try to use symbiotes in the future. "

Casillas bowed and left, drew a circle of fire in the air and appeared directly outside the fire wall, participating in the battle between the symbiotes.


When Pim returned with Janet sweating, he was still a little confused about why the mage became younger so quickly, but after seeing Casillas' ice face, they realized that the mage was not Monaco. .

Although Su Ming often bullies Monaco and steals his beard hair, he actually cherishes the mage who has always supported him. It is not appropriate to use him until he has a mental breakdown every time.

Anyway, there are more mages available now, so just rotate them frequently.

He didn't mean to introduce Kaguya to Ant-Man and the Wasp, but asked calmly: "Is the mission completed?"

Pym handed a ball the size of a table tennis ball to Deathstroke and let out a long breath: "Fortunately, I have fulfilled my mission. The earth is safe. Thanks to Janet for reminding me to electrify the bomb and fully distribute the Pym particles through the electrophoresis effect. Then......"

Su Ming didn't give him a chance to finish, but put the ball away: "The people of the earth thank you, okay, let's go home now."

"???" Pim's mouth opened under the mask but he didn't know what to say. Is this the end? What about the murderer of Janet's father?

"By the way, Janet, I accidentally blew up your enemy to death. I originally wanted to capture him alive and let you kill him personally to vent his anger, but he didn't cooperate at all and always wanted to resist, so I accidentally... .....Feel sorry."

Su Ming pointed to the collapsed palace behind him with a very regretful tone.

Janet looked at the pile of ruins, and felt a sense of emptiness in her heart. Is this the end? It seemed that I had done nothing but travel around this extremely hot planet.

But now that Deathstroke killed the other party, she was relieved, because even if she captured her enemy alive, she couldn't take away other people's lives.

During the day, he is still an ordinary fashion designer, but at night he becomes a superhero and kills people?


Deathstroke took action for her, and she was filled with gratitude.

"Thank you, Supreme Mage, my father can finally rest in peace, eh eh eh eh..."

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