The Death Knell

Chapter 1211? Family breakdown

In fact, things would not have been like this originally, just because after returning to the Tri-wing to report to Howard, Fury found that he actually had some free time.

He thought for a while and decided to go to the street to check on the follow-up to the sewer explosion in the morning. After all, the streets of New York were full of dirty things and dirty water. If a plague was caused, or other forces wanted to take the opportunity to cause trouble, he would always have something to do. prepared.

Unexpectedly, he was driving around in the street and accidentally came to the neighborhood of his home. Suddenly he saw his wife having an intimate conversation with a strange man in an alley.

They didn't look familiar, and there was a somewhat businesslike tone in their mannerisms, but Fury was certain that he had never seen that man in SHIELD.

He had always suspected that Valentina was Hydra, but without finding any evidence for so many years, he gradually gave up on this idea.

But today's scene made his past doubts come to mind again. Fury, who was hiding in the car, took out his telescope and looked carefully.

Valentina talked to the man for a while, and then hugged her. The man put his mouth close to her face, and it looked like he was about to kiss her cheek as if saying goodbye to a normal friend, but Fury couldn't help but notice the man's kiss. The words were read out in the mouth.

"Long live Hydra."

The long speculation finally came to fruition, but Fury was not as happy as before after uncovering the Hydra agent, and was only confused.

Valentina and he had been a couple for so many years, had a family, and everything was fine except they had no children.

But today's reality proves that the happiness in the past was just a show. What's wrong with this world? Too morbid and too dark.

He picked up the car's walkie-talkie and hesitated to contact Black Widow. She had always been responsible for cleaning up traitors within SHIELD.

But he finally hung up the walkie-talkie. Maybe Valentina was on some mission, maybe a double agent mission. Although there was only a one percent chance, Fury hid the gun and decided to get out of the car and ask him face to face.

He rarely lost his cool and made a bad judgment call.


The strange man turned around as if he was electrocuted. When he recognized Fury, his pupils shrank to the size of pinpoints, and he immediately took out his weapon and opened fire on Fury.

Gunshots rang out and she knew she was exposed.

If he didn't shoot, he might still have a way to get through. It's all this idiot's fault. Hydra's agents are getting worse and worse!

He had to shout a slogan as a farewell, but it happened to be seen by a master agent like Fury. He would definitely not be able to clean it up. He then shot the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, effectively dragging her down with her.

Now even if Valentina kills him on the spot, she still can't explain why she came into contact with Hydra, because no one in S.H.I.E.L.D. gave her a lurking order, at least Alexander Pierce will not take the blame for her.

The cause of the matter was that Hydra learned through some channels that Fury had gamma ray information. After the sewer explosion occurred this morning, and after 'visiting' the combat power of the monster on the bridge, one of its leaders decided to take advantage of the situation. Get that information randomly.

So they wanted Valentina to do this. After all, she was the person closest to Fury. They would first determine where the information was hidden, and then find a way to take pictures.

Unfortunately, the person they sent to deliver the information was a novice. Although his unfamiliar face made it easier to lurk, he had just come out of Hydra Academy and still had dogmatic habits. He even happened to meet Fury who had returned home early.

Valentina was also in a trance. She knew that the moment she pulled the trigger, everything in the past would change.

The couple who have lived together for more than ten years are actually their own masters, and the peaceful days in the past will never come back.

But she had no choice. At the moment of exposure, her agent instinct completely took over all her thoughts, that is, only one of her and Fury could survive.

She wanted to live, and she didn't want to see the Nine-Headed True God. Those were all lies.

She joined Hydra just to live a good life and make money. When she was the daughter of a British country noble, her parents died and the family was burdened with debt. To keep her ancestral home and fields, she needed a lot of money.

Because she was very beautiful, many jackals regarded her as fat and stared at her with eager eyes.

She didn't want to become a rich man's plaything, and she didn't want her ancestral property to be lost in her hands, so when Hydra came to her with money, she had no reason to refuse.

Originally she was arranged to get close to Dam and play Dugan, just an ordinary chess piece, but later she found that she preferred Fury as the leader of the team.

Because Fury seems to be calm and at ease at all times, there is nothing that the King of Agents cannot do.

Maybe it's because she has a dark temperament, and Fury is obviously very interested in her, so naturally, the two of them come together after one adventure after another.

It's just that...she may have forgotten Hydra's mission. Her superiors asked her to stick to Dugan, but she stuck to Fury instead.

But fortunately, it was a hit and miss. Fury is naturally more valuable than Dugan. If he can stick to Fury, the intelligence he can obtain will be even higher.

Not only was this act of disobedience not punished, but Hydra considered her very ambitious and worthy of praise.

So Valentina's spy level was improved and she received the order to lurk deeply for so many years.

Sometimes she would forget that she was still Hydra. She first went to receive agent training from the Logistics Department, and later joined the Logistics Department to work with Fury. Everything was fine.

Hydra also sent her Jude and other lurking agents to accept her command, forming a second field team besides Fury.

It's just that Jude secretly got together with his informant Amanda and had a child. After revealing his identity, he wanted to defect with his wife. Fortunately, Amanda killed him on the spot and Valentina's secret was preserved.

