The Death Knell

Chapter 1244 Another move

Time has begun an endless cycle. If someone examines the big tree formed by the flow of time at this time, they can see that this point on the golden veins has mutated, like a tumor, growing a cyst.

Subtle time streams are constantly separated from the main trunk and constantly created, but the ending does not change.

New beginning.

Carmelita and Ellie went out, but she was suddenly hit by a drunk Russian driver. Before she died, she pushed her daughter away. When Wade arrived, she didn't even have the strength to look at him and just shouted With a dying gasp, he pointed at his daughter.

Deadpool nodded, watched her die, and comforted Ellie for a few words.

"Suka BuLei!"

He killed the drunk driver before snapping the belt button again.

New beginning.

This time Carmelita went out, there were no enemies around, and Deadpool was about to go up and talk to her.

Unexpectedly, the glass upstairs suddenly broke, and a refrigerator flew out from inside. She pushed her daughter away again, and she was crushed into a meat pie.

Deadpool looked at the bright red under the broken refrigerator and was speechless for a long time.

He expressionlessly took off a grenade from his chest, threw it in through the broken window, and then asked Ellie to wait for him a little longer amid the explosions and screams.

Fortunately, Ellie in different timelines can recognize his father and is very obedient, which saves him a lot of trouble.

He took the space-time belt again.

New beginning.

Carmelita died in a natural gas pipeline explosion under the street.

New beginning.

Carmelita died in a plane crash.

New beginning.

Carmelita dies due to a military exercise error.

New beginning.


Even if Deadpool won't die, he will still get tired.

After hundreds of attempts, he all failed, and at this time he only felt physically and mentally exhausted.

"What on earth is going on? Why does it feel like someone is deliberately against me?" Holding his daughter tightly in his arms, Deadpool felt that his mind went blank. The various scenes of Carmelita's tragic death appeared in his mind. Somewhat overwhelmed.

Even the methods used to save Vanessa in the past had no effect on Carmelita.

"Dad, mom seems to be asleep, can you wake her up?"

Ellie pointed to the half of the body exposed in the ruins and said cruel words in a very innocent tone.

"Sure sweetheart, no problem...I just, need to catch my breath."

After experiencing so many tortures, Deadpool was not only severely hit mentally, but also lost count of how many times he was affected by inexplicable explosions or collapses.

This is what Ellie didn't say. In fact, the clothes on his body have now turned into strips of cloth, and almost all the rotten flesh on his body is exposed, like strips of red meat that have become moldy due to moisture.

Ellie looked at the ruins, then at the strange father who was covered in wounds, and hesitated for a moment.

"Actually, mom is dead, right?"

Although she is only six or seven years old, look at the environment she lives in. The place they lived before was a slum within a slum, and it has always been filled with darkness and violence.

Death is not uncommon here when at any moment a bullet could fly out the window and take anyone's life.

Maybe one second your neighbor was passing by your door, and the next second he was dead on the spot.

Vibrant social groups will not be kind enough to help you dispose of the body. If their enemies are killed on your doorstep, then you are unlucky, so you should clean it up yourself.

If an officious police officer comes to ask questions, you still need to know what to say.

What else can I say? Even if the body is full of bullet holes, like a hornet's nest or a colander, you have to insist that the person probably had a heart attack, and otherwise follow the "three noes" principle.

When questioned by the police, the answer must be ‘not familiar, don’t understand, don’t know’.

Otherwise you will be the next one to die.

The social environment here is like this, don't ask too much if you can live.

Dark? In fact, it's just like that. It's nothing compared to Gotham. In that city, even being eaten alive by a neighbor is just an ordinary case, and even Commissioner Gordon's heart can't shake.

Phoenix, Arizona in the Marvel world is just an ordinary place.

There have never been superheroes, no supervillains, and no unusual events in history.

Some are simply social backgrounds, where life and death follow very ordinary rules.

Although Ellie was unwilling to accept the reality of her mother's death, seeing her father also looking lost, she knew she could no longer escape.

She became sensible earlier than children from wealthy families. She saw dead people and gang fights on the streets when she was two or three years old. Carmelita followed the black education tradition, which is to tell the truth.

As a mother, if you want your child to survive here, you must let her understand what death is.

It is necessary to explain to the children that these people died and that death means nothing. They must also explain clearly why they died and how to avoid the same fate befalling themselves.

Ellie knows all this.

