The Death Knell

Chapter 1271? Family

Cassandra's eyes widened in surprise. It was hard for her to understand what was happening and why the man in front of her claimed to be Tony's father, while her parents seemed to have known about it for a long time.

She raised her head carefully, wiped her eyes blurred by tears with both hands, and looked carefully at the person opposite.

The other party just smiled and let her see it openly.

The more she looked at Cassandra, the more frightened she became, because this man looked so much like Tony. Although there seemed to be a big difference in age, his eyes, eyebrows, and facial bones were almost the same as Tony's. Carved.

She recalled Howard's appearance in her memory, and then she realized that except for the mustache, Howard looked nothing like Tony.

Tony has always said that he hates his father, but the mustache is obviously learned from Howard, but the beard is not genetic evidence.


Cassandra didn't know what to say for a moment.

Ms. Jasper patted her head and put a piece of pie on her plate: "Eat something first. Don't think it was your parents who harmed you. How can any parent harm their children? You like it Tony, if you want to be with him, of course there is no problem. If he can join, it will be of great help to our career, so why not kill two birds with one stone?"

"I don't understand...Tony doesn't know who his biological father is?"

Jude held the throat microphone against his neck. Amanda had used scissors to cut off his trachea and carotid arteries, destroying his vocal cords. Now he could only speak like this.

"He doesn't know, and he doesn't know who his mother is. Everything happened more than ten years ago..."

The gray-haired Jude gasped like a bellows. He looked at the chandelier above his head, and his thoughts returned to that ward sixteen years ago.


In fact, Jude was not a fanatical Hydra believer. He had no choice but to rebel against SHIELD. After graduation, he was assigned to Valentina's team.

One day the whole team showed their cards: 'Long live Hydra, Jude, do you choose death or life'?

If he chooses to die, not only Jude himself will die, but Amanda, who was still in love at the time, will also die.

If you choose to live, you will get a promotion and salary increase in the future, live in a big house, drive a luxury car, become a branch leader, and reach the pinnacle of life. By the way, Hydra medical insurance also covers dentistry.

After only a brief moment of consideration, Jude rebelled, the gap between the two options being too great.

Things were going smoothly until two years later.

Amanda was almost due, and the two went to the hospital. There was no one else in the ward at the time, so Jude said he wanted Amanda to defect together.

The two went to a better place to live a good life with their children, but she grabbed the scissors beside the bed to prepare clothes for the children and stabbed her husband because her father died at the hands of Hydra.

Fortunately, Amanda had to give birth immediately because she was so emotional. She could only call someone to deal with the aftermath. It was Valentina and her field team who came, and that team was all Hydra.

He said he was helping Amanda dispose of the body. After dragging the body out, he immediately performed various rescue operations on Jude.

Two surgeries were performed simultaneously, and in the hospital's emergency room, Amanda gave birth to her son.

In the back alley of the hospital across the wall from her, Hydra agents lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D. were rescuing Jude.

Jude was originally seriously injured and dying, but the experimental version of the unlimited prescription was used on him, and he lived again, but lost the ability to speak normally.

Valentina wanted to kill Amanda, and it would be easy to pretend that it was a difficult childbirth or massive hemorrhage, but Jude dipped his finger in his own blood and wrote, asking her to let his wife go. Even if the two people have different positions, Amanda is his wife.

Valentina relented. She had never been a particularly qualified Hydra agent. She was originally just an ordinary noble lady.

A few hours later, she told Amanda, who had given birth, that Jude's body had been cremated and his ashes thrown into the sewer.

Amanda just cried and shook her head, asking her to take the child away and find a normal family to take care of it. She couldn't accept that she had a child with a Hydra.

Valentina sent the child to an orphanage in Hungary, which was a cover for SHIELD but also functioned as an orphanage. Naturally, she also informed Jude and told him that his son was there.

The newborn's constitution is a bit fragile and he needs to live in an incubator for a while and needs to be breastfed every day. Jude also needs time to recover after the operation, so he did not pick up the baby immediately.

Because Valentina and her other men had not been exposed at that time, and she was still lurking in SHIELD, all external affairs were handed over to Jude.

He raised the banner of Hydra to recruit people, obtained funds from Valentina, and established his own Hydra branch. He was actually quite busy.

He 'temporarily stored' the baby in the orphanage, but after a month, when he had everything ready, he went to 'pick up' the baby, only to see Deathstroke and Howard appear.

Jude knew what kind of fighting power Deathstroke was. Even if he brought someone from the Hydra branch, he would not be a match for that person. That person was the real incarnation of the devil, not a human at all.

So he could only hide in the dark alley and watch Howard happily leave with his child in his arms, feeling heartbroken.

