The Death Knell

Chapter 1195? The military’s calculation

Not to mention what happened in the small helicopter, the camera once again turned to the military on the other side of the bridge.

Not only did General Ross use a large truck to bring various experimental weapons, but his soldiers had already begun to set up tents on the river bank as a temporary command post, looking like they wanted to fight the monsters forever.

I don’t know where the military’s confidence came from. This time the troops were dispatched and they actually brought reporters with them. They wanted to shoot a news documentary with the majestic river behind them and the battlefield in the distance as the background.

In order to create a tough guy atmosphere in the military camp, General Ross looked relaxed but was actually interviewed while sitting stiffly on a pile of green ammunition boxes. The words "Do not squeeze, flammable and explosive" were written on the ammunition boxes.

But maybe reporters are selectively blind. The female anchor responsible for the interview didn't care what was in the ammunition box after the camera was turned on. She flipped her hair and introduced herself, and then began to ask questions to General Ross.

"Hello general, can you share your current situation judgment with the viewers in front of the TV?"

The female reporter showed a charming smile and unbuttoned two more buttons on the collar of her shirt outside the camera.

For the sake of news and the Pulitzer Prize, she would sacrifice anything. Today's task of cooperating with the military in acting was earned by sleeping with the TV station leader in the past. And she was keenly aware that the military representative seemed to have some objections to her, so She did what every competent female anchor would do.

Give the interviewee a little sweetness, so that he can get more news in the future. This is how interpersonal relationships are, once they are born, they will become familiar again.

But she misjudged the wrong person this time. General Ross did have many problems, such as arrogance, stubbornness, stubbornness, etc. But as a soldier, he also received the title of 'General Thunderbolt'. In life, he was actually a very strict and self-disciplined tough guy.

He was a hero in the Vietnam War. Although the United States lost, Ross believed that he did not lose, but that the anti-war resistance of the hippies in the country held him back.

Even so many years after the war ended, when he thought about it, he still wanted to throw those hippies into the rainforests of Southeast Asia and burn them all with flamethrowers along with the Vietnamese monkeys.

Until now, he hates the kind of intellectuals who look gentle and wear glasses and talk about love and peace when they speak, and firmly believe that only iron and blood can save the United States.

Not to talk about things that far away, now he is facing a seductive interview. He has a wife and a daughter, so he will never make a mistake.

A friendship with a flighty female reporter? That doesn't do the military any favors.

The general looked straight at the camera and spoke seriously with an upright face: "Citizens of New York, I am Major General Ross. I don't know how many people can watch the TV news now, but please wait patiently and tell those around you. Friends and family, the United States military is coming and we will try to get everyone out of the city."

The reporter took back the microphone at this time and asked the question again: "So General, do you think we must abandon New York City? Regarding the biological and chemical attack that occurred earlier today, do you think it was an attack by the Soviets on us?"

"There is currently no evidence that the sewer anomalies were the work of the Soviets... But! If they really did it, we will definitely make them pay the price!"

General Ross is no longer young. Although he is the youngest major general in the military, he is already in his forties and has long passed the age of innocence.

Although he hates his opponents across the ocean, his reason tells Ross that the furry bears will not use tricks like blowing up sewers to attack the United States, because according to the latest statistics, the number of people who actually drowned in the excrement is only more than a hundred unlucky people.

Compared with New York's current total population of 7.5 million, this number is minuscule. In addition, the number of people who died at the hands of this green monster far exceeded this number.

To be honest, if the Pentagon hadn't asked him to cooperate and get more budget from Congress next year, he wouldn't have bothered to accept any news interviews on the battlefield. What kind of mental retardation is this?

If you have this time, go and lay out mines or fire points. Wouldn’t it be nice?

However, throwing dirty water on the country on the other side of the ocean is today's political correctness. Ross must agree with this attitude if he is still involved in the military system.

Some viewers didn't think for a while that the attack on New York had something to do with the Soviet Union. It doesn't matter, everyone has remembered this topic now, right?

There is no need for conclusive evidence. As long as there is the possibility of Mao Xiong launching such an attack, will the military's military budget next year not rise sharply?

"Okay, let me ask you, General, we can currently see the green monster on the Washington Bridge." The female reporter restrained herself and gestured to the photographer to move the camera: "Can we know what that monster is? Earth Does that kind of creature really exist on Earth? Could it be a monster weapon of the Soviets?"

The camera filmed the battle on the bridge for a while, then moved the camera back to Ross's face. The general showed a contemptuous smile: "With all due respect, the United States has the best technology in the world. If we can't create this kind of monster, then our Even if the enemy does it, it must have a weakness!"

"So General, are you confident that you can defeat that kind of monster?" The female reporter smiled and made a "people are afraid" expression, but this is a question that has been arranged by the Pentagon a long time ago, so it is not interesting.

"When..." Ross was about to continue reciting his lines.

But at this moment, a half-burnt arm flew over from the air in the direction of the bridge. Because it flew a long distance, it had little energy, but it happened to land softly on Ross's neck, as if holding a horseshoe. It spun around his neck a few times like a pillar, and finally wrapped around his neck like a scarf.

"That's... of course!"

Ross's heart beat wildly because he recognized the blue scales on his arms that were not completely burned. This was Captain America's uniform.

Its owner must have been in great pain during his lifetime. Due to extreme exertion and fatigue, the body had become rigor mortis. Some soldiers would die standing up on the battlefield. This is the principle.

But he couldn't turn back to see the tragic situation on the bridge. This was a live broadcast.

So after a slight pause, he calmly took off the stump from his neck and handed it to the staff officer beside him with a smile.

The staff officer outside the shooting range of the camera did not want to take over, with a look of rejection, but Ross opened his eyes slightly, and the invisible deterrent made the staff officer take his arm away with a grin on his face.

"Our army lacks military spending and personnel. These are objective problems, but we are still confident in protecting our cities and our citizens."

Ross continued to recite his lines without changing his expression. Today's speech on the battlefield was prepared by the Pentagon. Soldiers should obey orders and recite their lines when they should.

However, the female reporter obviously does not have this kind of psychological quality. At such a young age, she has never seen such a cruel scene. What's more, when the severed limb flew over just now, it seemed that some pieces of it flew into her smiling mouth. Now she can still stand Not running away screaming here is pretty good.

If it weren't for the fact that the deal between the TV station and the military couldn't be broken, to be honest, she should have escaped long ago.

But when I thought about the consequences of running away, I would be fired and banned from the TV media industry, and I could only work as a tabloid reporter, or even worse, become a street vulture...

It was too dark, she had to force herself to stand here.

It's just that she has so many dramas inside that she looks completely lost on the outside. After Ross finished reciting a paragraph, the question she was supposed to ask was not asked. This made General Ross, who was waiting for compliments, a little embarrassed. He simply stared at the photographer, and the atmosphere became subtle for a while.

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