The Death Knell

Chapter 1278? The braised egg exerts its power

This is a reactor, and it can also emit light. It can be seen and locked in position in the universe, and it has become some kind of special landscape.

Planet Torch, referred to as Star Torch.

After the city was built, the pressing problems of life were alleviated, and the period of strict military rule passed.

Su Ming did not build a smoke generator specifically to make the heater emit black smoke. After the celebration, he told the aliens that everyone had survived and could do whatever they wanted to do next.

But the aliens found that there seemed to be nothing they could do.

Because the heating area is only as large as the city, and outside the dozen or so ring-shaped houses is the ultra-low temperature ice and snow, what can we do here?

So they could only look at each other blankly, big eyes and small eyes.

At this time, Su Ming made another suggestion. Since no one knows what to do, it doesn't matter. Wilson Enterprise has a plan. Everyone can accept the company's employment as the first batch of alien employees.

After signing a contract and working hard, you will soon be able to eat well, live in a good house, become a small supervisor, and reach the pinnacle of life.

It doesn't matter if you don't sign a contract. As long as you obey the laws of the death knell, you can still live in this settlement, with free soup to drink every day and a shack to live in. As long as you don't be jealous when you see other people living in good houses and eating good food in the future, it is what they have earned through their labor.

Aliens are not without brains. Now everyone will not freeze to death, but a better life is not yet available.

Wilson Enterprises’ products have been upgraded, from ‘opportunity to live’ to ‘opportunity to live better’.

So almost everyone present became contract workers of the company. They signed the contract, received food and wages, and then were sent to build the star port in the pre-demarcated area.

If you want to develop tourism, you can't do it without a mature giant star port. Material supplies can be loaded and unloaded faster through the star port, which is very important.

Looking at the backs of all kinds of weird aliens driving various engineering machines to work, Howard sighed. He took off the helmet of his space suit. The rising temperature just now caused water droplets in the mask.

"Why do I think you don't need to move the sun? As long as we build more reactors, sooner or later we can cover the planet."

Su understood him: "Do you think my materials are free? Do you know how much it costs to transport these materials from Vanaheim? Besides, I have never thought about covering the world with heaters, because I need them There are comparisons.”


"Yes, I will bring a star to raise the overall temperature of the planet to minus 70 degrees, which is exactly the level where ordinary aliens cannot freeze to death and can barely travel to snowfields."

Deathstroke looked at the sky, because the stars in the planetary system were extinguished and the top of his head was dark, with only the star torch's beam of light reaching into the sky.

"So that's it." Howard's mustache curled up: "It's 20 degrees in the city and it's as warm as spring. It's minus 70 degrees outside the city and your life may be in danger at any time. Then with comparison, they will surround your town life. , you are still playing with cybernetics."

Su Ming glanced at him and took off his helmet: "It's not me, it's us. Howard, do you know that there is a group of mages under me, right? But I can't really feel those mysterious things. They are not too reassured. I hope you can use the power of technology to help me supervise them. They have almost no understanding of technology."

"Oh? Do you trust me so much?"

Howard was a little happy. Fury said that the person he trusted the most was him. Deathstroke also said the same. He was indeed a reliable and good person.

"Of course, we have known each other for more than sixty years. I don't believe who you believe." Su Ming smiled and patted his shoulder, and the two of them looked like they were good brothers.

Howard patted his chest: "Don't worry, magic is just a phenomenon that science cannot explain for the time being. Even your principle leading to a parallel world, I will be able to explain it with science one day. Just wait, I will go and give it to you." Just calculate the stellar data."

Mustache ran back to the Governor's Palace happily. He became excited when he heard about science.

Su Ming waved to Dorn behind him, whispered some instructions, and then took off and flew away.


"I have nothing to say, but you cannot use my research for military purposes."

Facing the new director of SHIELD and a group of unknown strangers, Dr. Pym rejected their requests.

These people didn't know where they learned about the Pym particles, so they held private hearings to ask the doctor to hand over the particles for use in the construction of the great cause of the United States.

People thought that the new director was someone sent by the United Nations, but Pym now knows that he is a spy planted by the US government in the United Nations, and he is working for Congress.

When Howard's body was still cold, they couldn't wait to transfer SHIELD's various patents and inventions. This disgusting behavior made Pim ashamed. He was originally focused on research in the laboratory, but his first meeting with the new director was so unpleasant.

Fortunately, he had been prepared and hid all the finished Pym Particles at home instead of at work. Otherwise, I really don’t know what would have happened now.

"Dr. Pym, we all know that you are actually Ant-Man, but your dangerous inventions are used in combat. You fight on the soil of the United States, which endangers society." The new director tilted his head, looking convinced. Pym's appearance: "If you hand over the Pym particles and a complete set of information, I can issue you a license on behalf of SHIELD, and you can legally go to law enforcement in the future."

