The Death Knell

Chapter 1190? The Death Knell of Bystanders

The huge green monster is a little yellowish for some reason, and its mountain-like body seems to move slowly but quickly. Its body is about four hundred meters long, and its head that is raised like a snail when crawling is also two hundred meters long, and its body is completely squeezed. It fills eight lanes of road, and some parts are suspended over the bridge deck, which means the body width is also more than 40 meters.

"It's really the same data as Godzilla, tsk tsk."

In the room on the rooftop, Su Ming was smoking a cigarette while chatting with Xiaoka. The narrow stairwell was filled with the smell of tobacco, which somewhat obscured the rancid smell of the city.

"Excuse me, teacher, what is Godzilla?"

In the spirit of rigorous study, Casillas covered his nose and asked.

"A kind of marine monster. Maybe you will have the opportunity to see it in the future. Humanity's knowledge of the earth is still limited to the ground. We know almost nothing about the underground and the seabed."

Su Ming flicked the ashes of his cigarette, and a man ran up the stairs wanting to take refuge. However, Hangzhou showed his face from behind the death knell and opened his mouth to scare the man, who then rolled away and fled.

Does Marvel have a Godzilla? The answer is yes. The Marvel editorial department once owned the rights to use Godzilla and created ten Godzillas in different parallel universes.

Their origins are basically related to Pym. Generally speaking, Ant-Man and the Wasp went to Japan to do justice, because the United States is the godfather of Japan. It is not enough to just squeeze profits. It still has to take care of it occasionally.

During the operation, Pym accidentally dropped a jar of Pym particles into the sea. He couldn't fish it out during the battle. When he went to look for it afterwards, he couldn't find it.

With a sense of luck, he comforted himself that everything was fine, and took his wife back to the United States. However, the next day Japan was invaded by the Gothicians, which was a loss of life.

Marvel's Godzilla is often very powerful. Not only does he have the physical data of the eleventh generation, that is, he is four hundred meters long and weighs one hundred thousand tons. He also controls charged particle cannons, tail whips, strong electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic pulses, and plasma cutting. In addition to skills such as graviton manipulation, controlling internal molecules to release heat, etc., they can often use Pym particles to enlarge or reduce themselves, making them difficult to detect.

Godzilla from Earth 616 wiped out the Avengers and the Fantastic Four as soon as he came face to face with them. You must know that the team configuration can last for a while in the face of multiverse gods. It has 24 individual issues, and the content is how to defeat them. Superheroes of all kinds.

However, not every parallel universe has such a good record. Godzilla from Earth 7642 has faced off against the Avengers and the Main Alliance at the same time, and Batman from the Interconnected Universe once again proved who is the favorite of American comic editors. dad......

Su Ming hoped that his universe wouldn't have that kind of thing, but if it did, he wouldn't bother to care about it. Godzilla is a species native to the earth, and the Supreme Mage has no reason to deal with it.

At most, it can kill some people, destroy some buildings, eat a few nuclear power plants, etc. If you don't care about it, it will return to the Pacific Ocean to sleep on its own after it is full.

Casillas nodded thoughtfully and returned his attention to the slug.

Because of the outbreak of biochemical pollution in the city, some nearby residents fled to the bridge across the river to take shelter. However, they never expected that such a huge monster would emerge from such a small manhole at the head of the bridge.

Many vehicles that were still moving at that time were able to avoid it and plunged into the monster's body. Then, whether it was the steel or aluminum alloy body, or the driver's body, all could be seen through the monster's translucent body. Until they quickly decompose and disappear.

The monster contains strong acid, which is limited to the bodily fluids in the body, which means that once it is swallowed, it will definitely die.

Not only Xiaoka realized this, but many people on the bridge also discovered it, so they began to run away. Pedestrians trampled on each other, and vehicles collided with each other. The tragedy happened.

Chaos is always accompanied by death, because human society is based on order.

The monster was obviously very interested in killing people. It stretched out many yellow-green tentacles and swept the upper level of the bridge like a whip.

At this time, a train passed by the lower level of the bridge. It seemed to have felt the vibration. Countless tentacles reached down instantly, took out the long train, played with it for a while like a snake, then flattened it and threw it into the Hudson. In the broad surface of the river.

It doesn't eat humans, it just likes to play with humans, probably out of pure curiosity, like a child digging out an ant hole. Or maybe it doesn't have any thoughts at all, it's chaotic and stupid like the Old Ones, it's just something that moves by beating.

A whole train of people were probably dead, and there were about a few hundred people. Su Ming was not moved at all, but used this to speculate on the monster's power and resistance to explosions.

It doesn't seem to be afraid of fire after it grows to a huge size. The burning cars and fallen carriages on the bridge are directly integrated into its body without any problems.

Xiaoka didn't mean to save anyone. He was a wizard and not a superhero, so he didn't feel any discomfort watching such a scene. On the contrary, he felt that these people's deaths were not in vain because they provided important experimental data.

