The Death Knell

Chapter 1210 Fury in danger

The conditions were quickly negotiated, and Ulysses gave up the leadership of the team. He would take the gold and silver treasures, as well as some technologies that Deathstroke didn't like, and bring them back to Fury to make another profit.

As a price, he needs to send his daughter to Karma Taj to become a magic apprentice, and the magic materials he obtains in the future will be sold to Karma Taj first at a fair price.

In fact, other conditions are just smoke and mirrors. Deathstroke values ​​Ulysses' daughter more. In the future, her reputation will be louder than that of her father. The little girl's name is Elsa Bloodstone.

Elsa is the best at using magic among the demon hunters, and the best at hunting demons among the magicians. She is the kind of new-age mage that Deathstroke prefers.

He is the kind of mage who charges forward, is brave and resourceful, and wields shotguns in both hands.

Simple, deadly, and efficient.

In the future, she will have the physical fitness of Black Widow, the sense of smell of a hunter like Kraven, and the magical talent no less than Strange.

What is most important in the 21st century? Of course it’s talent and resources.

The identity of her mother is a mystery. She may be some kind of humanoid devil or a member of the Eternals. In short, after Ulysses died, the ruby ​​on his chest also fell off and was made by Elsa's mother. I bought a necklace for my daughter to wear.

In the past, this blood stone could absorb light and not spit out, but after it was made into a necklace, the devil and blood energy essence was released. Elsa was mysteriously affected, and all aspects of her body quickly grew to extraordinary levels. , at the age of eighteen she became one of the best vampire hunters.

Given her father's fame, she is even more famous in the United States than her contemporaries, including Daywalker Blade and Rachel Van Helsing, and the shotgun she inherited from her father proves that her employers were right. people.

As a demon hunter, she doesn't have the same obsession with revenge as Blade and Rachel. She just kills vampires and demons to make money. This simple attitude is the same as that of a mercenary.

So while she was still young, her father sent her directly to Karma Taj. Naturally, such a good talent must be cultivated from an early age. It would be a pity not to learn some advanced magic.

As for Wakanda, the conditions are different.

Deathstroke helped find the vibranium veins here, and then handed them over to Wakanda for development and use.

In exchange, Wakanda needs to open its borders and trade to Kama Taj, and no matter how they dig Antarctic vibranium, they must give Kama Taj 50% as a tap.

Zawadi was a little hesitant. She did not have such high authority to agree to such conditions, but after Deathstroke vowed to speak out, he would personally talk to the Leopard God and the matter would definitely come true.

The black girl felt very strange. The meaning behind the words of Deathstroke seemed to be very familiar with the Leopard God? In this case, let's agree to it first. If we really find the mine, the results will soon become apparent after we go out.

Deathstroke said that if everything goes well, the Savage Land will be completely taken over by Karma Taj. After all, all the materials in this alien testing ground are ready-made, and it would be a pity to leave them unused.

He gave Wakanda permission in advance to mine in his territory.

What she doesn't know is that this is actually a trap, because the underground of Antarctica is "anti-vibranium", and its properties are completely different from the original vibranium of Wakanda.

When the time comes to dig it out, Wakanda's vibranium technology will be completely inapplicable. They will have to spend great efforts to research new metals, and Deathstroke can wait and enjoy the results...

But anti-vibranium is also a good thing, right? They should be grateful.

Su Ming's goals for this trip are quite many. Not only does he need to occupy the entire plane, he also needs to clean up the super monsters inside, and then search for a fossil of a cosmic god, search for the totems of the ancient gods, and search for lost technology and magic. , and a lot of things.

It will definitely take a lot of time to dig out all the treasures accumulated by the Nuvalis and the Life Spreaders over hundreds of millions of years.

I won't be able to go back and chat with Fury in a short time, but after thinking about it, that guy probably doesn't have anything serious?

"Okay, so what do you want?"

After having negotiated terms with Ulysses and Zawadi, Deathstroke turned his attention to Namora who was fully alive after taking a bath. She was full of energy at this time, just like a little squirrel with a stuffed food in her mouth. Food is being eaten.

She rubbed her wet blond hair, and her slightly upturned eyelashes fluttered twice as she blinked her eyes: "Can I also make a request?"

"Haha, the next treasure hunt will also require your efforts, and you will be rewarded for your efforts. This is natural." Su Ming said with a smile. He has always had this view. In exchange of equal value, if you do the work, then Just reap the rewards.

Namora thought for a while, and she really didn't want anything, because this matter actually had nothing to do with Atlantis. She was just doing the CIA's mission under the banner of Atlantis.

"Then I want a big house and a nice car."

After thinking for a long time, she decided that she still wanted something practical. The house she bought with her savings was too small compared to the palace under the sea, and she wanted a bigger one. Although she can fly with the small wings at her ankles like Namor, it is still more convenient to go out and drive in human society.

What money can buy is the easiest thing to solve.

"It's easy to say, you can choose any house anywhere on the earth, and you can buy any car of any brand." Su Ming clapped his hands and stood up: "You eat first, and then I will take you to find the savages for revenge."


Just as Deathstroke and his team were preparing to start their plan, they were in a safe house in New York, USA.

Fury, who was thought to have nothing serious, was far less relaxed than Deathstroke thought. Black Tan's hunch was right, and something was going to happen to him.

He kept vomiting blood and leaned his back against the titanium alloy door of the safe house. His injuries made him unable to hold the gun steady.

Half of his ribs were broken, his shoulder blades and deltoid muscles were all bruised, and he was shot several times in his legs and back. Not to mention his fighting ability, his lack of shock was the result of his strong will.

The only sound in the secret basement was the sound of the ventilation fan turning and his own breathing like a broken bellows.

With trembling hands, Fury took out a bottle of military morphine from the hidden pocket of his black leather jacket and injected it into his leg. The effect of the drug made his vision clearer again, at least he was not as unable to think as before.

He calmed himself down.

The strong door is enough to withstand the enemy for about half an hour. According to calculations, the black widow who has been contacted before that time will come to save him. What he has to do now is to delay time and prevent the other party from finding other ways to break the door.

"Valentina! Why?" Fury made up his mind and shouted towards his wife outside the door.

It was indeed her wife, S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Valentina, outside the door, but she was playing with a submachine gun in her hand at the moment. She put her head to the edge of the door and let her voice slip through the crack of the door:

"Honey, would you please open the door? Let's talk in person."

"Cough, cough." Fury spit out another mouthful of blood. He was afraid that the gun in his back had hit his internal organs, but he still held on without losing consciousness: "I guess what you want to say is a nine-millimeter caliber?"

Valentina also smiled. She looked at the gap under the security door, took out a test tube filled with green liquid from her pocket, and brushed the thin curved glass surface with her fingertips painted with black nail polish.

"You still have the guts to make wisecracks. My husband is really a hero. Being a hero... makes me sick."

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