The Death Knell

Chapter 1249? A gift from heaven

I often remember that the sun is setting in the creek pavilion, and I am so drunk that I don’t know my way back. Returning to the boat late after all the fun, I strayed into the depths of lotus flowers. Fighting for the crossing, fighting for the crossing, startling a pool of gulls and herons.

Time passed quickly, and by the time the clouds stopped and the rain dispersed, it was already late at night.

The two of them lay on the animal hides and looked at the stars in the sky. Although the nights were still very cold in the summer mountains and forests, it was not a problem for their physical constitutions.

Gin wiped his sweat, put his head on Su Ming's chest under the afterglow of the campfire, listened to the beating of the heart, closed his eyes and panted.

"You really..."

"Shh, did you hear anything?"

The hand that was touching Ginjiu's smooth back stopped. Su Ming opened his eyes and sat up. In fact, it was not him who heard something, but Hangsha heard it.

Something is approaching in the sky.

Gin was a little tired, but she still lifted a corner of the animal skin mattress to cover her chest, opened her eyes and looked at the sky: "Yes, I heard it, it seemed like a plane?"

"You put on your clothes and go home. We are not on a flight path here, and there is no reason for the plane to fly at such a low altitude." Su Ming patted her PP, and the black and yellow armor instantly covered his body, and the red eyepieces glowed in the dark night lights up.

"Okay, I'll go back and guard the house, you be careful." Gin grabbed the skirt on the side and put it on, picked up the weapon, and planned to carry away the remaining bears.

After all, we can’t waste it, right?

However, before she could leave, a burning plane suddenly appeared from the top of the mountain in the distance.

It looked like a civilian airliner. Its huge wingspan and fuselage were already in flames, and it was as bright as a phoenix in the night sky.

The plane barely missed the hilltop, a hole was opened in the belly of the plane, and some things were scattered in the forest. The night was too dark, and the things were not big enough to tell what they were.

However, just like this, the plane was so shaky that it lost its balance. It immediately turned over and crashed head-first. The forest burst into flames.

Su Ming took a breath and slowly floated up: "The crash site was five kilometers away to the southeast. The fuel leaked and caught fire. The mountains and forests..."

"They belong to our family. You bought all these mountains and forests back then." Gin nodded, she knew what the man wanted to ask.

"...I was originally waiting for wood to build a separate courtyard. They are all fine pine and redwood trees. After so many years..." Su Ming was speechless. Although he bought insurance, But the insurance company only compensates the money but not the wood, so what is the use of the money?

Is building your own house using trees you grow yourself the same as buying wood?

Gin smiled, came over and bit his neck: "Go and see which airline it is. The Wilson Corporate Legal Department has been idle for a long time. Besides, you are out of touch with society. It's okay to occasionally participate in small incidents." good."

"Alas, this pilot is also short-sighted. Can't he crash in the swamp in the northwest? It will save everyone trouble." Su Ming took out the God Killer from his pocket and turned it into a crowbar: "I don't think it will work. Are there any survivors? These people were probably knocked down by the smoke after the plane caught fire. But let’s go and have a look, at least to know who to settle the score with.”

"Come on." Gin smiled and picked up the brown bear, and also took the wet bear skin mattress. After extinguishing the bonfire, he waved his little hands and ran away.

Su Ming shook his head. Gin Jiu was right. Most people would not be able to survive such a plane crash, and those who survived were not ordinary people.

Extraordinary people fall into their own turf, almost at their doorstep. According to the peeing nature of the Marvel Universe, this is where events come to visit.


Although this was not the first time he had seen an air crash. During World War II, Su Ming had shot down so many airplanes, flying saucers, and airships. However, civilian airliners were indeed more tragic than military aircraft.

It's not an exaggeration to say that there were corpses everywhere. The plane crashed and threw the passengers everywhere.

The flames burned on the oil, clinging to the motionless corpse, emitting the smell of barbecue grease. Deathstroke's keen eyesight could see blisters appearing on the skin, and then quickly turned black and scorched.

Suitcases and personal belongings were scattered everywhere, and colorful clothes or children's toys could be seen everywhere. Some were hung on trees, and some were thrown on the edge of the cliff. Many of them were on fire, leaving the air with the pungent smell of burning chemical fibers. odor.

Su Ming picked up a suitcase from the flames and used a weapon to pry it open to check the contents.

Costumes, lace, cosmetics, who knows who these things are.

What he is looking for is not these, but air tickets or visas, things that can prove the flight route.

I found the ticket and put it in my passport. Although the outer protective cover of the document was a little blackened, the words inside could still be seen clearly.

Pan Am World Airways flights.

This is an old brand airline. It first provided seaplane service in Key West, Florida in 1930 and gradually developed into a world-renowned airline.

Pan Am brought many innovations to the aviation industry, including the widespread use of jet airliners, private jet services and computerized reservation systems, and became a cultural symbol of the 20th century.

The most distinctive thing is that their company doesn’t call airplanes airplanes, but calls them ‘Clippers’, which is taken from the 19th century high-speed sailing ship, the clipper ship. This is considered unique.

The plane that crashed was a very old model produced by Stark Industries, an antique from the 1950s.

"Tsk, let me just say that his plane is not good. If you still buy this thing, you deserve to go bankrupt this year."

Su Ming complained and threw away the ticket.

Although Pan Am had a good business in the past and was even the only American airline to maintain continuous intercontinental flights during World War II, today it can only struggle to survive due to poor management.

In the original history of the real world, because the famous Lockerbie plane crash in 1988 was his family's plane, Pan Am went bankrupt in 1991 and was reorganized in 2003 by another conglomerate.

It seems that in the Marvel Universe, this air crash is the straw that breaks the camel's back. The compensation costs and the damage to reputation are not something Pan America can withstand now.

Continuing the investigation, Su Ming opened his passport, and suddenly he seemed to understand something!

He looked at the photo of the unshaven black man on the front page of his passport, and then looked at the lace skirts in the suitcase in his other hand...

"Oh~~~bad luck!"

He threw the suitcase into the sea of ​​fire with a wave of his hand. There were so many boxes and so many dead bodies, but he chose the most disgusting one.

However, Deathstroke's willpower was very strong. He calmed down, flipped the passport back, and checked the last boarding location. The existence of the passport meant that it was an international flight, and international flights may involve terrorism. attack.

"Oh? A flight from Panama in the Caribbean? Very good."

Although the Cold War has come to an end, Panama is one of the important transportation hubs in the world, and spy agencies from various countries have a large number of manpower there. Maybe the plane crash was not caused by a simple mechanical failure.

Su Ming threw away his passport, took the golden crowbar from Hangzhou, twirled it in his hand like a crutch, danced the classic Broadway jazz dance steps, and walked straight into the flames.

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