The Death Knell

Chapter 1252? Howard’s plan

As for what Tony was doing in Los Angeles, Howard certainly knew, after all, he was the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

But family scandals should not be made public. The director's son has become the source of all evil before he is a minor. This is too ugly to hear.

Although he wasn't very angry when Tony asked a girl to "play games", after all, he was like that when he was young. He was not ashamed but proud that "Tony is like me", but regarding the issue of drugs and alcohol, Howard still found time to fly. Went to the west coast a few times and talked to Tony.

But it didn't work.

Tony had only one sentence throughout.

"If you and mom have time to spend time with me, I'll quit all those things, okay?"

Howard was speechless. He couldn't let go of SHIELD matters at all, and he couldn't let Tony know what he was up to.

Even if he has some time, he still has to go into the laboratory to continue his research, otherwise not only Stark Industries, but also SHIELD's technology may be overtaken by the enemy.

On Maria's side, one person has to be responsible for both parties' enterprises and businesses. He usually flies all over the world and has no time at all.

It’s true that a family has a big business, but if you don’t work for a day, everyone below you will follow you and drink the northwest wind. Italians can only trust their own family when doing business. Maria is a traditional Italian. When discussing business or cooperation, you must do it yourself. .

Like all parents, Howard could only tell Tony that adults have work to do.

So every time they talked, Howard and Tony broke up on bad terms, and the relationship between father and son became increasingly tense.

Tony couldn't understand why his parents didn't have time to spend with him. He was obviously not an orphan, but he was living like an orphan?

The rebellious Tony started to indulge even more. He played even more with the things that Howard had played when he was young.

After all, times have changed, and now the gameplay is becoming more and more diverse.

This is what gives Howard a headache. The latest intelligence shows that Tony did not stay up all night and party in the city this time, but actually ran away from home. He even deliberately got rid of all the bodyguards and informants and slipped away through the sewers!

I don't know who he learned it from, but his genius son even got rid of the SHIELD agents who were following him in the sewer.

He is only sixteen years old this year and has just received two doctorates in physics and engineering from MIT. However, these two majors are not tactical command majors in military schools. How did Tony get rid of professional agents? Where did he go again?

Howard was smoking a cigarette in the dark office, thinking about what to do next. Should he use public weapons for personal use again and send out a front-line team to find his son?

The so-called first-line team is actually Nick Fury's Howling Commandos, Damn Dugan's Howling Commandos, and Black Widow's personal cleanup team.

But the Black Widow was eliminated first. Natasha was too beautiful, and she had a strange dark charm. As a married man, I would sometimes be tempted, let alone a young boy like Tony.

Is the nickname Black Widow for nothing? I don’t know when I will die if I have anything to do with her.

Dugen was originally a perfect candidate. He would not compromise on executing orders. He had a standard military character and a sense of confidentiality.

But none of his team members are human. What if it happens to be a full moon night when Tony is found? Or maybe the vampires in his team saw Tony and wanted to try it?

Not appropriate either.

Fury... Howard sighed thinking of this.

Since Valentina defected and disappeared, Fury has shaved his head, and his whole person has become darker and darker, and his behavior has completely changed to mysticism.

No one can hear the truth from his mouth, and he trusts no one. He will do anything that will benefit his future campaign for director.

In other words, he may even be bribed by Tony, because it is obvious that Fury wants to be the mayor, and it takes money to open up all kinds of relationships, and Howard can't say anything about making money in private matters.

As a father, he can't bid with his son from afar, right?

Tony recently developed a complete computer system for the space station for NASA and earned hundreds of millions of dollars. He is now rich himself.

No matter who wins or loses in the bidding, isn't it true that the benefits are all lost to the braised eggs?

So neither can Fury.

He smoked cigarettes one by one, the whole office was like a paradise on earth, and Howard was pulling out his hair in handfuls.

At this moment, he heard rhythmic knocking on the window glass behind him.

Turning around, he saw a dark figure floating outside the window under the moonlight. The cloak flying in the wind cast a huge shadow, and a red light shone in the darkness, like an ominous star.

Howard was stunned for a moment, but he walked to the window and opened it. The smell of tobacco was blown out quickly by the strong wind, and he felt a chill in the midsummer night.

"This is sixty stories high, and usually no one knocks on the windows outside. You almost scared me to death."

Su Ming got in through the window like a shadow, took off his armor, and strangulated him into a black suit.

"Just get used to it, and more and more people will be flying in the sky in the future."

"It's best not. I want to retire normally." Howard made a weird face, smiled and hugged Su Ming: "Are you done with your work?"

Su Ming found a sofa and sat down, looking around Howard's new office. Sure enough, the interior decoration was different in the 1990s, and the white lace tablecloths that were more popular in the past were no longer visible.

"I finished work during the day. I went home and had a meal with Gin." As he said this, he handed the suitcase to Howard: "But a plane almost fell on my face, so I went to see it. Take a look, there are two S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who died inside, and this is a precious prop he asked me to give to you before he died."

Howard pinched off the cigarette butt, took the box and opened it. He quickly recognized the death spore extract. After all, there was an information written in German sealed with these test tubes.

"This... is not very precious. During World War II, we destroyed many branches of Hydra. This kind of poison gas bomb that cannot be mass-produced is worthless and cannot be compared to my nitro bomb. "

Howard closed the suitcase and placed it on his desk. He knew that as long as the test tube was intact, it was not dangerous at all.

Su Ming took out a cigarette and lit it, hiding himself in the darkness: "Of course I know this, but the two agents in the operation didn't know, and they died in vain."

Howard nodded slightly, with a sigh in his eyes in the darkness: "I'm sorry for their sacrifice. Who approved the action?"

"No one, they were on vacation." Su Ming shrugged and blew out a smoke ring: "They are a couple, Jimmy Wu's subordinates, using CIA and Osborne Technology as cover. You and I both know Jimmy He belongs to Fury, and Fury also experienced World War II and would not make such a mindless decision."

"That is acting without authorization. According to the regulations, there is no pension for this." Howard sat back at his desk, picked up the phone and prepared to dial: "I don't know their names yet, but out of their dedication to the just cause , I personally donated US$10,000 to take care of their funeral arrangements.”

Su Ming stood up, smoked the cigarette to the butt, pinched it out in his hand and put it away:

"It's up to you. I'm just here to give you something and see how you're doing lately. Do you want to go out for a late-night snack and play a few rounds of mahjong? How about some Yangchun noodles? I ate a little too oily at night."

"I'm Howard, pick me up from the Human Resources Department. I need a list of agents who have been on leave recently. Yes, fax it to my office."

Howard raised a finger to signal Deathstroke to wait. He finished the call before continuing:

"You came just in time. I actually have something personal that I would like your help with."

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