The Death Knell

Chapter 1257? Honeypot

"Actually, you don't even have to work in other places, you might as well be an alien." Howard sighed, but as a scientist who pursues the truth: "I agreed, and I will go there with you after I retire, but I have to take Maria with me.”

"No problem, have you figured out how to die?" Su Ming landed on the top of the airport building and watched Tony being carried onto a private plane by some people.

"How about a car accident? It's more sudden and simple. How about we act like the play you played back then?" Howard thought about it and felt that the car accident was more reasonable.

Su Ming took off his helmet and combed his hair with his fingers. Sure enough, Cambridge was much cooler at night.

"Then you don't want to say any last words to Tony? What about Arnold?"

"I have established a foundation that is independent from Stark Industries. Their proceeds will be used to maintain Arnold's life. Maybe I will find inspiration and a way to treat him by living in the universe for a few years... ." The sound of a lighter igniting came from Howard's side: "As for Tony, he is an out-and-out genius. I believe it is right to hand over Stark Industries to him."

"Whatever you want, that's your property. By the way, how is Obadiah doing lately?"

"When did you meet my partner? During the telecommunications cooperation?" Howard felt a little weird.

"I've been a dead man for a long time, remember? I don't know him, so I just asked casually." Su Ming smiled. Howard couldn't see the expression, so naturally he couldn't guess what he meant: "Okay, let's talk about it. As for Tony, he is alive, but the current situation seems a bit complicated."

Howard on the other side of the phone became a little nervous.

"What's up with him?"

The plane was still preparing for takeoff. Su Ming lit a cigarette and watched from a distance as the ground staff over there were as busy as ants.

"How should I put it... In the words of the Chinese Empire, he fell into a 'beauty trap', in the words of a bear, he fell into a 'bird's nest', and in the words of the CIA..."

Howard had already answered, and his tone became serious: "He's hit the honeypot! This stupid boy!"

The essence of these statements is actually the same. They are nothing more than using young and beautiful girls to get close to the target, binding a man through beauty or affection, and instructing them to do certain things.

Either deceive the target to help steal intelligence, or deceive the target to help the agent lurk. This is a relatively gentle method.

For the sake of mating rights or the so-called happy life, people often lack reason. This is one of the basic strategies that secret services agencies in various countries are good at.

"Well, that's it. I don't know what the Germans call this kind of trick, but he is in Cambridge, England, and was just carried onto the plane by a group of Hydras." Su Ming blew out a smoke ring and stood quietly. Watching from the rooftop.

"What?! Why don't you rescue him?" Howard felt the danger as soon as he heard about Hydra.

"Relax, he was shot in the shoulder, and he was unconscious from the pain, but it's not a big problem." Deathstroke answered lightly, interrupting Howard's urgent words: "I saw Hydra perform a play before, although It was clumsy, but it was enough to deceive Tony. Dozens of people died because of it. I want to see who is behind the scenes and what they are planning."

"No, you are fishing with my son. He is like an earthworm on a fishhook and will die at any time."

Howard expressed his objection. It was okay to fish with agents, but not Tony.

Su Ming smiled. He gently wiped out the cigarette in his hand, and a string of sparks fell along the edge of the rooftop: "It was the little earthworm in his crotch that was about to move that made him fall into the beauty trap. Calm down Howard, the beauty trap is for controlling A ploy by someone else rather than a murderous one, Tony is very safe now.”

"But he was shot!"

"So what? It's just that the arm was shot, but it's not a fatal injury. I've been watching every trajectory." Su Ming raised his mask and floated in the darkness: "A few bullet holes on the body make him look tougher, and he will be more capable of picking up girls in the future. Talk."

"This is... wrong! I don't care what that kid does with girls in the future! I want him to survive." Howard's tone softened, but he suddenly came back to his thoughts: "Where is their destination? , I’ll send Black Widow over.”

"Don't come in a hurry. You're talking like I don't know how to kill people. It's just that there are some things here that I haven't figured out yet, and it will take some time."

Su Ming laughed. The plane in the distance had started to start its engine and taxi on the runway, and he had to follow it.

"What's up?"

"That is, the beauty in the beauty trap didn't seem to know about it. She killed someone to protect Tony. She was very unfamiliar with the shooting and showed no signs of receiving any training. If she is sincere to Tony, I think you should hurry up It’s okay to have a grandchild and then fake death.”

Su Ming slowly took advantage of the night and sat on the tail of the plane, leaning against the erected tail fin. This was truly a throne that only super warriors could enjoy.

