The Death Knell

Chapter 1203? Family

After talking about Ragnarok, Odin and Deathstroke were both a little silent. After all, the earth can escape Ragnarok, but the creatures on the earth may not be able to.

This is a problem we always face, and time is getting increasingly urgent.

"I went to the God-Slayer Gal yesterday to deal with his problem." Su Ming changed the topic: "Because I wanted to check information, I went to the Almighty City and met an old man with dragonfly wings. Goblin.”

"Is he the administrator of the Temple of Knowledge?" Odin corrected the title issue: "He is a god after all. Even if you didn't ask his name, don't give him a random nickname."

"What does it have to do with me whether he has a name? The fact is that I saved his life. Even if I call him Xiao Tiantian, he has to smile and agree."

Su Ming waved his hand indifferently. He really didn't ask the person's name. The Almighty City was not a good place. The gods living there were drunk and dreaming every day, which was extremely boring.

It is originally the kind of place where the city is clean and everyone is laughing, but you have been there once and never want to go there again.

What's more, it was destroyed yesterday, and it will probably take hundreds of years to rebuild it. After that, it will take hundreds of years to clean up the lurking symbiotes.

"What you said makes sense, please continue." Odin turned over the topic and motioned for Deathstroke to continue.

Su Ming took out a cigarette, lowered his head, held it in his mouth and lit it. He looked at the snowy tops of the mountains in the distance and slowly blew out a puff of smoke: "I accidentally played with his Almighty Book and saw it by chance. Regarding Orochi’s records, I think it’s best not to let Thor and the others know about this matter, and I can only talk to you about it.”

"Oh? Is it really that unintentional and accidental?" Odin had no expression on his face.

Su Ming smiled and returned his gaze to the fish float: "Believe it or not, it's up to you. The key is that I know the location of the big snake. Everything is going according to the myth of Ragnarok, but we have a chance."

"What chance?" Odin's expression became serious, and an unknown light flashed in his one eye.

"Right now, sacrifice one of your sons to get an opportunity to plan ahead." Su Ming answered him word for word.

Odin was silent, thought for a long time, and slowly shook his head.

If everything goes as before, a certain son and the serpent die together, Ragnarok will still happen again.

Although there will be changes in time, after all, the death of the big snake before the Wolf Winter has never happened. But he didn't dare to gamble on whether such a weak change could produce the desired results.

"No, Thor and Loki are both my sons, and I will not let them make such a sacrifice, because the sacrifice is likely to be unnecessary."

Su Ming shrugged his shoulders and flicked the cigarette ashes casually: "If only one person is killed today, both of them may be killed in the future. Are you sure?"

"Needless to say, it sounds like my brother Orochi is on the earth. Let me go and 'talk' to him." Odin sighed, and he put down the fishing rod. No fish took the bait for a long time. His patience No more: "Speaking of which, it's quite unexpected that you were able to get his book from the custodian. How did you catch him?"

"Oh, I just negotiated a condition with him." Su Ming still sat firmly on the Diaoyutai and replied calmly: "Hey, God King Odin, what does family mean to you?"

Odin stood up and patted his robe, squinting his eyes and rubbing his palms like an ordinary old man: "You have also seen the gate of Odin's Sleep. There are reliefs of me, my father and my two brothers carved on it. Then It was the scene when we went out to sea to defeat giants a long time ago. I didn’t understand it before, but the World Tree made me understand that for the Asa clan, family is everything.”

"The big snake is under the water in the Indian Ocean now. If you ask Heimdall to look carefully, you can find him in the trench. But if you want to 'talk', don't do it on Earth."

Su Ming still looked like a professional fisherman and said without looking back.

The coarse cloth clothes on Odin's body suddenly glowed with golden light. After the light faded, his gorgeous armor was put on again, and Gangnir did not know when it appeared in his hands.

"I understand. Thank you again for taking care of the children. At least you didn't let Thor get drunk and die here."

"He's silly and funny, and he cares about his family. I like people like this." The voice of the death knell came, but there was no warmth in his tone.


Odin left. As for what would happen between him and the two Orochi brothers, that was not Su Ming's concern.

The God King cannot kill his brother, and his brother cannot kill the God King, because the big snake carries a cosmic rule, that is, it can only die with the son of Odin. I don’t know who set up this deceptive condition.

Everyone knows that no one will launch their plan before the time comes, including Deathstroke and the mastermind behind the incident, who are all in a wait-and-see state.

Besides, the big snake is interesting enough. He has not attacked his nephews for so many years after escaping. It seems that the days of being sealed did not make him crazy.

Logically speaking, if a god is lurking under the ocean and planning to cause trouble, this should be a matter handled by the Supreme Mage.

But he went out for a long drive yesterday and today, and Su Ming planned to take a rest, so he better call Odin and let him handle this matter as a household matter.

After Odin left for a while, Gin slowly walked into the small pavilion and sat watching Su Ming fishing without saying anything.

