The Death Knell

Chapter 1201: When it’s over, just brush off your clothes and go away

If the bridge had not been severely damaged, with various debris even blocking the river under the bridge, and thick smoke and stench covering a large area of ​​the city, people might have thought everything was just a nightmare.

Because the monster appeared so suddenly and disappeared so suddenly.

One second it was suppressing the military's high-tech violent attacks, and the next second it was easily defeated by Deathstroke, but no one knew how he did it.

This was what happened to Ross and Fury on the river bank. Ross even rubbed his eyes hard to make sure he wasn't dazzled. But if he allowed him to rub his eyes until they looked like rabbits, the monster would be dead when it was dead.

" did he do it?"

Fury was equally surprised, because he used the telescope to see that Deathstroke didn't even have close contact with the monster. The problems that countless people couldn't solve were not even worth mentioning to him. This was really powerful.

But Fury had bragged with Ross beforehand, saying that he had invited Deathstroke. Wouldn't it be cheating if he showed surprise at this time?

Heitan would not make such a mistake. He said calmly: "No comment."

These four simple words reflected SHIELD's mystery and style, and made him feel proud in front of Ross.

He knew that after General Ross returned, he would report everything he saw to the top. If they included Deathstroke within the scope of SHIELD's power, then Fury would undoubtedly have one more card that didn't exist at all, but others thought it existed. ace.

At this time, if you talk too much and make mistakes, it is best to turn away and let Ross stand there and guess. People will really be scared to death by their own imagination.

"Howling Commandos, follow me!"

Fury lifted up his black fur coat, drawing an arc in the air like a cape, turned around and walked towards the black helicopter parked in the forest glade.

However, he suddenly felt the corner of his clothes being pulled. When he turned around, he saw a dwarf wearing big glasses, looking up at him with a stubborn expression.

The dwarf's hair was soaked with sweat, and his elegant bangs were stuck to his forehead like a rag, but there was light in his eyes and an unknown fire in his heart.

"Is Deathstroke a mutant?"

The dwarf is Dr. Trask. He has too many questions, and since Deathstroke has left, he can only rely on Fury to answer his questions.

General Ross couldn't retain Fury out of face issues. In the deal between him and Fury, the credit for destroying the monsters went to the military. This reputation was bought at a price.

Now that he has contacted his superiors and signed the contract, Ross is now more concerned about what he will say when the reporters come back, so as to better put money on the army's face.

He wished that Fury would disappear quickly, otherwise the fire on the bridge would be extinguished, or the charcoal of the human figures would be burned out, and the impact of the footage captured by the camera would be greatly weakened.

To do propaganda, we must let the people see that the cruel battlefield is not far away from them, and it is very, very tragic!

Facing a powerful enemy, the federal army suffered heavy losses and won an arduous war despite a lack of medical treatment, medicine, and supplies. What kind of spirit is this?

Even if it wasn't entirely for next year's military budget, everything today gave Ross a sense of urgency. He discovered that the real threat did not come from some furry bears or Vietnamese monkeys, but from local scientific monsters that might appear at any time, and from one person to another. A superpower comparable to an army.

He doesn't want to see a day in the future when the young men under his command have no ability to protect themselves when facing that kind of monster, and will be torn apart and kicked like toys...

Therefore, he must first strive for more military spending and strive to rise.

He doesn't need to take any credit for what happened today, but even if he clashes with the leader, he still has to make the other party pay more to buy back the gamma ray information first.

Ross arranged for people to treat the wounded. Anyway, the living people were moved to the bridge, so it did not affect the shooting. And he himself was going to get in a jeep and take reporters and photographers for a real spin on the bridge.

Fury tugged on his coat, and Trask was dragged a short distance on the ground, but his short hands still grabbed the corner of Fury's clothes and did not let go. He looked at Fury with a bulldog look. Rui's one eye.

If it were a normal person, Fury would definitely fly over with one kick, but the dwarf is a disabled person, and Fury is not so evil as to bully the disabled person.

"He is not a mutant. According to what he said, he is just an ordinary human being. Can he let go now?"

The doctor thought for a moment, ordinary people? It doesn't feel very believable...

