The Death Knell

Chapter 1236? Deadpool’s arrangements

"By the way, what's deep inside this cave?"

Monaco felt a lot more relaxed when he heard Deathstroke promised not to kill anyone. He pointed with his cigarette butt at the narrow stone crevice on the other side of the cave. Not only was there wind coming from behind, but it was also obviously very deep and should be connected somewhere.

The chicken-cow monster has been guarding here, could there be any good treasures behind it?

"Maybe it's connected to the underground world under the barbaric continent." Su Ming touched his chin and took a deep breath of cigarette. The smoke he lit was incense: "To be honest, the problems on the ground have not been solved yet. I I don’t want to go underground yet.”

"Is there another underground level?" Monaco also showed a painful expression.

Su Ming just glanced at him in the dark and made no comment.

Of course there is an underground layer. The Nuvali people were hired to build this museum of flora and fauna, and all species must be collected.

Now, Deathstroke and his team have only seen things running on the ground and flying in the sky, but they have never seen anything swimming in the water or drilling underground.

There were many different Zerg races on the ancient Earth, and they were inevitably captured here, and perhaps they were also living underground at this time.

The Nuvali also captured many ancient underground creatures, such as lizardmen and kobold ancestors, and locked them all underground.

Chickens, cows and beasts are guarding here. The only answer may be that food with different textures will come out of this crack from time to time to give it a change of taste. As for what kind of creature it is? It’s hard to say.

"Are you going to get in and take a look?"

Su Ming asked the Magic Prince, who seemed to have little motivation.

Monaco nodded. Although he couldn't feel the existence of the spider totem and had no basis for it, but based on common sense, spiders prefer cool and dark places, right?

Is there any place more shady and dark than in an underground passage?

If the spider totem here is a living creature, it's probably underground.

"I think the Spider Totem might be underground, just a feeling." He answered Deathstroke's question.

Su Ming took a deep breath of cigarette and weighed it: "If you take Casillas and the others into the lower level, are you sure you can come back alive? You must know that the space magic in this plane is scrapped."

The underground world is often made up of tunnels or similar tunnels. In such a narrow place, it is useless even if you send an army of the undead to them, because only three or four living corpses can stand side by side in the tunnel, which is not conducive to an army at all. action.

On the contrary, places like sewers are particularly suitable for small and elite forces to carry out covert operations.

Monaco smiled and patted his belly: "It's an adventure anyway. It's impossible not to take risks."

"Then it's decided, you take someone underground." Su Ming agreed happily. He believed that with a few words of advice, the Archmage would still have an advantage when facing underground creatures: "Underground creatures live in darkness for a long time. Their strengths are hearing and smell, but their weakness is vision, and even their eyes may have deteriorated. As long as you develop your tactical plan around this, you will be fine."

Monaco nodded and talked about the unserious topic very seriously: "I remember, but if I am unfortunately killed, you have to help me take care of the rabbits at home. The magic password for the door of my house is 'Sugar Beard'. "

"Uh... how about we change it. I'll go underground by myself, and you guys can accompany the undead army here to build the infrastructure. Before I come back, you can build that village to be almost like Kama Taj."

Thinking of having to take care of thousands of rabbits, Su Ming felt that it was better not to let Monaco take risks.

"That village?" Monaco raised an eyebrow, and in the darkness, the fire in the pipe lit up slightly.

"This is the new name I gave to Xiaoqiang's village. These people are not primitive people, nor are they modern people, but they are still enough for farming and logistics. Kama Taj wants to build the fourth Holy Saint here. Therefore, in order to monitor this complex plane."

Su Ming roughly explained that this is the plan anyway.

The Holy of Holies was built, and Casillas came to serve as the Archmage here.

Although his strength is not enough to be the leader of any current Holy Sanctuary, the future 'That Tun Holy Sanctuary' will not participate in protecting the earth and will not be connected to the protective circle, so it is enough.

On the contrary, there are still a lot of lost technologies here, and among the mages of Kama Taj, only Xiaoka is currently interested in technology.

Although the village is a month away from the exit of the plane, as long as they find a way, the wizards will definitely move faster than that. Thinking of this, Deathstroke seemed to remember something.

"Can I use Faltin's Teleportation here?"

"Is it the magic that shapes the duct space and squeezes the human body to move it at high speed in an intestinal-like network? It is said to be a teleportation technique, but it is actually a high-speed movement technique?"

Monaco looked awkward. He had used that magic once a long, long time ago, but after going through a shitty journey, he hadn't used that crippled magic for hundreds of years.

The speed is slow and the process is uncomfortable. It is just like Falting's other magics, tasteless and useless.

"As long as you know it, because the principle of it is different from other teleportation techniques, I think maybe you can try it." Su Ming waved his hand and looked at the small crack: "That's it, I'll go in now, you put this The crack is sealed with magic, I will find you when I come out."

Monaco nodded, looked at the back of the death knell and said, "Don't worry, I will build this into the best sanctum sanctorum, and I will also teach the people in the village how to be a British gentleman."

