The Death Knell

Chapter 1193? The military’s new toy

As for Sabretooth Tiger in the original Avengers, he wasn’t in it for the money.

He is a spy for Romulus, and what he wants is intelligence. He uses the platform of SHIELD to secretly observe Wolverine's movements, so that the boss can find Wolverine at any time and torture him.

However, Romulus has been quiet recently. After letting Sabertooth kill Wolverine's family last time and taking the wolf's son away for adoption, he made Wolverine lose his memory again.

Recently, Logan was working as a savage in the Canadian mountains and forests near the Arctic Circle, and even became the leader of a wolf pack.

He only remembered that he was a wolf, so he lived the life of a wolf.

As for the last person in the Avengers, Dominic Fortune, he was actually the person Furian inserted into the Avengers. This is not unusual at all. People who play spies have a bad heart. If they don’t insert one of their own, Fury will not do it. Relieved.

Fortune is a liar and detective on the surface, but is actually a Level 6 agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., codenamed "Instigator", and is also the strategist of the first generation of Avengers.

In fact, Fury originally wanted Steve to lead the Avengers, but Steve and Bucky have traveled around the world and don't know where they are now, so they can only make do.

The first-generation Avengers were just such a group of people who got together, and they could only survive for a long time. Not long ago, they finally couldn't maintain it and broke up.

The hunter continues to kill people, Silver Sable continues to work as a mercenary to take orders, the saber-toothed tiger disappears, and Fortune returns to the S.H.I.E.L.D. sequence.

However, he was amazed by Fortune's ability to instigate others to become gunslingers. He was ordered by Howard to establish SHIELD Academy, modeled after Zhongsi Academy and Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters, to train the next generation of SHIELD talents.

Fortune likes to deceive people, and agents need to be good at deceiving people.

Many of the people he taught would become pillars of SHIELD in the future, such as Phil Coulson, Maria Hill, and Barbara Morse. These people were all his students.

Unfortunately, people who like to deceive are destined to be deceived, because SHIELD and Hydra are stupidly unclear. In the process of training students, he also trained Bald Brother, Ward and other rising stars of Hydra. ...


"Disbanded? Tell me, if you have the spare money to support them, why don't you pay more and ask me to take action directly?"

Su Ming stretched out a finger and drilled Fury's temple.

The disintegration of the first generation of Avengers was something that Deathstroke had long anticipated. Nick Fury also learned a lesson from it and realized that 'anyone who does things for money is unreliable'.

It was also because of this awareness that decades later, the vigilante organization that was not at all for money but to protect the earth was formed, the Avengers led by Captain America and Iron Man.

Fury's black face became even darker. The last time he invited Deathstroke, the price was the leakage of a large amount of intelligence and technology, which was much more serious than asking for money.

But in fact, he did have something very difficult recently... It's just that there are too many people around him now, so he has to find a chance to be alone with Deathstroke to talk about that matter.

For now, let’s focus on the battle between the first line of defense and the monsters.

He didn't answer Deathstroke's question and allowed the other party to play with his head. Since he couldn't resist, he pretended not to care. He knew Deathstroke, and once he found it boring, he would definitely stop playing.

But today was different from the past. Seeing Fury's hair getting less and less, Su Ming felt something, so he raised his other hand and played the classic "Brother Yixiu" move on Fury's head.

"Gegegege..." Two fingers were rubbing circles on the black head, so hard that Fury felt like his hair was falling out.

Fury: "..."

"Gegegegege..." The frequency and finger movement speed have also accelerated, probably hundreds of revolutions per minute!

Fury: "!!!"

He put down the telescope and stared at Deathstroke's one eye with one eye, but in the end he calmed down and realized that he had no confidence to confront Deathstroke. Damn it!

Sure enough there is a problem.

Su Ming determined through testing what was hidden in Fury's heart, otherwise he would not be so concerned about gains and losses. In the past, even if he didn't dare to protest openly, he would definitely say something to distract himself.

What could it be? There's something interesting about it. It's dark but interesting to pry into other people's privacy, isn't it?

