The Death Knell

Chapter 1238? How to communicate with old friends

Taskmaster turned and walked away, wanting, as always, to leave the rotten, moldy mercenary behind.

It's not because they have a bad relationship, on the contrary, it's because he knows Wade so well that he is even the only person in the world who can hear the voice in Deadpool's head.

He could hear the cancer cells corrupting Wade's brain, and he could also hear unknown beings whispering to Deadpool. Even for a while, he could hear those audiences that others thought did not exist, but that Deadpool thought existed. How he came up with all kinds of bad ideas to Wade.

That period of time is called a hangover.

From the current point of view of the Imitation Master, Wade has just returned to one of those few days every month, where he seems to be suddenly ill or suddenly normal, always making some strange suggestions.

Taskmaster wants to make money, yes, but not from this dysfunctional Deadpool.

Mercenaries are different in their own way, and he chooses to be a thief in the right way.

"If you don't promise me, then only one of us can leave here alive today." Wade suddenly jumped up behind him, raised the two double knives in his hands above his head, and launched a sudden attack on Anthony: "I think I Will not die, then..."

The two swords had two gleams of cold light. The sodium carbonate steel was still sharp even after it was turned around in the belly of the chicken-cow monster. The almost inaudible sound of the wind when the weapon was swung was masked by the strange scream of Deadpool himself, and this reminder Anthony quickly defended himself.

Anthony instantly pulled out the giant sword behind him and blocked Wade's jumping attack. The three weapons collided together and sparks flew out, illuminating their faces in the night.

The wind in New York is always noisy at night. Those who died in the snap of fingers were given a second life. At this time, people in New York were celebrating resurrection, and the breeze carried the smell of alcohol and vomit.

"Sure enough, he went crazy again."

Anthony sighed and pushed Deadpool out with his arms. After all, he was a reformed warrior, and Deadpool was slightly inferior to him in terms of strength.

"No, I can't find anyone to help me. You must help, or you will die for me." Deadpool was pushed out and rolled on the rooftop of the building like a lazy donkey to relieve his pressure: "You You are my good friend, don’t force me.”

Anthony didn't know what his expression was under the skull mask. He seemed to be stunned for a moment: "According to normal circumstances, shouldn't you die in front of me if I don't agree?"

"That's right, I'm telling you to die right now." Wade tilted his head. He didn't think anything was wrong.

Anthony raised his hand and waved: "No, let's figure it out. If I ask you to do something for me and you don't agree, I can threaten, 'If you don't agree, I will die for you.' , this is right..."

"Yes, you are going to die now." The white eyes on Deadpool's mask blinked, and what he said before was correct.


Anthony breathed out a breath of fragrance, took out the Uzi submachine gun and fired at Deadpool. He shouldn't be playing tricks with Deadpool, he should see the truth behind his hands.

Deadpool also took out his two guns, and he and Anthony used the ventilation vents on the rooftop as cover to shoot fiercely.

The sound of gunfire echoed in the night sky, and the fiery trajectory passed over the heads of the two men.

Taskmaster is clad in heavy armor, and bullets pose no threat to him, causing no damage other than a clanging sound.

Wade was probably shot dozens of times, but he couldn't die, he just felt a little pain.

"Do you think I can't imitate your fighting skills, so you're going to defeat me?" The imitation master replaced a magazine and continued to shoot.

Wade's body was spattered with blood, but his tone remained relaxed: "Yes, that's it. You will never be able to master my 'Deadpool Style' martial arts."

Anthony rolled his eyes: "Deadpool-style martial arts... You are like an ancient Celt. Whoever imitates you will be sick!"

"Yes, I'm just sick. Do you have any medicine?" Deadpool frantically pulled the trigger, watching sparks flying randomly on Taskmaster's armor: "Anyway, if you can't beat me, just obey me!"

"But as long as I imitate your cousin's fighting skills, I can spend the whole day with you. Who will win and who will lose is still uncertain!" The imitation master of 40K has one advantage over other parallel worlds, that is, he learned from Deathstroke. I learned a lot of tips for dealing with Deadpool.

Although he may not win, at least he is no longer in a hurry to be sent away by a mad dog.

Wade laughed. If his cousin's fighting skills were so easy to imitate, he wouldn't be Deathstroke. Anthony just learned the superficial and dared to talk without shame.

My cousin has a strangler. When fighting him, it's like fighting a dozen Hulks at the same time. Who can learn this?

"Then let's give it a try." Wade put away his guns and jumped out with high spirits.

"Come!" Anthony also climbed out of the bunker.

After the long-range attacks were ineffective, the two once again used cold weapons to fight together.

After fighting for more than three minutes, with weapons hitting hundreds of times, no one gained the upper hand. What the imitation master learned from Deathstroke... seemed to be quite useful.

"Fuck Squid, can't you go find Cable?" Anthony waved his giant sword, trying to split Deadpool in half: "Don't he like children?"

Wade ducked in an iron bridge position, as if he was dancing the Maori drill dance, and then he held a dagger between his toes and planned to secretly poke Taskmaster's anus:

"Yes, but he likes children too much. I suspect he is a fetishist. My daughter cannot be left in the hands of such a pervert!"

Anthony's metal boots crushed Wade's soles, and the dagger naturally slipped from between his toes. He cursed angrily: "But that's just your imagination! You can't tell the difference between reality and subjective opinion." What?"