Su Ming pouted. What kind of British gentleman does the devil want? What he wants is a tool man who can work.


The camera turned to Wade who returned to his own time. He did not go to Vanessa to discuss, nor did he go to Domino, or even Cable or Spider-Man.

Don't expect him to listen to his cousin.

Suddenly knowing that he had a daughter and a mother whose face he could not remember, Wade was now in a state of confusion.

In this situation, he chose to order takeout and drink while watching football programs on TV.

Unfortunately, there is always a buzzing sound in his head. It is the sound of cancer cells eating his brain. Don't ask him how he hears it, he just can hear it.

This kind of noise was like a chainsaw, making it impossible for him to think peacefully, and it was also the source of why he usually behaved so crazy.


He burped a tomato-smelling burp and picked up a magazine full of naked little people. He lay on the smelly sofa and read it.

"Did you run back to the apartment you shared with me in the middle of the night just to eat takeout pizza?"

On the other end of the sofa, an old black lady who still wore sunglasses and had all white hair sat all night long. While complaining about Deadpool, she skillfully poured some white powder from a small plastic bag on the back of her hand, then lowered her head and shook her head. suck.

She moved her neck. The recent products were getting more and more impure, and she couldn't get excited at all.

"Afu, my good friend, I just want to hide. I have nowhere to go." Wade covered his face with the magazine, looking like he was hopeless. Unfortunately, "Blind Al" can't see it. Looking at him, he could only tell from his voice that Deadpool seemed to be depressed.

Wade had made her his housekeeper without authorization and named her 'Afu' to pay tribute to a certain housekeeper next door.

She thought for a while, then reached out tremblingly to button the button under the sofa, took out a newspaper package wrapped tightly with yellow tape, and handed it to Wade.

"This is one kilogram, so you won't have to worry if you take a bite."

"Thank you. When I'm free, I'll go out and grab a car for you." Wade was not polite. He took the thing and took a big bite like it was ice cream, chewing the outer packaging in his mouth.

Generally speaking, this kind of powder used to get high is not taken orally, but Deadpool can't die. He just wants to stop worrying so much, but these powders are useless.

The old lady held a blind cane in one hand and took back her belongings with the other. She gently leaned on the back of the sofa: "Tell me, why are you so worried? You don't have anywhere to go yet? Where are your relatives?"

Wade sat up, threw the magazine aside, put on his hole-in-the-wall slippers, and scratched his forehead to organize his words.

"Well, how should I put it, I suddenly learned that I still have a woman, and she helped me give birth to a child. It has been six or seven years, and I didn't even know about it."


Al doesn't know why. Deadpool has always been a practitioner of the theory that "the greater the ability, the less responsible". Is he ready to turn back now?

"My child's mother is about to die, and Ellie will be sent to an orphanage. And the fragments of memories I have of my childhood are the only ones I suffered in the orphanage. The old man who was the director not only humiliated me but also ate me." Shit, he always touches my lower body, I can’t let my daughter go into that kind of hellish place.”

Deadpool held his head and frowned. To be honest, because he had no eyebrows, his expression looked very ferocious.

Al's eyes behind her sunglasses were looking straight at the wall in front of her, not looking at Deadpool at all, and her tone was calm.

"Then you just pick up the child and live together."

"Here's the problem. I'm a mercenary, a superhero, and I was a registered sect before. This has caused my identity to be exposed. If my enemies who are still alive can line up from New York to Los Angeles hand in hand, she can't Live with me.”

Wade expressed his difficulties, because there were too many people who wanted to kill him, but not everyone knew that Deadpool could not die. Every few days, someone threw grenades at his house, or poisoned the takeaway he ordered. What.

This was not an ideal living environment for a child. He wanted his daughter to live like a little princess, instead of training a mercenary from a young age.

As for whether to recognize the child, he had already thought about it. No matter who her mother was, it was his child.

"Just find someone to help you take care of him. Don't you have a lot of friends?" Al said matter-of-factly: "I thought you were worried about whether to get to know the child, but in the end you thought about it so far away and didn't care about it. How will your child grow up after being with you?"

Wade jumped up, threw himself into Al's arms, and after giving the old lady a deep kiss, he burst out laughing.

"I'll give you the white powder. I didn't swallow it just now and kept stirring it with my tongue. Thank you for your good idea. I'll go find someone. It's just that I have been absent from her life for too long. What gift should I buy to compensate her? This ... Think about it after you go out. I'll take a taxi first. Do you have any extra Stinger anti-aircraft missiles here? I'll take two for self-defense."

After saying that, he went to the storage room and dug out two rocket launchers, called Ah San's driver, and Deadpool, who had changed his shoes, picked up his pony schoolbag and ran away.

The old lady also touched her mouth, with a faint smile on her wrinkled face. She gracefully crossed her legs, lit a cigarette, faced the ceiling as if reminiscing about the past, and then lowered her head.

"Oh, bah! You bastard took advantage of me, you rotten bitch..."

She spat thickly on the floor.

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