The Death Knell

Chapter 1194? Dark braised eggs

Not even Deathstroke would have expected to see a sentry robot here.

He only knew that Charles had been staying behind closed doors in recent years, focusing on teaching various skills to the mutant children he had collected in school.

Except for Beast, all the first-generation X-Men were abducted by Magneto, including Raven, who Charles regarded as his biological sister. They followed him. The little bald man in the past was now a big bald man. .

However, as Charles grew older, his willpower became stronger, and he once again collected some children, including Cyclops, Storm, and Jean Gray, to train them again.

This ideological education must keep up. They must be taught from the beginning that hatred should not exist between humans and mutants. Both parties should seek a harmonious coexistence and not follow Magneto's path of using violence to fight violence. road.

Charles plans to reorganize the new X-Men when the children grow up. Among other things, at least Magneto cannot be allowed to go around causing hatred for mutants.

Magneto Eric is not in the United States at this time. After he and Charles fell out, he still went around the world to pursue fair treatment for mutants.

A few years ago, he heard that the Canadian Ministry of National Defense had established a 'G Department' to specialize in researching serum that could 'cure' mutants, which made him very unhappy.

In Eric's view, mutant genes are a gift, the key and the way forward for human beings to develop themselves. They are not a disease, and they do not need any cure at all.

In addition, Canada's G Department seems to have some unclear relationship with the United States' K Department, as they share some technology and research results, so he suspects that everything is still an extension of the X weapon program.

So he took the Brotherhood of Mutants to Canada to cause trouble for those guys.

The progress is not going very smoothly. As a well-known terrorist, Magneto's abilities have been well studied by his opponents. Now his opponents all use guns made of special plastics and fire anti-mutant bullets similar to anesthesia needles. As long as they are hit, they will be killed. Even within the sky, Magneto was unable to use his superpowers, which made Magneto feel extremely deflated.

If he was alone, he would probably have to move an iron mountain or grab a meteorite to use a range attack, but there were many people following him in the Brotherhood who needed to take care of him. Riven alone was caught by the enemy several times.

Can you not save people? But the organization is called a brotherhood. If you don’t save your brother when he is arrested, won’t the people’s hearts be scattered?

So most of the time, Magneto was rushing back and forth to save people. He rescued someone here, and someone was caught there, and he had to go and rescue again.

Canada is a vast and sparsely populated country, and the people in Department G are scurrying around like moles. He couldn't find where the other party's headquarters was, and destroyed dozens of their branch bases and laboratories. As a result, they are still like the immortal Xiaoqiang. keeping it.

The battle will inevitably affect ordinary people. Apart from making his reputation worse, this series of actions has no valuable results.

It's just that he was fooled. The U.S. military is not a fool. The officers who came out of West Point Military Academy have also read Sun Tzu's Art of War. This trick of secretly cheating Chen Cang is very beautiful.

A deal was made with neighbors to let them dispel suspicions. In the past few years since Magneto was attracted to Canada, the United States' K Department successfully produced the Sentinel robot, the ultimate weapon against mutants.

Sentinel robots can be said to be a perfect combination of robotics and biotechnology. When faced with attacks from mutants, the genetic sensors in their bodies can determine the superpower attributes of the opponent, thereby transforming themselves into restrained attributes to fight against mutants.

Are you good at fire attacks? Then I will become immune to fire; are you good at electric attacks? Then I will become an insulator; if you are good at punching to the flesh, then I will become extremely strong. Everyone will change seventy-two, then it depends on who has the stronger endurance.

After all, mutants are carbon-based creatures, how can they compete with machines in terms of endurance? The results speak for themselves.

All because Mystique's ever-changing genes were obtained by the military, giving the sentry robots the ability to change themselves.

However, what Su Ming is seeing now is the first generation of sentinel robots. Although they are also made with the genes of Ruiwen, due to the backwardness of computer technology and communication technology, these sentinel robots just fight on their own and have no intelligence or performance. They have to be stupid because they are remotely controlled by scientists.

In the future, with the launch of intelligent networks like Skynet and the development of various technologies, Sentinel robots will crack and integrate more and more genes, store more comprehensive intelligence, and they will become stronger and stronger.

Originally they were a powerful weapon, but unfortunately, because humans have the possibility of awakening the X gene, the intelligent system determines that humans also have potential threats. So in order to avoid risks, after they eliminated all mutants, they also eliminated all humans.

The Earth is safe and their mission for creation has been fulfilled...

That was the story in X-Men Days of Future Past, an omnic crisis in the future, so the X-Men went back in time and scrapped that timeline.

Su Ming thought for a while. It seemed that there was no plot to reverse the future in his 40K universe. Isn't it already time?

Forget it, with the Time Stone in hand, the Sentinel robots can't do anything. The robots are inherently deficient and have been restricted by the Celestials since their birth.

The Aegis Brotherhood's research data on the Celestial Alien was leaked, inspiring scientists around the world to create robots. However, the Celestial Alien was still a baby when it died, and it could only perform binary calculations of 0s and 1s.

For the real gods, the universe is a set of equations, and their calculation methods are incomprehensible to humans.

However, earth scientists regard introductory algorithms such as 0 and 1 as the core logic. This results in earth robots never being able to reach the level of adult gods, that is, they are unable to understand the laws of the universe.

The omnic crisis is a problem, but the upper limit of these robots is the extent of their own intelligence, which is not a big event for Su Ming.

"You didn't know the military was building robots?"

Su Ming glanced at the intelligence chief next to him. Although SHIELD was riddled with holes by Hydra, Hydra's lurking agents also worked very hard when collecting intelligence. SHIELD is everyone's common home. .