After taking care of the monsters, go back and have a meal with Xiao Wang, then send Thor and the others back to Asgard, and then come back and ask Fury when no one is around.

Having decided so happily, Su Ming also stopped, and together with Fury, they stood on the helicopter glass and looked down.

Just in time to see Nightingale being knocked out by a tentacle, everyone in the cabin took a breath of cold air except for the two dark people.

Just watching the young black woman fly thousands of meters like a comet, causing a series of splashes on the river, made them feel pain.

But at this time, the effect of magic was reflected. Although she flew so far, the nightingale stood up on the river. Although she kept vomiting blood, she still stood up! At this moment, she is simply possessed by the ancestral spirit of the tribe. She is not fighting alone!

"Amazing fighting spirit."

Fury couldn't help but comment. A pair of black hands were still adjusting the focus of the telescope, which made Su Ming wonder if he just wanted to see the black woman's disheveled appearance, so he reached out and pushed the telescope, so that Fury's His eyes returned to the bridge.

"What is this? If Captain America were here, he could spend the whole day with this monster." Deathstroke gave professional advice, knocking on the glass and pointing: "Look at Free Girl, that woman is the one among the four. The strongest."

Fury also knows this without the reminder of Death Knell, because the light and shadow effects of her hands are the most exaggerated. Not only did her red and blue uniform form an indistinct afterimage while flying, but even when she stopped and fired the light cannon as thick as a plate, she knew that she was extremely powerful.

"Well, do you think they have hope?" The black man made a nasal sound of unknown meaning.

"No, except for Black Fox, the other three people will die." Deathstroke gave the answer directly. In fact, at the beginning of the fight, he basically saw: "All these people's offensive methods are ineffective, even if the monster spits out their breath, they will have to die." If you dodge, you’re going to hit me on the head?”

Fury had nothing else to say, as if he acquiesced to this statement: "If Steve were here, I wouldn't let him fight this kind of monster."

"Say it like he will listen to you. Captain America is a man wearing the stars and stripes. You can't stop him when you see a scene like this." Su Ming told the truth very calmly and stabbed Fury again. heart of.

The fact is, Steve's specialty when he was in the army was disobeying orders, let alone now?

Charcoal raised his chin noncommittally, signaling Deathstroke to continue reading: "Times have changed, Deathstroke. Now our problem is not that there is no Captain America, but that there are too many Captain Americas, and they are not Steve yet."

The masked vigilantes finally waited for the arrival of the US Army. On the New Jersey side of the shore, as trucks continued to drop off soldiers, familiar colors appeared in Deathstroke's vision.

There were hundreds of Captain America in that red, white and blue ocean.

Like monkeys, the masked men wearing the stars and stripes got out of the military trucks and jumped towards the battlefield. They jumped over the burning human and vehicle wreckage on the bridge and attacked the huge yellow-green monster with shields.

"The super soldier plan has finally taken shape." Su Ming crossed his arms. It seems that the US military has used Steve's blood to prepare a secondary super soldier serum and secretly cultivated so many substitutes. Taste.

Fury put down the telescope and shook his head. He no longer needed it. With the naked eye, he could see the conspicuous color surrounding the monster.

"The military has a special professional organization that studies genetics, with independent financial allocation, called 'K Department'. My people have never been able to break into it, so this is the first time I have seen so many Captain Americas together. , I used to think one in each city was enough, but apparently, the military felt it was not enough."

"It seems that the military has had enough of a stable life and wants to taste the fruits of hegemonism. Sure enough, as long as it is used to deal with furry bears, any crazy plan can be approved." Su Ming put his fist on his chin , said quietly.

Fury handed the telescope to Deathstroke: "What's even crazier, look at what's being transported on the military trailer in the woods on the river bank in New Jersey."

Without a telescope, which can adjust the focus of the host's eyeballs and enhance vision, Su Ming saw the camouflage trucks that were covered by the tree canopy and covered with large green canvases.

The canvas was being torn apart by soldiers at this time, and some people in white coats were starting the things on the car.

What is carried on the car is not a tank or a new missile, but some shining silver machines.

"That's the Sentinel robot."

Su Ming recognized those things.

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