The Death Knell

Chapter 1188? Pim’s Morning

"Choo Choo Choo!"

Amidst the chirping of birds in the early morning, Hank Pym slowly woke up, covering his head. He pressed his forehead with one hand and stared at the ceiling like a dead fish.

The phantom of the dead fiancée never appeared again. It seemed that she also recognized Janet, or in other words, she guided him to see Janet.

The woman pressing his other arm was now real. He turned to look, and Janet's white back was exposed from the blanket.

She was still sleeping deeply. After the revenge was taken last night, she didn't know why she couldn't stop crying. Pim had to take her to buy ice cream, and then the two of them returned to their home together.

At first, the two of them did shrink themselves down to the size of ants and wasps, licking the ice cream together. The sugar might actually be healing, and she soon stopped crying.

However, after they were full, there was still a lot of sundae left, and the two of them didn't know who started the fight first, so they started having a snowball fight.

After all, the ice cream is not ordinary snow, there is cream and sugar in it. After playing for a while, both of them were sticky, so what happened happened.

The two went to take a shower while kissing, and then rolled on the bed. Janet seemed to be venting her fear or anger. She was so wild that it scared Pim. In the end, both of them seemed to have passed out. They were probably so high. Fragment.

However, Pim still woke up on time today, because every morning he had to observe and record the ecology of ants. Thinking of yesterday's trip in the universe, the mysterious death knell and the magician, Pim, who was now in the sage state, thought quietly. How far behind is he from being a first-tier superstar?

However, this is doomed to be in vain. He can't even find anyone who can compare with Deathstroke. He doesn't know who else on earth can easily take them to a planet hundreds of thousands of light years away, on a planet full of monsters. Kill an alien enemy at random and return unscathed.

So the more he thought about it, the more he got a headache, so he simply carefully took his hand out from under Janet's neck, sat up and rubbed his empty stomach, and stopped thinking about those things.

From now on, he will also have a partner, who is also his lover. Instead of thinking about irrelevant things, it is better to think about how to ensure her safety.

The arm that was taken away made Janet in the dream frown, turn over, and fumble a few times on the mattress with her little hands. She gave up when she didn't catch anything.

The two people's uniforms and equipment were scattered everywhere on the floor, and there were large traces of melted ice cream on them. It must be troublesome to clean them. Pim tiptoed to the closet and took out his pajamas. After putting them on, he opened the bedroom window to get some air.

He first went to the garden to check on the ants and make population records. He then checked the weather to see if it would change today. Then he went to the bathroom to pee and wash up.


Just when he was shivering with his eyes closed, he suddenly heard a sound similar to abdominal rumble. No matter what it was, it must be a big thing.

He opened his eyes and lifted his pants, then bent down to press the button to flush. Only then did he see what was making that strange noise. The yellow water in the toilet was boiling like a boil, with a large number of bubbles and unknown... The dirt is pouring up in the opposite direction.

"Watts Oh Fa..."

boom! ! !

Before Pim could even finish his swear words, an explosion occurred. A jet of dark brown water suddenly spurted out of the toilet. In the blink of an eye, Pim turned into a 'minion'.

Because he subconsciously cursed just now, a lot of dirt got into his mouth accidentally, and his smart brain immediately realized what he had eaten, which made Pim vomit bile.

At this moment, in his home, whether it was the toilet, wash basin, kitchen sink, bathroom floor drain, or bathtub, things were spraying out like fountains everywhere. The water pressure was so great that the water columns hit the ceiling. It splashes like a goddess scattering flowers.

The impact of the stench and filth almost made Pim fall to the ground. He managed to hold on to the wall and vomit. His other hand kept scraping the things off his face, as if he was playing with pottery. He had to Only when your eyes are clear and can you see the road can you escape from this hell.

All kinds of filth are still spewing out. If you don't leave the bathroom quickly, I'm afraid you will drown!

"Come on, Henry, you can do it! Move! Don't throw up. Control your body's instinct and move!"

He roared like a beast in his heart, thinking about how to escape from the danger. He had never thought that a human being would be in danger in his own bathroom, or that the most disgusting way to die would be to drown in excrement and domestic wastewater.

But he is a superhero after all, and even without the Ant-Man uniform, he is still a hero.

His mind that had been tortured by phantoms was still tough enough. During the long years of being tortured by phantoms, he learned self-hypnosis and allowed himself to ignore the surrounding environment as much as possible, so he did that now.

Pim hinted to himself that the liquid sprayed out of the toilet was chocolate mayonnaise, and that he was not at home, but in Charlie's Chocolate Factory.

The self-hypnosis worked, and he soon stopped retching, but his body was shaking a little.

"Very well, we have to find a way to get out of here now... The ground is covered with chocolate sauce and is very slippery. Once you fall, your head may hit the wall or a hard object, and you will definitely die. For Just to be on the safe the way, crawl forward!"

Just do what comes to mind, Pim is fighting against time.

He had some money, and Howard got him involved in several projects and made a lot of money. So his house, bathroom and attached bathroom are very large, and he must rush to the door, open the door and escape before the mayonnaise fills the entire bathroom.

He immediately crawled in the mayonnaise. SHIELD's introductory training was not in vain. He started to move forward quickly with standard military movements. The layers of chocolate sauce were pushed away by him, and the floating solids kept hitting his cheeks. Still turning a blind eye.