At that time, Valentina saw Jude's body being dragged away from Amanda's delivery room with a scalpel on its neck, and hearing the heart-rending screams of Amanda who was giving birth, she had a premonition that maybe... One day I will face such a fate.

Today, a few years later, this premonition came true.

It was a cruel choice. She had to choose who would live, between herself and Fury, because the exposed spy lost its value. Even if she could survive returning to Hydra, the days that followed would be worse than death.

On the contrary, if she can kill Fury now and frame the newbie next to her, as Fury's widow, she will not be unable to take over Fury's position by then.

Fury was caught off guard, and after being shot, he fled back to his car to escape, but Valentina and the Hydra newcomers drove after him. The two cars started a drifting battle in the excrement water, which made the occasional passers-by Pedestrians are miserable.

Fury didn't want to go back to the Trident Wing. If Valentina was a Hydra, he couldn't be sure how many of her subordinates were in the Trident Wing. If he went back, he might die on the operating table.

He decided to activate a safe house of his own.

But the street full of shit was too slippery. Not long after driving at high speed, he had a car accident and hit a streetlight. Fury broke many bones. He abandoned the car and walked, fighting and escaping.

After killing the man, he finally managed to keep a safe distance, locked himself in the safe house first, and contacted Natasha through the backup radio in the house.

And Valentina blocked the door outside, trying to kill him in other ways.

Although the news has been leaked, if she can get rid of Fury, she can still make up for it.

Having been a couple for so many years, Fury naturally knows where Valentina's weaknesses are. She doesn't like to bring explosives when she acts because she is not very good at electronics and demolition, and she doesn't drive a car well enough.

Now, he needs to hold off Valentina before the Black Widow arrives.

He took off his fur coat. It was a bit thick for wearing it in the summer, but now he could see the benefits. The thick clothes could seal the cracks in the door tightly to prevent her from releasing poison gas.

As a Hydra, there is no one who cannot use poison gas, so you always need to be prepared.


I don't know how much time passed, but Fury's consciousness became more and more blurred. At first, he used the medicine to argue with his wife, but later he found it difficult to speak.

It gradually became quiet outside, and the ventilation fan was blocked by Fury's clothes. There was not much oxygen in this confined space.

Then he heard a knock on the door, and a dull echo came from the metal door.

"Fury, are you dead?" This was Natasha's voice: "If you are not dead, open the door. Your blood will flow out of the door."

Fury took a breath and turned his head to the door: "Password 23?"

"Twenty-three ghosts, there is no 23rd password!" Natasha rolled her eyes outside the door. The content of this password was what she said. It was a statement with denial as the password.

Fury struggled to open the door. Half lying on the ground, he immediately held the gun and looked out through the crack in the door.

He didn't want to be deceived, but he also didn't want to see Valentina killed by Natasha, and he felt very conflicted.

But the only person who walked in was a red-haired woman wearing high heels and fashionable sunglasses. As soon as she came in, she observed the environment and tilted her head at Fury: "You are seriously injured, but fortunately it's nothing." The fatal injury probably earned me three months of vacation.”

Fury smiled bitterly and reached out to Natasha to help him up: "After all, it is an agent's instinct to avoid the fatal part when facing an attack, but if you come later, I'm afraid I will go into shock due to blood loss."

"Can you blame me? I'm on vacation today. You should be lucky that I'm not far away. I happen to be doing a spa in Westchester County, a northern suburb of New York. And I can fly a helicopter."

Natasha took out a towel from her handbag, tore her skirt into strips, and bandaged Fury:

"Beauty and a good figure are also my weapons, and weapons need maintenance. Do you know how much I spend on fitness and beauty every year?"

Fury wanted to laugh, but couldn't: "Don't tell me this, I'm not interested in cosmetics. Was Valentina already gone when you came?"

Natasha tightened the bandage on Fury's leg. Fury's bandaging skills were very poor, full of the deceptive style of battlefield first aid.

Seeing him grimacing in pain and making a sound of inhaling, she stood up and clapped her hands: "Yes, she knows she is no match for me, of course she has to run away, but she can actually hurt you, It’s quite a bit beyond my expectation.”

"I made a wrong choice, and this is the price." Fury put his arm on Natasha's shoulders: "Send me to Howard now, no one else can be trusted."

"Oh? It sounds like I am someone you trust too? What a surprise."

Natasha carried Fury and walked towards the street. She parked the stolen helicopter on the rooftop of the residential building opposite. There were really rich people over there at the spa, otherwise there wouldn't be such a good means of transportation.

It's a pity that she grabbed a plane there today. I'm afraid she won't be able to go there again next time. She quite likes the jacuzzi. Forget it, let's go to Hawaii next time.

Fury didn't know what Natasha was thinking, so he nodded very seriously:

"Yes, you are indeed the person I trust most now. Otherwise, if I am like this, it would be easy for you to kill me."

The corners of Black Widow's mouth curled up, showing that she was in a good mood, although her dress was ruined because it was torn and stained with blood.

"You are a wounded person now, so I won't argue with you, because if I want to kill you, I don't have to wait until you are injured. I am a black widow, not a little girl like Hydra who found it from nowhere. "

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