"Oh, I don't want any Hydra daughter-in-law. Those guys have killed too many of my good friends and killed so many innocent civilians over the past few decades. Don't even think about me shaking hands with them for personal reasons."

Howard answered decisively. Although he was not very serious, he was very principled.

"Tsk, tsk, look at your stubbornness. If it were me and Fury who said this, he would definitely ask me if I have a solid double-agent plan and what are the chances of getting a girl to rebel. How could you do it right away? Is the road blocked?"

Su Ming sat on the top of the plane. While talking, he stretched his legs. After that, he took out a bottle of Fat House Happy Water from his pocket, and strangulated a straw from the mask, allowing the host to suck blood like a mosquito. Drinking the same drink.

"He is an agent and I am a scientist. Maybe he can compromise or accept conspiracies, but to me right is right and wrong is wrong. Needless to say, help me kill all the enemies."

As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Howard would not give in on this.

"Oh, we haven't even talked about this. Tony loves her to death now. The first time he killed someone was to save the girl's mother. You know what it means for a man to kill for a woman."

Su Ming made a sizzling sound of sucking water and said vaguely that the wind noise was very loud when the plane was flying.

"..." Howard was silent.

"It's easy to kill her family, but Tony will definitely want to avenge her. If he can't find an enemy, his character will only become more and more distorted. You know, in our world, when a rich person is distorted to a certain extent, he will not change. Becoming a superhero is becoming a supervillain, which one do you want him to be?”

While Su Ming was talking, he asked Strangler to help him trim his nails. Flying on a plane was boring.

"Which branch of Hydra is the opponent?"

Howard changed the topic. He didn't want Tony to choose any of them. It would be great to be a billionaire at home, but why to be a masked man!

"The Jasper family. The girl Tony is attracted to is Cassandra Jasper. You should be familiar with this family than I am."

Su Ming knew that Howard had given up his plan to kill for the time being.

"'s definitely a conspiracy. Keep an eye on them and I'll go check something out." Howard gasped, he became nervous when he heard the name.

Su Ming smiled, changed the hand of Happy Water, and let Strangler continue to work: "Don't worry, Romeo and Juliet are right under my nose. Even if they want to commit suicide and die in love, they have no chance. Besides, Hydra is not all bad people. , some people just have mixed medical insurance, like Bob.”

"Who is Bob?" Howard asked confused.

"The plane is heading southwest, and its destination is somewhere in Western Europe. The next scheduled contact will be in twelve hours. The call ends and Deathstroke is offline."

Su Mingcai was too lazy to talk about Bob and hung up the satellite phone directly.

After drinking the soda, he lay down and closed his eyes. Isn't it common sense to sleep on an international flight?



Tony made a philosophical sound in his sleep. Maybe the mattress was too soft and he wanted to find a comfortable position, but the pain in his shoulder when he turned around woke him up.

He found that his shoulder had been bandaged and he was lying on a strange large bed. On the bedside was a bottle of medicine with no label at all.

He got out of bed. The bandage hanging on his right arm was not very comfortable, but at least it wouldn't hurt when he walked.

When he came to the window, he opened the curtains and looked out the window. He saw the vast sea, with snow-white water spray smearing the rocks back and forth. There were rays of light surging above the horizon, and it was about to dawn.

"Not Britain."

Based on the position of the morning star in the sky, Tony immediately made a judgment. When designing the space station program for NASA, he also studied a little bit of astronomy.

The room was very luxuriously furnished, but there were no clues as to where it was, and Tony couldn't remember anything about what happened after he fell into coma.

So he left the room, walked in the antique wooden corridor, and looked downstairs.

In the kitchen on the first floor, there was a woman with her back to him. The image from her back was Dr. Jasper. There was a bottle of wine and a pistol in front of her.


Dr. Jasper immediately turned his gun and pointed it at him, then smiled bitterly and put down the weapon.

"Sorry, I'm a little too nervous. Come sit here." She asked Tony to sit at the dining table and have a drink with her: "Have a drink, it will be good for your injury."

"Even after I took the painkillers?" Tony took the wine glass.

"Especially after taking the painkillers." The doctor smiled and poured himself another glass: "You were very brave tonight, Tony."

Tony recalled what happened when he killed someone, but found that his memory was blurry. He didn't know how he did it, so he immediately took a big sip of wine and felt the burning heat in his esophagus.

"Madam, what is going on?"

"This is a very dangerous world, and it will always be." The doctor looked deeply into Tony's eyes. She and Cassandra seemed to be carved from the same mold, but her eyes contained vicissitudes that her daughter could not match. , just like Tony's own father Howard...

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