The Death Knell

Chapter 1277? New London

"Then what is your plan? Not so far away, just this planet."

It took a while for Howard to calm down. He kept rolling his eyes, as if he wanted to burp but couldn't. The world of ice and snow outside the porthole was slowly rotating, and the white color was becoming more and more intense, like It is the ice cube in the wine glass that exudes coldness in the universe.

"Make a deal with them. I save their planet and they recognize my ownership of the planet. It's that simple."

Su Ming crossed his arms and calculated something in his mind.

Howard touched his beard, folded his hands and pressed his stomach. He felt a little stomachache: "Then what? You start to tax them? Turn them into working machines?"

"No, the taxes on this planet will only be symbolic." Su Ming shook his head and took out a bottle of wine and two wine glasses from his pocket: "I need it to become a well-known low-tax planet and a trading port in the universe, so Human power is what this planet needs to develop."

"Why are you so obsessed with doing business?" Howard took the cup: "Can't you use force to deter them?"

Su Ming poured wine into two cups. The brown-red liquid rested peacefully at the bottom of the cup under the simulated gravity environment: "You should study politics again. Who can be more productive between slaves and free people should not be asked. Ask me, living things will only work wholeheartedly for themselves. The question now is how to induce them to do what I want them to do, and I initially decided to use profit induction."

"Huh, so you plan to use food to control them?" Howard sniffed. He felt that the aliens on this planet who had never met before were a little pitiful.

People's simplest interests are to obtain the most basic necessities of life, so food bears the brunt. Howard has understood the death knell's plan.

"Food, water, these things are inevitable for living things, so I brought you here just to ask you to help me do the math..." Su Ming toasted with him, and the wine glasses made a clear clanking sound: "I should What size of star should we find, and where should we place it, so that the people on this planet can neither freeze to death nor be able to support any crops on this planet?"

Howard finished his drink: "This will take some time. Can I use your supercomputer?"

"Of course, but let's land first and make contact with the natives." Su Ming turned around and waved to the fleet commander to come and accept the order.

As a fleet commander, he was naturally an outstanding graduate of Chuji Academy. The adjutant had various theories on space warfare obtained from Cybertron and compiled them into textbooks to teach these people.

Today, the only school on earth that can train space warriors is Chuji Academy. Since World War II, the academy has been continuously delivering talents to the forces, loyal and reliable talents.

Because loyalty is not absolute, it is absolutely disloyal.

Well, the original textbook, written by Deathstroke himself, was cut a lot by Hamill, but this sentence stayed. Later, the adjutant input some death knell ideas from time to time, and gradually a complete and strict system was formed and implemented in the academy.

What is written in the more than 6,000 pages of the ‘holy scripture’? No way, it can be summed up in two words - loyalty!

People like commanders who possess high-tech weapons will not stop their brainwashing work even after graduation. Any orders given by the death knell will be carried out unconditionally, and any wishes will be fulfilled.

The fleet commander is a stout middle-aged man. Even on the ship, he wears a black and yellow armor similar to Deathstroke. In fact, it is more of a space suit to provide some insurance. However, since he has to wear it, the adjutant feels it is better to give it some defense. With good strength, you can kill two birds with one stone.

Therefore, the space fleet is equipped with this kind of armor-like space suit. Compared with Deathstroke's own armor, these equipment appear thicker and heavier. They look like medieval armor that has been enlarged several sizes.

Because all the students of Zhongji Academy are orphans, and some don't even have their own names, they call Deathstroke the principal, but they worship him like their father.

Perhaps because of his impression after seeing the fleet equipped with specious black and yellow space suits, Su Ming renamed the commander who participated in the Great Expedition Rogal Dorn, and named the unit he commanded the 'Imperial Fists'.

"Headmaster, the fleet is waiting for your orders." Even though Dorn was wearing heavy armor, he still behaved like a perfect noble. Both his standing posture and his tone of voice were impeccable.

Su Ming crossed his arms and looked out the window. The focus of his eyes seemed to still be in the void: "Lower to low-Earth orbit, launch full-channel communications, notify the indigenous people on the planet, and ask them to close the planet's defense facilities and accept free trade. .”

"I obey, for your glory!"

Dorn nodded seriously and turned to convey the order, while Howard on the side had a very strange expression.

"Glory? Have you really educated them on the glory of traditional warriors? Is it the Nordic style?"

"It doesn't matter which one he uses, as long as it works." Su Ming whispered: "Let's land on the surface first and build a large nuclear reactor, and use it to heat the surrounding area. This way we can control a group of people first and win support for my plan. time."

Howard touched his mustache, lowered his head and thought for a moment: "Is that so? In order to spread the heat, I think the reactor can be built into a huge cylindrical shape, refer to the shape of the airplane cup manufactured by Wilson Enterprises, and then..."