But just now Deathstroke walked past the sentry, and the detector didn't react at all. He was unreasonably strong! Is there another type of X gene that cannot be detected by the Sentinel robot? Should we let the Sentinels also target humans with potential mutant genes?

How distressing.

Thinking about things in his mind, he let go of his hand, turned around and ran towards his equipment, shouting loudly for the researchers to recover the robots, and he wanted to upgrade them.

Fury just curled his lips. He had seen too many mad scientists like this. There were many people in SHIELD's Science Department who were weirder than Trask, such as Dr. Pym.

Although he is a physicist, he still likes to play with ants. When doing experiments, he constantly talks and communicates with the air around him, and hugs and cheers each other up with the air. Since his fiancée passed away, that person has become abnormal.

Judging from the nervous look on Dr. Trask's face, I'm afraid the stimulation he received in the past was more serious than Pim's.

Fury sighed, and then jumped on the helicopter. There were some things he needed to communicate with Howard about today's events.

After confirming that no one was left behind, he shook his finger at the pilot to signal for takeoff. The black helicopter once again flew at a very low altitude and disappeared among the undulating mountains and forests on the horizon.


Kama Taj.

Deathstroke once again entertained everyone in the fairy palace for dinner. The reason why Xiao Wang made a lot of pasta was naturally because there were portions for the guests.

At this time, in the antique parlor, except for Loki, the other people in the Immortal Palace looked haggard.

Thor squinted his eyes and did not dare to look at the light. He rubbed the back of his head with his hands very uncomfortably. He also retched and burped from time to time. He looked very painful.

"Come on, come on, let's all have something to eat. Alas, I didn't expect you to be so light drinkers. Yesterday I drank you all when I was a guest at Kama Taj for the first time. I'm so sorry, hahaha!"

Su Ming sat on the main seat, as if he had never left, and greeted Thor with a hearty smile.

"Who said that? The Asgard warrior's drinking capacity is the same as his courage. There is no end!" Thor's face turned red and he immediately retorted: "Yesterday... we were in a bad state yesterday. Today we continue to drink. , I don’t believe I can’t drink even a mortal!”

He lowered his head and glanced at the spaghetti in front of him. There were bright red sauce and unknown pieces inside, which looked like vomit. He quickly turned around and retched.

Loki on the side used chopsticks skillfully and slowly put the noodles into his mouth. He knew that Thor must have fallen into the pit again. Isn't this a way to provoke the general?

The Supreme Mage must have done something last night, and now he obviously wants to get a few people back to Asgard.

Yesterday, Thor's big mouth talked about the God-Slayer Gorr. Today, the Supreme Mage is about to see off his guests and leave without a word about the monster. Does that mean...Gerr is dead? Death at the hands of Deathstroke?

If this is the case, then this human being is too terrifying. You know how many gods are no match for Geer. Even Odin can't capture Geer and imprison him.

In this case, just go with the flow. It will definitely not be good for you to expose everything. It is better to watch Thor make a fool of yourself. Besides, the noodles taste pretty good. Eat a few more bites before being kicked away.

Su Ming glanced at Loki and noticed that his eating speed had accelerated again. He probably guessed what he had seen. Sure enough, he was still smart.

But some things are better left tacitly understood.

"Xiao Wang! Serve the wine! Bring in all the leftover wine from last night. I want to stay drunk with the warriors of Asgard!"

Thor's face was blue, and the faces of the three warriors and Sif were also full of fear. Although Sif didn't drink too much last night, she had spent a lot of effort taking care of the drunk Thor, and she didn't sleep a wink all night.

Drinking again now? Does he want to die drunk in Midgard?

But there is no way, Asgardians cannot admit defeat when it comes to drinking. The drinking hall is another battlefield!

So big wooden barrels flew in one after another under the control of magic. Xiao Wang didn't give Thor a chance to speak at all, and the sea bowl in front of everyone was filled up.

"Everyone, drink up! Do it!"

The Sorcerer Supreme raised the bowl.

Two hours later, wilted and shaky, the spaghetti-like Rainbow Bridge descended on the square of Kama Taj, taking away the drunk cats of the fairy palace...

A black raven that landed on the eaves of the courtyard watched them being taken away, and then looked at the death knell in the hall who raised a glass and smiled at it. It sighed humanely, spread its wings and left.

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