"It's nuts... there are large pieces of nuts in the chocolate sauce, and this smell... it's fruity, yes!" He hypnotized himself again, took a deep breath, and shed tears. Don't know why it leaked out.

How could SHIELD's chief scientist die here? He felt furious and paddling faster, like a catfish in the mud. He reached the bathroom door in a few short movements.

He sat up on his knees. The mayonnaise had spread to his waist. He stretched out his trembling hands to grab the door handle.

But at this moment, the door opened.

Janet wore a wasp uniform, shrank herself to the size of a fairy and flew at the door. She looked at him with disgust, covered her nose with her hands, and said in a low voice.

"Hank Pym! You're so boring!"


Pim, who had just escaped, had no idea what Janet was talking about. Sticky things kept flowing down his face, and the strange smell made him just want to run away.

Janet flew further away and looked at the sewage that was constantly pouring out of the bathroom. Her expression was very ugly: "You want me to experience the risks of being a superhero and remind me that danger can happen anytime and anywhere. I understand this, but There is no need for such disgusting methods!”

Pim escaped from the bathroom and wanted to catch up with Janet to explain, but she was more flexible and wouldn't let the minions get close.

After several attempts to save him, Pim stood in the curry soup and shouted helplessly: "I didn't, this is not an educational activity."

Janet still covered her nose. The whole house was filled with stench. She was so dizzy that she was about to crash. How could she be in the mood to talk nonsense to Pim?

"Is it because you were happy that we had sex last night, so you secretly set off fireworks in the toilet to celebrate when you got up in the morning? Huh! I'm very unhappy now! I can't even wash my face, brush my teeth, and put on makeup, and I'm still wearing yesterday's dirty clothes! Do you know what this means to women?!”

"No, it wasn't me, it was the sewer explosion! Trust me!" Pim screamed like a cuckoo crying blood.

A look of contempt appeared on Janet's little face, and her eyes pierced Pim's heart like a sharp sword: "You still don't understand. It doesn't matter how things happened. Now you should solve this matter quickly and let you A woman can enjoy a peaceful life, wash her clothes comfortably, and dress up beautifully. This is what a boyfriend should do!"

Pim understood, yes, when a woman lives with a man, she is looking for support. In many areas, the older generation of men have to cut down trees and build houses with their own hands after getting married, not to mention that the whole United States knows that building dog houses and repairing sewers are A man's responsibility.

His mistake was that he should not tell the difference, but should tell Janet to fix it immediately.

When he understood the spirit of the meeting and was about to make a commitment, Janet had already flown away from the window, waving her little hands and leaving a sentence: "The room stinks so much, I'm going for a ride, you hurry up and work."

Then she disappeared, and there was only the buzzing sound of wings in the air, which became farther and farther away, and the sound of viscous flowing water, which became closer and closer. Pim stood stunned on the spot...


Janet flapped her wings and flew across the courtyard and over the community.

She realized that Pim really hadn't lied to her, because the situation on the street was even worse than at home, with brown torrents rolling and roaring on the road.

What happened at home is just a microcosm of what is happening in thousands of households in New York today, and perhaps no one in the city is spared.

Manhole covers were flying in the air one after another, and the dark brown water columns below were swaying against them, while all kinds of dirt were splashing everywhere. The few pedestrians were running away on the higher sidewalks, holding their heads in their hands, wearing various colors on their bodies. The stars are just like Dalmatians.

Someone went out to walk their dog in the morning, but now they are holding their dog and struggling to prevent the pet from breaking away and eating something on the ground. Someone climbed up the tree and shouted for help, hoping that someone would help him get down. Another vehicle crashed into a lamppost, and the driver escaped from the cab but knelt on the ground and vomited.

"Help! I'm drowning in shit!" a man yelled as he ran, but the filth on the sidewalk only reached his ankles.

"Haha! The end of the world is finally here! Have you mortals seen it?!" A homeless man held up a large paper sign saying 'The end of the world is coming' and danced like crazy on the edge of the roadside with 'Shit in the Song' classic dance.

"Yes! We were attacked by biological and chemical weapons! The situation is out of control! Today is not April Fool's Day, Fuck! Does the government only ask questions after raising stupid pigs like you? Fuck!" There is also a grumpy old man on the roadside. He breathed sweet fragrance next to the police phone and greeted all relatives from the federal president to the police operator.

Janet shuddered as she looked at the chaotic scene, prayed in her heart for the homeless people who lived in the sewers all year round, crossed herself on her chest and wished them rest in peace...

Then she quickly pulled up some height, she didn't want to get caught in these things.

If it were other superheroes, they might go to save people or something at this time, but Janet would not. She loves to be clean and beautiful, and has always lived like a young lady.

Dr. Dean has never asked her to work, so she can't even cook or wash dishes, and she's completely ungrateful. Now he's asking her to deal with an outbreak of feces in the city? It's better to just kill her.

So she just hovered in the air and observed for a while, and finally her eyes lit up and she flew towards the sea.

If the whole city is swallowed up by excrement and sewage, then there should be nothing on the sea. Going to enjoy the sea breeze in the morning may improve your mood, and maybe you can go for a swim to wash off your uniform, which must be excellent.

So the little bee buzzed away and flew away so quickly that she didn't even have time to say goodbye.

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