"This monster has some strength." The young mage sighed.

"It's not bad. I haven't seen any means of energy radiation so far, but in terms of brute force, it has no rival on earth."

Su Ming commented while smoking, as if he was watching the animal world. Casillas smiled, licked the corners of his mouth like a snake, and said:

"That's because you didn't take action, teacher. After all, it is an alien beast. How can it be a human opponent?"

"Let's take a look first. This time the military arrived first. Prepare some teleportation magic."

Xiaoka did not doubt that he was there and just followed the instructions. It would be too naive to think that since this was New York, the military would not use nuclear bombs.

After Howard invented the nuclear bomb, the military became strongly dependent on this weapon. When it encountered problems that could not be solved, it would drop nuclear bombs. It's like if it is left unused, Howard's scientific research talent will be wasted.

However, the military is not crazy enough to use nuclear weapons right away. They need a trial process to determine that conventional weapons cannot defeat the enemy.

This is New York after all, and it is normal for the military to respond quickly. It is now difficult for vehicles to pass through the city, so they first came with fighter jets.

Two two-plane formations flew over the river at low altitude, with a classic delta-wing aerodynamic layout. This was a new fighter aircraft, the F16A, which was put into large-scale use only in 1978. With his extraordinary dynamic vision, Su Ming could even see the personality on the pilot's helmet. Painting.

Perhaps they had not yet learned the specific situation. The four aircraft first passed through the field at a low altitude and then circled in the air. They must have obtained some permission. After the second dive, they launched an attack.

The two lead planes raised their alert, and the two wingmen launched a total of four surface-to-air missiles at the monster. In the light of the explosion, the fleet of planes flew over and under the bridge respectively. There was a high splash of water on the river, and the four planes The fighter plane broke through the smoke and rose rapidly.

The action is cool, but the effect...

For a moment, the bridge was completely shrouded in black smoke, and nothing could be seen clearly. However, after a few seconds, the wind blew away the smoke and dust, and it could be seen that the monster did not even slow down its forward speed, as if it did not feel anything. attack.

"They used AGM65 'Baby' air-to-surface missiles. It was hard to force this monster to the ground, but they couldn't let them blow up the bridge and let the monster fall into the water. Casillas, use the chain link on the fleet lightning."

Su Ming recognized the power of the explosion, looked at the even more shaky bridge, and gave new orders to the mage beside him.

As a sorcerer loyal to Kama Taj, Kamar doesn't care who the enemy is. Even though he lives in the New York Temple, it doesn't mean he is an American. Anyway, he never goes out, and he has never even been to the supermarket. Kama Taj's, his allegiance is only to the Supreme Mage.

Walking out of the rooftop stairwell, Xiaoka started to cast spells against several aircraft flying at low altitude. The F16's low-altitude capability was very good, but even at the slowest speed, it would take at least a 260-meter turn to turn around. This is still a theoretical value.

He didn't know the data, but if the Sorcerer Supreme said to cast a spell on them, do so.

As the handprints changed rapidly, a few short words burst out of his thin lips, and a string of dazzling thunder and lightning suddenly struck down from the clear yellowish sky, accurately hitting the fighter planes.

Perhaps the magic circle that controlled the entire New York sewers made him a little weak. This magic did not shoot down the fighter group, but only burned some of their electronic equipment and caused some smoke in the cockpit.

Despite this, the American pilots also believed that they were very valuable, so they fled immediately, probably going back to report the news that the giant monster could spit thunder and lightning.

"Shall we take action now?"

Casillas, who had driven away the fighter jet, put his hands into his wide sleeves again, his face hidden under his hood and his expression invisible.

Su Ming put out his cigarette and let Strangler raise his visor: "Wait a minute, the Air Force hasn't tested anything. Let's see how the Army performs."

However, the second batch of people who rushed to the battlefield were not the army, but some scattered people in strange clothes.

It was the New York vigilantes who arrived. They arrived at the battlefield in different ways. Some came on bicycles, and some ran on two legs. They didn't even have time to take a breath, and they bravely stopped the monster. in front of.

To be honest, Su Ming hasn't paid attention to the superhero community in New York for a long time. Holloway may be familiar with them, but he has now faked his death in Hawaii and can't hang out with these young people at all.

As time goes by, vigilantes who debut later tend to have stronger abilities. Almost none of Holloway's first batch of vigilantes had superpowers. At most, they were good at fighting or having good marksmanship. But now, you don't have your signature superpower, and you don't have the face to communicate with your teammates when you go out.

Su Ming saw a hero who looked a bit like Captain America. He jumped several meters high and waved his fist at the huge monster. His friends behind him also roared and shouted with each other. Each uses their own means to attack the monster.

Then the man plunged into the body of the yellow-green monster and was instantly corroded into ashes. His painful wails immediately stunned the vigilantes on the bridge.

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