The Death Knell

Chapter 1272: Die together

"You heard it all? What do you think?"

In the corridor outside the door, Su Ming crossed his arms and asked Howard beside him. Not far behind the two of them, the remains of Hydra soldiers were spread out all the way.

Why can't so many people even warn them?

Then the death knell had to give them a chance to warn them. When the cloak flew up and the thousands of strangulating tentacles came out, these ordinary soldiers didn't even have a chance to shout.

Seeing Jude appear, Howard's face turned blue and white. He didn't know what he was thinking, but in the end he stopped Deathstroke from breaking in and decided to eavesdrop through the crack in the door.

Then he heard that at the dinner table, Jude was insulting Howard Stark every time he took a bite of food, as if he had this habit when eating.

The scolding was very gentle and artistic, using words to vividly outline Howard's image of a thief.

"Thinking? What a shit! Tony is my son, and no one can take it away from me." Howard gritted his teeth and cursed in a low voice: "Listen to what that Hydra lunatic wants to do? He wants to let Tony and his daughter Friends join Hydra and help them create horrific weapons.”

"But what they said is not wrong. He is indeed Tony's biological father. It seems that Valentina gave him a false certificate back then. My information came from within SHIELD, so naturally I was deceived by the accident report. "

Su Ming killed the officer who had helped Cassandra change her clothes before, stepped on his head and played rolling balls on the carpet to pass the time:

"Now the mystery has been revealed. The play is a bit boring. I thought it was "Romeo and Juliet" by Tony and his girlfriend, but it turned out to be "The Count of Monte Cristo" by Jude..."

Howard looked at him with eyes like a dead fish and tilted his head: "Which side are you on? And how does this resemble the Count of Monte Cristo? I'm not the bad guy who forced Jude's wife to separate! Reactor technology is what it is. Mine, the Internet technology is a legacy, and the exoskeleton technology was given to me by Tesla, I didn’t steal it.”

Su Ming nodded, as if he was being fooled: "Okay, the world is at fault, you are not at all wrong."

"That's how it is." Howard rolled his eyes and leaned on the crack of the door again to eavesdrop: "Believe me, I can't be wrong. This Jude is full of nonsense, damn nine-headed maggots!"

"Then why are you so angry?" Su Ming faintly pointed out the problem: "If you want me to kill them all, you won't care what he said, because it doesn't matter what the dead look like."

Especially Jude, he himself is a ‘dead person’. If we kill him again here, all history will record that he was killed by his wife more than ten years ago.

And Su Ming will never give him a chance to resurrect this time.

Howard lowered his head and sighed, then raised his hand and rubbed the beard on his chin: "We can't kill them all, the girl is innocent."

"Oh? I thought you didn't want Tony to be with her. How sweet it is now?" Su Ming raised an eyebrow with a smile and asked with a condescending look on his face.

"I'm still unwilling. They can't be together... But these are two different things. Just because she can't be with Tony doesn't mean she has to die." Howard shook his head. He is a very principled person, even if the leader After working for a secret service agency like SHIELD for so many years, he still has his own bottom line.

That is the simple concept of the older generation. Innocent people should not die, and the enemy's family members should not be implicated.

If Nick Fury were here, things would definitely be different. Luodan would only think about how to properly block the news.

"Even if she knows the secret of your family?" Su Ming took out the God Killer and wiped it with his forearm: "You must know that Tony was adopted. Originally, only you, me and Maria knew, but now we know There are obviously too many people, are you sure this news won’t reach Tony’s ears and make him turn to Hydra?”

"Although Tony is heartless and idle, he will not hurt others intentionally. I understand him." Howard's beard curled up, looking a little proud: "He can't get along with lunatics like Hydra."

"Well, Hydra will lock him in the laboratory 24 hours a day to research weapons, while Tony will only think about drinking, taking drugs and finding women 24 hours a day. They really don't get along." Su Ming agreed with a smile, How could a child who was deeply poisoned by capitalism endure the tricks of the National Socialist Party?

Howard has become accustomed to Deathstroke arguing with himself. It can even be said that he is immune.

He smacked his lips and ignored these: "The problem is that Tony is too smart. If we kill Jude and Jasper today but let the girl go, Tony will one day know that it is me. If you kill his biological father with your own hands, what will he think then?"

"No matter what he thinks." Su Ming curled his lips and said, "You and Maria will have been 'dead' by then. Can he still dig your grave?"

"It's really possible... Last time he drank too much and went to the cemetery in the middle of the night. He dug up the graves of strangers, took the bodies out of the coffins, and lay down in them to sleep. You didn't even think about it. I know how much compensation I paid to that family afterwards.”

Howard rolled his eyes. Anything that seemed unbelievable could happen to Tony. He was really not sure about this.

So in his original plan to fake death, he and Maria were going to be burned until nothing was left because of the car accident, instead of Slade having a charred corpse when he faked his death.

