The Death Knell

Chapter 1270? A sudden turn of events?

Howard was hit. It turned out that it was not because of his good shield, nor because of the good luck of his father and son, but because Deathstroke might have been squatting in front of them at that time, observing their expressions at close range and eating melon seeds at the same time. They didn't know it.

But Deathstroke’s black bean sprout pet is too perverted. Is it possible to do this now? Optical stealth? But how does Deathstroke eat?

I couldn't figure it out, and Deathstroke had no intention of explaining.

"Let's not talk about that, okay?"

Howard waved his hand, not wanting to dwell too much on the life-saving grace. Before he asked Deathstroke to take action, he would have gone to an alien planet to be a supervisor. Now if he owes the life-saving grace again, wouldn't he be going to build hell?

"Whatever, the fishing plan is done anyway. We just need to catch up with Hydra's army and follow the clues to find the mastermind behind it. Are you coming?"

Su Ming moved his neck. Tony's dark history, as well as his miserable expression, heart-wrenching cry and daze afterward, were all recorded by the magic ball. That was enough.

"SHIELD's satellite was lost and they dived to the surface." Howard shook his head.

"That's your satellite, not mine. I can still find them." Su Ming raised his hand and tapped the ear of his helmet. The communication device transformed by strangulation has been contacting the fleet in earth orbit. The fleet sensor is purchased The alien technology is very useful.

Dugan stood up and walked away: "Well, I won't go. Suddenly I remembered that the faucet at home was not turned off."

"I'll go with you. I want to see who's plotting against Tony." Howard stood up, put out his cigar and patted his clothes: "But this time, please promise me not to fly so fast, okay?"

However, a strange laugh came from behind the mask of Deathstroke, and the cloak spread out in a flash, floating in the air. Deathstroke grabbed Howard and jumped on it, and then with a ray of black light, both of them disappeared in place.

"I'm in a hurry."


Kassandra was lying on the bed in a small bedroom, crying. After being taken away by Hydra, she didn't know how long those troop transport ships traveled under the sea, or where they arrived.

In short, everyone finally arrived at a damp and dark steel base.

The steel walls and ceilings in the corridor, the damp smell staining the soles of shoes, and the pale lights making everything invisible, make this place feel chilling to the bottom of your heart.

The soldiers were very polite to her. Not only did they arrange a nice room for her to rest, but they also provided her with good dinners and drinks. Except that she was not allowed to move around at will, she was no different from home.

But she was in no mood to eat or drink, she just cried and missed Tony.

She didn't know why Hydra was so kind to her, and she didn't even know what Hydra was, but judging from the behavior of these people today, Tony was definitely right when he said they were terrorists.

And what would Mr. Howard Stark think if he was 'rescued' from Tony by terrorists? I never hope to be with Tony again in this life!

Why do parents lie to themselves? Why is your fate like this?


The more she cried, the sadder she became. She didn't want to live anymore. Without Tony, life would be meaningless.

Unfortunately, Hydra seemed to know her very well, and there wasn't even anything in the room that could be used to commit suicide.

The spoons that come with dinner are all soft rubber. All furniture is perfectly round or spherical, with no edges or corners. The walls were covered with thick leather, and the sponge inside was thicker than her sofa.

She had no choice but to cry helplessly, and this made her miss the omnipotent Tony even more.

I don’t know how long I cried, but the food had completely cooled down, when someone knocked on the door.

"Miss Jasper? The leader wants to see you, please prepare."

The people outside the door spoke standard German, and all these soldiers spoke German.

Cassandra sniffed and rubbed her face: "I...I don't want to see you!"

The tone of the soldier outside was still very gentle, but his words were no longer polite: "This is a notice, not a request! Your parents are in our hands, you'd better cooperate."

After hearing such words, Cassandra suddenly panicked. She climbed up from the bed and hurriedly opened the door.

"Where are my parents? What did you do to them? Who are you?"

