The Death Knell

Chapter 1185? An acquaintance appears

After the tall succubus finished reciting the spell, he used a dagger to bleed the goat. The goat was struggling in the air with its two hind legs, and the blood was everywhere.

But it still couldn't get rid of the claws, and strangely, not a drop of blood spilled out of the magic circle.

There was more and more blood on the ground, and the red liquid gradually filled the magic circle on the ground. It was not until the goat's blood ran out that it was thrown aside.

Then the succubus walked out of the magic circle and concentrated on activating it. Dazzling red light and black smoke poured out from the magic circle, as if something was gradually taking shape in the magic circle.

"He is summoning the hell dimension lord, teacher."

Casillas once again reminded that there is no need to say anything else, at least he must show the value of taking himself out for action.

Su Ming took off his helmet, took out a cigarette, lowered his head to light it, and blew out a smoke ring: "'s okay, let's see who is coming. There are hundreds of hell lords, not everyone." Those who are qualified to negotiate terms with me."

So Casillas continued to stand by and watch, until the light and black smoke in the magic circle gradually solidified, and a slender figure appeared on the altar.

Although you can't see the true face clearly, you can see the graceful figure with forward and backward curves in the light and shadow, and you can guess that it is a female hell lord.

And when he saw the other party walking out of the smoke with a coquettish flip of his long wavy hair, and thought of the city's development trajectory similar to that of human beings, and because even a goblin was so philistine, Su Ming probably guessed who it was. .

"Hehe, Deathstroke, we meet again."

Satana walked off the altar, still wearing her revealing red leather coat. She shook her white hands towards Su Ming, instantly slipped to his side and hugged one of his arms, squeezing the two soft balls.

As if Su Ming didn't feel this burden, he flicked the ashes from his cigarette.

"Mysterio helped you take back the dimension. You don't feel at ease farming at home, so you actually went underground to New York to open a branch base?"

"How can anyone else." Satana rolled her eyes and said coquettishly: "The only place I have in the main dimension is that store in Philadelphia. You know, Master Mordo goes there every week, and he is the most popular one. It’s clear, I didn’t do anything bad.”

"Then what's going on? If it has nothing to do with you, how could the succubus summon you?" Su Ming pointed to the succubus rubbing his hands aside. At this time, he had withdrawn his body and turned into a The appearance of a middle-aged human being who is obese and philistine.

If you saw him on Wall Street, you would definitely think he was a hedge fund manager, because although he is a bit purple and a bit round, he looks extremely shrewd.

Satana took the death knell and walked out to the real living room. She also explained: "It's not that it has nothing to do with it. How can I put it? You also know how complicated hell is. Our two families may be considered to be the same as EMI. Blood relationship, maybe.”

"Speak humanly." Su Ming said expressionlessly.

"You also know that a few years ago, I teamed up with my brother to declare war on my father, right?" Satana leaned her head on his arm, pretending to be a weak woman.

Su Ming used a finger to push her head away, and patted the place she touched, as if he was disgusted: "I don't know, if you and Damon jointly attack Marduk's Hell, what does it have to do with our main dimension?" ?”

"Oh, that's annoying, let me finish." Satana was not angry even after being pushed away. Her big eyes narrowed into slits, and her long, bright red, flame-like wavy hair swayed in the air: "In a long time A long time ago, when my brother and I were still being abused by our father, this succubus family gave us a little help. Later, they were chased by other demons and escaped to the main dimension. Naturally, I have to repay the favor."

As she spoke, she also showed a nostalgic expression. Her and Damon's mothers were human beings. Half-human and half-demon allowed them to live in the main dimension for a long time, unlike other hell lords who had to project their power.

After escaping from Marduk's abuse, she escaped into the main dimension and gave her a chance to breathe. She also enhanced her strength by collecting human desires and darkness, and obtained a piece of the hell dimension. It's just that that dimension was later occupied by tentacle monsters. She had a home and couldn't return, so she had to open a brothel in Philadelphia to live her life.

After helping Deathstroke deal with vampires, Mysterio helped her reclaim her Hell as part of a deal, and she was kicked off Earth.

When they met again, it was the battlefield where she had dealt with the dimensional demons last time. She and Mysterio came together to make a difference.

Su Ming smacked his lips, and his expression became half-smiling: "The devil repays his favor? So you gave him instructions on how to develop the city and how to do business?"

Satana nodded her little head, with a charming smile on her face, and leaned into Su Ming's ear and said:

"But this is the fact. As soon as he heard that the Supreme Mage came to his door today, he was so frightened that he contacted me quickly. If it weren't for repaying his favor, I wouldn't come here because of a goat sacrifice, right? Well, look Regarding my friendship with you, just let him stay in the main dimension, and I will repay you well, hehe."

Su Ming rubbed the ears that had been blown by Satana. This woman was more of a succubus than a succubus. She was indeed a ruthless character with the collar of her leather jacket slit to just below her navel.

A normal person would feel angry when seeing such a beauty, and he couldn't help it, but he knew clearly that underneath her beautiful and weak appearance, she was still a hell lord, one of the demon kings who fed on human souls.

"I'm too lazy to delve into your relationship with this city. He has really not caused any trouble in the past many years, so I will take it as what you said is true. Now let's talk about your conditions. In order for him to stay in the main dimension, What can you give?”

Su Ming was unmoved by her temptation. He walked into the living room and slowly sat on the sofa.

Satana showed a shy expression and twirled her long hair with her fingers: "I, what do you think?"

"Stop playing this trick. Charm has no effect on me. If you can't pay a suitable price, I will clean the main dimension today." Su Ming took out the God Killer, turned it into a giant sword, and then He took out an apple and started peeling it.

Satana sighed. Over the years, she thought her charm spells had improved. However, through contact, blowing, and psychological suggestions, Deathstroke refused to take a single move.

Damn it, is this guy immune to all magic?

She let go of Deathstroke's arm, straightened her leather coat and sat on the sofa opposite her. Her tone and behavior became much more normal:

"You need him to help you with something when you come here this time, right? Because even if you want to expel the demons in New York, it shouldn't be the Supreme Mage who comes. I understand your habits. An ordinary succubus is not worth your help. "

"Maybe I was just bored and passed by by accident." The apple spun quickly, and the sharp blade made almost no cutting sound.

Satana rolled her eyes, leaned back on the sofa, and looked at her fingernails: "But I heard from Mysterio that over the years you have been saying that you are too busy and have no time to go to Limbo to accompany her. Could it be that you Did you lie to her? Oops, I seem to have discovered something..."

"Haha, Mysterio won't believe what you say. She's not as stupid as you." Su Ming was very calm. The apple skin in his hand connected into a thin line: "I'll say it again, your succubus benefactor can live." In the main dimension, but this time he must do something for me in exchange for this survival agreement."

Satana lowered her head and thought for a moment, then turned to ask the succubus for her opinion. The chubby purple-skinned middle-aged man nodded repeatedly, his face full of joy of escaping.

"Okay, I can agree for him. What do you need him to do for you?"

"It's not that he does anything for me. I need all the underground races in this city to help force something in the sewer to the surface."

Su Ming took out the contract and skillfully wrote down the terms of the agreement. The speed with which he drafted the agreement put even Satana, the lord of hell, to shame.

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