"Wait a minute, when did my company start making that kind of thing?" Su Ming interrupted him. He didn't remember giving permission to do that kind of business. It had a bad reputation.

Howard waved his hand insincerely: "No? Maybe I remembered it wrong. All in all, the temperature of the planet will soon drop to about three hundred degrees below zero, and we need to build a nuclear reactor before then and arrange a large number of radiators. As well as the radiated heat from the substation, it currently appears that the shelter buildings can only be arranged in a concentric circle shape.”

"You are a physicist, so whatever you think is OK, I will let the fleet soldiers follow your arrangements, but I will name the first settlement in the ice and snow 'New London'."

Su Ming raised a finger to emphasize this point.

"Why is it called New London? I always feel that this name is a bit unlucky."

Howard raised his eyebrows. The reason for his objection actually had nothing to do with metaphysics. It was just because he also wanted to name the town, and it was definitely not a British name.

He had agreed before he came that Deathstroke asked him to be the governor of the planet, so he was willing to come. But in the end he couldn't even do this? This job is out of the question.

Su Ming hugged his shoulders and said very thoughtfully: "Think about it, this is an experiment. If it fails and the settlement is destroyed, do you want to destroy London or New York?"

"It makes sense, it's better to call it London, hehe."

Howard understood that he could just go and have fun, and there was no psychological burden on him to give him a British name.


How can the inhabitants of the planet resist if they don't even have food to eat?

They originally waited for death behind closed doors, but soon agreed to Deathstroke's conditions and gave up the entire planet.

After all, this planet was originally very barren and had no population. It was just filled with war refugees.

As the sun gradually cooled down a few days ago, the temperature of the planet also dropped sharply. Since then, those who were able to escape have already left, leaving only some real poor ghosts waiting to die here.

And now that the sun has gone out, aren’t the people left here at their mercy?

Howard was busy investigating the situation on the planet and building his first city at the same time. He was very busy. Fortunately, Su Ming did not completely ignore it. He at least gave some advice when accepting the aliens who came to seek refuge. suggestion.

"It's impossible to eat for free. If you want to eat, you have to work for it. If the city cannot be built before minus 300 degrees, all of them will die. We don't care. At the worst, we can just immigrate."

"They don't have enough food? I don't care. The rationing system will never waver anyway. Let the aliens drink hot soup. The ingredients used to make one bowl of rice will be made into six bowls of soup for me."

"Aliens suffering from severe frostbite? Amputate their limbs! Replace them with mechanical prostheses, restore their labor force as soon as possible, and then let them build houses."

"Minor? A five-hundred-year-old alien is still considered a minor? No matter, let these giant babies work for me. Yes, I will see five-meter-deep trenches for laying pipes dug all over the city today."

"They want entertainment projects? They say they need to relax after working continuously for a planet's rotation cycle? Well, I can give in a little and let them build their own arena. After the work is completed, they can go there to drink and fight. Are you satisfied? "

Orders came out of Deathstroke's mouth one after another, and were then carried out unconditionally by the fleet soldiers. Under the intimidation of the fleet above them, the aliens worked quite quickly.

Within a few days, the heating tower designed by Howard was completed, and the heating network also covered a large circular area.

The simple city is filled with black and yellow flags, and huge W signs can be seen everywhere. On some buildings, you can also see slogans in alien languages ​​written by the Imperial Fists - 'Pledge loyalty, forever loyal'.

The miserable aliens wore all kinds of broken space suits and shook their heads in the cold wind to participate in the inauguration ceremony. They had no resentment in their hearts, they just hoped that this device would be really useful and allow everyone to survive.

This interstellar consortium called Wilson Enterprises is not afraid of others. If the facility doesn't work, they can leave in a starship, but the natives like themselves cannot follow.

Although the opponent's weapons are only live ammunition and not energy weapons, in the atmospheric environment, live ammunition can still kill people.

Howard fiddled with the cosmic translator in his spacesuit and spoke to the aliens with a smile on his face. Unfortunately, he spoke exciting words for several minutes, but the aliens did not know that they needed to applaud.

So the entire conference was quiet and awkward.

Later, Howard also discovered that it was a chicken-and-duck situation, so he could only finish the job hastily and pressed the big red button on the console.

Stark's giant reactor made a low buzzing sound, and blue light gradually lit up in the columnar body. A beam of light lit up above it like a torch, shooting straight into the sky.

The facility took effect, and the ice and snow on the surrounding streets began to melt rapidly. The sound of water began to drip from the eaves. The aliens began to celebrate in different postures. Suddenly, the small square in front of the heating tower turned into Ocean of joy.

But among the laughing crowd, there was someone who looked out of place and lonely, that was Su Ming. He looked at the top of the tower with a little regret.

"There is no black smoke in the big's not strong enough."

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