The Death Knell

Chapter 1196? Save others, save yourself

When General Ross was being interviewed, the yellow and green monster on the bridge naturally didn't know how to save face for him.

It looks like a large translucent blister. There is no brain-like organ inside the body at all. How it can move is still a mystery.

If it were still an insect the size of a fingernail, it wouldn't be a problem to be ignorant. However, with its current size and strength, coupled with the attribute of chaos and stupidity, it is as invincible as the old rulers in the face of humans.

I saw that the slug's left and right tentacles were in slow motion, as if it was accumulating power, it opened a big mouth from its chest and spewed out a massive amount of yellow-green gas.

It turned out that because it was bombed and burned on the bridge, the gas in its body expanded due to heat, and it had to find a hole to release it.

To put it simply, it burped.

Of course it was easy for it, but for people without gas masks, this strong rancid breath was hundreds of times stronger than tear gas.

Putting aside the corrosion of the respiratory tract caused by the acidity in the monster's breath, the smell, which was like a concentrated sewer, immediately knocked out the copycat captains.

The yellow-green smoke was like a typhoon, and it didn't come suddenly. However, the bridge was so wide, where could I hide?

The bridge deck is 68 meters away from the river, which is equivalent to the height of more than 20 stories. If Steve could enter the water from this height, he could try it, but the captains of the cottage could not.

After all, the counterfeit serum is a defective product, and the physical quality of these mass-produced transformed humans is far from the level of the original version.

For example, Steve's pressing strength is over 20 tons. When he is determined, this number can increase, making him evenly matched with everyone. As for the copycat captain, they only weigh about four or five tons. Although they are beyond the limits of mortals, it is more embarrassing when compared.

They don't have Steve's strong willpower, but they still suffer from the extreme emotional influence of 'good is better, bad is worse' like the SSS serum, amplifying the characteristics of their characters.

As the first batch of soldiers to accept the new transformation, they are elites selected by the military. They are all good players and usually have a higher level of vision. So after accepting the transformation, the arrogant side of their character was infinitely magnified.

What to hide from? Just resist the monster's attacks and you're done.

So like Captain America, they used their shields to block the side of the attack, and huddled behind, wherever the smoke passed. This was Steve's unique skill - 'Captain America Pinball'.

Because the vibranium shield is very reliable, no matter what kind of attack Steve faced in the past, whether it was a missile or a naval gun, he could just shrink his body behind the shield as much as possible to ensure no injuries.

The shields of the copycat captains are naturally all fake, just made of alloy steel, but at least they still have a shield, and they can naturally use Captain America's tricks.

Then the yellow-green wind passed by, and they dropped their shields and swayed on the spot as if they were drunk. Some of them who were close to them kept rubbing their eyes vigorously, holding their necks and coughing.

The monster didn't understand what this meant. Anyway, he had been shooting randomly with his tentacles before, so he just kept shooting now.

As a result, the defenseless captains of the cottage suddenly turned into corpses. The monster seemed to be trying to see how far it could fly their corpses. Its tentacles as thick as skyscrapers seemed to stand up and slap them, and the bridge deck was directly hit. Crushed, collapsing onto the rails below.

Various debris, including cement and steel bars, as well as burning cars, trains and corpses, were piled together.

The tentacle swept across again, and the obstacles blocking the road flew out, towards the mountains and forests on the river bank in the direction of New Jersey.

One arm flew high and fast, spinning.

Even the monster focused on it for a while. It wasn't until it fell into the woods and disappeared that the monster continued to move.

"No, let's retreat."

After the copycat captains took over the front-line battlefield, several people on the first line of defense retreated to a relatively distant place to recover their strength, and were lucky enough to escape the corrosive breath. When the monster company captains fell to the lower bridge deck, they were still on the road above.

But seeing the miserable condition of the captains, the Yankee Clippers immediately proposed to the free girls around them to retreat. Anyway, the military had already arrived, and if he slipped away now, it shouldn't be a big deal making headlines.

Liberty Girl huffed and puffed, her physical exhaustion worse than that of the Yankee Clippers.

"Where's the nightingale?"

The Yankee Clipper pointed under the bridge. There was a small black spot floating in the blue waves in the distance: "She is fine. Although she was knocked away before, the magic shield absorbed most of the kinetic energy, but I'm afraid it's Unable to cast any more spells, she was swimming towards the shore. But the black fox was gone. It was there a moment ago and then disappeared in the blink of an eye."

Just when Free Girl was about to agree with the Clippers, she heard a faint cry for help.

"help me......"

She raised a hand to tell Clipper to stop talking, and then she twisted the sweat out of her long blond hair and looked around, looking for the source of the sound.

After bypassing a collapsed bridge pillar and walking through a broken road like a dry river bed, she found a broken car amidst the fire and smoke.

It is a very ordinary private car. If it is a second-hand car, I am afraid it will not cost more than two thousand dollars. There is a cute cartoon sticker on the corner of the windshield, and the wheels have been replaced with new ones. It seems that the car owner and his family cherish it very much.

