The Death Knell

Chapter 1235? Strangulation Evolution

Deadpool left, the already bad smell of the rainforest improved a bit, and the living corpses eaten by monsters were basically scrapped.

Some were completely digested after being swallowed by the chicken-cow monster, while others had the soul fire in their heads shattered.

More than 10,000 living corpses were fed in, and what can be recovered now is only a few dozen slightly damaged skeletons, but it doesn't matter, it is a business without capital anyway.

When the unique smell of dew at night came and the rain forest was completely dark to the point where you couldn't see your fingers, news came from Strangler that it had completed its devouring evolution.

The black tide rushed back, returned to the host's body, and turned into small bean sprouts on the shoulders.

Although its appearance does not seem to have changed much, after comparing the genes of the Black Sword and the Chicken and Ox beast, valuable abilities were selected and copied.

Su Ming looked at the few people lying down around the fire in the distance. The undead army was protecting them. It seemed that they were used to being watched by a group of living corpses while sleeping, and now they were sleeping soundly.

He left the big tree he was leaning against, stood up and walked a little further. After making sure that no one could notice, he communicated with Strangler in the cave where the chicken and bull monster lived.

There is no need for language at all between the host and the symbiote, and thoughts and ideas can be transmitted along the nerves at extremely high speeds, so it looks like he is standing numbly in a dark cave.

Strangulation is exciting and it pays off a lot.

By devouring the chicken-cow monster and analyzing some of the genes previously saved from Black Sword, the first ability that Strangler gained was to make the host gigantic.

After eating the black sword, it can become huge, such as extending its tentacles hundreds of meters away, or transforming into a larger creature.

But that was limited to itself, excluding the body tissue of the host. Even if it became the size of a space fortress, Su Ming himself would still be the same as the pilot sitting in the cockpit of the Gundam, unchanged.

Now, it has analyzed how chicken and cow cells in the enemy's body are combined together, and by imitating this principle...

In the past, he was a robot pilot, and then he was Ultraman.

"It seems that the effect is very limited." Su Ming touched his chin and looked into the rock crevice that led to the depths of the Cattle Monster cave: "Although this increase in size will make my strength and The strength of the body also increases proportionally, but there are very few places on earth where it can be used to become gigantic, and when dealing with micro-enemies, being gigantic is actually quite disadvantageous."

Strangler twisted, and the thought of protest came out. It read the information in the host's memory. There are many giant enemies in the universe, and with this hand, it is natural to be prepared.

Well, let’s just take a precaution. After all, after becoming huge, you still have some advantages in space battles. In the future, you may be able to arm-wrestle with monsters such as Galactus, Tyrant, Extraordinary Dragon, or Apocalypse Behemoth. One more way. It's just a tactical choice.

Black Bean Sprout nodded. It just saw these memories of the host and chose this evolution. Now its power is not enough. After it completely digests the energy left by the Black Sword and the Chicken Cow Beast, it may be able to try to move the planet. Have fun?

The second evolution, Strangler gains fire immunity.

Chicken and cow monsters live in the wilderness all year round, just like the advertisement Su Ming saw some time ago, the advertisement of 'Eat grass when you are hungry, eat grasshoppers when you are greedy'.

With its fighting power, there is no need to specifically eat humans. There are plenty of dinosaurs and other larger and more greedy creatures to eat. If the food is too greasy, you can also eat some fruit or something.

The animals and plants living here have basically undergone special transformations by the life spreaders. The chicken and cow monsters have often eaten animals and plants containing unknown energy for tens of thousands of years, and have also evolved the characteristic of being immune to fire.

But now, this ability is strangled.

In the past, if Strangler wanted to resist the damage of fire, he needed to turn himself into other substances, such as into a solid state such as metal or stone. His movements were very stiff, and his temperature tolerance was also limited.

But now, it can maintain its original shape and swim freely in the flames.

By eating the first-generation symbiote Black Sword, coupled with the fire immunity gene obtained today, Strangler finally succeeded in getting rid of one of the symbiote's natural flaws, and it surpassed its entire group.

It was like hearing William Wallace shouting ‘freedom! ’, Strangler feels extremely free now.

Anyway, as a symbiote, its highest degree of freedom is probably this.

So it happily lit a cigarette for its host, and used its black thread-like tentacles to clumsily operate the lighter, a small metal prop that it had never dared to touch before.

With the sound of the lighter flipping open and seeing the flame born under his own operation, Strangler conveyed a lot of joy to the host, making Su Mingdu feel happy.

"That's right. I'll help you find ways to be immune to sound waves and vibrations when I get the chance."

To be honest, this is probably more difficult to find, but there are countless possibilities in the wild continent. Maybe we can really find such a creature and let Strangler evolve again?

Anyway, just keep on flipping.

