The Death Knell

Chapter 1212? Seeing through the mortal world

Natasha tied Fury into the passenger seat and started the helicopter to fly to Howard's house.

"Fly low, use the building as cover, and be careful of anti-aircraft missiles." Fury said with his eyes closed. His situation was slightly more stable, but he knew that he was not out of danger.

Black Widow glanced at him: "You can do it, you can do it? There is so much nonsense, will divorced men change their personalities drastically?"

Fury was speechless. His situation was not as simple as divorce. In the end, he choked for a long time before saying: "I would rather be widowed than divorced."

"Oh, don't try to lie to me. You didn't kill her on purpose, right?" Black Widow sneered: "There are all kinds of arms in your safe house. I also saw the gadgets invented by Howard. You I don’t want to kill her at all, otherwise she would have died long ago.”

There was no expression on Fury's dark face, and he still looked like he was waiting for death with his eyes closed.

When Natasha saw him pretending to be dead, she smiled and cursed in Russian, and then said: "Okay, Great Lover, what will you do next if you survive the catastrophe? Do you need me to check for her traces and get rid of her?" "

"No, let Howard and I discuss it first..."

Then, there was a long silence.

The wind from the vents on the cabin glass blew Fury's hair, and he felt very annoyed, as if someone was scratching the top of his head. He was extremely irritable.

Suddenly, he realized that he was asking for trouble.

So in just a split second, he decided to address the source of these troubles... He didn't want any more hair!

Just like the Eastern monks, they cut off the mortal world by shaving off three thousand troubles.

Just do whatever you want. As soon as the plane landed, facing Howard who came out of the room with a worried look on his face, Fury's first words were:

"Find me a barber I can trust. I want to be shaved."


Howard, who was wearing pajamas and a clothespin on his nose, looked weird.

It was clear that Fury was still alive and kicking two hours ago, and the two of them went back to their respective homes after meeting in the Tri-Curve Wing.

Yes, Howard also has to go home to repair the sewers and clean the house. His house is bigger than Pim and has more bathrooms. Don't expect a truly wealthy lady like Maria to do any housework.

Today, everything in New York was taken over by the military, and SHIELD had nothing to deal with. He probably left early after making some arrangements.

Director Stark being late, leaving early, being absent from work, and skipping work are all very common things, and everyone has long been used to it.

It’s just that he is smarter than Pim. He has been in the laboratory since he returned home, trying to invent a robot that can shovel shit and mop the floor. It is the kind that can move on the ground by itself like a plate and clean automatically. .

Do you expect him to shovel shit with his own hands? A house of more than 4,000 square meters does not include the yard, so when does it have to be shoveled? Don't even think about it. His hands are used to create scientific miracles, not to do farm work.

"What medicine did you give him?"

Howard blinked, and the hand he wanted to reach out to help the wounded paused in mid-air because his nose was pinched. He asked Natasha in a weird accent.

Anyway, he thinks Fury is talking nonsense. With this look, he should be looking for a doctor he can trust, right? Do you still think this is the Middle Ages when barbers moonlighted as bloodletters to treat diseases?

Natasha threw Fury to Howard, moved her shoulders, and returned to the helicopter: "You should ask him what medicine he took wrongly. Anyway, his brain is not right. And your house is as dirty as a pigsty, under the lawn It’s all excrement, I’ll leave first.”

"Hey, wait..."

However, the sound of the helicopter propeller covered up Howard's words, and the grass clippings and various dirt flying up in the cyclone instantly covered Howard and Fury, but they could only watch in despair as the helicopter took off and flew away.

"She seems unhappy today?"

Howard carried Fury on one shoulder and wiped his face. He turned into a camouflage man, green grass clippings,'s best not to think about it.

Fury rolled his eyes and fainted on Howard's shoulder. A comatose person wouldn't care what he got on.

"Medic! Medic! Wait...I'm at home, Fuck." Howard thought he was back on the battlefield for a moment, and shouted twice before coming back to his senses: "Jarvis! Come out and help!”

I saw Jarvis dressed as a medic and running quickly out of the villa. He had a helmet with a red cross on his head that he found from nowhere. He was wearing a World War II military uniform and had a brown helmet on his shoulder. Medical kit.

"Master, leave it to me."

Watching Jarvis take away Fury's back, Howard touched his beard and murmured to himself in a voice like Donald Duck.

"It's really a medic...Jarvis, I really have you."


Of course, Deathstroke and his team in the wilderness didn't know what happened in New York. Even if they knew, someone wouldn't bother to get involved in Fury's housework.

At this time, he was walking through the rain forest with the monster hunters who were well fed, drunk and clean, on the way to find the savages.

Monaco was wearing leather shoes. It was not very convenient to walk this way. However, the speed of travel was not fast. There were probably venomous snakes or insects in the humus in the forest. Anyone except Su Ming would be in trouble if he was approached. Something is going to happen.

Even if it uses strangulation to open a way, it still needs time to distinguish the smell and feel the vibration, not that fast.