Wade held her and shook his head: "No, she just fell asleep. I have a way."

"But mother said that people who die can't come back. They went to a place called the Great Beyond to be with their relatives who also died."

Ellie felt that her father was so stupid that he didn't even know this. She held Wade's face seriously and taught him in a sweet voice.

Wade took a deep breath of the smell of gunpowder smoke after the explosion and looked at the ruins beside him: "I go to that place often, and I can come and go easily. Baby, you reminded me. In this way, I will send you to Wilson's Fast Food Restaurant first. Where are you? Wait for me and I will bring your mother back."

"Dad, how did you know that I wanted to eat Wilson's fast food?" Ellie was very sad. Fast food did not make her happy.

"My name is Wade Wilson, that fast food,'s from my house." Deadpool stuttered, knowing that Ellie wanted to eat that in another timeline, but there was no such reason. Dharma says.

He could only change the topic and carry Ellie to a nearby fast food restaurant. As the node of the spider web, it could be said to be the safest place at this time.

Then he took off his belt, stole a miniature nuclear bomb from SHIELD, dragged it deep into the Sahara Desert, and blew himself up.

He was going to find death, and if anyone could bring the dead back to life, she could definitely do it.


His soul or consciousness, whatever, came to the Garden of the Dead on the border of half-life and half-death. The place where death used to deal with souls in the universe was also the love nest where he had a private meeting with death.

But as luck would have it, when Wade arrived, Thanos was also there.

The purple sweet potato was spinning at the entrance of the garden, holding a handful of wilted flowers in his hand. His circular battleship was parked in the void not far away, as if he was planning to take Death out for a date.

Seeing Deadpool, just think about it and you will know how Thanos feels.

Not long ago, he collected the gems. Although the time gem was obtained from Loki in the parallel world and was not very bright, Thanos still snapped his fingers and killed half of the creatures in the universe, wanting to make death happy. .

But after the death, she was persuaded by Deadpool. At the same time, she disliked the fact that too many people died at once, and she couldn't handle the souls, so there was no time to maintain the skin, so she drove back all the souls she could send away to resurrect them.

Thanos was thankless, and was even targeted by a terrifying force. The first Infinity War ended in vain, and even the Avengers did not have time to implement their plan to travel through time.

So Thanos aimed all his attention at Deadpool, strictly guarding against letting him get close to death again, but this bug from Earth always seemed to find a way.

For example, last time I got a purple glass ball, stored myself in it and had it delivered here. Thanks to him for being able to figure it out!

Fortunately, Thanos arrived in time, Deadpool and Death were still having foreplay, and nothing he didn't want to see happened.

Just drove Deadpool away, but the guy came back today. Thanos had a candlelight dinner plan today, how could he let Bedbug mess up?

"Deadpool! I said before, if you come to pester her again, I will throw you into the void dimension!"

Thanos raised his hand that was not holding the flower directly towards Deadpool. The six gems on the Infinity Gauntlet lit up one after another, and the rich light of rules shined in his hand.

"Oh, then you can throw it away. My life has no meaning anymore."

Not only did Wade not resist, he didn't even show off his usual rhetoric. He lay down and even spread his legs, making an M-shape.

Thanos frowned.

He didn't know whether to retract his outstretched hand or continue to freeze. His round eyes stared at Wade and he began to ponder.


Deadpool's abnormal behavior made Thanos begin to wonder if Deathstroke had given Deadpool another idea. He didn't know whether he should take action or not.

That's right, Wade can't die, otherwise he will live with death forever. Only throwing him into other dimensions can delay it for a while.

But if he throws Wade into the void dimension, and Deathstroke sends Death there, wouldn't they be able to meet there? !

What a risk, I almost fell into a trap...

Thinking he had figured out the link, Thanos' purple face flashed with light, and he saw through this despicable plan!

"You're dreaming! You want to enter the void dimension, but I won't let you do it. Not only that, I will also curse you to never enter the void!" Thanos waved his hand, and the light on his gloves changed, and a beam of light appeared in the next second. Covered in Deadpool.

Along with the heart-wrenching pain, Deadpool was once again cursed by Thanos. After being unable to die forever, Deadpool can never be thrown into the void.


Deadpool showed a black question mark expression. What is this? Why did Thanos give himself another benefit? Is this person a jerk?

"Uh...thank you?"

He really didn't know how to communicate with Thanos. There might be something wrong with this Titan's brain.

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