The Death Knell

Chapter 1198? Biology and Machinery

Strangulation can not only be used to kill people, but can also be used to save people. Of course, the dead cannot be saved, but simple bleeding or immobilization can still be done easily.

After devouring the Black Sword, although Strangler did not acquire any new genes, his body strength once again experienced growth. The tentacles that used to stretch out at most ten meters can now easily spread hundreds of meters.

In other words, the rate at which its size increases has increased again, perhaps because its compatibility with the host has increased again, or perhaps because its utilization of energy has increased. It can't explain it itself, but it can do it anyway.

The injured were moved out from everywhere by it. After some emergency treatment, they moved on the black ground coating and were sent to the other end of the bridge like goods on a conveyor belt, where the military was. position.

But in the end, only a dozen lucky people were found. Faced with such monsters, humans often die very simply.

"What do you want to say?"

Su Ming turned around and glanced at Free Girl. She looked like she had seen a ghost.

"No, it's's just, what did you mean when you said we are not suitable to be superheroes?"

She was a little aggrieved. Although it was for profit, they also did good things. Many Skrulls or Kree fell to the earth and were solved by them.

"Since you want to make money and become mercenaries directly, you can set up a small company called 'Heroes for Hire' and commercialize all your activities. It's just a matter of choosing when you receive an order. If you don't want to do something, just don't accept it. .”

Free Girl is a little moved. They all really need money, and they are all very poor now.

She was a little better, and her floating speed was not slow when she was on the road. The Yankee Clipper could also run by itself, but the other two would have to worry about taking a taxi for a long time.

Living in today's society is impossible without money.

“Can you really make money?”

"You are pretty good at it. You are considered the best among neighborhood heroes, and you have a good mind. Even if you provide security services to rich people, you can still make more money than the few advertising fees you get now."

Su Ming withdrew the strangulation and stretched his neck. The copycat captains below were almost dead. Why didn't the sentry robot come?

Many people couldn't bear to talk about it. Just as he finished speaking, a row of giant robots with fire-breathing feet flew towards this side from the New Jersey side of the river.

The first-generation Sentinel is five meters tall and weighs 80 tons. It can already be considered a good weapon. By the second generation of improved models, both height and weight could be changed. The Sentinel at that time was undoubtedly on another level.

In fact, Dr. Trask has no hatred for mutants. His own children are still mutants.

His research on anti-mutant robots is just a selling point, because some patients in the military suffer from persecution paranoia and always feel that there are unscrupulous people who want to harm the United States, and mutants are just one of the imaginary enemies.

To let Deathstroke speak, Dr. Trask is on the one hand to realize his scientific ideals, and on the other hand mainly to make money. He didn't have to cause trouble for himself at first. He only had to name his robot 'Anti-Soviet King Kong'. The military's support for him would definitely be stronger than it is now...

But now that the machines have been built, let's see how they perform against the Hulk.

The rocket propulsion device of the first-generation Sentinel was a one-time use. The pilots controlled by remote control first calculated how much fuel to add to their legs, and then ignited and started them to fly to the battlefield. The principle was somewhat similar to that of early missiles.

After arriving at the destination, these sentry robots cannot take off again in this operation. They can only destroy the enemy or be destroyed by the enemy.

However, the military thinks this is good. It is better to win than to die. The robot fully embodies the fearless spirit of the military.

Therefore, these sentries are different from what Deathstroke remembered. It took them so long to arrive because they were urgently spray-painted with the Stars and Stripes. Now they really look like "Freedom King Kong".

The robots flew towards the track bridge below and landed with a muffled sound. The already overwhelmed bridge made a creaking sound of steel twisting, and heavy footsteps sounded. Then they lined up in a row, a hundred meters in front of the monster. Outer array.


Su Ming, who was watching the excitement from the upper bridge, seemed to have a question mark on his head. What kind of tactic is this? Do we want to imitate the queuing and shooting formation of the last century?

In fact, here is the problem. The first generation of robots were all remotely controlled by humans, but the control platform was very complex. There were hundreds of various buttons on a robot, not to mention various push rods and direction controls.

Because the operation is very complex, the people operating these robots on the other side of the river are scientists from Trask Industries, and they cannot be expected to show any tactical literacy.

Being able to line up in a queue is considered good, at least you know how to act collectively.

They are waiting for the monster to attack first, so that the robot can analyze the enemy's attack type and pattern and change it into a type that restrains the opponent.

In view of the previous attempts by the copycat captains, the robot had been set to a tank mode that was resistant to brute force before attacking, hoping to withstand the monster's attack and obtain more specific data.

The captains were smashed to pieces by the monster, as fragile as clay dolls. Everyone saw this.

But was it crushed to pieces by a force of thousands of tons, or a force of tens of thousands of tons? This is still a problem.

In the eyes of scientists, this is no ordinary battle, but a decisive battle between the most advanced robots on the planet facing the pinnacle of biological evolution.

