The Death Knell

Chapter 1200? Terminator

Deathstroke is not a chemist, but how to deal with formic acid is actually just common sense among soldiers.

Formic acid is also called formic acid, and it is basically found in ants. Ants are one of the most widely distributed organisms on the earth, no less than flies, mosquitoes, and cockroaches.

As a mercenary, you often need to go to the rainforest or prairie to perform tasks, and lie down in the bushes or grass nests for several days. There are often some very unfriendly ants there.

Ants are generally not aggressive towards humans, but there are some exceptions, such as army ants, bullet ants, fire ants, etc. Entering their territory or migration route often leads to crazy attacks.

When bitten by them, a large amount of formic acid will be injected into the wound, causing local necrosis of human tissue, so it is okay to insist that ants are toxic.

The bites of bullet ants will hurt like being hit by bullets, while the bites of fire ants will feel like fire. Their names are obviously given by the people who have been bitten by them, which is very appropriate.

Even for top mercenaries like Deathstroke, their previous armor was not used to defend against ants.

What should I do if I get unbearable itching after being bitten by some ants, which may affect my combat status? Then the cause of the pain and itching is solved, that is, the formic acid injected by the ants into the wound is neutralized, so as to achieve the effect of relieving pain and itching.

Generally speaking, you can use dilute ammonia or soapy water to clean the bite area. There may not be soapy water in the wilderness, but ammonia is actually easy to find.

That's right, it's a person's own urine. After it is discharged and left in a sealed state for a period of time, bacteria will decompose urea into ammonia gas. The ammonia gas dissolves in water in a closed pressurized environment to form ammonia, which can effectively inhibit ant bites.

Is it hygienic? Not at all. If there are other open wounds on the body, they may become infected, but this is how emergency treatment is done in the wild.

If you can't do this, you will basically have no chance of being a mercenary. This is basic common sense that even my little cousin who forgets to bring C4 and guns when going out to do missions knows.

The reason why soapy water can relieve pain and itching is because of the alkaline component of sodium carbonate in it. Soda ash, also called sodium carbonate, can quickly react with formic acid to form a carbonate, water and gas, and the formic acid is neutralized. , the bite is no longer painful or itchy.

However, the neutralization reaction is accompanied by heat release, so generally speaking, soda ash will not be used when the body is bitten by ants. It is not useless, but if there is no self-healing ability, the subcutaneous reaction of formic acid and soda ash will damage the surrounding skin. Grilled from the inside, very sour and refreshing.

The reaction of soda ash and sodium carbonate is too violent, but the reaction of baking soda and sodium bicarbonate, which is similar to its structural formula, is only weakly alkaline. Sodium bicarbonate is one of the raw materials used to make carbonated drinks, such as Dali soda. No exception.

Americans call carbonated drinks soda. It is a habit among friends for the loser to buy soda for the winner. Of course, soda addiction refers to carbonated drink addiction, not soda water addiction.

It is now known that the monster's body is full of formic acid, so Deathstroke's tactic is to use baking soda to 'neutralize' the monster.

It can be said that the vigilantes and the military are both negative examples. Typical fighting requires no brains, but it is not their fault. Who said the death knell exploding shit confuses their observation ability? They can only smell the smell of sewers, so naturally they will not I'm thinking about formic acid.

The next step now is how to break through the translucent film on the monster's body and send baking soda into its body.

Su Ming hugged Xiaoka, and the two of them flew straight to the lower rails. At this time, several broken carriages fell everywhere, scorched black by the flames.

"Go put out the fire." Su Ming took off his magic floating cloak and pointed at the fire.

The cloak swayed in the air. He looked at the fire scene and then at Su Ming. He looked very wilted and hesitant.

In the Marvel Universe, except for the flame restraint cloak of the demon god Zom, all other mortal fires are useless to it, and it cannot even burn a thread. And it can grow in size and size, so it is naturally the first choice for putting out fires.

You can't let strangulation do it, right? Although Strangler has evolved to be less afraid of fire, it is still not to the point where its body is immune to fire.

Su Ming sighed and took out a staff from his pocket. He forgot where he got it from, but it was inlaid with a large diamond-shaped gem.

He weighed the staff in his hand, and then threw it at the burning car like a spear. A black shadow swooped into the flames and made a crisp sound.

Now that the cloak had power, it turned directly into a huge piece of cloth, wrapping the derailed carriage. After cutting off oxygen and extinguishing the flames, he proudly rolled out the charred staff and gnawed on the gems on it.

Casillas was stunned.

Why is the magic floating cloak like this now? Is there any dignity left in the mage's sacred weapon? Where is the cold cloak that used to be ignored in the glass cabinet of the New York Temple? !

Su Ming walked around the carriage and observed. It was a standard passenger carriage. The overall structure was still intact, but it was a little deflated. It was full of charred corpses.

He bent down and tried to lift it again. It was less than thirty tons and it was very easy. I tried to close the door of the carriage. It might not be a perfect seal, but it wouldn't let the contents inside out quickly.

