The Death Knell

Chapter 1251? Tony’s changes

Everything he wanted to say was said by Deathstroke, and Richard now only wanted to die.

Things shouldn't be like this. Originally, they just went to the Caribbean for vacation after Mary gave birth to the child, because Richard had an acquaintance there who 'worked' at the embassy and could help book better hotels.

As a result, they accidentally discovered traces of Hydra during their vacation, so they quickly contacted their superiors.

Jimmy Wu said you just have fun on vacation and don't worry about Panama's affairs.

But the two of them seemed to have an innate sense of responsibility and an inexplicable sense of mission, and they still pursued them to Japan privately.

In the name of scientists from Osborne Technology who went to Japan for exchanges, they came into contact with the cousin of the assistant of the secretary of Hydra's Japanese branch leader Sitrik... and finally got into Hydra. Snake qualifications for a certain laboratory.

I couldn't tell if it was a laboratory. It was a shabby place that looked like an abandoned garage. Many things were covered in dust. It seemed that no one had been in it since the end of World War II.

But Richard thought it must be some kind of disguise.

There, they saw a film demonstrating the effects of death spore bombs, which was shot by the Nazis on the battlefield. In the film, a small group of Allied soldiers inhaled the black mist, and everyone seemed to have suddenly lost their water, dry and violent. shoot.

Richard feels that this kind of thing is too dangerous. Hydra seems to want to restart this project. No, this evil plan must be stopped.

It was too late to contact S.H.I.E.L.D., Richard gave his wife a wink, and they agreed to take away this dangerous weapon. Only the free and democratic United States is qualified to keep this kind of thing.

They knocked out the cousin of the secretary's assistant and apprentice, stole the box containing old-fashioned film and a few black test tubes, and then fled.

From Japan, we first took a boat to Panama, and then flew back to the United States from Panama.

The plan is correct, but there are more spies in Panama than imagined. You are carrying a silver box mysteriously, who can't see it?

Sitrik didn't even know about this, because the death spore bomb project was so many years ago. He is now studying artificial mutants?

However, after learning that someone had robbed their things and planned to send them to the United States, Sitric decided to take care of it.

Whether the thing was heavy or not was another matter, but it was something belonging to Hydra, and not just any cat or dog could take it, so he randomly sent some soldiers out to deal with the two thieves.

It doesn't matter if it's destroyed, it just can't fall into SHIELD's hands anyway.

Richard is a scientist, not a soldier. He can barely shoot a gun, and his head is full of scientific research.

His wife Mary... although she is also a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent in name, she is actually a 'special third generation'.

Her grandfather used to work for the OSS, which was the Office of Strategic Intelligence during World War II and was later incorporated into the Strategic Science Corps.

The whole family is not very capable, but how loyal is a person who has followed SSR for three generations? Therefore, Mary Parker can be regarded as a daughter who inherited her father's business and became an agent.

Richard regretted it very much now. Not only was he not stupid, but he was also very smart. Seeing Deathstroke's familiarity with that thing but not paying much attention to it, he probably guessed that it was a loss for him and his wife to sacrifice their lives for it.

Just because his impulsive decision killed her, he himself completely lost the will to live.

"Can you wife to me?"

Richard was already on his deathbed, relying solely on his breath. Although strangulation could seal most of his wounds, the blood he had lost before could not be replenished.

Su Ming nodded, strangled and stretched out several tentacles, turning into shovels to scoop up Mary Parker at the door.

There was no way, her bones were too broken, and her whole body was like mud, bound by flesh and blood, and she needed a platform to lift her up.

Putting Mary's body in Richard's arms, Su Ming stepped back a few steps, turned and left.

Richard seemed to be saying sorry to her, but his voice became lower and lower. The moment Deathstroke stepped out of the cockpit, the voice disappeared.

"Tsk, you killed someone by trying to be a hero, so just go with it in peace."

Su Ming sighed and said nothing more. He put the box away and roughly searched inside and around the plane, and sure enough, no one was found alive.

There was some jewelry, but he didn't get it.

Maybe the families of the victims still have to rely on these things to identify the charred corpses. Wouldn't taking them away affect other people's family reunions? That's too dark.

This place is quite remote. Even if SHIELD gets the news, it will take at least an hour to get here, so Su Ming decided to go to Washington to find Howard to see how he is doing recently.

The previous sewer explosion in New York seemed to have left a psychological shadow on Howard. He discovered that New York was the center of all events, so he built a new three-wing building in Washington, DC, and has been working there in recent years.

As for New York, usually only Fury's stewed egg is stationed, responsible for wrangling with those on the United Nations Security Council.


What else can Howard do at this time? He's having a headache.

It wasn't because of the Parker couple's matter, after all, it was so small that he didn't even know about it.

