The Death Knell

Chapter 1231? Savage Song and Dance Troupe

Wade was eaten again.

This time the chicken-cow monster used all its strength to hunt. The huge golden beak made a terrifying wind sound, and even cut through the space as it moved in the air. Wisps of black lines representing the endless void were wrapped around its beak.

Just like an ordinary chicken eating a red ant, the process of eating Deadpool by the chicken monster is just one peck and one swallow.

For powerful creatures, life is so simple, boring and boring.

After eating the red worms, it wandered around the entrance of the cave again to make sure there were no more red worms before returning to its cave and continuing to sleep.

As for the injuries behind it? It has been healing for a while now, it was just a skin injury.

In the grass not far away.

With the rustling of leaves, Deathstroke retracted his head again. He turned around and leaned against a big tree, took out a cigarette and started smoking.

"Hey, it turns out that Wade's strength is not enough. His movement speed is too slow, and accidents may happen at critical moments. It's really..."

By the way, why do you always think Wade is here to cheat money? The two times he took money, he gave it away online. Although the money was not much, it felt like a loss.

He asked the two people behind him: "What do you think?"

While Deadpool was sneaking into the cave to cause trouble, Su Ming went to see a few people who were vomiting to see if they could be rescued, because a mage was definitely needed to implement the plan.

Fortunately, both mages were often dealing with the cost of casting spells, and they returned to normal faster than others.

In addition, the black girl Zawadi has returned to normal, but she needs to take care of Ulysses, who is already somewhat insane, while Namora, who is naturally black, is still vomiting and can only protect herself.

Monaco was smoking his pipe in order to calm down. After listening to Deathstroke's question, he knocked the pipe on his thigh:

"I think your cousin is here to torture you. You see, he took your money, but it made us lose our combat effectiveness. This is not the level of killing one thousand enemies and losing eight hundred."

Casillas's face became even paler, and the corners of his mouth hidden under the hood twitched, as if he had a bad impression of Wade, but he spoke fairly.

"Teacher, I think there must be something fishy about this matter."

Su Ming just asked casually, not expecting them to give any valuable opinions, but fortunately, he still had plan B.

"Who wants to see how Xiaoqiang is doing?"

He thought of the high priest of the Deadpool Cult, the old man named Xiao Qiang. He said that after Wade 'arrived' from the monster's intestines again, that guy disappeared.

"He said that in order to celebrate the arrival of God, he would go back to the village to prepare a new festival." Monaco sighed helplessly. He didn't quite understand what these religious people thought.

Su Ming raised his chin towards Casillas and instructed the students to do something: "Go to him and ask him if he still has the red paint that he used to paint the statue. If so, hand it over."

Xiaoka left obediently, and an hour later, he and the accompanying undead army brought a large number of bark buckets filled with red paint.

The villages that worship Deadpool have the skills to make red and black paint for generations. They don’t have other things, but they have red paint. Although it is not paint, this kind of dye made from plant juices can withstand wind and rain. It can also stay bright for a long time.

"You look bad, are you okay?"

Su Ming noticed that Casillas had a strange expression, so he asked him a question while checking the paint.

"They had a carnival in the village, teacher, but the way they carnivaled... yuck." Xiaoka retched, as if recalling some unacceptable scene.

Supreme Mage Deathstroke patted his arm and nodded understandingly: "They are people who believe in Deadpool. I can guess how they will hold the celebration. Thank you for your hard work."

But the preparations are in place, and the next step is to continue the plan. If the plan of a top soldier like Deadpool doesn't work, then it will be a human sea battle.

Su Ming doesn't have much else right now, except that he has a lot of people. Even if these tens of thousands of resurrected savages are sent out one by one, it will be enough for the chicken and cow monsters to eat for a long time.

Wouldn't it be enough to let them join hands and form a line extending from the cave to the trap? The loss is only a few hundred people at most. The only thing worth worrying about in this plan is whether the chicken-cow monster has such a big appetite.

"Hold up the paint bucket and pour it! Then pick up the candle on the ground and stick it on your head."

With a command, hundreds of undead people controlled by the light ring came out, picked up the paint bucket on the ground and poured it on their heads, instantly turning into red... savages.

Su Ming also turned the God Killers into putty knives and helped them spread the paint evenly on their backs or armpits to make sure everyone looked red. He lit candles on their heads and fixed them with wax oil. Then he nodded with satisfaction.

Immediately afterwards, he asked Monaco and Xiaoka to wait for the trap, and he controlled the undead to line up and move towards the cave.


The Chicken-Cow Monster was once again awakened from his sleep, and this time, he saw a row of red bugs dancing in front of him.

These monkey-like creatures held hands and jumped around in place, first raising their knees, then raising their legs high, moving a few steps laterally as a whole, then raising their knees, and raising their legs again.

This was the most popular modern dance step on Broadway at that time. When Howard participated in the science and technology expo, he led a group of dancers to perform it.

It's just that this kind of dance is usually performed by blond beauties wearing bunny clothes and fishnet stockings, not by unshaven primitive people with only a piece of animal skin around their waists.

Thanks to the huge size of the chicken-cow monster, the line of sight was looking down. If it were really an audience in the stands, seeing the mosaics under these savages and leopard skins, they would have vomited long ago.

The undead all had expressionless faces, but they were very skilled in dancing. Under the control of the ring, their movements were completely uniform, as if they were one person. Even the angles of their kicks were exactly the same.

Only there was no musical accompaniment, just an eerie dance in the dark, and the clicking sounds of joints as they exceeded their limits of movement.

But the undead have this advantage. Even if they are completely dislocated, the undead energy can still allow them to continue moving. As long as the soul fire in their heads is not destroyed, these guys are also immortal.

The chicken-cow monster was obviously confused. It looked at the strange dance in front of it and was a little confused. In the past, there was indeed a tribe of primitive people who worshiped him as a god, but in the long days, all the people in that tribe were eaten by him. Empty.

Unfortunately, if these savages and monkeys were just dancing, the chicken-cow monster might still be in the mood to watch for a while, but these expressionless people still have candles on their heads and are all red, so their instincts are activated much faster than their brains.

After eating the first person, the smell of blood and the secretion of hormones in the brain gradually made it forget the weirdness of the matter. It pecked at the dancing savages one by one and walked out of the cave where it lived step by step.

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