The Death Knell

Chapter 1279? Buy, buy, buy

Pim, who was frightened along the way, drove home smoothly. Even if he saw someone sitting on the roadside reading a newspaper, he would doubt whether the person was here to kill him.

But no, a newspaper is a newspaper, and there is no rocket launcher hidden behind it.

I don’t know if Fury was very helpful or if the new director underestimated himself, but he finally relaxed after putting on the Ant-Man uniform in the basement of his home.

"What are you doing?" Janet walked over with a cat in her arms and looked at him with a puzzled face: "It's not dark yet, are you planning to go on patrol?"

Pim scratched his head, took her hand and sat down, telling Janet everything that happened today.

"So, you plan to take me abroad?" Janet looked strange.

"Yes, we have money and can live a good life wherever we go." Pim nodded. He had watched it on TV. Being hunted by spy agencies and fleeing the country to remain anonymous was a common choice.

Janet stretched out her finger and tapped his head: "Stupid, we are safest only in the United States. Now come with me, let's register the company."

"Even if I register a company, the registered capital will not exceed US$500 million, and the New York City government will not compete head-on with SHIELD because of the uncollected tax revenue." Pim thought of using it in the conference room at that time. Capital resisted, but after talking to Fury and knowing that the new director arranged the killer, he was not sure about the role of capital.

When the game develops to the dark side, the rules on the bright side often don't apply.

Janet took him to the bedroom, took off her pajamas and put on the dress she wore when going out. She dressed up a few times and put on light makeup.

"I know this, but that's only if our capital is isolated. But if we set up a company, but if we cross-shareholding with other consortiums, things will be different." She looked outside through the window, but there was nothing What suspicious people were found: "If Stark Industries holds our stocks, the military will be our backing to a certain extent. If Wilson Enterprises holds our stocks, then the White House must also consider Wilson's attitude. When Osborne Technology, Hammer Industries and other companies have entered the market one after another, and we have connected ourselves with the consortium."

"But shares that are not tradable are worthless, and we don't have much leverage." Pim frowned, a little moved: "Do you just rely on my reputation as a scientist?"

"As long as you say that you have inherited some of Howard's scientific research achievements, you will have capital. Now the whole of New York misses this scientist. The patents for the electric toothbrush he invented have been sold for sky-high prices recently." Janet has been running her own business over the years. Tailor shop, but I learned a lot: "You have worked with him for so many years, but you haven't learned anything?"

Although the tailor shop has not yet developed to the point of being listed on the market, she has inquired a lot in advance and is now smarter.

Pim covered his head and thought hard, thinking about the intersection between himself and Howard, but after thinking about it, he probably only had electronic virtual intelligence technology.

Howard once learned that the U.S. military had a giant robot called the Sentinel, so he wanted to play with the robot himself.

Moreover, his design is better than those of the military's robots, and he can achieve artificial intelligence in one step.

However, the idea was too advanced. Today's supercomputers are larger than shipping containers. The robot was designed but could not be equipped with a suitable processor unit, so the plan was shelved.

Howard originally planned to restart the project after the computer was miniaturized. Unfortunately, he died. Then Pym, the physicist who was the first assistant at the time, became the only person in the world who had studied this.

"Project Ultron," Pym muttered, "Howard and my robot project."

Janet didn't know what the robot plan was, and she couldn't understand it. All she needed to hear was that her husband did have the cards. She picked up Pim who was in a daze and went out:

"Now we have the leverage to convince others to buy in, and I think Tony Stark must have some interest in his father's legacy."


Unfortunately, to Janet's surprise, Tony seemed to have calmed down a lot after the funeral. He insisted that he must first see the design of the artificial intelligence before negotiating the price.

You can't just come to your door with empty talk and say that you have your father's inheritance, so you have to believe it, right? Even if it was a procedure, he would have to see his father's special traces to be sure.

A simple program cannot be trusted, but if the electronic image of this artificial intelligence has a coquettish moustache, it means it is the real thing.

Is Pim available? Of course it was available. He immediately plugged the hard drive into the computer host at Stark Industries headquarters, then called up the original program on the spot and started typing on the keyboard frantically to complete most of the missing data. in mind.

A few hours later, the AI's three-dimensional avatar appeared as a green line on the display screen, and at the same time the loudspeaker was activated to say hello to the three of them. Tony nodded.

"It's a very nice thing, I bought it."

Tony had already made up his mind that this thing was indeed his father's legacy, and only a genius like him could invent such an era-changing product.

Whether it was 500 million or 1 billion, he bought it.

"Dr. Howard gave up this project before he was alive. It was me who completed her. I named her 'Ophelia'." Pim hit the keyboard a few times to turn off the AI ​​and unplugged the hard drive: "I will not sell her." , but if we can reach cooperation, I can write the same AI housekeeping system for you."

"Whatever, as long as my father's invention comes back to me, just ask for the price." Tony walked to the bar to pour himself a drink. When he saw Janet trying to hand him a stack of contracts, he quickly shook his head: "Put it on the table. Don’t hand me anything.”

A few days ago, after Tony took over his parents' belongings from Jarvis, he suffered from this mental illness and felt that taking things from others was an unfortunate beginning.

Since then, he has been paranoid about letting others pass things to him. He puts everything aside for him to take.

"As I said, it's my work, not entirely your father's." Pim curled his lips. He found that Tony was not listening to others.

Janet stepped on him secretly and gave him a wink, which meant that the business was settled, so why care about who contributed more? Wouldn't it be better if Tony thought it was all his father's idea?

Pim wanted to refute like a scientist with integrity, but he did not dare to resist Janet's force and could only bow his head silently.

Tony picked up the document and looked at it. He seemed to have not heard what Pim said before. He shook his head and flipped through the contract, not even caring that Pim Technology was not established at all and only existed on paper.

He flipped through it quickly, signed it casually, and reached a cooperation.

From today onwards, Stark Industries invested one billion and held 20% of Pym Technology's shares. Tony didn't care whether he lost money or made money.

His father's invention came back to him. He just wanted to be happy. Spend money just to be happy. Otherwise, what's the point of making money?

He has already thought about it. When Dr. Pym finishes writing the Stark Industries version of the AI ​​program, he will name it Jarvis. As a butler, the best one is Jarvis. Tony does not recognize the world at all. There is no other butler with a more appropriate name than Jarvis.

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