What bothered him was the matter of his son Tony. When the bombing incident occurred in 1980, Tony was five years old. Because he showed various tendencies of over-genius, Howard sent him to school in Los Angeles.

He went to a boarding school, and Howard asked some show business friends he met when he was a young director to take care of Tony. He also bought Tony a house there to live in, and sent Jarvis, his most trusted housekeeper, to take care of the child.

Yet he underestimated Tony's curiosity and sense of discovery.

Schools in the United States, as long as they are not sponsored by churches, tend not to be too strict in terms of rules.

Because Tony's parents are not around, the only people who take care of him on weekdays are Jarvis and his doting uncles and aunts. It can be said that Tony has completely let himself go.

It took others one semester to finish the textbook, but he read it in one day and completely learned the knowledge inside. What did he do with the rest of the time?

Of course I played.

His middle school is very close to Hollywood. It goes without saying what the social environment there is like. Although it has nothing to do with the slums, Hollywood is Vanity Fair, which is a state of chaos in a state of extreme wealth.

Maria doted on Tony to death because she knew that Tony was not her son and she had taken him from another mother, so she felt guilty.

At the same time, she was also afraid that Tony would one day find out the truth and would abandon the couple and find his biological mother. What would she do?

Therefore, out of various psychological reasons, she gave Tony treatment that ordinary children would never dare to imagine. Not to mention the pocket money of 100,000 US dollars per week, she bought Tony all the new sports cars of various brands released in the world every year, so that he could go to school every day. You can switch cars and drive.

Beautiful clothes, expensive watches, delicious food and drink, all bought for Tony. If Tony hadn't been too young to take the airplane pilot's license test, Tony would have been equipped with even one of the planes built by Stark Industries, and she had paid to build a private airport.

With such a mother, little Tony is becoming more and more awesome. At a young age, he doesn't make any money, but he is extremely generous with his money. There is nothing in Los Angeles that he doesn't dare to play with.

Because Howard couldn't trust anyone else in the house here except Jarvis, so everything had to be handled by the housekeeper.

After all, Jarvis is not Alfred, and he cannot have unreasonable 'bat clone skills', so while he is busy dealing with various chores in the villa, Tony is free.

Because he was a genius and a second-generation rich man at school, no one dared to take care of him, and no one had time to take care of him after he returned home. Tony learned a lot of mistakes at a very fast speed.

For example, when he was walking on the school playground and saw some black sports students in the corner doing something mysterious and unknown, he went over to watch.

They are smoking marijuana, why are you, a white man, getting close to them?

But in the face of the strong black men who wanted to beat him up, Tony threw out a pile of bills without fear, saying that all the money drawn today would be charged to his account, but he also wanted to take one to experience this feeling.

If you feel good, Tony will cover all the money for these black boys from now on. On the contrary, if they still want to take action, Tony can call hundreds of bodyguards from outside the school with just one phone call and beat them until they can no longer take care of themselves.

When the black students heard this, did they think there was such a good thing?

Only fools would take action. They immediately took care of Tony, rolling paper, lighting fires, and making excuses, all in one go. They were heroes among black people.

The black people who were planning to take action one second later worshiped Tony as their big brother, and the group of people walked arm in arm and puffed away in the bushes.

Tony found that everyone really didn't lie to him. This plant really makes people extremely high.

Another example is that Tony discovered that the beautiful senior sister in the next class always got in the car of different middle-aged people after school. When she came the next morning, she always had new clothes or new bags, and she was radiant.

Tony was very curious, what made her so happy?

If you don’t understand, just ask. This is a quality that any teenager who aspires to become a scientist must have, so Tony stopped the senior sister when no one was around and discussed serious academic issues with her.

Xiao Gaigai, why are you so happy every night?

The young lady's eyes lit up when she saw Tony's watch and clothes, and then his car keys.

Do you want to be this happy too? Take me out for a drive, eat some good food, buy me some beautiful clothes and cosmetics, and I will tell you.

Tony smiled easily, isn't it just money? The last thing he lacks is money, and anything he can do with money is nothing.

His parents were gone, and Jarvis had everything he wanted to do. He felt extremely lonely, empty, and cold inside, and he just hoped to buy happiness.

As a result, word soon spread secretly in the school that Tony Stark, a sixth grader, kept an eighth grade cheerleader for ten thousand dollars a month.

Tony didn't care about all the rumors. He just found that men and women were really fun. He also wanted to try to cooperate with other girls besides the cheerleaders.

He wants all the women who are beautiful, with a good figure, and have characteristics. At first it was only in school, but later it developed into women in society!

So as he made more friends, little Tony learned more. Now at the age of sixteen, he has contracted a series of incurable diseases such as drug addiction, alcohol addiction, sex addiction, etc. '.

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