The Death Knell

Chapter 1250 Dying in vain

There were flames and thick smoke everywhere in the cabin, just like walking into a coal-burning furnace in a coking plant. The flames were licking the corners of the armor like living elves. However, the body was already immune to the flames. Strangulation protects the host very well.

Not only is it not too hot in the hundreds of degrees of flames, it also feels quite warm and comfortable, making people a little sleepy.

After all, the crowbar was useless. The plane had been broken when it crashed. The break was near the tail. Su Ming went in from there and moved toward the cockpit while inspecting the scene.

Through the broken portholes, you can see the fire outside like a long snake. It can be seen that the aircraft was originally planned to make an emergency landing, and the fuel was drained in advance to avoid aviation fuel burning in the small space of the wing fuel tank and causing expansion and explosion.

But it is feared that the flames spread from inside the cabin to the outside, with the cabin becoming more ash than the wings and engines, which is unusual.

The God Killer turned into the shape of a scimitar. Su Ming used it to pull the items on the ground in the narrow passage. He saw a radial hole and was blocked under a row of seats.

"Is it the detonation point? A small-yield bomb was brought onto the plane? But how did the flames ignite after it penetrated the cabin and caused a loss of pressure?"

I simulated the scene of the explosion in my mind, but there was always something wrong, because the plane only lowered its altitude after losing pressure, and then obviously flew a certain distance, and the flames only ignited during this flight.

"The flight from Panama to New York crashed in Tennessee. Passengers arrived about 1,400 kilometers early."

Su Ming stepped through the small hole, pushed away the scorched corpse blocking the way, told a cold joke to the strangled man, and continued to move forward.

Soon he found the second and third breaches.

If the metal in these breaches hadn't turned outwards, he would have thought it was hit by an anti-aircraft gun, which made him begin to suspect that this was not a bomb, but someone getting on the plane with some new type of weapon.

Someone was escaping in front and was being chased by someone behind him. He fired three shots with the new weapon but missed, hitting the floor and causing these three holes.

The image in his mind started to move. Two black villains were chasing each other in the virtual cabin. Maybe the person in front of him fired back, or maybe the weapon was consigned and he could only smash it back with a coffee pot. In short, Su Ming didn't. Find the traces left by the return fire.

This giant passenger plane manufactured by Stark Industries is larger than the Airbus A380 in Su Ming's previous life. It has almost 700 seats and is divided into upper, middle and lower floors. This chase battle is probably similar to a street fight.

The lowest level is the economy class, which is most suitable for people who want to keep a low profile.

The flames in the bottom cabin became more intense, and the passengers who were still fixed in their seats by their seat belts were now cooked until they were fully cooked. Su Ming also quickened his pace, and his intuition told him that the answer should be in the cockpit.

The cockpit was on the top floor, and the flames had not spread yet. When passing by the flight attendant area, Su Ming looked at the relatively complete bodies of the flight attendants and sighed.

"Sure enough, Pan Am flight attendants are big."

What I’m talking about here is age.

There is no way, the management is not good, young and beautiful people cannot afford it, so we can only use people under fifty years old.

Just saying casually, the cause of death of these sisters-in-law was obviously not impact or suffocation. They were beaten to death by a mysterious weapon.

The chest seemed to have exploded from the inside, and paired with their blue uniforms, the red ribs and flesh were like lotus flowers on the water.

After walking through the sea of ​​flowers, Deathstroke walked to the cockpit. The door was opened at some point. Several people wearing pilot white shirts fell dead outside the door. From time to time, electric sparks came out of the lines on the ceiling and fell on them. .

It's quite beautiful when it lights up.

Well, the pilot doesn’t fly the plane and is used to it.

Pushing open the ajar hatch, a man in a suit leaned against the door with a wrench embedded in his forehead. It looked like he had been attacked as soon as he entered.

The person who attacked him was a woman, who was also dead at this time. The impact caused by the crash killed her. At least half of her body bones, including the cervical spine, were shattered and she could not survive.

The man in the suit also held a gun in his hand. It looked like a toy. It was made of red and green plastic. The muzzle of the gun looked like a small radar, the kind with a small bump on the curved surface.

Deathstroke bent down and picked up the gun, played with it in his hand, and fired a shot to the side.

Invisible shock waves were launched, directly punching a hole in the bulkhead.

"Sonic weapon...strangled, ate his head."

This new type of weapon made Su Ming somewhat interested, so he asked Hangsha to eat the brain of this corpse to find out who he really was.

The answer is, of course, Hydra.

A low-level cannon fodder agent, a brainwashing maniac specially used to carry out such suicidal missions. He has almost no intelligence in his head, and even his superiors have never seen his true appearance.

He received a mission in the Soviet Union and entered Panama to deal with his target there.

He didn't even know the target's condition and only had two photos as a reference. Even from a mercenary level, this was too pitiful.

No useful memory was gained from the strangulation. All this guy could think about was long live Hydra, and he had no sense at all.

Perhaps the noise from the gunfire just woke up the person in the driver's seat, and he made some meaningless mumbling noises.

Deathstroke raised his hand to push the deformed cabin back to its original shape and walked over.

You can see a man with a fashionable moustache in the driver's seat, and he is completely soaked in blood from the neck down.

