The Death Knell

Chapter 1230? Start taking action

After hearing the plan, Wade, who was jumping up and down like a monkey with ADHD, fell silent.

"give me a cigarette."

He stretched out his hand to Deathstroke, quickly closing and releasing his fingers several times.

Su Ming wanted to see what he was up to, but he suddenly became so gloomy, so he gave him a cigarette.

Deadpool took the cigarette, lit it, took a deep breath, and then coughed like someone who had never smoked before.

"Ahem, brother, are you asking me to die? Use me as a bait, and seal this monster in a trap with magic, then inject a mixture of ice and water to keep our meat delicious, and drown us so that we can be strangled. Eat us?"

"Only eat chicken and cow monsters. Strangler won't eat you. It wants cancer cells and is useless."

Su Ming helplessly replied, why is the atmosphere like a community movie in Xiangjiang? It feels like the elder brother on the road is arranging the younger brother to squat in the top tank of the kiln.

But this is indeed the case. Who told Wade to accept the deposit?

Strangler also popped up, and the black bean sprouts nodded up and down, indicating that he was determined not to eat meat with cancer cells. It was a symbiote with a pursuit. Even if it starved to death and jumped back to the symbiote planet from the earth, he would not eat it. Deadpool.

This assurance seemed weak, but Wade nodded and believed it.

He raised his head and looked at the sky, as if lamenting his fate, then he dropped the cigarette butt and stamped it out.

The pair of white eyes on the mask fully expresses the ups and downs of its owner's heart, which is an accusation of unfair fate and the entanglement of brotherhood.

As the saying goes in Shakespeare's works, to do, or not to do, that is the question.

But Jianghu movies don't work like that. They have their own unique routines. Wade is obviously addicted to Hong Kong movies recently, but he still speaks Cantonese like Vietnamese.

"I listen to you, brother. We are one and the same, two brothers. As long as you don't forget to burn some paper money for me in the future during the Qingming Festival and Double Ninth Festival, even if you are facing mountains of swords and seas of fire, I will go for you, brother."

The wind rustles and the water becomes cold. When the strong men leave...


He received a slap on the back of the head from Su Ming, and the force knocked him upside down. He plunged into the humus on the ground, his legs dancing in the air.

Not to mention feeling guilty, Su Ming wasn't even touched at all. He and Strangler looked at Deadpool coldly.

"Don't you just want me to add more money? Just add ten thousand US dollars. Don't use your acting skills to irritate my eyes." He took out a pile of bills and threw them into Deadpool's arms: "And you are still bringing I’m playing that crappy mp3, but I don’t play BGM anymore. What the hell is it playing with music and poetry recitation? Or is it "Yi Shui Ge"? It’s too unlucky!"

Wade jumped up, nodded the banknotes with saliva, put them into his bag, turned to the non-existent audience and said:

"Sure enough, my acting skills are enough to participate in the Oscars. Even my cousin couldn't help but be moved. Isn't this more money? Wow, it's good to not die, but the next actions will be guided by experts. Awesome, kids at home, don’t imitate easily, if you are not a handsome and dashing expert like me, you will definitely die.”

As he said this, he did not wait for the death knell to prompt him, he would work as soon as he got the money, as it was only natural.

He was covered with all kinds of luminous props, and like a kamikaze force, he rushed towards the lair of the chicken-cow monster.



The thunderous sound echoed in the empty space, like the muffled sound before an earthquake.

Deadpool had never thought that chickens could snore, but now that he saw it, he couldn't help but sigh that the wilderness was really magical, and there were really all kinds of monsters here.

The chicken-cow monster that had eaten Deadpool before was sleeping at the moment, completely unaware that the previous food had escaped from its intestines. Its two wings were folded together as a pillow, and the entire monster was curled up into a ball. Lying in a dark and humid cave.

This is a natural cave. The entrance is very large, and there is a narrower passage inside, but it certainly can't go in due to its size, so I don't know what's there.

An eyeless lizard with a translucent body crawled in front of Wade, raised its head and 'looked' at Deadpool with its eyeless face, spat, and crawled away.

