The Death Knell

Chapter 1186? Blocking plan

Satana picked up the contract on the table and threw it to the succubus behind her to sign. It seemed as if it really had nothing to do with her. She looked at the death knell calmly with her eyes and played with her big waves with her fingers.

"Force what's in the sewers. Is that why you're looking for the underground race?"

Su Ming nodded, then shook his head: "Actually, I can still find the Atlanteans, but the tsunami is too noisy, so it's not as useful as these guys living further down the sewer."

Satana leaned on the sofa and crossed her legs. She raised her toes in red boots and rolled her eyes to inquire:

"What is worthy of your mobilization?"

"Some creatures from the Cosmos dimension have slipped over. They have been enlarged and are beasts that cannot communicate. They are now wandering in the sewers and are very dangerous to ordinary people."

Deathstroke had nothing to hide, it was just like that, but Satana looked disbelieving. She put down her legs and leaned forward.

"The Cosmos dimension? Isn't that the slug dimension? Did Karma Taj find any new value in those ghost things? Can they be used to eat? Used to generate electricity? Or are they valuable in themselves?"

"There are no benefits. It's just that as the Supreme Mage, it is my duty to deal with the invasion of alien creatures."

Su Ming threw the apple peel on the table with an upright face. He didn't eat the apple, but just put it on the table.

Satana's eyes narrowed, and she shook her head slightly: "I don't believe it. If there are no benefits, just send a few apprentices to deal with this matter. You must still want to get benefits, right?"

"If you don't believe it, you can join us. Your fire magic is quite useful." Su Ming generously invited her to join the team.

The daughter of hell stared at him again and again, as if she wanted to analyze what Deathstroke was thinking from every inch of his facial skin, but no matter how bright the lights in the living room were and how close the two were, she still couldn't tell what Deathstroke was thinking. Any emotion or thought can be read through the eyes.

After a while, she stood up as if frustrated and scratched her hair: "No, it's impossible for me to work for you for free. I'm going back to hell. I wish you success."

"It's up to you, but next time you enter and leave the main dimension, remember to contact Karma Taj first and do the entry and exit registration inspection. Do you understand that what you do today is considered smuggling?" Deathstroke waved to the succubus and motioned for him to come and sit down to talk. Satana's back warned.

This sentence earned her a middle finger. She glared at Su Ming angrily, and her body turned into a flame with a puff, as if it had disappeared deeper into the ground.

The succubus looked at the scorch marks and big holes that appeared on the carpet in the living room, feeling so heartbroken that it was difficult to breathe. It was obvious that such a handmade wool carpet was hard-won, but it was burned.

As for the relationship between this dungeon and Satana, the answer is almost the same as the relationship between believers and God.

In addition to their own cultivation and strengthening their hell dimension, the two brothers, Satana and Damon, have a fighting ability that is also related to the number of believers. This is a special ability or limitation they inherited from their father.

If it can be digitized, the combat effectiveness of their family can be calculated through a formula. Their own combat effectiveness, multiplied by a coefficient related to the number of believers, will be the actual combat effectiveness displayed.

If there were only a few hundred or thousands of believers, Satana wouldn't even be able to exert her full strength, but if she were given a trillion followers, she could destroy the planet by throwing a fireball at random.

Why did she open the Queen store in Philadelphia? Absorbing desires and souls is one of them. On the other hand, it is also because those customers worship the queen. They are voluntarily driven by the queen in the process of various 'games', and their beliefs and desires are collected by Satana, the shop owner. got up.

That store probably collected thousands of casual believers for Satana, but it was still far from her goal, so she was always looking for opportunities to preach.

Marduk once experimented on Satana, and her body was implanted with the soul of an ancient god named Basilisk. Basilisk was one of the descendants of the snake god Set, also known as the Devouring Serpent. , is still in a deep sleep state. Once she wakes up, Satana's own personality may be annihilated, so she is very anxious.

In comparison, her brother Damon is much more relaxed. Although his experience is quite dark, he believes that human nature is good and has more positive energy in his heart. His current superficial identity is as a pastor in a church in Los Angeles. Part-time exorcist.

Yes, the Lord of Hell became a Christian priest, praising God all the time and no one else.

While Su Ming was thinking about the problem, the Succubus City Lord was sitting on the sofa opposite, twitching. He seemed to not know how to speak. He looked at the carpet and then at the death knell, always speechless.

"I need you to help me block all the sewer outlets in New York City. This is the condition. If you do this, your monster metropolis will exist underground in New York in the future. If you can't do it, I will erase you today. .”

The Supreme Mage raised his head, looked into the eyes of the purple-skinned middle-aged man and said, the lights in the room seemed to dim.

"This... I'm afraid it's a bit difficult." The succubus showed a difficult expression, as if she was constipated.

"This is Master Casillas from the New York Temple. He will supervise your work and use magic to help you accomplish things that cannot be accomplished manually."

Su Ming will not give this little devil a chance to bargain. The contract has been signed and he only wants results.

"Now shut up and listen to my plan and get your people to work."