The wound on the left side of his body looked like a dragon, and the wound on the right side of his head looked like a rainbow. After seeing the death knell, his fingers were like flying monkeys, pointing to the... portable hanging on the roof of the broken cabin. box.

This was probably the only person on the entire plane who was still breathing, but judging from the amount of blood loss, it was only a matter of time before he died.

Su Ming stretched out his hand to hold his side, while Strangler blocked the other bleeding ports: "Compressing and stopping the bleeding can only buy you a little time, so tell me."


"Deathstroke, it's me." Su Ming quickly interjected: "Don't ask for greetings at this time, just tell me the information."

The man, whose face was as white as a sheet of paper, was a little anxious. He raised two fingers again, pointed at the box anxiously, and said in a stronger tone:


"Okay, sir, good evening to you too, are you satisfied?"

Su Ming sighed, being so polite at this time, are you British?

Seeing that he was about to die, I didn’t care about him anymore. It was so rigid.

The man was anxious and angry, and he vomited a mouthful of blood. He didn't know whether the congestion had cleared up, or whether the recovery had begun. He finally spoke fluent words.

"Deathbloom! Deathbloom! In the box!"

After saying this, he seemed to have lost his strength and kept rolling his eyes in the driver's seat, as if he was about to fall asleep but was trying to keep himself up.

"Did you tell me earlier? Who knows what you're talking about when you keep coming and going?" Su Ming took off his suitcase. It was a silver lockbox with a pair of handcuffs on the handle, which seemed to be used for escorting. important items.

Strangler opened the box directly, revealing several tubes of black reagent inside. A faint death energy echoed in the bottles.

Seeing that Deathstroke had gotten the box, the man seemed relieved. He took a few breaths and said, "My name is Richard Parker..."

"It turns out it's you. You're covered in blood. I really didn't recognize you. I'm glad I met you."

Deathstroke grabbed his hand and shook it casually twice, without any hint of luck in meeting him.

Richard coughed twice. He would rather not see the death knell. It would be better if the police came.

"I'm a biologist, CIA agent..."

"Actually, that is still a false identity. Your boss is Jimmy Wu. Just say that you are a SHIELD agent. But the Death Spore Flower... you are coming back from Japan. The Hydra that is chasing you is Sitrik's people were initially just tasked with killing you and retrieving the props. I'm afraid that guy got into trouble and had to play the trick of 'if we can't get it, SHIELD can't get it'."

The seriously injured man opened his mouth, but suddenly he didn't know what to say. Deathstroke knew everything he wanted to say.

Sad, really sad, I didn't realize how cruel the world was until I was about to die.

The behavior of himself and his wife in exchange for information and props with their lives turned out to be like a joke in the eyes of the strong.

He made a huffing sound, and a lot of blood foam came out of his mouth: "The box..."

"I understand. This thing is for Howard and not for Fury. Your wills are placed under the floor of the attic at home, and the information on the spider gene experiments you conducted during Osborne's undercover period are also there. The name of the insurance beneficiary is you. Your son Peter, send him to your brother Ben for adoption, right?”

After living underground for such a long time, Deathstroke was in a good mood when encountering some minor incidents when he came out, so he thoughtfully helped Richard save some energy in speaking.

Richard's blood still spurted out, and his whole body succumbed quickly. It was too difficult for him.

Deathstroke is no longer powerful in intelligence, he is omniscient. What he wants to say will be completely seen through, and there is no point in even if he can survive.


"I know that the spiders you cultivated used part of your DNA coding. Only your blood relatives can inherit the super soldier serum. To be honest, you improved the SSS serum with the venom of the spider, thus eliminating its side effects of causing the user's paranoia. , a genius idea.”

Su Ming smiled and pointed at him, with a narrow tone, as if to say, 'You are such a clever little kid.'

Richard is indeed quite clever, and using Osborn Industries to borrow chickens to hatch eggs is also a good plan, but if he doesn't do this, Spider Totem will choose Peter.

The web has decided everything, and the modified spider is just a medium. When the time comes, even if Peter is lying at home, another spider will give him a bite.

Richard and Mary's efforts are all in vain. Do they want their son to become Captain America in the new era?

Sorry, he was actually destined to be Spider-Man.

There is also the extract of the death spore flower, which is an antique from World War II. Howard and Fury should also have it. However, the Parkers may not have enough confidentiality to know that SHIELD has such a death weapon.

They probably discovered Baron Sitric's weapon by chance and felt that he could not harm the American people, so they fought tooth and nail with the enemy and seized the poison, intending to hand it over to the right person for safekeeping.

What is the right person? Of course it's Howard, SHIELD's best scientist.

In the end, they still didn't escape, and were still caught up by Hydra and killed at the door of their house.

As for the box of things they had sacrificed their lives for, even if Su Ming handed it over to Howard, it would most likely be sealed with a number and sent to SHIELD's desert warehouse in Nevada.

There are a lot of junk props that are useless but cannot be released, and they are all sealed under the desert over there.

Are death spore bombs useful? In fact, it's good. Ordinary people will die if they hear it, and top experts will lose their superpowers and fall into coma if they inhale it.

But where do the raw materials come from? S.H.I.E.L.D. can get the method to make this kind of thing, and it can’t get flowers that only grow in the underworld of Heim. How many grenades can this box of flower extracts make?

Don't tell Richard such a cruel thing, let him feel that he and his wife died more meaningfully.

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