The Death Knell

Chapter 1291? Bru Zerg

"When you were unconscious just now, something suddenly happened to me. I'm afraid I have to rush for time." Deathstroke pointed to the abandoned vehicle aside and motioned for Carol to sit down and talk: "Now, what am I asking? What do you answer? If you don’t obey, I will go talk to your mother.”

"You are not allowed to touch her!"

Carol suddenly became excited and wanted to gather the energy of the universe to punch Deathstroke, but she instantly felt dizzy. She realized that she had been overdrawn in the mental space.

But Deathstroke just looked at her calmly, not even making any defensive moves.

He was holding his arms in the dark, leaning on the landing gear of a plane, staring at her with his single red eye.

"Oh? I heard that you had a very bad relationship with your father. You didn't even visit him after he died in the hospital. And you and your mother weren't very close because your father beat you when you were kids and she never paid attention? Well, you forgive me later. Because you think she is just an obedient wife who dare not resist her husband, so you think she is pitiful? "

Carol suddenly felt the same fear she felt when facing the supreme intelligence. It was as if Death Knell knew everything about her, and he seemed to have gotten into her mind.

"No! Get out! Get out of my body!"

She squatted down holding her head and huddled into a ball, as if to hide her head.

In the dark, she even looked a little petite, like a little girl.


Su Ming looked up at the ceiling speechlessly and sighed. There was only darkness in the lifeless space.

Even if you want to be serious in Marvel, you can't be serious. People here have their own quirks in what they say. People who don't know better think they have done something to her.

But the head is indeed a part of the body, and she is right.

He took out a bottle of mineral water and threw it on the ground. The plastic bottle rolled gurglingly to Carol's feet: "...Don't think so wildly. I don't have psychic abilities. My understanding of you is only based on human beings." Intelligence methods, and if I wanted to deal with you, you would have died just now."

"Really?" Carol raised her head, yes, the death knell could kill her when she was unconscious just now.

The fact that he didn't take action meant that he was actually not hostile.

"It's true, but what I said before is also true. If you don't answer the question, I will go to your hometown as a guest." Su Ming leaned on the night sword and put his hands on the hilt.

Carol was silent for a long time. Only today did she realize that she was not strong enough.

When he gained power at that time, he expanded to the point where he wanted to avenge Marvel, but he never examined his own shortcomings.

This shortcoming is that she does not have the willpower to match this strength, and even loses control of her emotions because of other people's words, which is indeed not qualified.

She took a few deep breaths, picked up the mineral water and drank a little before sitting on the dusty hood of the car nearby.

"go ahead."

Su Ming pointed to the Pegasus logo on the door. The raised head emblem looked a little mottled and dim: "You said aliens are interested in the Pegasus project. Which planet are they from?"

"An alien creature called the Blue Bug. They want to seize the Cavor crystal located underground here." After Carol calmed down, she still had a military demeanor and said the most information in as short a language as possible.

She wasn't worried that Deathstroke didn't know what she was talking about. It seemed from the past that Deathstroke knew much more than she did, and Deathstroke's calm performance proved her guess.

He knew what these two things were.

The Bru Zerg tried to infect the earth 4 billion years ago and turned the earth into one of the hive stars. It was also the virus they carried that killed the 'Celestial Group Zero' that was researching and cultivating species on the earth at that time. The corpse of the Celestial Group is now Located underneath Wakanda.

But the first-generation founders of the Celestial Group who were responsible for fighting came and wiped out all the Bru Zerg on the earth.

It has been peaceful for billions of years since then, and the Bru Zerg have never come to the earth again. They are very cunning, and as long as the Celestials are around, they will not come to die.

But the Celestials were eventually driven away by humans and second-generation gods.

In the 'Age of Apocalypse', the Bruins came back. At that time, Apocalypse was still called En Sabah Nur, and he was an Egyptian general. He and Inhotip, who later founded the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield, led the Egyptian army to repel The second invasion of the Bru Zerg.

So the bugs lurked at the edge of the universe again, waiting for the opportunity.

Five thousand years later, it looks like the bugs are now back.

As for the magnetized Cavor crystal, it is a product of human technology combined with Kree technology.

Ideally, after it is injected with electricity, it can produce a controlled chain reaction, drive the spacecraft engine, and conduct long-distance space navigation, which is the basis of everything in the Tianma Project.

However, this is only limited to the ideal state. Most of the time, this is not realistic at all. Using electricity to drive it is purely a shortcut found by humans.

The process of injecting electricity into it still needs to be studied. If the voltage is high, it explodes; if the voltage is low, it explodes; if the voltage is unstable, it explodes...

Even if it is the same crystal, the voltage and current that trigger the safety reaction at different times are completely different. Without the key technology of the Kree people, the earth cannot safely use this crystal. This is why until now, the Pegasus Project has not developed a device that can travel far. spaceship.

A fist-sized piece of Cavor crystal has an explosive power equivalent to the nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima, which has led to extremely slow progress in research work.

Even if Marvel was still alive at that time, he was only a soldier and not a Kree scientist. He could fly a spaceship, but he did not know the technological principles of how the Kree spacecraft operated.

The Pegasus Project has the method to make the Cavor Crystal, and it also knows that it can drive spacecraft, but it has no way to use it safely, which is frustrating.

So after that, the Pegasus Project changed the scope of their research. In response to the urging from above, they began to study some alien species so that they could produce some results from time to time in exchange for funding for the second year.

Because after Peggy resigned and Howard came to power, the Logistics Office was renamed S.H.I.E.L.D. and was transferred to the United Nations, the "Pegasus Project" and the "Vagabond Project" among the three major plans of the "Logistics Office" were all separated and transferred to Controlled by the military, S.H.I.E.L.D. itself only retained Project Goliath, for which Pym was responsible.

Research on Cavour crystals has been progressing slowly, and there have been no results since Tesla's death. However, NASA's space shuttle that uses rocket fuel has gone very well in various experiments. Congress has gradually turned its attention to launch vehicles, hoping that Being able to conduct deep space voyages in that way.

As the new sponsor of the Tianma Project, the military only cares about whether technology can be transformed into murderous weapons, and does not care about the direction in which science develops. Under the influence of these people, the Pegasus Project itself went further and further away, and later it became a plan to research alien biological and chemical weapons.

Su Ming's people evacuated before it was transformed. Later, he only heard that the Tianma Project was shut down, but he didn't know the specific reasons.

Looking at it today, it might be a serious biochemical leakage accident. He knew that something would always happen to the military base in the Marvel world, and evacuating his people was indeed the right choice.

But having said that, now that you know what is coming and what their purpose is, it will be easier to handle.

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