The earliest sewers in New York City date back to the Dutch colonial period, when a trench was dug in the middle of the street and a roof slab was laid over it. Until the mid-nineteenth century, New York City had no real sewer system; residents and businesses simply dumped wastewater into backyard outhouses or directly into street gutters.

After several severe cholera outbreaks, New York City began construction of sewers in 1849. Over the next 50 years, almost all developed areas had sewer networks, and even low-rent housing began to provide flush toilets.

However, almost all the sewage flowing through the sewer system to the surrounding waters of the city was untreated. It was not until 1931 that New York City fully realized the necessity of establishing a sewage treatment plant and issued a detailed plan for the construction of a modern sewage treatment plant.

Today, New York City's daily wastewater treatment relies entirely on 14 sewage treatment plants and about 100 pumping stations. After being treated with chemicals, the sewage flows directly into the sea through drainage outlets.

There are a total of 450 sewage outlets in the urban area, and the wastewater produced in the city every day is about 1.5 billion gallons. As long as these sewage outlets are blocked, it will not take long for the underground sewage to gush out from the road.

Of course, Long Island, where Wilson Enterprises and Tadashi College are located, had already had its underground pipe network transformed by Deathstroke, and it had long been separated from the New York City sewers and operated independently.

A plan has been arranged, and this kind of dirty work will naturally be done by underground creatures. Their city is developing well, and they must take it seriously in order not to give up the right to live here.

Looking at the Succubus City Lord with a strange expression after hearing the plan, Su Ming didn't even bother to ask his name: "I heard that you have two sons and a daughter. Please come and chat with me."

The succubus who transformed into a middle-aged man trembled. He didn't expect that the Supreme Mage even knew this. He was worried that he would take the opportunity to escape and take hostages.

Not only was he surrounded by an evil ice cube face to monitor him, but he also had to detain his children. The Supreme Mage was really too dark.

" two sons died in the battle with the vampires, leaving only one daughter. Please, don't hurt her."

"Are you dead? Then just think what you said is true. If Xia Kaila is there, just ask her to come. I just want to see her." Su Ming curled his lips. He didn't want to take hostages or anything. Because it is completely unnecessary. Where can this little succubus go if the contract witnessed by Emperor Weishan is placed there?

He simply wanted to meet his younger siblings, and he remembered that Xia Kaila's two brothers, one named Amjad and the other named Bejir, were said to be stupider than Thor, so he just wanted to see the lower limit of biological intelligence.

If it were the 616 universe, Xia Kaila would have been lying in a coffin in a pyramid somewhere in Egypt by this time, but it seems that the 40K universe is a little different.

So are those two idiots really dead? Or are they also eyeing the inheritance?

The city lord wanted to say something, but Deathstroke didn't even look at him. Instead, he picked up the apple on the table and fed it to a strange black creature. The monster seemed to come out of him.

This is actually not a threat, the main reason is that the news came from the strangulation that after eating the black sword, he felt a little salty and wanted to eat fruit. The timing was just right.

The succubus swallowed her saliva and asked the housekeeper to inform the princess to come over. She took Casillas and left obediently, unable to say a word in defense.

"Is the black sword really salty? Saltier than salted fish?"

Watching the little black bean sprouts wrap the apple and bite it into pieces, Su Ming used his consciousness to communicate with the strangulation.

Strangler's little head nodded on his shoulder, looking very tired. It was too difficult to digest Black Sword's genes, and it felt full.

"Don't worry, we have plenty of time. The giant dragon's head was blown off and landed in the North Pole. It's just a bit difficult to find. I'm afraid the North Pole will have to be melted. Well...I'll take you after you finish digesting the Black Sword. Go eat that.”

Strangler rubbed his face with his head, acting coquettishly like a cat.


When Su Ming touched the strangled head and communicated with it, he suddenly felt a scorching gaze looking at him. When he turned around, he saw that the magic floating cloak had flown down from behind him at some point and was floating to the side. , silently protesting.

It obviously also showed its strength when fighting against Geer. It broke Geer's neck twice and created opportunities for Deathstroke. It was very crucial, okay?

But why does the Master Supreme only take care of the symbiote and not give himself anything to eat?

Su Ming probably guessed what it was thinking. Su Ming curled his lips. He also wanted a bowl of water to be balanced, but Strangler would be happy eating an apple or chocolate, while Cloak would only eat energy or magic gems. There was a big difference. .

Even though he has controlled the purple gemstone he stole from the purple dimension over the years, there are only a few pieces left now. He does still have the emotional gemstone transformed from the lamp ring, but that thing is considered one of his trump cards and cannot be used often. Feed the pets.

While pulling out a wand that he had looted from Karazhan from his pocket, and throwing it to the cloak to chew on as a bone, Su Ming thought about where to find a stable source of food. He couldn't let the magic floating cloak be around every day. Blackened out in fair treatment.

The cloak provides space flight capabilities, super energy resistance, and convenient transportation, all of which are important to Deathstroke.

How about asking Ciri to contact Geralt and bring back some light crystals to see if the cloak can be eaten?

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