The Death Knell

Chapter 1192? Black helicopter

The first defense line also saw the monster's attack before. They chose to fight and dragged the monster in the center of the bridge.

Among the four, Free Girl has the strongest combat power. The energy light cannon she emits after briefly accumulating energy. If Deathstroke is correct, it should be a type of cosmic energy. This is considered a blessing from God among superheroes.

Those who can absorb, transform and utilize the energy of the universe are basically dimensional demons. Magic is a form of selling the absorbed energy to sorcerers. Free Girl's method of transferring cosmic energy and firing it directly as a weapon is indeed crude, but she is naturally standing on the other side of the threshold.

Unfortunately, as the battle progressed, it turned out that her talent was in vain.

Even though she saw that the light cannon had no effect on the monster, she still continued to fire energy without giving up, which had no effect except making her breathless.

"They are destined to lose. If Black Fox is going to die, save him and let him spend the rest of his life peacefully after retirement." Deathstroke said to Xiao Ka: "I saw an acquaintance and I had to go over and have a chat. "

"Why save the Black Fox? He looks... very ordinary." Casillas may be facing a magic overdraft, and he is somewhat unwilling to release unnecessary magic.

Su Ming sighed and said with some emotion: "He is an honest man, and he is also the spare tire of those two women. Isn't this miserable enough? If he dies miserably in the body of a monster, it will be too dark."

Casillas thought for a moment and realized that this was indeed the case, so he nodded in agreement. As for how to save people, it's easy. Just open the void entrance at the target's feet and let him fall freely, avoiding the fatal attack.

Deathstroke patted Xiaoka on the shoulder happily and flew away.

His target was a helicopter hovering high above the river on the other side of the bridge, hundreds of meters away. The aircraft was not the military's green color, but painted in black. Even the windshield was black and single-sided. There were several people sitting in the cabin despite the light glass. Among them was a black man wearing a black windbreaker hiding in the shadow of the cabin.

SHIELD's field team is here. In this era, they don't have Zephyrs or even Quinjets. They rely on helicopters to get out.

The Quinjet is not S.H.I.E.L.D.'s technology, it is a copycat version of the Blackbird, and the Blackbird was made by the blue-furred 'Beast' Henry Philip McCoy for the X-Men, but now the Beast has just I haven’t been with Professor X for long.

The SHIELD team obviously had the same idea as Deathstroke. They first observed other people's fights with monsters and determined the opponent's level before deciding whether to enter or run away.

Nick Fury doesn't have any heroic complex. When something happens and he can't do anything, he will definitely evacuate first and wait outside the safe area for the military to drop the nuclear bomb.

So he hid in the shadows of the cabin, holding a special black telescope and watching the battlefield with an expressionless face.

His judgment was that the situation was not good. The first line of defense was unable to cause effective damage to the monsters at all. On the contrary, they were exhausted from the monsters' tentacle counterattacks. As time went by, human physical strength would become worse and worse, and in the end they would even lose strength. He didn't even have the strength to escape.

But the army's army hasn't arrived yet, and Fury wants to wait.

Fury secretly studied the data taken from the Army Intelligence Office last night, and learned more or less about the effects of gamma rays. Now that he has observed the monster's behavior more, he can better analyze the value of the data.

SHIELD's money is public money, Howard's money is his personal money, and Fury also needs money to make some arrangements if he wants to be the director of SHIELD.

Only he and the Black Widow know about the conspiracy, so if he sells the information back to the military, he can keep the money and give some to Natasha as hush money, while the rest can be used to plan his own plans. .....

So when he saw the monster showing off its power, he was even a little relieved. The stronger the monster showed, the more valuable this information was.

The military believed that the monster was created by Dr. Dean, and the military sponsored the doctor's experiments, so they felt that the monster was the military's "property" and strongly demanded to deal with it on their own, resolutely opposed to SHIELD's intervention.

Although he was unhappy about allowing monsters to destroy the city, after receiving notes from the U.S. Congress and the President, Howard ordered SHIELD agents not to participate in the matter and let the military resolve it.

He didn't know why the military was so confident, so just in case, a field team was sent to investigate the situation.

At this time, Fury had no idea of ​​entering the game. For a person like him to participate in such a thing, it would be to die. The power of the monster was beyond imagination.

On the other hand, selling gamma ray data should not be a big problem.

Now that this monster is so powerful, the military must want to know how it was made. A large sum of money has been spent to sponsor the experiment, and it should not be stingy with spending hundreds of millions of dollars to buy back the lost data.

As for hundreds of millions, the performance of the monster is directly proportional to the price.

Just when money was floating in his mind, in the blink of an eye, he saw a red eye attached to his lens.


Fury was startled. After he was blind in one eye, he couldn't see the outside world when using a telescope. Suddenly a red eye appeared and looked at him. This was still thousands of meters high in the sky. Who else could it be? All were frightened.

But he recovered quickly. He had a deep memory of that red eye. It was the owner of the red eye who saved his life in the sewers of Paris. After that, it appeared again and again in various places, including Fury's nightmares. inside.

Putting down the telescope, I saw the death knell floating outside the helicopter, rising slowly from the blind spot below everyone.


The cloak fluttered in the wind, a demonic voice sounded, and even though the propeller roared ear-splittingly, the words of the death knell slid into their hearts like ice cubes.

Fury took a deep breath, took out an electric horn with his backhand, and shouted to Su Ming: "Not at all!"

