The Death Knell

Chapter 1183?Monster Metropolis

Back in New York, Janet still couldn't stop crying, so Su Ming suggested that Pim take her to eat ice cream to heal her wounds, and gave them a good idea.

Go to the 24-hour Wilson fast food chain and buy a sundae to take home. Then they shrink themselves, so the sundae becomes bigger than an iceberg in relative terms. If stored properly, the two of them can eat it for a long time. .

Ant-Man really didn't expect that his Pym particles could be of such use. If he maintained his atomic size in the future, wouldn't it mean that a grain of rice could last him a year?

So in the night, he took Janet away with great gratitude. The death knell opened the door to a new world for him, and he planned to test this theory. He no longer had any doubts about Deathstroke's enemy's death. The enthusiasm for scientific research once again ignited the scientist's curiosity.

Watching the two people waving goodbye and turning into mosquitoes and disappearing under the light of the street lamp, Casillas cast his eyes on the Supreme Mage.

"Teacher, where should we go next?"

Su Ming removed his face mask, rubbed his hair with his hands, and moved his cervical vertebrae: "Janet's real enemy is not dead. He has always been in the sewers of New York City."

"Then what should I do?"

Xiaoka didn't ask why Deathstroke did this, he just waited for the next order. He didn't care why the Supreme Mage deceived those two people, because the Supreme Mage must have his own reasons.

"The enemy is a group of slugs from the Cosmos dimension. After coming to the earth, they were exposed to gamma rays and became huge. Then they killed Janet's father and sneaked into the sewers." Su Mingchao flicked the cigarette ashes and looked not far away. Manhole covers in dark alleys: "I'm not going to fish them out of the dirty water below, so I have to find a way to force them out."

Xiaoka still had his hands in his sleeves. He stared at the manhole cover gloomily for a while: "Are they creatures from the Cosmos dimension? In fact, they are more like mucus, with many hollow bubbles in their bodies. I know something about them, and they are afraid of fire because in a flame the gases in their bodies expand and explode."

Su Ming couldn't help but glance at Xiaoka. He, a young man, knew something that even Monaco didn't know.

"They have the ability to heal themselves, so the explosion won't have much impact on them, right?"

Casillas nodded first, then shook his head: "The damage to their bodies is not great, but the cavities in their bodies are actually brood pouches, and their offspring's spores will first develop to semi-maturity inside, and then empty. The cavity will form a balloon and break away from the mother, carrying the offspring to distant places. This is their way of reproduction, some like dandelions."

"Spores? So they are fungi?" Su Ming raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know about this. Extradimensional creatures cannot be divided according to the types of earth, but they are probably so. Sorry, there is not much research on them in the whole Kama Taj, because these bugs in the past were not as long as fingernails, and they were not as long as fingernails. It has no research value.”

Casillas said that was all he knew and had said it all.

Su Ming put out his cigarette butt on the brick wall on one side of the alley. The falling sparks illuminated a small spider on the cobweb in the corner. He put the cigarette butt away:

"Maybe the guy from the London Temple knows something, but it doesn't matter, let's go to the Monster City."

Casillas immediately raised his hand to release the portal: "I understand, please come this way, teacher."

As one of the mages stationed in the New York Temple, Casillas obviously knows a lot about the underground order of this city. Many years ago, a group of underground creatures fled to New York during the war with vampires, and then descended under the city. Built their dungeon.

They were a group of guys with little fighting ability. They didn't have the more powerful tauren or two-headed demons among the underground races. The family that led them was the succubus family that slipped out of nowhere.

They rely on the sewers of New York to make a living. The sewage is diverted by them to a part of the mushroom fields used to water their mushroom fields. From time to time, manpower is sent to hunt sewer rats for teething sacrifices. Sometimes there are occasionally murdered corpses in the sewers, and they do eat them, but never It has never actively attacked humans on the ground.

In view of the fact that they showed no harm and that they formed a unique symbiotic relationship with the sewers, Master White of the New York Temple did not take any action against them. He just followed the consistent tradition of Karma Taj and looked on with cold eyes.

Logically speaking, succubi are creatures from the hell dimension and should be expelled when they come to the main dimension. However, those succubi also manage a huge group of underground creatures and restrain their subordinates not to harass humans. If they are driven away Instead, something will happen.

Casillas knew where the dungeon was. Since the Supreme Mage wanted to negotiate terms with them, he just followed them.

A golden ring of fire flashed, leading the two of them to the depths of New York's underground.

This city with a steampunk atmosphere stands in a hollowed-out underground cavity. The sewage in the sewers formed waterfalls and flowed down. The air was filled with the smell of feces and burning coal.

The sewage and the filth inside fell into the moat, and then steam pumps pumped the water into the fields outside the city.

Su Ming had never seen the type of mushrooms grown by underground creatures. They were bigger than Chinese cabbage and really absorbed water. It seemed that this was their staple food, but the mushrooms probably tasted weird.

But I have to say that the succubus is quite smart. There is a drainage outlet outside the vast farmland, and the used wastewater is poured back into the sewer from another direction, so that it will not be discovered by humans.

There are vampires all over the United States, but the vampires in New York dare not come. After all, there is one of the Holy Sanctuaries here, and Kamathaj cannot let magical creatures like the vampires hunt humans.

However, there are too many chimneys and blast furnaces in this city, and the city is covered by steam. Is this a large-scale steel smelting? Su Ming always felt that the style of this city was very different from the underground city he had seen in Tunguska before.

"Outsider? What's wrong with you?"

A voice suddenly came, speaking English with a sewer accent, that is, speaking in a tone like shit was mixed in the mouth.

Su Ming looked left and right, but no one was there. He looked back and forth, but no one was there. It wasn't until he felt someone knocking on his leg armor that he lowered his head and saw a green-skinned goblin looking at him with dissatisfaction.

It was wearing a pretty good little dress, which was a little dirty and smelly. It was probably a children's dress picked up from the sewer.

"I'm looking for your king. Let me think about it. I can't remember his name. Anyway, he is Xia Kela's father."

The goblin looked at the two of them doubtfully. The other looked like a human being: "Are you surface people!?"

Su Ming crossed his arms and had no intention of explaining the underground creature that was less than his knees high: "You don't need to know, go tell him that the Supreme Mage is here and want to negotiate a deal with him."

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