Outside the door was a group of guards, wearing dark green leather coats and large-brimmed hats. The leading officer looked her over and did not answer the question: "Miss, your current dress is not suitable. When you meet the leader, you can't just Wear a swimsuit, come here, help her dress up!”

With an order, many female soldiers walked out from behind him. They brought gorgeous long dresses and various cosmetics, surrounded Cassandra and began to toss her.

The male soldiers and officers turned around and stood outside the door very politely, as silent as stone sculptures.

About half an hour later, Cassandra came out. In fact, if she hadn't resisted desperately when being rubbed by others, it would have been faster.

At this time, she was dressed like a princess. Not only did she put on a gorgeous dress, she even wore various jewelry that was comparable to the British royal family in the Victorian era.

Crystal high heels, floral gauze gloves, and even her short hair were sprayed with perfume.

She looked perfect except for her slightly swollen eyes.

However, the Hydra officer still supported his chin with his fist and tilted his head with some dissatisfaction: "It would be better if I had blond hair, the eye color is not very good... Forget it, there is no time, the leader is already waiting. It’s been a long time, take her with you and let’s go!”

The female soldiers ‘invited’ her to go with them in a more polite gesture, gently but with strong hands. Cassandra wasn’t sure whether they had split personalities or simply didn’t want to ruin their skirts.

But she couldn't resist at all, not only because they were outnumbered, but also because her parents were still in their hands, she couldn't leave.

She was distracted all the way, wondering whether she would be forced to marry some beast, or be a living sacrifice to some evil god.

Although panicked, she accepted that maybe this was her destiny.

Being carried by the crowd, she came to a spacious door. This door looked very luxurious, and warm light shone from the crack below.

The officer knocked on the door, stepped aside, looked at her with emotionless blue eyes, and motioned for her to come in.

Cassandra took a deep breath and pushed open the door. Unexpectedly, what was inside was not a wedding banquet, nor was it a bloody cult ceremony.

In the luxurious hall, there was a round table under a beautiful large crystal lamp, and three people were drinking and eating around the round table, and the atmosphere was extremely harmonious.

Two of them are her parents, and the other one is a thin man with gray hair and good energy.

"Dad? Mom?"

Cassandra couldn't believe her eyes. Weren't her parents kidnapped? She turned to look at the officer who was closing the door behind her. The officer just smiled and nodded to her.

"How is this going?"

She felt like her mind was in a mess and everything in front of her was so awkward.

Ms. Jasper stood up and hugged her daughter. She was still so kind: "Oh, my little baby is here. Look, how beautiful you are."

Her father said nothing, just smiled and nodded, obviously agreeing with this.

Cassandra's eyes were a little distracted. She was pulled to sit at the round table for a long time before she came back to her senses: "What the hell is this...I, Tony...Hydra."

The strange man at the table raised his hand and interrupted Dr. Jesper who was about to explain. He picked up an instrument like a microphone and pointed it at his throat. There was an obvious scar there, as if he It was like someone had cut his throat.

He smiled and asked: "Son, do you like Tony? I mean, do you want to marry him?"

"Of course! But you ruined everything!"

Cassandra wanted to tear her hair, but her hand was caught by her mother. Her mother shook her head at her very seriously. This man was someone their family could not afford to offend.

The stranger, who looked very old but had the appearance of a middle-aged man, pressed his hand down, indicating that everyone should not be nervous. He still said in a pleasant and weird electronic voice: "Very good, then I agree to your marriage to him." That’s it, our original arrangement was like this, but unfortunately it was interrupted by those people from SHIELD, so the travel wedding plan can no longer be used, which is a bit regretful.”

Cassandra shed tears, and her heart broke when she thought that she and Tony would never be able to see each other again.

"Why do you say that?! Who do you think you are?! Woohoo!"


Her mother glared at her, but Cassandra stared back without flinching. She didn't want to live anymore.

"Don't scare the child, Ms. Jasper, Cassandra is now my son's wife." The man knocked on the table, drawing Cassandra's attention back to him: "You don't know me, you have questions. It’s normal, so introduce yourself, you can call me Mr. Jude, and I am Tony’s real father.”

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