"Hehehe... People say, 'The older you get, the less courageous you are.' Is that the same for you, Nick?" Deathstroke let out a chirping laugh, and squeezed into the helicopter with ease, and pulled him up to the cabin with his backhand. door, the noise is greatly alleviated.

It seems that SHIELD has modified the helicopter. At least the cabin is well soundproofed. Su Ming nodded and said hello to several people, but he noticed that Natasha or Dugan were not there, and only half of them were following Fury. Howling Commandos.

"Strange, where is your bearded follower?"

Su Ming reached out and poked Fury's weak spot, asking him to answer the question.

Fury was obviously not happy, but he still told the truth: "He was ordered to form a new team, so you can think of him as a promotion."

"Haha, where can you get promoted? The most it can be is a seventh-level agent." Deathstroke seemed to be very familiar with SHIELD. He took out a pack of cigarettes and gave one to each of the team members in the cabin, because they were all The acquaintances who survived World War II, these people had seen Deathstroke, and they were relatively calm: "He is going to lead the Howling Commandos, a team formed by S.H.I.E.L.D. summoned by werewolf mummy ghosts. Why didn't he ask Kamatai when it came to the occult?" Where is Ji Baobei?"

Fury's dark face became even darker. He put down the speaker in his hand, took the cigarette, and took a drag in depression: "Then you must at least leave us your contact information, so as not to involve us in the occult every time. During the incident, I couldn’t even find you.”

"That's right. Later I will arrange for Master Druid to be a consultant to SHIELD. He is currently in the wilderness of Antarctica and has been there with the Monster Hunter team for several years."

Su Ming nodded. Now the only person in SHIELD who knew his identity was Howard, but that guy had a very vague understanding of mysticism. He believed that everything was science, and magic was just a phenomenon that could not be explained by science for the time being.

"This couldn't be better."

Fury's head was droopy, and he didn't look right, because Deathstroke was keenly aware that he was losing his hair.

During World War II, the charcoal head had a hairy afro, but during the Vietnam War, it became a flat head, and now its hairline has moved significantly backward.

"Why didn't your Avengers team come today? And why do I feel that you are not in good condition?" Su Ming was an acquaintance with Fury after all. He put his arm around Hei Tan's shoulders cordially and said seriously: "If you If you have anything sad, why don't you tell me... and make me happy?"

Fury stared at his mask with the eyes of a dead fish, but the biggest advantage of the mask is that it can block the line of sight. Seeing Deathstroke looking at him with inquiring eyes without any guilt, Fury sighed quietly and turned his head. Picked up the telescope and looked out the window again.

"I'm fine. The Avengers disbanded. That was a mistake from the beginning."

A few years ago, Fury formed the first generation of Avengers. The initial members were Kraven the Hunter, Silver Sable, Sabretooth, and Dominic Fortune.

From a certain perspective, his vision is not bad. The strength of these four people is very good, but Fury may have overestimated himself and underestimated the ideas of these people.

Kraven the Hunter is only thinking about how to kill people and how to throw his captives to his own private island to play battle royale. He has no interest in doing chivalry at all. He only works for SHIELD to get money to update his murderous skills. Tools, as well as legal procedures for handling small islands.

The hometown of Silver Sable is Silkaria. The name of this country may sound a bit unfamiliar, but as long as you know that its neighbor to the west is Latvinia, the hometown of Doctor Doom, and its neighbor to the east is Mordo's hometown of Tran. Just Sylvania.

Those countries now have one common characteristic, that is, they are so poor that it is difficult to eat.

Silver Sable's father established a unit called the "Wild Regiment" during World War II, specifically to defend the country against the Nazis, and it accomplished many extraordinary feats.

However, the world is still in the Cold War, and Silkaria is having a very difficult time because it did not take sides. The people's livelihood is in decline, the government is running a deficit, and the country cannot even maintain its army.

Silver Sable, who inherited the leadership of the Wild Chapter, was actually the general of that small country. In order to preserve this elite force for the country, she transformed the Wild Chapter into an international mercenary group and went to Africa and South America to take orders.

The income is not only used to pay salaries to the team members, but also to support the country's economic income.

Half of Silkaria's current treasury income comes from agriculture and half from mercenary groups. After all, mercenaries do not have business all the time, so their country earns about five million U.S. dollars every year, and people all over the country count on it. Eat with this little money.

The government is unwilling to turn to the United States, and neither is the Legion, but she personally can accept employment from SHIELD. After all, SHIELD can now be regarded as one of the agencies of the United Nations.

So she came, and the personal charges were undoubtedly sky-high for the price level of her home country. One mission was US$10,000, but for SHIELD, it was really cheap.

She is proficient in tactical command and hot and cold weapons. She has been injected with some kind of transformation drug, making her immortal and possessing physical fitness beyond mortals.

She is even good at military management and politics. After all, unlike lone mercenaries like Deathstroke and Deadpool, she has a mercenary group of thousands of people under her command and a country to feed.

She was a very weird woman. She and her mercenary group didn't mind doing dirty work, even being hired by warlords to launch massacres. But she treated the people of her motherland as warm as spring, which was simply heroic. model.

So Su Ming felt that there must be something wrong with her brain. For that little money, she might as well bring her wild warriors to work as security guards for Wilson Enterprises. Not only would the income be stable, but the benefits would be good...

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