She picked up Odin's fishing rod and looked at it. The bait on it had been stolen at some point. The fish in this small lake were extremely cunning because they lived in the magical world all day long.

Su Ming smiled at her and lifted his fishing rod. He didn't know when the fishing rod and hook had been replaced by a strangle. At this time, it had already pierced a fish.

"How is Odin doing?" she asked.

Su Ming took back the fish and put it on the stone bench next to him, and stopped playing the game: "He can't die, and he can't live well. He was deeply influenced by the ancient gods. In some worlds, this situation is called 'refining' , in some worlds this situation is called 'enlightenment', unconditional belief in and reliance on ancient gods is not a good thing."

"Who is the person in the shadow?" Gin asked again.

"I don't know. Although Wade and I have beaten them all, we still don't quite understand what level they are. They are not strong, but they are completely unkillable. We can only defeat them with Wade's beautiful appearance. , buy some time for the Nine Realms."

Gin lay on his back and put her head on his shoulder: "Then what are you going to do?"

"There are many ways, but the time is not ripe now, so we can only wait and see for a while. However, no matter what the plan is, it still focuses on the flow of energy and the World Tree." Su Ming touched her head, stood up, and his tone changed. He felt much more relaxed: "You can take the fish home and eat it. I'll go to Fury to collect some reward. I have something else to ask him."

"Well, I'll go back to Vanaheim soon. You go and do your work." Gin stretched out his hand to straighten his collar, then simply picked up the fish and left.

Su Ming looked at her back, and stood there for a while looking at the snow-capped mountains. Although he said he wanted to find Fury, he thought about it and walked in another direction, and came to the big library to find Hamil.

Hamil, who was guarding the big library, came out. The two made eye contact, and his eyes turned behind him.

In the dark room, Monaco was sleeping soundly on a high-tech massage chair.

That's right, this is the chair I got from the old goblin. After some magic transformation, it can now be driven by a simple magic circle. It does look very comfortable, so comfortable that this guy's mustache twitched in his dream. A trembling one.

"How is he doing?"

Hamill shook his head and replied coldly: "Aging is accelerated."

Su Ming smacked his lips and shook his head slightly. In fact, when he knew that Monaco taught his apprentice, Deathstroke guessed that Monaco might have noticed that there was something wrong with his body, and in order not to interrupt the inheritance in the future, he A student will be hastily trained to inherit the mantle.

"How much medicine did you give him?"

Su Ming asked again, it was impossible for the Magic Prince to sleep so deeply. His previous spell casting was considered moderate and did not have much impact on his spirit.

The reason why he didn't even notice the arrival of the death knell and didn't hear the two talking was because Hamil received the instructions from the Supreme Mage and gave Monaco a sleeping pill.

"One bottle."

Hamill raised a small white plastic bottle and shook it to indicate that it was all gone. The drink he gave Monaco before was a little thicker.

Su Ming grinned. After taking so many sleeping pills at once, Monaco wouldn't be able to "sleep forever", right?

He walked over and touched the carotid artery of the Magic Prince, and tried to breathe again. It seemed normal, at least he was still alive. Perhaps after too much mental torture, his nerves were thicker than others, and the amount of sleeping pills was just right.

"Very good, send him to the 'temple' and tell the unknown people that this mustache owes him any spellcasting fees."

Hamil picked up Monaco as if he were holding a fat little princess: "Master, I have to remind you, this is not in line with the rules."

Su Ming understood what Hamil meant. The Nameless Men were Kama Taj's strategic reserve, and they were one of the trump cards when facing a dimensional magic war.

Although Monaco is an acquaintance and often appears in Kama Taj, he also acted as an agent for daily affairs when Deathstroke was not around...

But he was not Kama Taj's mage. Whether it was Gu Yi or Su Ming, they had invited him more than once, but he was determined not to join any force.

It does seem a bit risky to let an archmage who doesn't belong to Kama Taj use precious resources.

Once the news is revealed, if another friendly and kind-hearted mage comes with a price, will you help? Can you help one, can you help them all?

Although Kama Taj is powerful, it is impossible to pay the price for the mages in the whole world. Those crazy monks in the mountain are eager to climb to the bliss, but as the supreme mages, they need to die slowly.

Su Ming knew all this clearly, but he couldn't watch Monaco being dragged down by the cost of casting spells. Paying emotions and pain to the demon gods could only last a few hundred years, and their needs would only become more and more important. The more comprehensive it is.

Monaco's body has suffered backlash. His ascites has not improved at all. Hair loss and memory loss have also occurred. Su Ming can't wait any longer.

Su Ming once promised this guy that he would find him some better price-bearing objects than rabbits, and whether he wanted it or not, he had to arrange it for him.

"Go ahead and do the work. I have my own sense of discretion. Monaco is my old friend. I still hope that he will continue to help Kama Taj for a thousand years."

"As you command, Master Supreme."

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