He loved Amanda very much, and he wouldn't blame her even if she cut his own throat. Therefore, he also loved the child very much and wanted to take him to join Hydra.

But Howard is too shrewd, and he protects Tony too closely. There are more bodyguards around the child, overtly or covertly, than the President of the United States. Jude has never been able to find a chance to contact Tony.

Later, Howard sent his son to school unknown where. Jude lost the child, which made him very angry. So his branch assassinated Howard more than thirty times, but all in vain.

Until not long ago, Dr. Jesper called to tell him that his daughter had discovered a boy who was suspected of being Tony Stark.

Jude checked and found out that he was really his son, so he asked the couple to tell their daughter to lure Tony to their house for dinner and get along well.

Jude made a series of plans. He wanted to take back his son and let him join Hydra. The father and son would make a lot of money together and reach the pinnacle of life together. When Hydra rules the world, he would take Amanda over too. Come and have a family reunion.

This is why Ms. Jasper was so nice to Tony at dinner that night, because she knew that Tony's husband was Jude.

It's true that she used to be Leviathan, but now that the Soviet Union is in trouble, isn't she allowed to plan for the future? Wouldn't it be beautiful if my daughter married the leader's son?

Why is Mr. Jasper so cold towards Tony? Because his role is a black face, how can any father be kind to the boy who cheated his daughter away?

Acting requires a mixture of truth and fiction, and he was actually very satisfied with it.

He is just an ordinary German noble, but belongs to a pro-Hydra family. He has many relatives and friends who are Hydra, but he is not.

But when all your relatives and friends are Hydras, it doesn't make much difference to you. We are all our own people and family members.

He was also the one who introduced his wife to rebel into Hydra through connections. He and dozens of old German nobles vouched for his wife, but their daughter Cassandra did not know about these dark things.

They don't want their daughter to become a secret agent or a masked supervillain. They just want their daughter to be a rich second generation and live an upright life.

She likes Tony and wants to be with Tony, so as parents they must make it happen.

But now it seems that Howard is the most serious obstacle, but he is also the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., and he doesn't mind using public equipment for private use at all, which is a bit difficult to handle.


"Howard is a despicable thief. He has stolen many things, such as Dr. Vanke's micro-reactor technology, Dr. Zola's Internet technology, and Dr. Tesla's exoskeleton technology... and so on. my son."

Jude probably told Cassandra about the past, but his tone did not change much because of the electronic throat microphone:

"Child, your lover is not called Tony Stark. His real name is Anthony Jude. He is my son, mine."

Cassandra was rubbing her forehead constantly. The amount of information was too much for her to accept in a short time, but she still had some hope in her heart, that is, if Tony was really Mr. Jude's son, then the two of them would be together. Wouldn’t there be no obstacles?

It doesn't matter if the family is SHIELD or Hydra. Anyway, she doesn't understand why these people are fighting to death. She just needs to know that she can still be with Tony. Oh, no, it's Anthony.

The girl only cares about her lover and doesn't care about anything else.

When she falls in love, no matter how highly educated she is or how smart her brain is, they are just decorations and of no use at all.

Dr. Jasper also smiled and nodded. She slowly combed her daughter's hair, as if she was about to get married:

"So our plan has always been to let Anthony and Mr. Jude get acquainted, let him understand how despicable Howard is, and then choose to fight side by side with his biological father, so that you can live together happily, with both parties Blessings from loved ones..."

Jude also spoke at this time. He sat forward and looked very friendly: "I heard from your mother that you have three doctorate degrees in literature, chemistry, and economics?"

"Yes, Mr. Jude." Cassandra tidied her hair around her ears, trying to make a good impression on Tony's real father: "Literature is at the University of Munich, chemistry is at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, and economics is at the University of Munich. It's in Cambridge, I'm just studying for a PhD..."

She used to think that those who forced her to dress up were bad people, but now she was praising those people in her heart.

"You are only sixteen years old, you can indeed be called a genius." Jude nodded with satisfaction and smiled at her parents: "But my Anthony obviously prefers physics and engineering. Maybe you should know more about it." a little."

Physics and engineering are the most suitable majors for making weapons. It is always beneficial to learn more.

Cassandra just thought that Jude asked her and Tony to develop more common interests. Thinking that she couldn't understand what Tony said about modifying the spacecraft when they were on the ship, she also felt that she should learn some of her lover's majors.

So her little head nodded: "Okay, Mr. Jude."

"Always calling me sir is a bit too foreign. Call me Uncle Jude. Come, try the seafood here. After dinner, we will discuss your marriage with my son..."

Jude seemed very satisfied and greeted the girl to dinner enthusiastically. He knew that if Cassandra helped, there would always be a chance to kill Howard and Maria, the pair of bitches who stole his son.

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