There was no expression on Fury's dark face. He simply leaned back on the back of the chair, lit the cigarette Su Minggang gave him and started smoking.

"Howard took S.H.I.E.L.D. out of U.S. control and placed it directly under the United Nations. Although it has advantages, it now seems to have more disadvantages."

"This is inevitable, after all, the United Nations headquarters is in the United States."

Deathstroke watched as those copycat Captain Americas took over the first line of defense and started a hand-to-hand fight with the monsters.

But with so many people, it seems like it won’t take all day.

Fury spread his hands, meaning it was none of his business: "We have a very serious relationship with the military now. They guard against SHIELD just like they guard against internal enemies. I proposed to infiltrate them, but Howard said that everyone is Americans and the military are not enemies, so illegal means are not allowed... There is nothing I can do with such a law-abiding leader."

The Stark family all have the American dream. They take laws and rules very seriously. I can’t say whether they are good or bad. They just live in their own way.

However, he still lowered his voice and said to Fury: "The law is not a problem for you, so you didn't do anything secretly?"

Fury puffed out smoke and remained as motionless as a salted fish: "No one can launch an action against the military without the signature of the director. If the superiors don't give me money, what can I do? Agents are also human beings. Even if arms and equipment don't cost money, But there are also expenses such as travel expenses, makeup expenses, food expenses, funeral expenses, etc.”

Deathstroke took a deep look at Fury. If Natasha hadn't sent the information back to the spider web last night, saying that Carbonhead had done something to the Army Intelligence Department, Xiao Wang had just mentioned it casually while preparing the pasta, Now his appearance as an honest man is indeed somewhat believable.

As expected, agents are all liars. They are either deceiving people or digging holes to deceive people.

"After all, does the medical insurance plan for SHIELD agents include dentistry?" Fury was talking nonsense, and Su Ming simply changed the subject.

As expected, Heitan had a black question mark on his face. Just now he was asking if he knew the military's intelligence, but now he's directly talking about SHIELD's medical insurance project?

However, he still touched the place on his head where the death knell had just been scratched: "Dentist not included."

"This is Howard's fault. His rich man doesn't understand the difficulties of us poor people at all. Dentists are very important." Deathstroke looked distressed and complained about Howard very unhappily.

Fury had a thought in his mind. Could it be that Deathstroke was a poor man? This might be useful in inferring his true identity.

Although he is not a magician, Fury still kept a poker face: "Let's talk seriously. The battle below is getting more and more intense. What are you going to do?"

"The military has brought the Sentinel robot. If we don't let them try it, wouldn't it be a waste of Dr. Strucker's talent?" Deathstroke crossed his legs on the seat opposite Fury and pulled out his God Killer. Carry out maintenance patiently.

In fact, there is nothing to maintain the artifact, just wipe it with the lining of Fury's fur coat.

"Politicians are very supportive of Straker Industries. I suspect there may be underground factories all over the United States." Fury looked at the electric light spreading on his leather jacket, maybe it was the effect of static electricity, and he felt that his hairs were all wet. stood up.

"Normally, there are always people who want to use robots for military purposes. Without Strack, there would still be Cadillacs or Cratus. This is an inevitable detour in human development."

Wiping, wiping, Deathstroke raised the scimitar and looked at it. It seemed that the weapon had become more dazzling.

"It sounds like you don't think highly of those robots." Fury felt Deathstroke's contempt for them.

There was a wheezing sound under Deathstroke's mask, as if he was laughing or sighing.

"I know something about the Sentinel robot. It is made to deal with mutants and is considered an adaptive machine. But the monster below has reached a level of brute force that can be reduced to ten with one force. It has tens of thousands of tons of power. Press it down, unless these sentries are all made of vibranium or Adamantium alloy, there will be no chance for them to change."

Fury nodded slightly. He seemed to suddenly remember something. He picked up the telescope and looked down again. As if he found something, he suddenly patted his thigh.

"I know the frontline commander sent by the military this time. He is General Ross. I have something to talk about with him. How about I go down with you to talk to him?"

Black Tan has his own plans.

Someone is not optimistic about these robots, making Fury think that Deathstroke has some basis for judgment. Then when these copycat Captain America and robots are all killed, SHIELD can intervene in the incident on the pretext of protecting fellow Americans, and take advantage of Ross and the white coats below. Taken away and 'protected'.

It can't be said to be kidnapping hostages, but if the military wants to take these soldiers and scientists back, it will have to pay for food and accommodation. Fury can't eat this money, but he can get some oil and water or take military kickbacks.

On the other hand, if Deathstroke can deal with this monster, some of the monster's corpse can be returned to Howard for research. To deal with a scientist-type leader, you have to do what he likes.

"It depends on the sincerity of your invitation." Su Mingruo pointed out.

"I won't disappoint you. The military has some good stuff." Fury said the target directly without playing charades: "For example, the research at Area 51 is also managed by the military. Are you interested in energy weapons?"

Deathstroke looked at the other people in the cabin. They were either reading comics or napping. In short, they didn't hear anything about the exchange between Fury and Deathstroke.

"It's interesting. You're trading with me for the military's stuff. Are you sure you'll win over them?"

"If they don't want everyone in the United States to know that this monster was created by the scientists they supported, yes, I have something to prove the connection between them, and I have enough covert channels to spread this information to the world. Fury crossed his fingers on his knees, looking confident: "So I've got them, how about we make a fortune together?"

Deathstroke tapped his leg armor with his scimitar, as if weighing something, and after a few seconds he said, "Wait a minute, let's negotiate terms before they are so exhausted that they can launch a nuclear bomb. It's always easier to sell umbrellas on rainy days." some."

Fury touched his blindfold and became silent.

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