Pim is not a fool on the first day. After all, he is a technological genius and not stupid.

"Oh? Ant-Man? That masked vigilante? If you say I'm Ant-Man, then please show me evidence, otherwise I'll go to court and sue you for falsely accusing a physicist of being a sociopath lunatic."

"Don't be clever, Dr. Pym, you have to pay attention to where you are now!" The director stood up and seemed to have lost his patience: "Without SHIELD to protect your safety, you are nothing."

Pim put his hands behind his back. He stood in front of several people and remained calm: "Of course I know where I am. This is the Washington Tri-Flat Wing built by Howard. Is there anything else I can give you advice on?"

"Do you want to do it or not?!" The director knocked on the table, and the cups on the table jumped: "You are an employee of SHIELD, so you must obey orders!"

"Then I resign. S.H.I.E.L.D. is used to protect mankind, not a toy for politicians like you." Pim took out his work ID card from his suit pocket and threw it on the table: "Is there anything else?"

The director sat back and gasped violently: "Have you thought clearly? Dr. Pym, you know that SHIELD can make it difficult for you to move in the United States."

"I sold a lot of patents before and made a lot of money." Pim turned and walked toward the door. He buttoned his clothes slowly: "In the United States, capital speaks for itself. If you think you can do it as a spy, Let’s try to compete with billionaires.”

The conference room became quiet with the sound of the door closing. The new director lowered his head, wondering what he was thinking.

Pym was walking in the corridor, and Nick Fury, wearing a black leather suit, appeared out of nowhere and walked to him.

Luodan didn't speak, just looked ahead and stood beside him, but the lack of expression on his face showed that he knew everything.

"What do you mean? Are you going to detain me?"

Pym glanced at Fury and moved on.

"No, I'm not that idiot. I'm here to help you leave safely." Fury replied in a low voice. He secretly gave Pim a computer hard drive without leaving any trace: "He arranged for someone to give you a hard drive." An accident, so that SHIELD can accept your legacy legitimately. But he is too young, my people solved your trouble, this is the data backup of your laboratory, take it, leave here and never come back."

"Why do you want to help me?" Pim frowned and stuffed the hard drive into his suit pocket: "We didn't even talk much before."

"Just think that I can't stand that person. You are a genius scientist like Howard, but they started persecuting you just a few days after Howard died. I can't pretend that I didn't see it." Fury looked upright, as if Captain America is possessed.

Pim took a deep breath: "Thank you."

"Go this way, the secret passage." Fury didn't say anything like "you're welcome", but pushed open a wall next to the corridor. In the wall was a miniature elevator: "This is the secret passage arranged by Howard back then. Only he and me, as the field supervisor, know that this is directly connected to the underground parking lot, and I have arranged an evacuation route."

"Okay, you are welcome to come to my house when you have time." Pim was polite and shook hands with Fury to say goodbye.

Fury nodded and stretched out his hand: "I will send it here. I can't be seen having contact with you, you know."

"Yes, Fury, bye, you are a good man." Pim got into the elevator and disappeared.

Fury watched the wall return to its original state without leaving a trace, turned around and left with his hands behind his back.

He just followed the plan, his own plan.

Helping Pym, the current chief scientist of SHIELD, to leave means that there will no longer be a second director who is a scientist. At the same time, by killing two birds with one stone, he may also be recognized by the entire scientific research department.

Even if Pym leaves SHIELD, there will still be contact between the scientists. They will ask Pym why he left SHIELD, and Pym will tell them the true face of the new director and that the black man Fury is a good person.

Fury already controls the field department. If he gets support from the scientific research department, the rest will be the logistics and administrative departments.

Over the years, Lu Dan has used money to get through many high-level routes. As long as he finds another opportunity to bring down the new director, he can take over SHIELD. He has been waiting for decades and finally got the right opportunity.

Although the social environment is still not very good, at least now no one will openly discriminate against black people.

In the days after Howard's funeral, Fury was mobilizing various dark forces to investigate the new director, digging into his past and analyzing his habits and psychological characteristics.

He found the weakness as he wished.

He found that the new director was on shaky ground and was now eager to make a mark, both to fool the Security Council and to please his real masters in Congress.

So Fury made a plan. He told the new director the secret that Pym was Ant-Man, and greatly exaggerated the role of Pym particles, claiming to be an invention as powerful as the atomic bomb. He also provided a lot of information from other scientists. Fake reports to prove your words.

Sure enough, the man couldn't wait to take action, because if it was true as the report said, then the Pym particles would be too dangerous and must be in the hands of the US government.

And want to seize a scientist's research results? Unless he is dead, Pim will never hand over his scientific research results.

As for whether the new director really arranged for people to kill Pym... Anyway, Pym was in a hurry to run away, so he could only listen to what Fury said, right?

Fury is now going to report to the new director, saying that Dr. Pym destroyed SHIELD property and escaped with the hard drive.

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