Is the late Dr. Dean’s creation stronger? Or is rising star Dr. Trask’s product better? This is related to many things, such as future funding and sponsorship, as well as various aspects of support from the military.

If the combat robots they invested billions of dollars in research and development are not as powerful as the monsters they invested tens of millions in and built by Dr. Dean in his basement, then Dr. Trask may not have a good life in the future.

At this time, Fury took the Howling Commandos to negotiate terms with General Ross. He wanted to prove that Dr. Dean and Dr. Trask were both younger brothers, and only S.H.I.E.L.D. was the strongest, in order to remind Congress that they could not get rid of them. S.H.I.E.L.D. handles special domestic affairs.

Since Deathstroke is on his side, Fury is confident and plans to sell the gamma ray data back to the military.

All he needs is for the Hulk to crush the robot, and then Deathstroke to crush the Hulk, and his goal will be achieved.

It's true that he is a fox pretending to be a tiger. Deathstroke has no direct relationship with SHIELD, but only SHIELD, the fox, has a good relationship with the tiger, and others cannot borrow the tiger's power. This is the first-mover advantage.

Agents must be adept at taking advantage of every opportunity.

Su Ming doesn't care. Anyway, this bug is an extra-dimensional creature. Anyway, he, the supreme mage, should deal with it. It was almost voluntary labor at first, but now that he can deal with it, he can get a share of Fury's benefits for free. What's the point? Not for?

If you can really get energy weapon technology, you can give it to the adjutant for research and reference, and maybe you can improve the weapon system of the warship you are building.

The free girl still walked away with her head drooping. She found that there was really nothing she could do for a while, and the current battle was beyond her strength.

It's better to listen to the death knell and leave before there are any casualties in the team. There are no reporters here anyway, so it's not embarrassing.

The green giant bug launched an attack on the robots as expected. Its thick tentacles rolled up two of the machines, lifted them up, and then gave them a squeeze.

There was no surprise. Although the two sentry robots struggled hard and used the weapons and abilities they transformed to fight back, within three seconds, they turned into two groups of fireworks, adding a bright color to the yellow sky.

The giant insect may have thought it was fun to hear the sound when pinched, so it stretched out more tentacles to capture these robots.

The scientists on the other side of the river seemed to have gained strength parameters. They once again adjusted the mode of the robots, discarding the previous idea of ​​hard resistance and switching to speed mode. These robots began to fight guerrillas around the bugs at extremely fast speeds.

The energy cannons on the chest of the sentry robot can simulate various types of attacks, including fire, thunder, ice, poisonous gas, etc. Su Ming also discovered that they simulate gravity and psychic attacks.

However, it was all in vain. The giant green bug even started to twist, looking very happy, as if he had found his favorite toy.

Dr. Trask, who was on the river bank, wiped his sweat desperately and kept giving orders to the people in white coats around him: "Damn monsters, if I had known, I should have installed a nuclear reactor on my precious robot. In such an intense battle now, , the energy cannot support it for too long..."

"Doctor, should we try to make the robot rush into the enemy's body and explode? As long as the outer shell is transformed into a substance with strong corrosion resistance, it will be enough to support the simulated explosion."

A researcher suggested that the current abilities of the sentinel robots are extracted from the blood of mutants captured by the military and stored in their hard drives. The robots can simulate the corresponding abilities by just pressing a few buttons.

The military once obtained a self-destructive and self-healing mutant, and his abilities were naturally learned by the robot.

"Let's give it a try." Although each robot is expensive to build, Trask can only try this method now. Otherwise, when the energy is exhausted, the robot will be nothing more than an iron shell that cannot move.

Not far away were Fury, who was watching the show with his arms folded, and General Ross, who had a sima expression on his side. The young and beautiful reporter had been sent to who knows where.

Fury looked at the surging river flowing eastward. He was in a good mood: "Well, another robot exploded. Sure enough, Dr. Dean is better. Look at that monster. He didn't even take a breath. It seems like there is no effort."

"Humph!" General Ross responded with a nasal voice: "You haven't told me yet how you knew about Dr. Dean's experiment."

"Because I'm from SHIELD, and there's nothing SHIELD doesn't know about." Fury put his hands on his back, looked at Ross calmly with his one eye, and opened his mouth: "I also heard that Dr. Dean's research materials were lost. , if the military can show some sincerity, I think we can cooperate, and SHIELD can help you get those materials back."

Ross looked at Fury, with no expression on his dark face. Although he always felt that the disappearance of the team of agents was related to Fury, he had no evidence.

When it was discovered that agents of the Army Intelligence Office had been attacked, the military mobilized military satellites to observe the battlefield. However, in this era, full coverage of satellites was not yet available. The incident occurred suddenly and required temporary deployment.

By the time the military satellite's orbit was completed, the murderer had long since disappeared, and only a few burning cars were seen on the road in the suburbs.

"Are you serious?"

Fury still looked at the bridge with a cold expression: "I'm not bored enough to make such a joke with you. You see, I specially hired Deathstroke as insurance this time. That's a big expense. It’s enough to show my sincerity..."

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