The Death Knell

Chapter 1024? Heading to the Wilderness

Monaco had a dream. He dreamed that he was lying in a dark place, like in a dark cloud, surrounded by soft things.

And in the darkness, countless green eyes, their owners stared at him with squinting eyes, and even stretched out their hands to grope him.

With the contact of these black hands, he felt that something in his body was sucked away by these black shadows, and he felt a release-like pleasure, just like flying in the clouds and mist, his body became so light that he almost floated.

I don't know why, but he felt so comfortable anyway. A sly smile appeared on his face, and even his sleep talk turned into Japanese for "Ya Zhi Die" and "一KU".

It was so good, the pleasure came one after another. It was so unbearable that it actually woke him up!

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Deathstroke's one eye, looking at him with a salty look, and holding the controller to adjust the speed of the massage chair in his hand.

The smile on Monaco's face disappeared instantly. He sat up and snatched the controller back. No wonder he felt so good that he almost left his body. It turned out that Deathstroke had adjusted the massage frequency of the chair to the 'Creation God Level' !

The devil knows how Deathstroke translated the words of the gods and re-engraved them on the remote control. He also doesn’t know how the old goblin’s massage chairs are divided into levels, but this creation god-level massage technique is really not something that mortals can enjoy. Yes, Shet, the bones are all crispy.

"Are you saying you're bored? Do you want to do this kind of prank while I'm sleeping?"

Monaco stood up and stroked his mustache, his eyes turned into the shape of dead fish, and he seemed hopeless.

Su Ming waved his hand to indicate that Hamil was fine. Monaco didn't realize what happened when he was unconscious.

"Are you really bored? But I saw that you were so happy just now. What were you dreaming about?"

"It's none of your business even if you dream about an Irish blonde."

The magic prince rolled his eyes, and he stretched slowly. Not to mention, the effect of this chair was really extraordinary. His whole body seemed to have been reborn, and he was hundreds of years younger.

No wonder Deathstroke had to change this thing back. This guy can be boring sometimes, but his vision is really accurate.

Su Ming smiled and patted his shoulder, hooked his neck and walked out the door: "Let's go, let's have pasta for lunch. Although it's a little late, you will go to bed as soon as you come back, so this is the only thing you can eat."

Monaco is still a little nostalgic for the chair and always looks back at it: "This chair..."

"Ahem! This is Kama Taj's property. It's okay for you to come and sit here occasionally. Do you still want to move back home?" Su Ming winked at Hamil. Hamil understood and immediately sat down on the chair. He seemed very comfortable and closed his eyes.


Monaco was speechless. This was indeed the case. Anyway, even if Deathstroke tempted him with this chair, he would not be able to join Karma Taj.

A lone mage has the advantage of being alone, but a large organization has the disadvantages of a large organization. He still prefers to live alone in the old streets of London, with his apprentices and rabbits, at least for the rest of his life...

Thinking of this, he touched his belly.

"Huh? Where's my fat belly?"

Su Ming pretended to be careless and looked down, as if he was very surprised: "It's true. Congratulations on your success in losing weight. It's just that this chair doesn't seem to cure hair loss."

Monaco always felt that something was wrong, but couldn't explain it.

If others don't know, can he himself not know that the belly is actually not fat, but ascites in the body caused by the cost of casting spells? That kind of thing doesn't just disappear.

Even if you want to use means to treat it, you still need the consent of the demon gods.

The Magic Prince fell into deep thought. Even though Deathstroke was holding his neck and walking away, he was still thinking. When he was about to reach the restaurant, he hit his palm with his fist, as if he understood something.

It turns out that this is a massage at the level of a creation god!

It was truly a miracle like the creation of the world. No wonder the old goblin was so muscular that he could beat the symbiote to the point of being unable to fight back with just a book.

Anyway, if you give yourself a book and let yourself fight against Strangler, he will definitely not be able to beat him.

"Then it's agreed, I'll come and use this chair often." Monaco immediately made an appointment, and he felt great now.

Su Ming showed a meaningful smile: "Well said, Xiao Wang! Serve the ramen! Ask Casillas to come over, and go out to do errands after dinner!"


Thirty minutes later, Antarctica.

A golden fire ring opened, and three people walked out of it. One of them was wearing yellow and black armor, one was wearing a monk-like robe, and the other had a ecstatic mustache and a cane in his hand.

But as soon as they went out, the two people wearing cloth armor began to shiver. It was winter in the southern hemisphere at this time, and it was too cold to come to the Antarctic.

"Suck, suck, it's seventy degrees below zero, it's deadly."

Monaco sighed, feeling that the mucus was frozen in his nasal cavity before it even flowed out.

Casillas silently took out two black masks, gave one to Monaco, and put on one himself.

The Supreme Mage told him to take over Master Druid's position in the Monster Hunter team, so he was somewhat prepared.

He brought everything including gloves, masks, and Wilson's toilet water. He also brought several popular science books for children such as "Primary School Physics" and "Doing Chemistry Experiments at Home."

The battle between Deathstroke and the Hulk seemed to open the door to a new world for him, and he wanted to find more places where magic and science could be combined.

But Antarctica, who would have imagined that there is an entrance to a pocket world in this land of ice and snow. Over there is a lush and lush plane called the Savage Continent.

"That's why I brought you here, isn't it? Neither Casillas nor I know where the entrance is. Master Druid has already crossed planes and cannot be contacted. I have to rely on you to find a place."

Su Ming answered very naturally, as if the low temperature had no effect on him. The thick and hard snow was firmly stepped on under his feet.

Monaque glanced at him angrily and quickly put on the mask. His numb face felt better after being shielded from the cold wind. He cast a magic spell on himself to keep him warm. Faltin's Fire was very useful at times like this.

"Pocket space is a type of plane, and plane is a collective name for small dimensions whose rules are similar to the earth's environment. If you want to find its entrance, you need to look for places where space rifts are unstable, which is more likely."

Monaco took out the rabbit to cast the spell and explained the principle casually.

He is more teaching Kaka. Although Casillas is talented, he is still too young after all.

The rabbit was strangled to death and was already frozen solid when it was thrown to the ground. The corpse made a muffled sound. Monaco buttoned the ice particles in the corner and raised his finger in a direction.

"over there."

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