The Death Knell

Chapter 1222? Spider’s Clues

"Dear immortal god! Praise you!"

The old man dancing the master danced his limbs on the high platform as if having a convulsion, and spoke a strange language of old English mixed with modern English.

Because Thor spoke Old English at all times, Wade felt that he had a bad temperament, so he imitated other people's speech when he played the god. People in this tribe spread this weird language.

And because Wade's body was rotten but not dead, he also took the name of an immortal god.

"Thanks to your generous blessings, we can live a prosperous life. We are as small as dust, weak and humble, and now we are afraid to bow before you and offer you this world monument."

When Su Ming and his party followed Wade into the tribe, the old priest was holding the final unveiling of the statue. The slopes and scaffolding used to build it had been removed, and the colors had been applied. All that was left was to sing and dance for a few days.

Deadpool was quite satisfied with the shape of the statue, so he walked through the crowd and walked straight to the high platform, intending to give a speech of thanks.

He didn't notice that these people's eyes were about to protrude from their sockets.

After all, the tribesmen who had personal contact with him had long since died, and these descendants had never seen Deadpool with their own eyes. At most, they had photos of him in the tribe.

Because the technology tree here is always difficult to climb, and Deadpool doesn't have much vacation or patience. For these people, their gods may not have paid attention to them for tens of thousands of years.

The Immortal God has changed from a concrete existence to a spiritual symbol and a totem.

At this time, the totem came to life, and the ancient god in myth appeared in front of him.

Wade also took off his mask to show his true face to show his sincerity. One can imagine the mental shock the people in the village suffered.

His appearance caused the whole village to collectively pass a sanity test. The result was that no one passed the test. Suddenly, thousands of savages around the completion ceremony venue, even those watching from a distance, suddenly vomited.

Monaco was well prepared, and the magic that blocked the sense of smell had been secretly released when Deadpool appeared. At this time, he looked at the yellow fountains or waterfalls appearing in the sky, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Ten thousand people vomited together. How spectacular is this?"

Namora, who has a shallow stomach, has already become a turtle, covering her eyes with her little hands, not wanting to look at it at all.

Wade took off his mask and was very disappointed. The smile on his face, which was as rotten as overnight cow dung, gradually disappeared. He thought everyone would be happy to see him, but it turned out that these believers were no different from ordinary people and did not understand at all. Appreciate how handsome you are.

He turned to look at the high priest who was pushed away beside him: "Aren't you happy to see me? I am your god and I will give you good things."


The high priest fainted. Even if he lost consciousness, a stream of yellow soup still flowed from the corner of his mouth, like a fountain. He was afraid that he would drown in his own vomit.

"Fake!" Wade jumped down from the high platform, returned to Deathstroke, and put his hood back on: "These people are hopeless, kill them."

Su Ming smiled, but this time he stood on the side of these villagers.

How can anyone not vomit when they see Deadpool's true face for the first time? This is a normal physiological reaction as a human being. If they didn't vomit, it would mean that they were not humans, but monkeys or orangutans.

In that case, we can kill them just like those tribes before.

But now that they have proven that they are human beings and can communicate through language, it is naturally more useful to be alive.

"It's okay, we can help. Let my undead army enter the village."

He pushed Deadpool aside and used the ring to remotely control the zombies to come in. Two corpses were arranged next to each vomiting villager to support him.

Sure enough, under the influence of corpses exuding the smell of decay, and with the constant cold touches on both arms, these villagers got used to it.

They woke up and realized that what had made them vomit before was the power of the 'Immortal God', and they suddenly felt extremely frightened. So they all fell to their knees in their own vomit, lying on the ground and begging the gods for forgiveness.

As expected, such behavior finally made several members of the Monster Hunter team vomit.

Originally, they were struggling to endure it after seeing Deadpool's true appearance. As superheroes, they were fairly determined, but now they still couldn't bear it.


There was the sound of water flowing next to Deathstroke, and Casillas also vomited. After vomiting, he looked at the Supreme Mage in shame, as if he realized that he was not good at learning.

"It's okay, just exercise more in the future." Su Ming was very tolerant to him and said comforting words kindly, then turned to Wade: "Okay, if you want to talk, go quickly and don't delay my business. "

After all, Deadpool had taken the deposit, and he still had the professionalism of a mercenary. Although he was not in the mood to communicate with the villagers, he still talked for fifteen minutes.

In conclusion, if you want to be forgiven by the gods and their friends, you mortals must help the gods find tribes that believe in spiders.

The villagers got up and began to communicate with each other. Suddenly tens of thousands of people turned the place into a noisy vegetable market, and the buzzing sound lasted for a long time.

No one knew which tribe believed in spiders, but some people thought they had seen spider totems somewhere before, but they couldn't tell where. The scene was chaotic for a while.

During the discussion, several strong men came out of the crowd and used artificial respiration and heart massage to rescue the previous priest. Thanks to the fact that the humans here were physically stronger than the humans outside, they were actually saved.

"You actually taught them emergency first aid?" Su Ming walked to Deadpool and asked in a weird tone: "You are so cruel to yourself, are you too devoted to being a god? You actually taught primitive people these things mouth to mouth. ?”

Wade chuckled and narrowed the white eyes on his mask: "Actually, some female savages are quite beautiful if they take a bath. I taught them several nights."

The beautiful words of the female savage would not change Deathstroke's point of view. He sighed: "Probably their sanitary conditions are only acceptable to you. Let's not talk about that. Now this debate will continue forever. Let them report all suspicious locations. Come up here and I'll check them one by one, it will be more efficient."

"No, because my 'good priest' obviously knows something."

Wade stretched out his finger and saw that the old man who had been rescued just now was looking at the sky blankly, as if he was remembering something, and the expression on his face was sometimes fearful, sometimes sad.

Needless to say, these performances are really in line with the psychological profile of the insiders, and of course, they are also in line with the psychological characteristics of the traumatized people.

However, after a few minutes, the old priest who escaped death still walked towards his god.

He first bowed to Wade and saluted. The animal skin he was wearing was stained, and then he said: "Respect the merciful immortal god! I know where the spider statue is, but..."

"But what?" Wade craned his neck.

"There is a terrifying monster in that area, an extremely powerful monster." The old priest gritted his teeth and said it.

"Hey, okay, is it a monster? I'll chop it into pieces in a matter of minutes."

Wade drew out the two knives from his back and performed a skillful show, but he didn't realize that almost no one could understand his extremely substandard Cantonese.

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