"Don't ask me, my life now is a nightmare come true!"

Wade pulled his foot that was as thin as a piece of paper away from the sole of the shoe. At the same time, he took out a grenade from his pocket and held it in his hand to pull the string.


Taskmaster quickly dodged. Although shrapnel was not a problem, a grenade explosion at such a close range might cause him to lose his hearing for a short period of time. His armor also had no shock-absorbing ability. Once he was in a trance, he was really no match for Deadpool who could heal himself at a high speed. .

Deadpool's self-healing speed is either very slow or very fast, and whatever happens to him is reasonable.


The grenade exploded, but instead of an explosion and flying shrapnel, there was a burst of light.

Wade was swaying in place as if he was drunk. The bright light caused his cerebellum to lose his balance, and now he could no longer stand still.

"Fake, I made a mistake again. Why did I take out the flash bomb my cousin gave me? I'm going to die..."

A mercenary holding a giant sword came over. His skull helmet contained a full set of electronic equipment to defend against flash bombs. Wade used the flash bomb to dodge himself, but not him.

He raised the weapon in his hand and struck down with his sword.

"Ya Zhudie!!! Ah!!!"

There was a scream in the night sky, and then everything became quiet.


"You have changed, Anton, you don't love me anymore."

Wade's head said this, his body a few meters away.

The previous gunfight between the two might have caused some trouble, so after cutting off Wade's head, Taskmaster took Deadpool, whose head and body were separated, to one of his safe houses, intending to have a good talk.

Deadpool can communicate better without a body, at least he won't suddenly attack from behind.

But the head that was placed on the table looked abandoned, and his tone also sounded very resentful.

Anthony took off his helmet and was drinking from a bottle of energy drink. He had become accustomed to Wade's beautiful appearance. Even though he was staring at the indescribable appearance, he still ate and drank calmly.

After listening to Wade's account of the incident, he was thinking of ways to deal with it. He seemed not to have seen Wade's resentment at all.

"You mean, Deathstroke reminded you that you had a daughter and told you that she was going to be an orphan?"

"Yes, it was said by my dark, cruel and inhumane cousin." Wade nodded his eyes up and down, after all, he couldn't move his head on the table.

Anthony frowned and put the drink with green claws on it to his mouth, but did not drink it for a long time. He was silent for a long time amid the faint sound of the ventilation fan.

"What is his purpose?"

"Huh?" Wade was confused. He didn't quite understand what Anthony was asking.

"Death Knell never does things without a reason. When he told you this news, he was simply grasping your character weakness and predicting that you would go find that girl. Then he could leave you and take the opportunity to do something. Think about it again. Look, what was he going to do?"

Anthony always feels that there is a ghost, really because the name Deathstroke is a big mountain for everyone.

Wade's eyes slowly rolled around in his sockets. He was thinking, isn't his cousin simply torturing himself for fun? But I never thought about grabbing the food from the strangulation. Why did my cousin let me go?

"It was 1980. We were playing 'Tomb Raider' in the barbaric continent. My cousin wanted to find the spider totem, but we met the Supreme Chicken and Cow Fort..." Wade looked at The dark ceiling seemed to be quite normal, he recalled.

The Imitation Master took off the hand that was holding his forehead and quickly waved it in the air to signal a pause:

"What a mess, wake up and think about it again, you must have something that he touched away inadvertently."

"Put my head back together now, I won't fight you! Come on, this is about my chastity."

Wade became excited, as if he remembered something.

Taskmaster shrugged, walked over, picked up Wade's head, and assembled it on the neck of the headless corpse. The self-healing was activated instantly, and Deadpool jumped up.

Wade immediately reached out and touched his PP. Thanks to Anthony's reminder, otherwise he wouldn't have remembered. He lost consciousness for a while after blowing off his own head. At that time, his cousin didn't do anything to his anus, right?

Fortunately, after careful inspection with his 'two-finger caving', everything was normal, the elasticity was no problem, and the amount of bleeding had not changed. He breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, as a patient with rectal cancer, blood in the stool is common.

But this is strange. What did my cousin take from me? Wade lowered his head and held his chin in thought, but he still couldn't think of it.

"Did you bring back all the things you brought to the Savage Continent? Or is it something that originally belonged to you but was temporarily stored in the Savage Continent?" The Master of Imitation asked another question.

"Double knives, brought back... double guns, school bag, wallet, little yellow duck, Marilyn Monroe's same wig... they are all there."

Wade lowered his head and rummaged through his bag. He brought back everything he had brought, and...

"Fake! My little strong village! My toy has been taken over by my cousin, it must be like this!"

He finally remembered that if there was anything in the Wilderness Continent that belonged to Deadpool before but now belonged to Deathstroke, it was that village.

The people inside used to believe in the God of Poop, but later because Deadpool gave them benefits, those guys converted to the God of Immortality, which shows how unstable their faith is.

It must be too late now. Those people must have converted to the Supreme Mage, right? well......

Taskmaster activated his tactics and leaned back gently on the sofa. The weak light made his white figure look hazy:

"I see. It seems that the village you called Xiaoqiang was taken away by the death knell more than 20 years ago and turned into the Holy Sanctuary of Antarctica today. So I feel sorry for you. I will definitely never come back."

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