However, at this time, the front part of the car was stuffed under another truck, and the trunk of the car was squeezed by the truck behind it, and the flames were spreading from under the car to the compartment.

The smoke and calls for help came from the cab, followed by a series of coughs. The situation sounded very bad.

"Come help."

The free girl shouted to the Clippers. She reached out and grabbed the car door and shook it a few times. But her own strength was just that of an ordinary girl. The energy of the universe flowed through her body more like flowing through channels, but she could not use them. to strengthen oneself.

The windshield was blocked, and the surrounding glass was so dark that she couldn't see what was going on inside.

The Yankee Clipper sighed, now was really the best time to evacuate, but since she wanted to save people, let's save them.

He looked around, pulled out a steel bar from the cement fragments not far away, and started to pry the car door like a crowbar. After the two of them joined forces, the car door opened with a muffled sound.

There was a woman in the driver's seat. Her legs were stuck under the steering wheel. Tears shed white streaks on her blackened face, and blood stuck her hair to her forehead.

"Ma'am, hold on, I'll rescue you right now." Her injuries were serious and she had to be sent to the hospital immediately. Free Girl took two steps back and began to accumulate energy, preparing to use cosmic energy to melt the front of the car.

"No, look at my husband, look how he is doing!" The woman's body could barely move, but she could still speak: "He was coaxing the child in the back seat when the car accident happened."

"Clipper." The free girl controlled the release speed of energy, melting the steering wheel and components under the hood in an orderly manner, while letting her boyfriend take a look at the situation in the back seat.

Clippers picked up the steel bar again, avoided the growing flames, and frantically pried open the back seat door.

As the car door opened, a man with a completely exploded head slowly slid into the car. The clipper shook his head at the free girl. This situation must be hopeless.

Free Girl just glanced and turned her head: "Your husband is fine. My teammates will take you to the hospital first. Your injuries are more serious."

"What about my child?" The woman seemed more relieved, but her face was still full of panic and confusion.

The clipper lay on the man's body, squeezed into the deformed trunk and took a look, and found a baby lying quietly on the floor, with a blue face.

He reached out and touched it. Although the child was breathing extremely slowly and showing signs of hypoxia, at least the heart was still beating.

There were no injuries at all. His father's head was crushed, and the child's clothes and quilt were covered in blood, but the child had no injuries at all.

Clipper took the baby out, along with the red and black swaddling clothes. For some reason, he always felt that the baby's expression was a little weird when he was unconscious, as if he was smiling meanly.

It's probably an illusion.

"The child is fine, here you go, hold him well." Clippers handed the child to the woman, and at the same time bent down to cut the seat belt with a dagger, and picked up both mother and child in a princess hug. He took a deep breath tone, ready to run to the hospital.

He nodded towards the free girl, and when he was about to take a step, a tall figure walked out of the smoke and fire beside him.

The first line of defense has never seen this masked man, but the legend of him has been circulating in New York since the 1920s. He is the devil hiding in New York.

"Death knell!?"

A man and a woman couldn't help but make a sound of surprise.

Su Ming looked at the mother and son being held by the clippers, and then at the headless corpse in the back of the vehicle, and shook his head slightly: "You are lucky, you saved others and saved yourself at the same time, let's go, leave here."

As he spoke, he got out of the way behind him. The wind blowing from the river dispersed the smoke, and he could see a clear road behind him. This terrifying man used his weapon to dig out a passage with smooth walls among various ruins.

The Clippers didn't quite understand what Deathstroke meant, but both women and babies needed first aid, and there was no time to delay here.


After saying that, he ran away and quickly disappeared among the ruins.

Su Ming sighed in his heart. He had not planned to take action originally. If the road to the New Jersey side was blocked, the Clippers and the others would have to go to New York City behind the monster to evacuate. They would basically be dead.

But the person they rescued was none other than the unlucky little cousin. They had just arranged an origin story for him a few months ago and found a pair of good adoptive parents. But today, the adoptive father died.

Why could Su Ming recognize a baby in such a messy place? Because at that time Wade was reluctant to let go of his young self, so he took off his smelly uniform and swaddled the child. The child is still wrapped today.

Specialty uniforms are of course very good. They are sweat-absorbent, breathable, and stretchy. There is no better fabric than that in this day and age.

Baby Wade's adoptive mother kept it for her child to use. Although it was washed clean and had the fragrance of washing powder, the red and black vileness was still obvious even in the chaotic battlefield.

So Su Ming took action and opened the way for them. Green Tea and Jack Su on the first line of defense were not bad people. Although they were a little greedy for fame and their character was questionable, they still did what heroes should do at the critical moment. , save people.

By the way, what kind of planes do Wade's adoptive parents fly? If there is an outbreak of feces and urine in the city, can you still be drowned just by squatting at home? I have to drive out of the city. Is this okay? Before Wade grew up, his adoptive father died.

Is Wade's origin destined to be so dark, that he must be an orphan? This world is really...

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