However, in comparison, several members of the Monster Hunter team already feel that they are extremely fast now. They did not move so conveniently in the past.

In fact, Su Ming could have used his cloak to fly everyone there, but since it was an adventure, and to avoid having the cloak take the opportunity to cause trouble and have to eat to replenish energy, he might as well just walk.

"The plan is like this, first capture the slaves of a tribe, and then force them to contribute maps, hunt for treasures and conquer more tribes at the same time. This will snowball and control the humanoid race in the wilderness first."

Su Ming probably told a few people about the preliminary plan along the way. Anyway, if this one doesn't work, there is still plan C and plan D. There will always be one suitable for this place.

"But there are many of them, and each of them is very strong." Ulysses dragged his injured leg and used the shotgun in his hand as a crutch to walk.

Su Ming didn't look back and just replied calmly: "The number of people is meaningless in front of me. As for how strong they are, let me fight and I will know."

Zawadi admires Deathstroke's style very much. In her opinion, a warrior should have such courage. No matter how many or how strong his enemies are, he only needs to ask where they are.

However, she herself did not have such strength, and she was somewhat envious of Deathstroke, so she leaned on her spear and followed the action step by step. After eating, her dizziness was much relieved, and she was barely able to fight.

Her spear looks simple, but it is actually Wakandan technology. During battle, she points the spearhead at the enemy, and then presses the button on the spear handle to fire a laser beam for long-range attacks.

Namora was the most relaxed one. Not only did she walk briskly in the rainforest, but she would also pick at small flowers and grass from time to time, as if preparing to braid a flower crown for herself. She didn't hear anything the death knell said. Anyway, she relies on instinct and the super power of water control to fight, and it doesn't make much difference whether she listens to tactics or not.

Seeing that Deathstroke was so confident, Monaco and Casillas did not express any objections. Ulysses was convinced that Deathstroke was really confident, so he said no more and pointed to the river. A string of footprints.

"It's here. Those great apes like to walk along the river to avoid getting lost. As long as we follow these footprints, we can find their tribe."

Su Ming lowered his head and looked at the footprints. Judging from the size of the soles of the feet and the length of the strides, these apes were no more than 1.6 meters tall, and they were not considered strong species.

There are countless species of savages in the wilderness. During the long historical evolution, the Nuvali people captured ape-men of various periods, from ancient apes to erectus, and from great apes to the first generation of intelligent beings. People are all present in this rainforest.

They have lived here for millions of years, and have further differentiated into hundreds of completely different species. It can be said to be a museum in the ape world.

"Strangulation, stalking."

The footprints by the river are not very clear, so it's better to follow the smell. Savages don't take baths, and the wild aura is comparable to Deadpool.

In fact, Wade used to be very clean and would take a shower when he returned home from a mission. However, since undergoing the transformation experiment, the skin all over his body has ulcerated and he cannot wash at all.

As soon as the hot water was poured and the little hands were rubbed, all the rotten flesh fell to the ground. How to wash it? I'm afraid that by the end of the wash, only a skeleton will be left. So the most he could do was take a dip in the bathtub, but he didn't dare to soak for a long time for fear that his skin would absorb water and blister.

With the black bean sprouts guiding the way, the river beach was much smoother than in the rain forest. The group quickly walked less than ten kilometers and discovered a huge tribal building complex in the forest clearing on the other side of the river.

The savages lived on the ground and built houses with sticks and leaves. They did not use fire technology, so there were a lot of rotten meats piled up in the clearings of the tribe, with flies hovering above them. The pungent stench can be smelled a hundred meters away.

There is no way. When sneaking, you must make sure that you are in the downwind. This is the result.

There are also many spears erected around the tribe, with many skulls stuck on the wooden spearheads, as well as human heads that have not been completely corrupted and still have flesh and blood.

These heads are all different in appearance, some are more like humans, and some are more like apes. They are probably members of their hostile tribes. Their heads were cut off and made into totem poles, which were placed outside the tribe as a deterrent.

"It's just a group of monkeys. Over there, over there, and over there, there are three secret sentries. The other savages have no sense of precaution."

Su Ming scanned it with one eye and determined that this was just a small tribe with less than a thousand people, and its defenses were loose and there were no traps.

"What are you going to do?" Ulysses asked in a low voice. In his opinion, these savages were already very dangerous.

"The number of people is too small to achieve my plan. Let's destroy it directly. We will find another tribe." Su Ming took out the God Killer and slowly floated out of the grass where he was hiding.

Ulissi pulled a corner of the cloak: "They have high-tech weapons, and there are not many of them at all. You have to have a plan."

Su Ming clapped his hand and explained patiently: "The biggest difference between humans and monkeys is that humans can make tools, while monkeys can only use tools. Just watch it."

As he said that, he took out a dozen smoke bombs, asked Strangler to open the buckles at the same time, and threw them into different locations in the tribe.

For a time, smoke of various colors covered the clearing in the forest, and Deathstroke's eyepiece dragged a red light under the black shadow of the trees and plunged into the smoke.

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