Finally, there is another point. By copying the special genes of the chicken-cow monster, Strangler has obtained a bioelectrical upgrade.

In the past, it could simulate the cell structure of power-generating organisms, such as electric eels, electric rays, and chimaeras, to simulate power-generating cells to provide power for Deathstroke's tactical goggles.

The cell structure of the rooster monster is even more unique, unlike the creatures on earth. They cannot generate electricity, but they can create and store a large amount of energy.

Electricity is the most commonly used energy by humans today.

By imitating its cells and concentrating bioelectricity, Strangler can quickly convert more food into more electricity. In other words, as long as there is enough food, it can control lightning.

Hangsha had eaten a lot of electricity-generating fish back then. There were cells in that fish that were like small laminated batteries. When they were stimulated by nerve signals, they could suddenly cause ions to flow through its cell membrane.

There are cells like this all the way through its body, like many laminated batteries stacked on top of each other. Many of these battery packs are connected in parallel to generate enough current.

The tail end of the fish's body is the positive electrode, and the head is the negative electrode. The current flows from the tail to the head. For example, when the head and tail of an electric eel touch an enemy, they can form a closed circuit, allowing strong current to flow through the enemy's body, causing damage.

And Strangler only needs two tentacles to mimic this.

Su Ming thought about it and realized that this was a more useful ability. This way, he would be able to carry at least one less Taser when he went out in the future.

However, the Taser has never been used much. Most of the time, Su Ming chooses the frying pan, which is more effective in making people stun.

However, now that Strangler itself has stable voltage and current, there is another advantage, that is, there is the possibility of driving and controlling more technological devices. Maybe in the future, Strangler will only need to connect itself to a USB socket to hack into a computer or access the Internet.

The premise is to let it understand mathematics and algorithms. Sure enough, it still needs to find the head of the God Group to feed it...

Su Ming discovered that raising symbiotes is really a bottomless pit. Other rich people raise horses, lions and tigers, but it is not as difficult as raising symbiotes, because there are many feeds that cannot be obtained with money.

At this time, Monaco didn't know if he was up at night or something else, but he wandered into the cave of the Chicken and the Bull Monster. Naturally, when he saw that little red light in the darkness, he knew it was the death knell.

"Is the evolution of Strangler completed?" Monaco scratched his mustache: "Isn't it stronger again?"

"If it wasn't to make it stronger, why would I go to such great lengths to deal with the chicken-cow monster? That monster was so dead while sleeping, so even if we all come in to find the spider totem, there should be no problem."

Su Ming did not specify what kind of enhancements Strangler had received, but pretended to be impatient and changed the topic.

There was still a foul smell in the dark cave, just like a sewer. Su Ming felt very relaxed here.

"So have you found it?"

Monaco is still more concerned about the multiverse. If there is a way to travel to other parallel earths, he wants to be the first to go.

Speaking of which, it is most convenient to go to the parallel universe in DC. There are too many ways, such as the Speed ​​Force, high technology, and magic.

On the Marvel side, even the Ancient One or Dormammu, who is famous for his space magic, have no way to go to the parallel world, as if the space is locked.

In his own universe, it's no problem to teleport anywhere, but he just can't go out. Is this... is Su Ming overthinking?

"No, we haven't found it yet. I feel that we may have been deceived by Xiaoqiang." Su Ming was thinking about other things, but answered Monaco's question: "Strangler has obtained a lot of memories of the chicken and cow monster. It doesn't I remember seeing some spider totem."

The cave of the chicken and cow monster is not far away from the village, more than ten kilometers away, which makes Deathstroke wonder whether Xiaoqiang intends to use the hands of the "gods" to eliminate threats to the village.

God is not the only one who can deceive people; people can also deceive God.

Su Ming had seen it in his previous life. One minute the monk in the temple was chanting Amitabha. The next minute he got off work and drove out to drink and eat meat. In the evening, he would find some tender molds to loosen the bones. If he was lucky, he could give it to the little boy. Famous female stars 'show light'.

Monaco sighed, took out his cigarette butt and filled it with tobacco: "After all, they are your cousin's followers, so don't kill them, okay? It's rare that there is an English-speaking tribe here."

"I won't kill them. These people still have value."

Su Ming smiled and replied, after all, the village was not bad, at least there were houses to shelter from the rain.

This is a rainforest after all, and it rains too frequently. Su Ming is also a little annoyed after living in a cave for a month.

This village is very deep in the rainforest. Although it is unclear whether it is in the center of the wilderness, it is surrounded by mountains, water and woods. It can serve as an outpost for the development of Kama Taj here.

Wade didn't even mention naming his village. He was such a careless little cousin, but his toys now belong to his cousin.

Su Ming felt that he could give the small village in the rain forest a name, just 'Natun'...

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