The Death Knell

Chapter 1197? The truth behind the scenes

Walking to the place where the bridge deck broke, Su Ming looked at the huge green giant insect not far away. Its more than ten red eyes were like searchlights, and its raised head was higher than the bridge pier with the sling hanging on it.

The captains of the cottage suffered heavy losses, but the group was not wiped out yet. Those who gradually recovered also joined the battle again. They were still considered the elite of the army and refused to retreat.

Maybe they really think they are Captain America...

Deathstroke put away the golden scimitar, pulled out a black giant sword from his waist bag, easily put it on his shoulder, and then squatted on the cliff, watching silently.

"Um... aren't you going to help?"

The free girl tiptoed over, her face full of fear. When she was a child, her grandmother told her many horror stories with Deathstroke as the main character because she was not a good sleeper.

Grandma said that if children disobey, the death knell will crawl out from under their beds at midnight and drag them into the dark world.

There, the children will never see their parents and relatives again. Peeling potatoes for the Deathstroke Demon 24 hours a day, all he eats is watery mush, and he doesn't even think about studying, studying or playing games. The only pastime for the disobedient children there is to bite his fingernails for a while before going to bed. .

There are many similar stories, all about how the death knell tortures disobedient children and the horror of the dark world.

Don’t eat green peppers? Picky eaters will be caught by Deathstroke. Not studying hard? Those who are uneducated will be arrested by Deathstroke, etc...

As a child, the free girl would hear these stories whenever she was naughty. She was so frightened that she shivered many nights. Even when she slept, she had to cover her eyes with a small blanket to prevent her breathing from being heard by the death knell.

Even though I have grown up, now in my twenties, I still cannot forget the shadow of my childhood.

Su Ming probably knew where this rumor came from, mainly because of the recruitment activities of Zhongsi College.

As mentioned before, in order to cultivate die-hard loyalists, the academy basically recruits orphans, but not every promising orphan is waiting in the orphanage for Mr. Wilson to pick him up.

There are also some orphans who were taken home by irresponsible relatives or crazy adoptive parents.

Because material civilization is much higher than spiritual civilization in the United States, some people are so bored that they adopt children just like pets. Maybe they do work for the family, they may use them for fun, or they may have them since childhood. Working as a slave in a cellar.

Not only in the United States, but also in the United Kingdom, Harry Potter's treatment at his aunt's house is considered good.

In this case, it is impossible to take the children away from their relatives or adoptive parents as quickly as possible through legal means. Although Wilson's legal team is very powerful and rich, money cannot be wasted.

So Deathstroke would appear, break in directly during his free time at midnight, kill everyone and then take the child away.

It doesn't take much effort, just treat it as exercise to keep in shape.

Besides, if there weren't so many blind offal, what would so many strangled people eat to survive in peace years? Chocolate?

The police cannot solve this kind of "headless" case at all, and the truth will not exist in the mouths of the neighbors of the deceased. Over time, it becomes this kind of urban legend.

But Su Ming didn't care what others said.

After so many decades, Zhongsi Academy has already trained tens of thousands of people who are loyal to Deathstroke. Not only have they enriched all aspects of Wilson Enterprises, but even the interstellar fleet being formed will use them as the backbone.

Although there is only one spaceship that has been built in the true sense, the Tianma, things are always progressing step by step.

"The military has brought some new toys. I'm waiting to see how they perform. Why don't you leave?"

The hoarse sound of the death knell sounded exactly as her grandmother had said, like a demon.

The Free Girl shuddered, but still shook her head: "I still need to save people. There may be civilians stranded on the battlefield, and there is one less teammate on the first line of defense. I have to find him."

"You mean Black Fox? He was rescued by my men and sent back to a place where there is no shit in New York City. He should be rowing on the lake in Central Park."

"..." The free girl was speechless and sent the black fox to row the swan boat. Was he in such a mood at this time? However, she still didn't dare to make any comments about her nightmare. She just lowered her head and said, "Thank you."

After saying that, she was about to leave to find other survivors, but the death knell stopped her.

"Wait, I have a question for you."

"Please tell me." The free girl turned around. Her flight was more like floating. She had to be supported by something solid one meter below her feet.

Su Ming inserted the giant sword into the pavement beside him, lowered his legs from the edge of the cliff, and swayed back and forth: "I know some things about you. You usually seem to dislike Black Fox, bullying him everywhere, why do you still care about him? What about his life and death?"

The free girl showed an embarrassed look, twisted her red-gloved fingers together, looked around to see if there was no one else, and then said: "Actually, that's not the case. It was mainly for the sake of topicality. I deliberately performed it for others to see. It created a topic. , only with popularity can we receive commercial contracts such as endorsements. We kind of need money..."

"I see, so you and Nightingale are not dating the Clippers?" Deathstroke tilted his head.

She took a breath, but the monster's stench still made her retch, and she didn't know what to say.

"That's true. Although it's a bit strange for two girls to match one boy, it depends on man-made things. I mean, while the mask protects us, it also brings a sense of inner freedom. It sometimes allows people to do things that they haven't done before. Things I’ve thought about.”

"That's true." Su Ming raised an eyebrow, his expression hidden by the mask.

Free Girl didn't understand why Deathstroke asked these questions, and even laughed and said a joke:

"Black Fox actually agreed to act like this, using the possible conflicts within the team to attract attention and attract the media. We are indeed not simple vigilantes. We may be called heroes for hire, but we just need a little reward to maintain our lives. Think about it. , if Black Fox has a bad life, he can actually leave the team at any time. We are not Hydra, we can only enter but not exit, right? Haha..."

"You guys are really good at playing. You are the first to promote yourself." Deathstroke let out a huffing laugh, stood up from the bridge, and patted the dust on his buttocks: "You and the swimming guy below are both faster. Please leave. I will do the work of saving people here. To be honest, you are not suitable for being a superhero. Go home and think about retirement."


The free girl wanted to say something else, but she saw the shadow of the death knell seemed to come alive, and the dark tentacles spread out, sticking to the ground, along the bridge, and rushed towards the place where survivors might be.

She made a gulping sound.

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