The Death Knell

Chapter 1258? Bad news about Tony

Seeing Tony drink the wine, Dr. Jasper scratched his hair, straightened his pajamas, and told his story.

She had been an orphan since she was a child, not in West Germany, but in East Germany.

An orphanage for furry bears? It is simply a prison. Not only do you have to perform labor, but there is also non-stop brainwashing propaganda. You need to praise the great achievements of great leaders all the time in order to have food.

So when she grew up, she ran away and lived in Bulgaria, where she lived on the streets for several years and learned that knowledge can change her destiny.

"I have been struggling a lot, for food, for survival, for a moment's thought. I know where I got the courage to go out and venture out, but why did you, Tony, Stark's son, leave your home? "

she asked him.

Tony could only shrug one shoulder: "Maybe I want to experience the feeling of sleeping on the street."

The doctor smiled and refilled her glass: "Well, I learned a truth when I was young, that is, through struggle, to get my place in the world, and I succeeded, and then I met O George, a man from an old aristocratic German family, took me in and gave me a home. To be honest, his family and friends... were a little crazy."

Tony wanted to ask her what it meant when the assassins called Long Live Hydra and said Jasper betrayed them. He heard that Hydra is the largest terrorist organization in the world.

But he was not sure whether his family's Stark Industries had any connection with Hydra. After all, his family was in the arms business, and businessmen recognized money but not people.

He had naturally studied history and knew that Hydra sided with the Nazis during World War II and was an accomplice of the Austrian corporal.

But the war has been over for more than 40 years, and any grudges have long since dissipated. People can't just look past it. Otherwise, why didn't the Allies kill all the Germans after the war to ensure that no Hydra escapes the net?

This shows that after the defeat, Hydra has given up its past madness, and it may not be appropriate to define it as a terrorist organization now.

If he is allowed to take charge of Stark Industries, he will sell arms to anyone who wants to buy them. This is business.

So Hydra or whatever, it doesn't matter, Tony doesn't plan to ask his mother-in-law this question.

At this time, the doctor also drank the wine in a big gulp, stood up and hugged Tony.

"Thank you, Tony. You saved our whole family. I owe you a favor."

"Mom?" Cassandra heard the conversation in the restaurant, and she also came downstairs to investigate.

"Baby, are you okay?" The doctor hugged her and kissed the top of her head.

"I'm fine." Cassandra rubbed her head in her arms.

The doctor let go of her and nodded with satisfaction: "You're so brave. Everything is over. I have to go to bed. You guys can talk."

With that said, she took the gun and wine, turned around and went upstairs.

Cassandra and Tony stood under the lights of the restaurant. She bit her lip and reached for the light switch on the side.

The lights went out and only the faint morning light shone in from the window. She threw herself into Tony's arms and actively kissed him passionately.

"Thank you for saving my mother. Oh, Tony, you are really a hero, but I don't know...are you a hero and still have the strength to continue the carnival we agreed on last night?"

Tony showed a smug smile. Although one arm was not working, he didn't need it for the carnival.

"Of course, you'll find out when we get upstairs."


It turned out that Tony was not as fierce as he boasted. Perhaps it was the first time he cooperated with the girl he fell in love with, and he was so nervous that it was over in less than three minutes.

Seeing Cassandra's half-smiling expression in bed, he covered his face and fled to the balcony to smoke.


He was very depressed. In the past, when he played with schoolgirls, models, actors, and drinking girls, it would take him half an hour anyway. Why was he so unsatisfied today?

It must be the painkillers, yes, that's it.

Tony clenched his fists, preparing to wait for the effects of the medicine to wear off and his shoulders to feel pain before he could try it with Cassandra to regain his dignity as a man.

"Hey." Cassandra walked out wrapped in sheets. She was as beautiful as a goddess in the morning light: "Don't you plan to come back?"

"Sorry, I really can't count this time as my best performance. I feel a little embarrassed." Tony covered his face. He wanted to squat down and draw circles on the ground.

Cassandra smiled and shook her head: "Actually, I am quite satisfied, because I am obviously the first girl to make you so nervous. Besides, this will not affect your 'prestige in the world', this is our little It’s a secret that no one else will know.”

"Where are we now?" Hearing her words, Tony felt better. He held her in his arms and they watched the sunrise together.

"One of our family's villas on the seaside in Madrid, Spain." Cassandra hooked her arms around his neck and put her head on his shoulder.

To be honest, Tony is indeed a bit short, and this relying action is a bit tiring.

"Spain?" Tony had a headache. Was he moved to Spain when he was in a coma?

Cassandra didn't think there was anything wrong, she was in a good mood now: "Yes, we arrived here by private plane, and then met with the family doctor. He said you are fine, and it will be no problem to accompany me back to school tomorrow. "

"Huh, does this happen to your family often? I mean being shot at on the street or something?"

Tony kept stroking his shawl hair, looking very uncomfortable.

"What are you talking about?" Cassandra slapped him: "You are often assassinated on the street. Our family is a well-behaved businessman."

"But I think you seem a little careless. I killed a person, but you weren't afraid at all." Tony took a deep breath of cigarette.

Kashan kissed him again and said with a smile: "That's because I know you will protect me, so I won't be afraid. Are you done smoking? Let's go back to the house and try again?"

Tony felt his doubts disappear, and he felt much more relaxed. She pulled her back to the bedroom quickly, and the window was closed.

A figure suddenly appeared on the rocks on the coast opposite the balcony. He seemed to be transparent just now, but now he took out his mobile phone and showed his figure.

"Hello? Didn't you say twelve hours of contact? Why is it earlier?" Howard's voice came, and he answered the call immediately as if he was always on the phone.

Su Ming took off his mask and lit a cigarette. Looking at the golden sea at sunrise, he said with a heavy tone: "I'm afraid I have to tell you some bad news..."

"What?! Something happened to Tony?!"

Howard became excited again. If he hadn't been injected with leech medicine, he might have had a heart attack because he was always so excited at that age, right?

"No, he slept with the girl just now. The two of them were quite sweet. The girl does seem to be unaware of the plan, but the composition of her family is too complicated, right?" Su Ming said to Dahai while smoking a cigarette. Complaining, Strangler was still eavesdropping on the movements in the bedroom: "My mother is Leviathan and my father is Hydra. How did they get together and still survive today?"

"Is this the important information you are talking about? We have speculated before, but their identities are not a problem for you, right?" Howard was a little confused.

Su Ming took a deep breath: "The big bad news I want to say is not that, but about Tony. He is a fast man, very fast. Do you know what I mean? He was finished in less than three minutes."

Howard was silent for a long time: "...You overheard this after being under surveillance all night?"

Director S.H.I.E.L.D. cut off the communication.

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