"Then according to what you said, even Cassandra's parents can't be killed, because as long as something happens to her parents now, with her intelligence, she will naturally think of SHIELD and you." Su Ming followed Howard's meaning and said : "But if they had not died, the influence that the family would have over that girl would be unmatched by any of us."

Howard's eyes suddenly lit up, and he raised a finger: "No, there is another way, that is, Maria and I drag them to 'die' together."

"Oh? This is a good idea. Taking advantage of suspicion? You can do more than one thing with one stone." Su Ming smiled, and Howard also thought of the method he thought of, which showed that his intelligence had grown: "It just so happens that Monaco has been a little free recently, so let him come out. It’s also good to be active.”

"He's unlucky. You're good at exploiting employees."

Howard suppressed a smile. He knew what was going on with the massage chair. In order to allow the alien technology to be driven by Kama Taj, Deathstroke had consulted on the issue of energy conversion.

Su Ming shrugged, looking like he couldn't blame himself: "He lied to me first. Earlier, he said that unknown people could not bear the cost of his spell casting. I knew it was a lie at the time. The price is the price, not right and wrong. Magic, he simply doesn’t want to share it with unknown people, and he doesn’t want to owe Karma Taj a favor. So now I use a massage chair to deceive him and secretly take away the price from him. This is all what he asked for. Don’t you think about it? Don’t you owe it if you owe it? What he said himself doesn’t count..."

"Dark, too dark." Howard shook his head and grinned: "Don't tell me that you videotaped the so-called apportionment process?"

"Yes, I recorded it, using a video recorder."

Su Ming took a deep look at Howard, then pressed the side of his helmet and spoke. He informed the fleet to tell Karma Taj and ask Monaco to come to this coordinate.

With the help of magic, many things are not so difficult to solve.

Just arrange the death package for Cassandra and Jude, and arrange euthanasia for the Jasper couple.


A few days later.


Tony, who was taken home, was now facing a computer as big as a wall, crying and writing code, with snot all over his keyboard and mouse.

The network technology left by Dr. Zola only had a specious framework, but Tony gradually improved it over the years.

Maybe sadness gave him inspiration, or maybe he just wanted to distract himself with scientific research. He was typing like crazy now.

The Zola system is a non-distributed media storage system. It is an expansion of the hypertext digital coding system. It digitizes information into binary and then stores it on the server.

So how to achieve remote data sharing and exchange? How do you let people on the external network know ‘which locker to go to’ for information?

Tony now finally found an idea, which is domain name, using a string of characters as the domain name to determine the path on the link address, just like map coordinates. With a domain name, everyone can get the information they want on the network he built.

He called this network the Internet, and built a digital interactive system based on his own communication technology. Because he kept crying, he decided to let everyone feel his sadness when surfing the Internet in the future.

So he got inspiration from Chinese and designed an easter egg. In the future, when people enter a domain name, they must start with ‘WWW.’, which means crying, which means woo woo.

"Cry! Cry for me! Hahahaha...wuwuwu..."

The success made Tony laugh crazily, but he laughed and cried again. As soon as the business was done, Cassandra's face appeared in his mind again, and he felt worse than death when he thought about it.

Dang Dang.

Just when he was lying on the keyboard crying, there was a knock on the door. Without thinking, he knew it was his father.

"do not bother me!"

Tony wiped away tears desperately. He knew that it was useless to say that he would not let his father in. Howard would not be blocked by a door.

Sure enough, the next second Howard opened the door with the spare key and came in: "Tony, let's talk."

"I have nothing to say. You are right and I am wrong. End of topic." Tony turned his head and looked at the courtyard outside the window: "You rescued her from Hydra, but in exchange, I can't I agreed to meet her again."

"No, it's not this. I've been thinking about it carefully these days, and I've also done some research on that girl Cassandra." Howard behaved very strangely today, and seemed extremely talkative: "So I made an appointment with Dr. Jesper and his family to go out of town to have a party. Let’s have lunch and talk about your affairs. If everything goes well, I’ll hold a wedding for you when I come back.”

As if he heard that the sun was rising from the west, Tony turned his head and looked at Howard.

I saw that he was indeed wearing the most upscale suit, and his mother Maria was also dressed up and put on beautiful jewelry.

She smiled at Tony, indicating that what Howard said was true.

"Really? Dad? Have you figured it out?" Tony cried again, this time with joy. Although he didn't know why his father's mind turned around, it was a good thing.

Howard nodded with a smile and patted Tony on the shoulder: "Of course it's true, but I hope you will work in Stark Industries after you get married. It's time for you to do something serious. You're not allowed to touch alcohol or drugs. Do you understand? ?”

"Okay! In fact, I got better after meeting Cassandra. She made me become a new me. I haven't touched any drugs these days." Tony's head was like a chicken pecking at rice.

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