The Death Knell

Chapter 1199? Chemical warfare

The upper bridge deck couldn't hold on any longer and collapsed. Su Ming moved to the tall bridge tower.

The Washington Bridge is very similar to the Golden Gate Bridge. It is also a suspension bridge. Although the bridge tower is now swaying, and the steel cables break from time to time and make a loud noise, at least the air at the top is fresh.

The closer you got to the monster, the stronger the smell became, as if it had absorbed the essence of the sewer. If not necessary, it is better to keep a little distance.

After observing for a while, Deathstroke discovered a lot of new information.

The first point is that depending on the type of energy simulated by the Sentinel robots, the color of the fire when they explode is also different. They are indeed big fireworks costing tens of millions of dollars, and they are really beautiful.

The second point is that the military has realized that monsters have some corrosive properties. When a robot launches a kamikaze attack, it can persist in the monster's body for a long time until it detonates successfully.

The third point is that the remote control system of this robot is surprisingly good. It can be seen that the scientists who control the robot are all laymen in combat, but the movements of these robots are very smooth and there is no lag. This technology Su Ming may It comes in handy.

In the end, these robots still have not tested the upper limit of the green giant bug's power. The effect of gamma rays is really terrifying. Even if the bug cannot understand what anger is, its power still grows endlessly.

However, bugs are bugs after all, and Deathstroke has already planned how to deal with them.

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer sentry robots and copycat captains, Su Ming felt that the time was almost up. If he didn't take action, the pasta for lunch would be sloppy.

He turned to look at the side of New Jersey. Fury, who was holding a telescope, secretly gestured to him, indicating that the terms were negotiated.

Although Heitan's face was still expressionless, it felt like his eyes were a bit stern, as if he was proud in front of Ross.

Su Ming shook his head. Fury still has a long way to go before he can become the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. There will be two other directors between Howard and him in the future.

One is a waste copied by the Skrulls, whose name is unclear. The other was Alexander Pierce. It wasn't until Pierce infiltrated the United Nations Security Council that Fury got a chance.

However, it is in Su Ming's interest for Fury to be the chief, because he can settle accounts and will not do anything stupid. During that time, maintaining the stability of the earth is more important.

After thinking for a while, Su Ming stood up and waved towards the New York side of the river.

Xiaoka, who had been waiting on the rooftop, received the signal, opened the golden fire ring and came to the Supreme Mage.

"Teacher, is it time for us to take action?" He looked down and his face turned a little blue. The height of the bridge tower was more than 120 meters, and as the monsters and robots swayed in the fight below, he was a little afraid of heights. .

Su Ming hugged his neck and provided him with some sense of security: "Yes, you know where the Wilson Group's Dali Beverage factory is, right?"

"Uh..." Xiaoka shook his head. He didn't care much about the things in the world.

"Tsk, you, forget it, ask Xiao Wang, he will tell you. In order to make soda, the factory reserves a large amount of baking soda, which is sodium bicarbonate. The way to defeat this monster lies in baking soda .”

Su Ming was a little helpless. Xiaoka was good at everything, ruthless and obedient, but he was not interested in mortal life. The world was so big, he should go and see it.

Just wait until this time, give him a holiday, and let him travel.

By the way, bring back the Druid Master and send him to SHIELD as a magic consultant. Put Kaguya into the Monster Hunter team and let him go to the wilderness of Antarctica to experience the pocket space.

Casillas activated the communication magic, and the king on the other side was boiling tomato sauce in a vat. Tomato sauce was very important whether the pasta was delicious or not.

Sweetness and acidity must be in a very precise ratio to have the most perfect taste. As a Chinese chef, Xiao Wang’s strength lies in controlling the heat, but for this kind of Western sauce, which is like a chemical experiment, it is much slower to make. .

While carefully adding sugar to the boiled tomatoes and stirring them, he answered Casillas's question and then said that dinner would be served in half an hour.

Xiaoka, who had memorized the coordinates, connected the raw material warehouse of the soda factory with a portal. When ordered by the Supreme Mage, he would open the portal at this end and drown the monsters with baking soda.

"Can such a monster be defeated with just food additives?" Casillas felt a little guilty when he saw the monster showing off its power at close range, which was completely different from watching it from afar.

Su Ming smiled and patted his shoulder and put his hood back on for him: "Do you think I asked you to blow up the sewer just for fun?"

"No, you must have your own reasons for doing things." Casillas worshiped the Supreme Mage, even a little blindly.

Su Ming was looking at him with such fanatical eyes that he had goosebumps. He asked Zhu Zhu to help rub his arms in the armor, and replied: "Yes, detonating the sewers and turning New York into a shit city is just to turn it into a shit city." The solution to the monster lies in our hands.”

"I don't understand..." Xiaoka showed a puzzled expression.

"The first time I came into contact with this monster was in Dr. Dean's basement. When the doctor died, it escaped into the sewer, but at the scene, I smelled a very strong smell of formic acid." Su Ming explained quickly, low He started to calculate the distance between him and the monster: "There was some green mucus in the room at that time, which was suspected to be its secretions. I asked Strangler to analyze it, and it was undoubtedly formic acid."

Casillas put his hands back into the wide sleeves of his robe: "Is this a tactic related to science?"

"Formic acid, also called formic acid, is a corrosive liquid that ants use to kill their enemies. Although its biological mechanism is not known, its body is indeed full of formic acid."

Deathstroke let his cloak take him up slowly into the sky, and continued amidst the sound of the wind:

"It causes the sewers to back up, making the city stink, and making the monster covered in filth. In this way, others cannot smell the unique smell of formic acid on its body, and thus cannot judge its basic body composition. Now we know this It’s just me, Monaco, Dr. Pym, and his girlfriend Janet.”

"Monak went on vacation. Pim and Janet thought they had completed their revenge. Now they are probably completely relaxed. Then only I know how to deal with this monster."

Casillas looked confused: "..."

Su Ming shook his head. It seemed that Xiaoka still didn't understand. He said all these things just to teach him, so he explained again.

"If you want to live well in this world, there are several ways. The simplest way is to prove that you are indispensable, as my cousin said. If things are not like this, then create conditions to make yourself become It’s indispensable.”

Xiaoka understands. To put it simply, if you want to live well, you must show your own value, and this value should be unique.

What the teacher said makes sense.

Seeing that he understood, Su Ming nodded happily: "We don't have to go head-to-head with this monster. We only need to send sodium bicarbonate twice the weight of the monster into its body, and let the baking soda react with the monster's formic acid body fluid, almost We can 'poison' it to death in an instant, and then we can wait to eat spaghetti, aren't you happy?"

Casillas couldn't tell how happy he was. He was still thoughtful and murmured: "The power of science..."

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