"This monster really knows how to enjoy it. Down pillow? Damn it... I don't even have one at home. I have to discuss it with my cousin and ask him to tell Strangler not to eat so cleanly. At least leave the feathers and cowhide. Give me."

Because of the huge size of the monster, a feather is taller than Deadpool. I don't know what he is going to do. Anyway, Deadpool just keeps talking to himself.

The chicken-cow monster was a dead sleeper. Deadpool thought that if he snored so loudly, he would definitely wake himself up, but it didn't.

The smell in the cave is very strong. As the monster breathes, a strong body odor is emitted, which is the smell of a beast. But the smell had no effect on Deadpool. He even felt that the monster was a little fresh.

He didn't know the reason, but everyone else knew it, because he lived in Abalone House.

The smell in his own home was much stronger than this. He couldn't even get through the door even if he took the cable, which meant that he was drunk with just one breath. The smell was like substance and was still on his head. I have to admire Vanessa for being able to live with Wade for so long without going crazy.

After circling the hill-like monster, Wade chose where to start. He had already proven before that his own combat power was of no use to it. As expected, he still had to rely on tactics to win.

So he took out C4 from his pocket. After being collectively despised by his cousin, Cable, Domino and others, the face-saving Deadpool always remembered to bring explosives with him when he went out.

As long as he didn't forget his equipment in the taxi, it would be much easier to handle tasks than before.

This time he came with a teleportation belt instead of calling a taxi, so the explosives were still in the space bag he got from his cousin, but his favorite My Little Pony school bag fell into the monster's belly. Will have to come back.

He skillfully installed the timing fuse on C4. After thinking for a while, he used all five kilograms of C4, set a ten-second countdown, then picked up the explosives, raised the cauldron like a bully, jumped up and stuffed the explosives with both hands. At the exit of the 'natural passage'.

Then he ran as fast as he could, came to the monster, and waited for the bomb to detonate.


There was no earth-shattering as imagined. Instead, it was like the sound of an old-fashioned popcorn stove coming out of the pot. Accompanied by a muffled sound, many unknown red and yellow substances sprayed all over the monster under the action of the reaction force. The entire rock wall behind you.

The chicken-cow monster woke up from its dream. Its eyes were as round as bells, and the cockscomb on its head stood up.

It was sleeping well, but suddenly it felt a burning sensation in its anus. When it opened its eyes, its first reaction was to guess that the thing it had eaten before was not very clean, and it caused a stomach upset.

But as it rubbed its eyes, it discovered a bright red dot all over its body, jumping around in front of it, and realized that there was an enemy.

strangeness? Isn't this the same creature it ate before? Why is there another one that is exactly the same?

However, before the brain could think about it, its eyes saw red first, and it subconsciously pecked it with its beak.

"Long live Hydra! Eat my flashbang!"

The red animal shouted slogans it didn't understand, used a split motion to dodge the attack, and then ran towards the cave exit. As he ran, he turned around and winked at the chicken-cow monster, as if taunting him. .

The chicken-cow monster's eyes suddenly turned red, staring at the moving red creature.

The unfamiliar human weapon of flash bombs did not realize that it needed to avoid it at all. Just when it looked at Deadpool with cross-eyed eyes, the dark lair suddenly became bright and white, and it could not see anything.

Losing its eyesight, it panicked a little, and began to beat and peck at the cave like crazy. It threw huge pieces of gravel everywhere, and dust flew everywhere.

The ground shook, rocks flew, and a large area of ​​nearby rainforest could feel the strong earthquake. Countless creatures living in the forest fled in panic.

However, this blindness did not last long, and it regained its sight.

The first time it looked towards the entrance of the cave...

I saw that the red monkey just now did not escape to the entrance of the cave at all. He was lying on the ground some distance away from the entrance of the cave, covering his head, and kept chanting:

"Fake, I forgot that Vanessa took my new high-tech mask for dry cleaning. The eyepiece of this old-fashioned mask is not flash-proof. It will kill me..."

The chicken-cow monster smiled sinisterly, its eyes locked on the red bug, and its two cow hooves took heavy steps, gradually approaching.

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