The Death Knell

Chapter 1189? Giant Monster

"This world is filthy again..."

Located at the intersection of Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, Deathstroke stood on the rooftop of the 443-meter-high Empire State Building with his arms crossed and overlooking the entire city, speaking strange lines that Casillas could not understand at all.

On rainy days, strong winds always make the signal tower on top of the Empire State Building appear to be shrouded in smoke. But today, the sunlight reflecting off the water in the city made the entire building turn a little yellow, as if it were Old newspapers that have stood the test of time.

Xiaoka was not interested in the words of the Supreme Mage. He was currently doing his best to cast spells to maintain the normal operation of thousands of magic circles throughout the city.

Some of these magic circles guide the accumulated water on the road into the sewers, while others spray the liquid in the sewers out of the ground. When the two are combined, the sewage will circulate endlessly.

However, as the water level in the city rises, it is inevitable that sewage will flow directly from the ground in the city into the sea, so this cycle is just a theory.

Even with the help of underground race sorcerers, commanding the operation of such a large-scale magic circle was almost approaching Casillas's limit. He could not even distract himself from thinking about the meaning of the Supreme Mage's words.

The overdraft of his mental power made his temples beat violently. If the monster still didn't appear within five minutes, I'm afraid he would have to change people here first, replacing Hamil or Xiao Wang.

The streets were full of water, and the sounds of people crying and howling were even more continuous. Fortunately, it was high enough here, and the smell in the air did not spread here for a while.

Seeing that the whole city was plunged into a yellowish mist, Su Ming felt something. He changed the direction on the rooftop and continued to look around. Watching the 'minions' running wildly in the city, he recited the famous of poetry.

"The incense towering into the sky penetrates New York, and the city is filled with golden armor... What a poem, what a poem."

Hearing the death knell leisurely reciting poems and looking at the scenery, Casillas's body swayed, and he turned his head like a puppet: "Teacher, I can't hold on any longer. To drive such a large-scale wind force, the cost of casting a spell is very high. "

"Don't panic. After you finish the work, go to the 'Anonymous Outlaws' to reimburse them, and I'll sign a note for you."

With that said, Su Ming took out a piece of paper from his pocket and wrote it down on the wall.

‘This is Casillas, the mage of the New York Temple. During the period when he was traveling with the Supreme Mage, he owed a certain amount of spellcasting fees for the mission. He is hereby allowed to reimburse him in full. The death knell of the Supreme Mage. ’

After finishing writing, he walked up to Xiaoka in the strong wind on the rooftop, stuffed the note into his pocket, and patted his pocket to reassure the other person.

In fact, today's unknown disciples are also very hungry. They were originally a group of ascetic monks who volunteered to help the Supreme Master share the cost of casting spells as their own practice, and in exchange for being able to live in Kama Taj and eat and drink for free. .

Physical and mental pain means transcendence from the world to them. After experiencing all the extreme pain in the world and dying in pain, you can reach bliss. This is their teaching.

Kama Taj is located at the southern foot of the Himalayas, and as a magical holy land, it also has underground buildings located inside the mountain, such as dungeons for experimental subjects, warehouses for storing dangerous goods, and temples for the unknown.

I don’t know what kind of Buddhist monks that group of people believe in. They may be a certain sect of Tantric Buddhism, or they may simply be a cult. Anyway, they drink wine and eat meat, marry and have children without any taboos. The only way to practice is to share the cost of casting spells for others.

Most ascetic monks elsewhere in the world beat themselves with canes or leather whips, or practice some kind of withered-arm Zen, but how can conventional methods be so satisfying at the cost of casting spells? You don't need to disembowel your body to feel the excruciating pain.

They live in the underground temple of Kama Taj all year round. They cover their eyes with a black cloth when meditating, and then sit in the middle of the darkness where they can't see their fingers, waiting to help the Supreme Mage share the cost of casting spells.

After Gu Yi retired and Death Knell succeeded to the throne, they had not experienced satisfactory 'tempering' for a long time. Without tempering, they would not be able to ascend to bliss, so what's the point of living?

So in the early years, they actually thought about leaving Karma Taj and finding a magic school that could enjoy pain more. However, Deathstroke found them and explained to them what placement play was, and they suddenly realized it.

Not paying attention at all is also a kind of psychological torture.

What a risk, I almost missed the opportunity because of my impatience. It turns out that the new Supreme Mage is better than the Ancient One in torturing people?

Merely fooling them was not enough. In order to hold them back, Deathstroke also gave other archmages the authority to use the nameless disciples, allowing them to use the nameless disciples to share the cost of casting spells, which is the so-called reimbursement system.

However, every time they went underground to reimburse the cost of casting spells, the monks would surround them like vicious dogs pouncing on their food, as if they were all eager to ascend to heaven and become Buddhas, with dazzling eyes...

This is also the reason why Monaco is unwilling to let them share the cost, because he feels that those people are abnormally fanatical and completely crazy. This has nothing to do with whether they are willing or not. His conscience does not allow him to bully the disabled.

Naturally, Su Ming cannot let everyone ask them to reimburse the cost of casting spells. The unknown person can be regarded as Kama Taj's precious strategic reserve. In the magic war in another dimension, whoever lasts longer is more likely to win. If it is consumed normally, It’s over, what should I do if something happens?

This is the first time that Casillas has received an approval letter from the Supreme Mage. He can't help but think about it. Does this mean that in a few decades, he will hope to become a member of the Archmage?

But before he could think too much, the sound of the death knell came again: "The target has appeared, over there, stop casting spells."

Looking from the Empire State Building in the distance, the city was very chaotic. With Casillas's eyesight, he should not be able to see anything without the help of magic, but at this time he also saw a green spot in the yellow mist. Squirming slowly.

The Supreme Mage has determined the target, so it should be right.

"Do you need to get closer?" Casillas put on the hanging ring and stopped the magic circle that was pumping water and blowing air.

"The distance is not far, let's fly over." Su Ming said and pulled him to jump off the building together. The magic floating cloak led the two of them through the gaps between the skyscrapers, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Why does Deathstroke dare to fly in the city in broad daylight? Because everyone is looking at the ground now. Although the situation is similar no matter how you land, the feeling of your feet will not lie. It is better to accept stepping on a liquid than a solid, right?

The monster can still be seen more than ten kilometers away, indicating that it is larger than imagined. At this time, it looks like it wants to go outside the city, because the direction it is moving is the George Washington Bridge connecting Manhattan to New Jersey. .

This bridge spans the Hudson River and is an important transportation artery in New York City because it carries important highways such as Interstate 95, U.S. Highway 1, U.S. Highway 9, and U.S. Highway 46, as well as the lower four track railway.

It is the busiest toll bridge in the world and the fourth longest suspension bridge in the United States. It is not as beautiful as the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, but its annual traffic volume is more than 8 million, making a great contribution to New York City's finances. made a great contribution.

Only now, chaos reigns on the bridge as giant slugs slowly crawl onto the deck, and the bridge itself creaks under its weight.

The death knell, which had approached about one thousand meters, stopped flying. He found a rooftop hut of a residential building on the shore of Manhattan to hide.

"Wait for a wave of fools to test first, and let's secretly observe the monster's weaknesses." He said to Xiaoka.

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