"Come on, Xiaoka, first fill half the car with baking soda, making sure it doesn't leak out of the broken windows."

He waved to Casillas, he was just opening the portal, and Xiaoka should still be able to hold on.

Xiao Ka, who was wearing a black hood and looked like a cult acolyte, walked over. He first looked at the car and then started to draw circles in the air with his hanging ring.

Soon, it was like turning on a faucet in mid-air, and a steady stream of white crystal powder flowed into the car out of thin air. When the upper edge was close to the window, he stopped in time.

Su Ming nodded with satisfaction and walked to the side of the carriage. Strangler stretched out countless tentacles at the right time to help him stand firm, and then some tentacles helped him balance the carriage.


With a slight exertion of force, the carriage, which was now about fifty tons, was lifted above his head by the death knell. The scarlet eye on his mask looked at the monster's position. It was still playing games with the sentry robot, and it was still a hundred meters away. .

The strangulation flowed back into the host's body, and Deathstroke bent his arm slightly, and suddenly threw the carriage towards the monster like a missile.

The charred and broken carriage, carrying the whistling wind and white powder flying in the air, passed over the heads of the cottage captains, passed through the gap between the sentry robots, and hit the giant green insect's raised chest.

Just like popping a layer of soap bubbles, the huge force of the death knell directly drove the carriage into the monster's body. In other words, the monster itself had the instinct to devour objects.


The monster couldn't speak, but its head with more than a dozen red eyes was probably tilted, as if it didn't understand what it had just eaten.

But as the bodily fluids corroded the train car, the baking soda inside came into contact with its bodily fluids.

The white powder bubbled up almost instantly, as if something was burning in the water, releasing heat and white smoke. These white crystal powders also flowed with the body fluids, and soon the monster changed from yellow to green. It's a little whiter, there's bubbling everywhere in the body, the whole monster is boiling, and it's constantly releasing gas.

It also screamed for the first time: "Jee!!! Hiccup!"

It was originally a scream, but in the middle of the scream, he burped and sprayed out a lot of smoking powder.

There was no open flame for this chemical reaction, but it still felt more painful than the burning fire. It was scared, and its biological instinct made it want to turn around and run away. It rolled and squirmed on the bridge, perhaps wanting to escape back into the dark underground passage, but it never thought of jumping off the bridge to escape.

It has no thinking, cannot understand the phenomenon of internal destruction, and naturally cannot make appropriate responses.

Plus Deathstroke wouldn't give it this chance.

The cloak that has finished eating will never fail, and Casillas is from the New York Temple, so cooperating with the cloak is not a problem.

When Su Ming threw out the first carriage, they prepared several new bombs. When the train carriages were used up, they would use large truck carriages or cars.

In short, Strangler will continuously drag "missiles" filled with baking soda over and hand them to the host.

It was also very good at throwing rocks before it met Su Ming. After all, the previous generation host was a brainless snowman, so when Su Mingteng couldn't take action, it would also throw cars and hit monsters. Everything was so harmonious.

Broken cars and carriages flew one after another towards the monster in mid-air. The target was so big that it was difficult to miss it.

As the amount of sodium bicarbonate in the monster's body increased, the chemical reaction occurred faster and faster, and large bubbles appeared on the monster's body, like syrup roasted by flames.

A large amount of gas erupted from its body, and the crackling sound of its outer membrane bursting was mixed with the scream of airflow. From a distance, it looked like it was carrying miniature volcanoes on its back.

Its size became smaller and smaller, leaving scorched marks on the ground as it rolled over. It struggled so violently that even the robots could no longer get close.

As Deathstroke and Strangler continued their efforts, the monster became weaker as it received successive 'deliveries'. Its movements are getting slower and slower, and its voice is getting deeper and deeper. The yellow-green liquid in its body has become turbid, and it is now completely jet black.

When Su Ming dropped a tanker full of baking soda on it, it finally stopped moving.

"do you died?"

Casillas was breathing heavily. In just three minutes, he filled hundreds of large and small vehicles. This casting frequency was too high. He had never experienced it before.

Su Ming shook his head, took out the God Killer and turned it into the form of a giant sword: "I'll teach you another lesson. You must hit last in battle. There are many enemies who you think are dead, but in fact they are not. We don't need to risk it." For that risk, try using an incendiary grenade first."

As he spoke, he waved his cloak to fly back. He passed through the surprised gazes of the copycat captains and the emotionless gazes of the robots, and came to the body that had shrunk countless times and was now only slightly larger than an elephant.

Pulling off the grenade ring, he rolled the cylindrical grenade along the ground. As a pungent stench hit, the monster burned and shrank rapidly, like a deflated balloon. Disappeared in the flames.

That's not accurate. To be precise, it turned back into its original form, which was only the size of a fingernail. Then it was quickly bent and warped by the flames, gradually blackened and carbonized, and finally the traces were annihilated.

Su Ming put away the God Killer, turned around and took off into the air to leave. The mission was completed and the monster was terminated.

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